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2020 in paleomalacology

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List of years in paleomalacology
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In paleontology
In paleomammalogy
In paleobotany
In arthropod paleontology
In paleoentomology
In paleoichthyology
In reptile paleontology
In archosaur paleontology

This list 2020 in paleomalacology is a list of new taxa of ammonites and other fossil cephalopods, as well as fossil gastropods, bivalves and other molluscs that are scheduled to be described during the year 2020, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to molluscan paleontology that are scheduled to occur in the year 2020.



New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Acrimeroceras hoppeckense[1]

Sp. nov


Korn & Buchwald in Korn et al.

Late Devonian


Acrimeroceras ropicense[1]

Sp. nov


Korn, Bartzsch & Weyer in Korn et al.

Late Devonian

Acrimeroceras saalense[1]

Sp. nov


Korn, Bartzsch & Weyer in Korn et al.

Late Devonian

Acutimitoceras alabasense[2] Sp. nov Valid Nikolaeva Devonian-Carboniferous boundary  Kazakhstan
Acutimitoceras dzhanganense[2] Sp. nov Valid Nikolaeva Devonian-Carboniferous boundary  Kazakhstan
Almites hayasakai[3] Sp. nov Valid Ehiro & Ozawa Permian (Asselian) Taishaku Limestone  Japan
Angolaites elegans[4] Sp. nov Valid Kennedy in Gale & Kennedy Early Cretaceous (Albian) Lower Duck Creek  United States
( Texas)
A member of the family Brancoceratidae.

Aspidoceras schweigertense[5]

Sp. nov



Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation


Aulacostephanus camericensis[6]

Sp. nov


Cope & Etches

Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)

 United Kingdom

Baidites obesus[7]

Sp. nov


Jattiot, Bucher & Brayard

Early Triassic


Boesites biconcavus[3] Sp. nov Valid Ehiro & Ozawa Permian (Asselian) Taishaku Limestone  Japan

Borissjakoceras falcatum[8]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A member of the family Binneyitidae.

?Bouleiceras betetensis[9] Sp. nov Valid Martínez & Joral Early Jurassic (Toarcian)  Spain A member of the family Hildoceratidae.
Bouleiceras ibericum[9] Sp. nov Valid Martínez & Joral Early Jurassic (Toarcian)  Spain A member of the family Hildoceratidae.
Cagliceras baldii[10] Sp. nov Valid Kovács, Dunai & Evanics Early Jurassic (Toarcian)  Hungary A member of the family Erycitidae.
Cagliceras wegeneri[10] Sp. nov Valid Kovács, Dunai & Evanics Early Jurassic (Toarcian)  Hungary A member of the family Erycitidae.

Carthaginites elegans[8]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A member of the family Turrilitidae.

Churkites warei[7]

Sp. nov


Jattiot, Bucher & Brayard

Early Triassic


Collignoniceras badilleti[11]

Sp. nov


Amédro & Châtelier in Amédro et al.

Late Cretaceous (Turonian)


Collignoniceras hourqueigi[11]

Sp. nov


Amédro & Châtelier in Amédro et al.

Late Cretaceous (Turonian)


Collignoniceras vigennum[11]

Sp. nov


Amédro & Châtelier in Amédro et al.

Late Cretaceous (Turonian)


Conlinites evolutum[8]

Sp. nov



Early Cretaceous (Albian)


A member of the family Brancoceratidae.


Gen. et comb. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A member of the family Acanthoceratidae belonging to the subfamily Mantelliceratinae. The type species is "Ammonites" jubae Coquand (1880); genus also includes "Ammonites" villei Coquand (1862).


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A member of the family Turrilitidae. The type species is C. tenuicostatus.

Elobiceras (Craginites) simplex[4] Sp. nov Valid Kennedy in Gale & Kennedy Early Cretaceous (Albian) Lower Duck Creek  United States
( Texas)
A member of the family Brancoceratidae.
Elobiceras (Craginites) sparcicostatum[4] Sp. nov Valid Kennedy in Gale & Kennedy Early Cretaceous (Albian) Lower Duck Creek  United States
( Texas)
A member of the family Brancoceratidae.

Flemingites lidakensis[7]

Sp. nov


Jattiot, Bucher & Brayard

Early Triassic


Goniatites abaiensis[12]

Sp. nov


Korn et al.

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Baktysai Formation


Goniatites zhankurganensis[12]

Sp. nov


Korn et al.

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Baktysai Formation


Graysonites elegans[8]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A member of the family Acanthoceratidae.

Gregoryceras boreale[13]

Sp. nov


Mitta & Stupachenko

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)


A member of the family Aspidoceratidae.

Hoevelia megalomanica[14]

Sp. nov


Korn, Hairapetian & Gholamalian

Late Devonian



Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Bert, Bersac & Canut

Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian to Barremian)


A member of the family Neocomitidae. The type species is H. aguirreurretae; genus also includes H. ploszkiewiczi (Riccardi and Aguirre-Urreta, 1989) and H. varicostatus (Riccardi and Aguirre-Urreta, 1989). Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming was published in 2020.

Homoceratoides wangchengi[16]

Sp. nov


Korn & Wang in Korn et al.

Carboniferous (Bashkirian)

Jingyuan Formation


A member of the family Bisatoceratidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.

Hoploscaphites peterseni[17]

Sp. nov


Landman et al.

Late Cretaceous

Bearpaw Shale
Pierre Shale

 United States
( Montana


Gen. et comb. nov


Zakharov & Rogov

Upper Jurassic (Tithonian)

 United States
( California)

A new genus for "Groebericeras" baylei Imlay & Jones.

Hybonoticeras pseudoharpephorum[5]

Sp. nov



Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation



Gen. et sp. nov


Schweigert & Schlampp

Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)

Arzberg Formation


A member of the family Aspidoceratidae. The type species is H. endressi; genus might also include "Aspidoceras" acanthomphalum Zittel (1870).

Kosmoclymenia ebbighauseni[20]

Sp. nov



Devonian (Famennian)


Lasswitzia[4] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Kennedy in Gale & Kennedy Early Cretaceous (Albian) Lower Duck Creek Formation  United States
( Texas)
A member of the family Brancoceratidae. The type species is "Schloenbachia austinensis" Roemer var. minima Lasswitz (1904) (raised to the rank of a separate species Lasswitzia minima).


Gen. et comb. nov


Bert, Bersac & Canut

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)


A member of Ancyloceratoidea belonging to the new family Lenicostitidae. The type species is "Hemihoplites" rusticus Vermeulen (1996). Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming was published in 2020.

Lithacoceras főzyi[5]

Sp. nov



Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation


Litophragmatoceras curiosus[8]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A member of the family Flickiidae.

Lytoceras pseudorsinii[5]

Sp. nov



Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation


Marcouxia chaiburiensis[21] Sp. nov Valid Tongtherm et al. Early Triassic Chaiburi  Thailand
Margoceras[22] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Borissenkov Permian (Cisuralian)  Russia
( Nenets Autonomous Okrug)
A member of the family Paragastrioceratidae. Genus includes new species M. boreale.
Mittaites[23] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Frau et al. Early Cretaceous (Berriasian)  Russia The type species is "Mazenoticeras" ceccai. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Mortoniceratoides elegans[4] Sp. nov Valid Kennedy in Gale & Kennedy Early Cretaceous (Albian) Kiamichi  United States
( Texas)
A member of the family Brancoceratidae.

Muessenbiaergia bockwinkeli[20]

Sp. nov



Devonian (Famennian)


A member of the family Kosmoclymeniidae.

Neophlycticeras algeriense[8]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A member of the family Lyelliceratidae.

Neophyllites lavernockensis[24] Sp. nov Valid Hodges Early Jurassic (Hettangian) White Lias Formation  United Kingdom Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.


Gen. et comb. nov


Jattiot, Gris & Trincal

Early Jurassic (Toarcian)


A new genus for "Peronoceras" eucosmum Lippi Boncambi (1947).

Neouddenites echiensis[26]

Sp. nov




( Sakha)

A member of the family Medlicottiidae.

Paracraginites[4] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Kennedy in Gale & Kennedy Early Cretaceous (Albian) Lower Duck Creek  United States
( Texas)
A member of the family Brancoceratidae. The type species is P. conlini.

Paracrioceras giraudae[27]

Sp. nov


Vermeulen et al.

Early Cretaceous


Paragastrioceras cantabrignianum[22]

Sp. nov



Permian (Cisuralian)

( Nenets Autonomous Okrug)

A member of the family Paragastrioceratidae.

Paraspidites bicarinatus[7]

Sp. nov


Jattiot, Bucher & Brayard

Early Triassic


Paratornoceras ayense[1]

Sp. nov


Korn & Buchwald in Korn et al.

Late Devonian

Paratornoceras harounense[1]

Sp. nov


Korn & Ebbighausen in Korn et al.

Late Devonian

Paratornoceras peterseni[1]

Sp. nov


Korn & Buchwald in Korn et al.

Late Devonian

Paratornoceras thuringense[1]

Sp. nov


Korn, Bartzsch & Weyer in Korn et al.

Late Devonian

Pernaceras leroyi[28]

Sp. nov


Vermeulen et al.

Early Cretaceous


Pervinquieria (Deiradoceras) serpentiforme[4] Sp. nov Valid Kennedy in Gale & Kennedy Early Cretaceous (Albian) Lower Duck Creek  United States
( Texas)
A member of the family Brancoceratidae.
Pervinquieria (Pervinquieria) asper[4] Sp. nov Valid Kennedy in Gale & Kennedy Early Cretaceous (Albian) Lower Duck Creek  United States
( Texas)
A member of the family Brancoceratidae.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Vermeulen et al.

Early Cretaceous


A member of the family Crioceratitidae. The type species is P. etiennei; genus also includes P. primitivus (Reboulet, 1996) and P. barrabei (Sarkar, 1955).

Protacanthoceras sottaraense[8]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A member of the family Acanthoceratidae.

Protacanthodiscus guerrai[5]

Sp. nov



Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation


Prouddenites evolutus[26]

Sp. nov




( Sakha)

A member of the family Medlicottiidae.

Pseudodiscosphinctes pseudorhodanicus[5]

Sp. nov


Caracuel & Sarti in Sarti

Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation


Pseudolissoceras atesinum[5]

Sp. nov



Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation



Gen. et sp. nov


Alifirov & Knyazev

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)


A member of the family Cardioceratidae. Genus includes new species P. densicostatum.

Pseudoxybeloceras simplex[30]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous

 United Kingdom

Ptychites embreei[31]

Sp. nov


Bischof & Lehmann

Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Favret Formation

 United States
( Nevada)

Reymenticoceras ornatum[32]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Turonian)


A member of the family Acanthoceratidae belonging to the subfamily Mammitinae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.

Romaniceras (Romaniceras) marigniacum[11]

Sp. nov


Amédro & Châtelier in Amédro et al.

Late Cretaceous (Turonian)



Gen. et comb. nov


Jattiot, Bucher & Brayard

Early Triassic


Genus includes "Meekoceras" paucesculptatum Welter (1922).

Scaphites occlusus[8]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A member of the family Scaphitidae.

Schaireria (Schaireria) vetera[5]

Sp. nov



Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation


Shumardites umbilicatus[3] Sp. nov Valid Ehiro & Ozawa Permian (Asselian) Taishaku Limestone  Japan
Sormaites[33] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Muramiya & Shigeta Late Cretaceous (Turonian)  Japan A member of the family Diplomoceratidae. Genus includes new species S. teshioensis.

Stoliczkaia (Stoliczkaia) djerissaensis[8]

Sp. nov



Early Cretaceous (Albian)


A member of the family Lyelliceratidae.

Subflemingites bihatiense[7]

Sp. nov


Jattiot, Bucher & Brayard

Early Triassic



Gen. et comb. nov



Early Cretaceous (Valanginian to Hauterivian)


A member of the family Neocomitidae. The type species is "Neocomites (Teschenites)" flucticulus Thieuloy (1977); genus also includes "Neocomites (Teschenites)" callidiscus Thieuloy (1971), "Teschenites" subflucticulus Reboulet (1996), "Neocomites (Teschenites)" pachydicranus Thieuloy (1977) and "Teschenites" subpachydicranus Reboulet (1996).

Tumaroceras paveli[22]

Sp. nov



Permian (Cisuralian)

( Nenets Autonomous Okrug)

A member of the family Paragastrioceratidae.

Vidrioceras ellipticum[3] Sp. nov Valid Ehiro & Ozawa Permian (Asselian) Taishaku Limestone  Japan

Virgatosimoceras propecostatum[5]

Sp. nov



Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation


Yezoceras elegans[35] Sp. nov Valid Aiba, Karasawa & Iwasaki Late Cretaceous (Coniacian)  Japan A member of the family Nostoceratidae.

General research

  • A study aiming to determine the drag force experienced by a wide range of ammonite shell shapes is published by Hebdon, Ritterbush & Choi (2020).[36]
  • A study evaluating how different parameters affected the ammonite shell's response to water pressure, aiming to determine whether the ammonite septa strengthened the shell against pressure at increasing water depths, is published by Lemanis (2020).[37][38][39]
  • A study on global patterns of ammonite diversification and extinction from the Early Devonian (Emsian) to the Early Triassic (Induan) is published by Whalen, Hull & Briggs (2020).[40]
  • A study on the abundance and size distribution of small specimens of Baculites and Hoploscaphites at eight cold methane seep sites in the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale (South Dakota, United States) is published by Rowe et al. (2020), who interpret their findings as indicating that newly hatched ammonites lived in close proximity to seep fluids emerging at the sediment-water interface and the associated microbial food web.[41]
  • A study on changes of hydrostatic properties of three species of Didymoceras during their ontogeny is published by Peterman et al. (2020).[42]

Other cephalopods


New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

A nautiloid related to Temnocheilus. Genus includes new species A. mazaevi.

Ancistroceras ristnensis[44]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Meidla



Ancistroceras vahikuelaensis[44]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Meidla



Bairstowius amaliae[45] Sp. nov Valid Rita et al. Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian) Lemede  Portugal A belemnite belonging to the family Hastitidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

A probable member of Oncocerida. Genus includes new species B. mirum.

Chromatoceras[46] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Turek & Manda Silurian (Pridoli) Kopanina  Czech Republic A member of Oncocerida belonging to the family Oonoceratidae. The type species is "Cyrtoceras" veteranum Barrande (1866); genus also includes "Cyrtoceras" constringens Barrande (1866).

Domatoceras bashkiricum[43]

Sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

Domatoceras sterlitamakense[43]

Sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

Enigmabelus[47] Gen. et 3 sp. nov Valid Keupp & Fuchs Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian) Amaltheenton  Germany A member of Belemnitina. Genus includes new species E. doppelsteini, E. micros and possibly ? E. leptos.


Gen. et sp. nov


Yang et al.

Permian Guadalupian

Gufeng Formation


A member of Orthocerida. Genus includes new species H. chaohuensis. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.


Gen. et sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

A nautiloid belonging to the family Liroceratidae. Genus includes new species L. ovale.

Liroceras shakhtauense[43]

Sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

A nautiloid belonging to the family Liroceratidae.

Lituites nehatuensis[44]

Sp. nov


Aubrechtová & Meidla



Megaglossoceras barskovi[43]

Sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

A nautiloid belonging to the family Ephippioceratidae.

Mosquoceras planum[43]

Sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)


Gen. et sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

A nautiloid related to Domatoceras. Genus includes new species S. umbilicatum.


Gen. et sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

A nautiloid belonging to the family Liroceratidae. Genus includes new species S. siphonoventralis.

Sholakoceras formosum[43]

Sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)


Gen. et sp. nov


Leonova & Shchedukhin

Early Permian

( Bashkortostan)

A nautiloid related to Permonautilus. Genus includes new species T. involutum.

Trematoceras watanabei[49]

Sp. nov


Niko & Ehiro

Middle Triassic (Anisian)

Fukkoshi Formation


General research

  • A study aiming to determine whether the development of chamber volume in fossil cephalopod phragmocones conveys information about their physiology is published by Tajika et al. (2020), who evaluate the implications of their findings for the knowledge of the ecology and extinction selectivity of fossil cephalopods.[50]
  • A study on the spatial distribution of Givetian oncocerid fossils from the Hamar Laghdad ridge (eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco), evaluating its implications for the knowledge of the life cycle of these cephalopods, is published by Pohle et al. (2020).[51]
  • Jurassic nautiloid Somalinautilus antiquus, previously known only from the Kimmeridgian strata of Ethiopia, is reported from the Kimmeridgian of Southern Germany by Schweigert (2020), who also reports the first finding of the species Somalinautilus clavifer the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) of Southern Germany.[52]
  • A study on the reproductive strategies of fossil coleoids, based on data from shells of belemnoids, spirulids and sepiids, is published by Fuchs et al. (2020).[53]
  • A specimen of Plesioteuthis preserved with an associated tooth of a pterosaur is reported from the Upper Jurassic Altmühltal Formation (Germany) by Hoffmann et al. (2020), who evaluate the implications of this finding for the knowledge of the likely habitat of Plesioteuthis.[54]



New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Acanthinula karsdorfensis[55] Sp. nov Valid Kadolsky Early Eocene  Germany A species of Acanthinula sensu lato.
Acroloxus aspis[55] Sp. nov Valid Kadolsky Early Eocene  Germany A species of Acroloxus.
Acroloxus korys[55] Sp. nov Valid Kadolsky Early Eocene  Germany A species of Acroloxus.
"Acteon" distinctus[56] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Ceulemans & Van Dingenen Miocene (Tortonian)  France
Afrodontops[55] Gen. et 2 sp. nov Valid Kadolsky Early Eocene  Germany A member of the family Charopidae. The type species is A. europaea; genus also includes A. comes.
Alanstukella[57] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Mazaev Carboniferous (Kasimovian) to Permian (Sakmarian)  Russia A member of the family Trochonematidae. The type species is A. rossica (Stuckenberg, 1905).
Albinulopsis[55] Gen. et sp. et comb. nov Valid Kadolsky Eocene  France
A member of the family Gastrocoptidae. The type species is A. gibba; genus also includes "Pupa" bonneti Cossmann (1907).


Gen. et sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Genus includes new species A. reticulata.

Ammonicera oliveri[56] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Ceulemans & Van Dingenen Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Ammonicera.
Andonia delgadoi[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France
Andonia wilhelminamariae[60] Sp. nov Valid Landau & Mulder Pliocene  Italy

Anomphalus murankaensis[61]

Sp. nov



Permian (Sakmarian)


Apachella noinskyi[61]

Sp. nov



Permian (Sakmarian)


Apachella thailandensis[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Aphanitoma roesti[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Aphanitoma.
Aquitanobursa javana[62] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene  Indonesia A member of the family Bursidae.

Assiminea striatura[63]

Sp. nov


Bullis et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A species of Assiminea.

Auristomia insulsa[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Auristomia.
Bactrocythara pascaleae[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Bactrocythara.


Gen. et sp. nov


Balashov & Perkovsky

Eocene (Priabonian)

Baltic amber

( Kaliningrad Oblast)

A member of the family Gastrocoptidae. The type species is B. gusakovi.

Bania goehlichae[66]

Sp. nov


Mandic, Harzhauser & Neubauer

Middle Miocene

 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bela henkmulderi[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Bela.
Bela keukelaari[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Bela.
Bela pseudomegastoma[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Bela.
Bela pseudovulpecula[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Bela.
Bela redoniana[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Bela.
Bela scarponii[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Bela.
Bela sceauxensis[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Bela.
Belgrandiella? nichterli[67] Sp. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Late Eocene  Spain Possibly a species of Belgrandiella.

Bellerophon erawanensis[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Biarmeaspira mazaevi[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Buccinaria minuscula[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Buccinaria.


Gen. et sp. nov


Juárez-Ruiz, Matamales-Andreu & Kadolsky

Early Oligocene


A member of the family Vidaliellidae. Genus includes new species C. oliveri.

Callitrochilia[69] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Gain, Belliard & Le Renard Eocene  France A member of the family Calliostomatidae. The type species is "Calliostoma (Eutrochus)" ditropis Cossmann & Pissarro (1902).
Calogoniodiscus pyrenaicus[67] Sp. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Late Eocene  Spain
Campanile madagasikara[70] Sp. nov Pacaud Late Miocene  Madagascar A species of Campanile.
Careliopsis gallica[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Careliopsis.
Carychiopsina[55] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Kadolsky Late Oligocene and early Miocene  Czech Republic
A member of the family Ellobiidae belonging to the subfamily Carychiinae. The type species is "Pupa" schwageri Reuss (1868); genus also includes C. costulata (Sandberger, 1862), C. prisyazhnyuki (Stworzewicz, 1999) and possibly C.? surai (Stworzewicz, 1999).
Carychium bachi[55] Sp. nov Valid Kadolsky Early Eocene  Germany A species of Carychium.
Carychium vagum[55] Sp. nov Valid Kadolsky Early Eocene  Germany A species of Carychium.
Casmaria primitiva[62] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene  Indonesia A species of Casmaria.
Cassis robusta[62] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene  Indonesia A species of Cassis.
Cassitriton[71] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Craig & Tracey in Craig et al. Eocene (Lutetian)  France A member of the family Cymatiidae. The type species is C. magnificus Craig, Tracey & Gain.
Cataegis ramosi[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Late Pliocene Bata Formation  Philippines A species of Cataegis.

Cheilospicata cedrus[73]

Sp. nov


Garvie in Garvie, Goedert & Janssen

 United States

Chemnitzia miogallica[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Chemnitzia.
Chemnitzia robusticostata[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Chemnitzia.
Chilodonta tricostatula[74] Sp. nov Valid Gründel, Hostettler & Gfeller Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) St-Ursanne-Formation   Switzerland A species of Chilodonta.

Clanculus (Clanculopsis) krachi[75]

Sp. nov



Middle Miocene


A species of Clanculus.

Clathrella semilaeve[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France
Clathromangelia daisyae[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Clathromangelia.
Clathromangelia densecostata[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Clathromangelia.
Clathromangelia hakkennesi[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Clathromangelia.
Clathromangelia helwerdae[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Clathromangelia.
Clathromangelia karinneae[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Clathromangelia.
Clathromangelia pereirae[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Clathromangelia.
Clathromangelia vannieulandei[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Clathromangelia.
Clathromangelia wopkeae[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Clathromangelia.
Clavatula sceauxensis[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Clavatula.

Clio gailae[73]

Sp. nov


Goedert & Janssen in Garvie, Goedert & Janssen

 United States
( Washington)

A species of Clio.

Cochleochilus? spiralocostatus[74] Sp. nov Valid Gründel, Hostettler & Gfeller Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) St-Ursanne-Formation   Switzerland Possibly a member of the family Ataphridae.
Coenaculum boucheti[56] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Ceulemans & Van Dingenen Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Coenaculum.
Cryptochorda altavesna[76] Sp. nov Valid Pacaud & Sautereau Eocene (Lutetian)  France A member of the family Harpidae.
Cryptochorda cosediensis[76] Sp. nov Valid Pacaud & Sautereau Eocene (Lutetian))  France A member of the family Harpidae.
Cryptochorda neptis[76] Sp. nov Valid Pacaud & Sautereau Eocene (Ypresian))  France A member of the family Harpidae.

Currylimacina asperita[73]

Sp. nov


Garvie in Garvie, Goedert & Janssen

 United States

Cypraecassis minirufa[62] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene  Indonesia A species of Cypraecassis.
Cyrillia michalidesi[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Cyrillia.
Daphnella groeneveldi[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Daphnella.

Donaldina sakmaraensis[61]

Sp. nov



Permian (Sakmarian)


Ebala ornatissima[56] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Ceulemans & Van Dingenen Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Ebala.
Emarginula rara[74] Sp. nov Valid Gründel, Hostettler & Gfeller Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) St-Ursanne-Formation   Switzerland A species of Emarginula.
Enneopupa priabonica[67] Sp. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Late Eocene  Spain
Eoconus cambieni[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France
Eoconus vanhoutenae[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France
Eofavartia dharmai[77] Sp. nov Valid Merle & Landau Middle Miocene  Indonesia A member of the family Muricidae.
Eohispania[67] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Late Eocene  Spain Genus includes new species E. dominicii.


Gen. et sp. nov


Bullis et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Cyclophoridae. Genus includes new species E. kachin.

Erato crassus[78]

Sp. nov





A species of Erato.

Erato fragilis[78]

Sp. nov





A species of Erato.

Erato pinguis[78]

Sp. nov





A species of Erato.

Erato princeps[78]

Sp. nov





A species of Erato.

Erato prokimakowiczi[78]

Sp. nov





A species of Erato.

Erato quasiplanulosa[78]

Sp. nov





A species of Erato.

Erato tenuipustulata[78]

Sp. nov





A species of Erato.

Eulimella redoniana[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Eulimella.
Eulimella semilaeve[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Eulimella.
Eusassia[71] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Craig & Tracey in Craig et al. Eocene  France A member of the family Cymatiidae. The type species is "Triton (Lampusia)" chalmasi Vasseur (1882); genus also includes "Eutritonium (Sassia)" dubusi Cossmann & Pissarro (1905).
Euthema annae[79] Sp. nov In press Balashov Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A species of Euthema.
Euthema truncatellina[80] Sp. nov Valid Balashov, Perkovsky & Vasilenko Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Burmese amber  Myanmar A species of Euthema.
Euthriofusus postumus[60] Sp. nov Valid Landau & Mulder Pliocene  Spain
Freboldia carinii[81] Sp. nov Valid Pieroni & Nützel Middle Triassic Esino Limestone  Italy

Fusulculus hanseni[82]

Nom. nov



Early Paleocene


A species of Fusulculus; a replacement name for Epalxis ? rosenkrantzi Hansen (2019).

Gosseletina microstriata[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


A member of the family Gosseletinidae. Originally described as a species of Gosseletina; Mazaev (2021) transferred it to the genus Nemaspira.[83]

Haedropleura brebioni[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Haedropleura.
Haedropleura gallica[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Haedropleura.
Haedropleura ligeriana[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Haedropleura.
Headonia[67] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Late Eocene Headon Hill Formation  France
 United Kingdom
The type species is "Planorbis" euomphalus Sowerby (1816)

Heliconoides hodgkinsoni[73]

Sp. nov


Garvie in Garvie, Goedert & Janssen

 United States

Helvetataphrus[74] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Gründel, Hostettler & Gfeller Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) St-Ursanne-Formation  France
A member of the family Ataphridae. The type species is "Turbo" subrugosus Buvignier (1852).

Heterogen praelongispira[84]

Sp. nov


Matsuoka & Hirano


Katata Formation


A species of Heterogen.

Heterosubulites longusapertura[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Incisilabium trochiformis[85]

Sp. nov


Lozouet, Cahuzac & Charles

Eocene (Priabonian)


A member of the family Modulidae.

Ividella tuberculata[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A member of the family Pyramidellidae. Originally described as a species of Ividella, but subsequently transferred to the genus Mulderia.[86]
Katosira ? bicarinata[87] Sp. nov Valid Ferrari, Little & Atkinson Early Jurassic (Toarcian) Blea Wyke Sandstone Formation  United Kingdom A member of the family Zygopleuridae.

Klavlia minuta[61]

Sp. nov



Permian (Sakmarian)


Laminifera nannodes[67] Sp. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Late Eocene  Spain
Laxecostula[67] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Eocene (Lutetian) Bouxwiller Formation  France Genus includes "Helix" laxecostulata Sandberger (1871).
Leufroyia annegienae[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Leufroyia.
Leufroyia hesseli[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Leufroyia.
Leufroyia ligeriana[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Leufroyia.
Leufroyia renauleauensis[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Leufroyia.
Leufroyia riccardoi[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Leufroyia.
Leufroyia seani[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Leufroyia.

Limacina parvabrazensis[73]

Sp. nov


Garvie & Janssen in Garvie, Goedert & Janssen

 United States

A species of Limacina.

Limacina pseudopygmaea[73]

Sp. nov


Garvie & Janssen in Garvie, Goedert & Janssen

 United States

A species of Limacina.

Limacina texanopsis[73]

Sp. nov


Garvie in Garvie, Goedert & Janssen

 United States

A species of Limacina.

Limacina yadongensis[88] Sp. nov Valid Li et al. Early Eocene Zhepure Formation  China A species of Limacina.


Gen. et sp. nov


Gründel, Hostettler & Menkveld-Gfeller

Late Jurassic


A member of the family Brachytrematidae. Genus includes new species L. liriola.

Lozouetina naonedosca[90]

Sp. nov


Pacaud & Gómez

Eocene (Bartonian)


A member of the family Ovulidae belonging to the subfamily Pediculariinae.

Macromphalina alinemulderae[60] Sp. nov Valid Landau & Mulder Pliocene  Spain A species of Macromphalina.


Gen. et sp. nov


Bullis et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Pupinidae. Genus includes new species M. electricus.

Mangelia burgersae[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Mangelia.
Margarites hayashii[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Late Pliocene Bata Formation  Philippines A species of Margarites.
Megastomia pseudopolysarcula[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Megastomia.
Menestho bertieae[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Menestho.
Microsassia[71] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Craig & Tracey in Craig et al. Eocene (Lutetian)  France A member of the family Cymatiidae. The type species is M. inconspicua Craig & Tracey.
Microtriton[71] Gen. et 2 sp. et comb. nov Valid Craig & Tracey in Craig et al. Eocene  France A member of the family Cymatiidae. The type species is M. biplicoides Craig & Tracey; genus also includes new species M. dollfusi Craig & Tracey, as well as "Lampusia (Simpulum)" bourdoti Cossmann (1897).
Mitromorpha mulderi[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Mitromorpha.

Modulus benoisti[85]

Sp. nov


Lozouet, Cahuzac & Charles

Miocene (Serravallian)


A species of Modulus.

Moelleria jansseni[91] Sp. nov Valid Hoeksema, Rijken & Simons Pleistocene  France A species of Moelleria.
Monoplex dissimilis[62] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene  Indonesia A species of Monoplex.
Monoplex gradatus[71] Sp. nov Valid Craig, Tracey & Gain in Craig et al. Eocene  France A species of Monoplex.
Nassitriton[71] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Craig & Tracey in Craig et al. Eocene  France A member of the family Cymatiidae. The type species is N. conicus Craig, Tracey & Le Renard; genus might also include "Lampusia (Sassia)" lennieri Cossmann & Pissarro (1901).

Naticopsis sokensis[61]

Sp. nov



Permian (Sakmarian)


Nemdaella usensis[61]

Sp. nov



Permian (Sakmarian)


Neniopsilla[67] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Late Eocene  Spain Genus includes new species N. amoena.
Neritopsis brasili[92] Sp. nov Valid Symonds, Gain & Le Renard Eocene  France A species of Neritopsis.
Neritopsis toddi[92] Sp. nov Valid Symonds, Gain & Le Renard Eocene  France A species of Neritopsis.

Niveria ledoni[93]

Sp. nov


Fehse & Vicián

Late Miocene


A species of Niveria.

Niveria miocarinata[93]

Sp. nov


Fehse & Vicián

Late Miocene


A species of Niveria.

Ocinebrina bertai[94] Sp. nov Valid Kovács Middle Miocene  Hungary A species of Ocinebrina.
Odostomia fortistriata[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Odostomia.
Odostomia miopupa[64] Nom. nov Valid Landau et al.  France A species of Odostomia; a replacement name for Odontostomia rissoides var. pupa Gougerot (1969).
Odostomia robustissima[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Odostomia.
Ovicarychium[55] Gen. et 2 sp. et comb. nov Valid Kadolsky Eocene  France
A member of the family Ellobiidae belonging to the subfamily Carychiinae. The type species is O. ronlederi; genus also includes new species O.hennigeri, as well as O. bigeminatum (Deshayes, 1863), O. carbonarium (Wenz, 1932), O. interferens (Deshayes, 1863), O. polysarcum (Cossmann, 1914), O. quadridens(Andreae, 1884), O. remiense (Boissy, 1848) and O. sparnacense (Deshayes, 1863).
Oxfordina[74] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Gründel, Hostettler & Gfeller Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) St-Ursanne-Formation   Switzerland A member of the family Eucyclidae. The type species is "Trochus" crassicosta Buvignier (1852).
Palaeostoa costellata[55] Sp. nov Valid Kadolsky Early Eocene  Germany A member of the family Palaeostoidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Bullis et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Diplommatinidae. Genus includes new species P. spelomphalos. Considered to be a junior synonym of the genus Euthema by Balashov (2020).[79]

Paracraticula? catalaunica[67] Sp. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Late Eocene  Spain
Parasassia[71] Gen. et comb. et 2 sp. nov Valid Craig & Tracey in Craig et al. Eocene  France A member of the family Cymatiidae. The type species is "Triton" multigraniferum Deshayes (1835); genus also includes "Triton" bicinctum Deshayes (1835), "Triton" dumortieri Baudon (1853), "Lampusia (Simpulum)" polysarca Cossmann & Pissarro (1901), "Lampusia (Simpulum)" pustulifera Cossmann & Pissarro (1901) and "Murex" reticulosus Lamarck (1803), as well as new species P. globosa Craig & Tracey and P. polysarcoides Craig & Tracey.
Parthenina brebioni[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Parthenina chauvereauensis[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Parthenina clementiensis[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Parthenina lamellata[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Parthenina ligeriana[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Parthenina milleti[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Parthenina pouweri[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Parthenina redoniana[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Parthenina sceauxensis[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Parthenina tenuicostata[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Parthenina wesselinghi[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Parthenina.
Patella staceata[74] Sp. nov Valid Gründel, Hostettler & Gfeller Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) St-Ursanne-Formation   Switzerland A species of Patella.


Gen. et sp. nov


Bullis et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


A member of the family Cyclophoridae. Genus includes new species P. kyrtostoma.

Peruvispira brasilensis[95]

Sp. nov

In press

Simões et al.

Late Paleozoic

Taciba Formation


Planitriton[71] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Craig & Tracey in Craig et al. Eocene Calcaire Grossier d'Etrechy  France A member of the family Cymatiidae. The type species is "Triton" planicostatum Deshayes (1835).

Platyzona gradata[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Pleurotomaria pogibshiensis[96]

Sp. nov


Ferrari et al.

Early Jurassic (Hettangian)

Pogibshi Formation

 United States
( Alaska)

Pleurotomoides barnardi[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France
Pleurotomoides vanderdoncki[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France

Praealaerato venusta[78]

Sp. nov





A member of the family Eratoidae.

Profundimitra lacuiensis[97]

Nom. nov


Nielsen & Ampuero

Early Miocene


A species of Profundimitra; a replacement name for Mitra martini Philippi (1887).

Prososthenia krijgsmani[66]

Sp. nov


Mandic, Harzhauser & Neubauer

Middle Miocene

 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prososthenia milosevici[98]

Sp. nov


Neubauer et al.



A member of the family Hydrobiidae belonging to the subfamily Pyrgulinae.

Prososthenia? naissensis[98]

Sp. nov


Neubauer et al.



A member of the family Hydrobiidae belonging to the subfamily Pyrgulinae.

Prososthenia rundici[98]

Sp. nov


Neubauer et al.



A member of the family Hydrobiidae belonging to the subfamily Pyrgulinae.

Protocharonia[71] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Craig & Tracey in Craig et al. Eocene  France A member of the family Charoniidae. The type species is "Triton" formosum Deshayes (1865); genus also includes "Eutritonium (Sassia) gouetense" var. semitextum Cossmann (1919).
Protoplex[71] Gen. et sp. et comb. nov Valid Craig & Tracey in Craig et al. Eocene  France
 United Kingdom
A member of the family Cymatiidae. The type species is P. gervillei Craig & Tracey; genus also includes "Murex" nodularius Lamarck (1803), "Sassia" websteri Wrigley (1932) and "Sassia" biserialis Wrigley (1932).
Provanna azurini[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Late Pliocene Bata Formation  Philippines A species of Provanna.
Pseudangaria[74] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Gründel, Hostettler & Gfeller Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) St-Ursanne-Formation   Switzerland A member of the family Angariidae. The type species is "Delphinula" kobyi De Loriol in De Loriol & Koby (1895).
Pseudoneptunea constantinensis[99] Sp. nov Valid Gain & Belliard Eocene  France
Pseudoneptunea prima[99] Sp. nov Valid Gain & Belliard Paleocene (Thanetian)  France
Pseudoneptunea trinodularia[99] Sp. nov Valid Gain & Belliard Eocene  France
Pseudoscilla breitenbergeri[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Pseudoscilla.
Pseudotectonica[67] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Late Eocene  Spain Genus includes new species P. pulchra.
Pyrgulina cancellatissima[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Pyrgulina.
Pyrgulina presselierensis[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Pyrgulina.
Raphitoma breitenbergeri[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Raphitoma.
Raphitoma dellabellaorum[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Raphitoma.
Raphitoma soniusae[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Raphitoma.
Raphitoma vogeli[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Raphitoma.
Rimula lobilloensis[60] Sp. nov Valid Landau & Mulder Pliocene  Spain A species of Rimula.
Rimulopsis torulosus[74] Sp. nov Valid Gründel, Hostettler & Gfeller Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) St-Ursanne-Formation   Switzerland A member of the family Fissurellidae.
Rotatrigonostoma[100] Gen. et sp. et comb. nov Valid Landau, Breitenberger & Harzhauser Miocene  Austria
A member of the family Cancellariidae. Genus includes new species R. reinholdkunzi, as well as "Pseudomalaxis" boettgeri Cossmann (1916).
Sassiella[71] Gen. et 11 sp. et comb. nov Valid Craig & Tracey in Craig et al. Eocene  France A member of the family Cymatiidae. The type species is S. lacertina Craig & Tracey; genus also includes new species S. angulata Craig & Tracey, S. bacata Craig & Tracey, S. caputdraconis Craig & Tracey, S. crassilabrum Craig & Tracey, S. decussata Craig & Tracey, S. multivittata Craig & Tracey, S. puncticarinata Craig & Tracey, S. radulfivillensis Craig & Tracey, S. scalaris Craig & Tracey and S. vincta Craig & Tracey, as well as "Murex" colubrinus Lamarck (1803) and "Lampusia (Simpulum) polyzonalis" var. parameces Cossmann & Pissarro (1901).

Schilderina charlesi[101]

Sp. nov


Dolin & Aguerre



A member of the family Cypraeidae.

Schilderina vaesseni[101]

Sp. nov


Dolin & Aguerre



A member of the family Cypraeidae.

Scissurella nesbittae[102]

Sp. nov


Geiger & Goedert

Eocene or Oligocene (latest Priabonian or earliest Rupelian)

Gries Ranch Formation

 United States
( Washington)

A species of Scissurella.

Scutus mirus[103]

Sp. nov



Late Oligocene to early Miocene

 New Zealand

A species of Scutus.

Seguenzia statiana[104]

Sp. nov


Sosso, Bertolaso & Dell’Angelo

Miocene (Tortonian)

Marne di S. Agata Fossili Formation


A species of Seguenzia.


Gen. et comb. nov


Juárez-Ruiz, Matamales-Andreu & Kadolsky

Late Eocene


A member of the family Vidaliellidae; a new genus for "Ampullaria" selvensis.

Semicypraea italorossii[105]

Sp. nov


Checchi, Zamberlan & Alberti

Eocene (Ypresian-Lutetian)


A member of the family Cypraeidae.

Semiricinula preturbinoides[106] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Langhian)  Indonesia A species of Semiricinula.
Skenea wesselinghi[107] Sp. nov Valid Hoeksema & Simons Pliocene  Belgium
A species of Skenea.
Skeneopsoides[91] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Hoeksema, Rijken & Simons Pliocene  Netherlands A member of the family Skeneidae. Genus includes new species S. dejongi.
Spiralinella pagoda[64] Sp. nov Valid Landau et al. Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Spiralinella.
Spinatus[108] Gen. et 2 sp. et comb. nov Valid Dekkers et al. Miocene  Indonesia A member of the family Strombidae. The type species is S. echinatus; genus also includes new species S. wonosariensis, as well as "Strombus" tjilonganensis Martin (1899).
Steenbergia wohlmuthorum[109] Sp. nov Valid Walther & Groh Late Pleistocene  Madeira A member of the family Geomitridae.

Stegocoelia samaraensis[61]

Sp. nov



Permian (Sakmarian)


Stephaniphera[110] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Schneider, Kollmann & Pickford Late Cretaceous Al-Khodh Formation  Oman A member of Cerithioidea belonging to the family Hemisinidae. The type species is S. coronata.

Strebloceras kobayashii[111]

Sp. nov



Middle Pleistocene

Toyohashi Formation


A member of the family Caecidae.

Streptacis? khaokhadensis[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Streptacis volgenesis[61]

Sp. nov



Permian (Sakmarian)


Striactaenonina elegans[87] Sp. nov Valid Ferrari, Little & Atkinson Early Jurassic (Toarcian) Blea Wyke Sandstone Formation  United Kingdom A member of Architectibranchia belonging to the family Tubiferidae.
Subtemenia[110] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Schneider, Kollmann & Pickford Late Cretaceous Al-Khodh Formation  Iran
A member of the family Pseudomelaniidae. The type species is "Paryphostoma" morgani Douvillé (1904).

Siphocypraea daughenbaughi[112]

Sp. nov

Berschauer & Waller

Tamiami Formation

 United States
( Florida)

A member of the family Cypraeidae.

Subpterynotus feliciae[113]

Sp. nov

Petuch & Berschauer

 United States
( Florida)

A species of Subpterynotus.

Subpterynotus gabbi[113]

Sp. nov

Petuch & Berschauer

 United States
( Florida)

A species of Subpterynotus.

Teretia horroi[59] Sp. nov Valid Landau, Van Dingenen & Ceulemans Miocene (Tortonian)  France A species of Teretia.

Trachydomia suwanneeae[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Trachyspira eleganta[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Triptychia catalanica[67] Sp. nov Valid Harzhauser et al. Late Eocene  Spain

Triptychia tomerdingensis[114]

Sp. nov



Miocene (Aquitanian)


A member of the family Filholiidae.

Trochomodulus stampinicus[85]

Sp. nov


Lozouet, Cahuzac & Charles

Oligocene (Rupelian)


A member of the family Modulidae.

Truncatellina dilatatus[115]

Sp. nov



Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


Originally described as a species of Truncatellina; Balashov (2021) transferred it to the genus Euthema.[116]

Trypanocochlea lopburiensis[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Turbo histrioides[117]

Sp. nov


Kase et al.



A species of Turbo.

Turbo izuensis[117]

Sp. nov


Kase et al.



A species of Turbo.

Turricarychium[55] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Kadolsky Early Eocene  Germany A member of the family Ellobiidae belonging to the subfamily Carychiinae. The type species is T. muelleri.
Turritelloidea stepheni[87] Sp. nov Valid Ferrari, Little & Atkinson Early Jurassic (Toarcian) Blea Wyke Sandstone Formation  United Kingdom A member of the family Gordenellidae.

Umbilia darryli[118]

Sp. nov





A species of Umbilia.

Umbilia hallani[118]

Sp. nov





A species of Umbilia.

Vermetujanulus[109] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Walther & Groh Late Pleistocene  Madeira A member of the family Gastrodontidae. Genus includes new species V. boessnecki.
Vetulonia philippinensis[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Late Pliocene Bata Formation  Philippines A species of Vetulonia.
Vexillum pseudoschafferi[119] Sp. nov Valid Biskupič Miocene (Serravallian) Studienka Formation  Slovakia A species of Vexillum.
Vexillum svagrovskyi[119] Sp. nov Valid Biskupič Miocene (Serravallian) Studienka Formation  Slovakia A species of Vexillum.
Vicetia bizzottoi[120] Sp. nov Valid Dominici, Fornasiero & Giusberti Eocene (Priabonian) Possagno Marl Formation  Italy A member of the family Cypraeidae belonging to the subfamily Gisortiinae.

Worthenia humiligrada[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Worthenia morovi[61]

Sp. nov



Permian (Sakmarian)



Gen. et sp. nov


Bullis et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Burmese amber


Genus includes new species X. lophopleura. Originally described as a member of the family Pupinidae; Balashov (2021) considered Xenostoma to be a junior synonym of the diplommatinid genus Euthema, and transferred X. lophopleura to the latter genus.[116]

Yunnania inflata[58]

Sp. nov


Ketwetsuriya et al.

Permian (Roadian)

Khao Khad Formation


Zuella[55] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Kadolsky Early Eocene  Germany A member of the family Ellobiidae belonging to the subfamily Carychiinae. The type species is Z. venusta.


  • A study on the evolutionary history of pteropods, based on molecular data and revised fossil evidence, is published by Peijnenburg et al. (2020).[121]



New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et comb. et sp. nov


Alvarez & Río


La Meseta Formation
Loreto Formation
Submeseta Formation


A member of the family Veneridae. The type species is "Eumarcia" austrolissa Stilwell & Zinsmeister (1992); genus also includes "Venus" arenosa Ortmann (1899), as well as new species A. omega.

Aguileria romualdoensis[123]

Sp. nov

In press

Rodrigues et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Romualdo Formation


A member of the family Bakevelliidae.


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. The type species is "Trigonia" amudariensis Arkhanguelsky (1916); genus also includes "Korobkovitrigonia" subamudariensis Saveliev (1958).


Gen. et sp. nov


Da Silva et al.

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


An unionid bivalve with possible hyriid affinities. Genus includes new species A. elliptica.


Gen. et sp. nov

In press

Rodrigues et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Romualdo Formation


A member of the family Bakevelliidae. Genus includes new species A. musculosa.

Arca budoensis[126]

Sp. nov


Amano in Amano & Kurita

Early Miocene

Asahi Formation


A species of Arca.

Archivesica pastori[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Late Pliocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Vesicomyidae.

Astarte danningeri[127]

Sp. nov


Mandic et al.

Early Miocene


A species of Astarte.

Avichlamys hoferhauseri[128]

Sp. nov



Early Triassic

Werfen Formation



Gen. et comb. nov





A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. Genus includes "Trigonia" sydorenkoeremeievae Scheglova-Borodina (1960) and "Korobkovitrigonia" tobolica Pojarkova (1990).


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. Genus includes "Korobkovitrigonia" conspecta Vinokurova (1970), "Trigonia" darwaseana Romanovsky (1890), "Trigonia" ferganensis Arkhanguelsky (1916), "Korobkovitrigonia" kugitangensis Burkova (1963), "Trigonia" rhombifera Romanovsky (1890) and "Korobkovitrigonia" tagamensis Belyakova (1970).


Gen. et comb. nov




 United States
( Arizona

A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. The type species is "Trigonia" guildi Stoyanow (1949); genus also includes "Trigonia" dumblei Stoyanow (1949), "Trigonia" gordoni Whitney (1952), "Trigonia" mearnsi Stoyanow (1949), "Trigonia" resoluta Stoyanow (1949), "Trigonia" saavedra Stoyanow (1949) and "Trigonia" taffi Cragin (1893).

Channelaxinus antipoloensis[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Early Pleistocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Thyasiridae.
Conchocele majimai[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Late Pliocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Thyasiridae.
Conchocele visayaensis[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Early Pleistocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Thyasiridae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Da Silva et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Crato Formation


A bivalve belonging to the order Unionida and to the group Silesunionoidea. Genus includes new species C. novaolindensis.

Cristaflabellum[130] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Hautmann et al. Triassic San Cassiano Formation  Bosnia and Herzegovina
A member of the group Aviculopectinoidea. The type species is "Pecten" volaris Bittner (1902); genus also includes "Pecten" interstriatus Münster (1841).
Diplodonta oesia[131] Nom. nov Valid Pacaud Eocene (Lutetian)  France A replacement name for Diplodonta profunda Deshayes (1857)
Dulcina liogliogensis[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Late Pliocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Lucinidae.
Dulcina magoi[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Late Pliocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Lucinidae.
Elliptiolucina fernandoi[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Late Pliocene to early Pleistocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Lucinidae.
Eothyasira[132] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Karapunar et al. Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)  Germany Genus includes "Venus" antiqua Münster (1841).
Geloina amithoscutana[110] Sp. nov Valid Schneider, Kollmann & Pickford Late Cretaceous Al-Khodh Formation  Oman A member of the family Cyrenidae.
Gibbolucina aremorica[131] Nom. nov Valid Pacaud Eocene  France A member of the family Lucinidae; a replacement name for Lucina profunda Dufour (1881)
Globodiscus[130] Gen. et 2 sp. nov Valid Hautmann et al. Triassic  Indonesia
A member of the group Aviculopectinoidea. Genus includes new species G. kiliani and G. vinzenti.
Gyrostrea bogdanovae[133] Sp. nov Valid Kosenko & Metelkin Early Cretaceous (HauterivianBarremian) Kugusem Formation  Kazakhstan An oyster.

Illyricocongeria forcakovici[66]

Sp. nov


Mandic, Harzhauser & Neubauer

Middle Miocene

 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lima allerdingensis[127]

Sp. nov


Mandic et al.

Early Miocene


A species of Lima.

Limopsis quenstedti[132] Nom. nov Valid Karapunar et al. A replacement name for Nucula aurita Quenstedt (1856).
Lucinoma canudai[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Early Pleistocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Lucinidae.
Lucinoma kosatorea[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Early Pleistocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Lucinidae.
Lucinoma tinagoensis[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Early Pleistocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Lucinidae.
Lucinoma velosoi[72] Sp. nov Valid Kiel, Aguilar & Kase Early Pleistocene Bata Formation  Philippines A member of the family Lucinidae.


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. The type species is "Trigonia" palmata Leymerie (1842); genus also includes "Trigonia" cherahilensis Mongin (1951).

Lyropecten terrysmithae[134]

Sp. nov


Powell, Millard & Garcia


Monterey Formation
Santa Margarita Sandstone

 United States
( California)

A scallop.


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. The type species is "Trigonia" constantii d'Orbigny (1844).

Malletia tsubetsuensis[135]

Sp. nov


Matsubara in Matsubara et al.

Miocene (Aquitanian)

Tsubetsu Formation


A member of the family Malletiidae


Gen. et comb. nov


Alvarez & Río


Submeseta Formation


A member of the family Veneridae. The type species is "Eurhomalea" inflata Zinsmeister (1984).


Gen. et sp. nov


Zakharov in Zakharov et al.

Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)


An unionid bivalve. Genus includes new species M. zverkovi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Da Silva et al.

Early Cretaceous

Crato Formation


A bivalve with possible trigonioidid affinities. Genus includes new species M. bellaradiata.

Monopleura alesta[137]

Sp. nov


Masse & Fenerci-Masse

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)


A rudist bivalve.

Monopleura jurensis[137]

Sp. nov


Masse & Fenerci-Masse

Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian)


A rudist bivalve.

Muscatella[110] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Schneider, Kollmann & Pickford Late Cretaceous Al-Khodh Formation  Oman A member of the family Cyrenidae. The type species is M. biszczukae.

Myonera inouei[138]

Sp. nov


Amano in Amano & Kurita

Paleocene (Selandian)

Tomikawa Formation


A member of the family Cuspidariidae.

Myonia aparicioi[139]

Sp. nov


Díaz Saravia & González

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Santa Elena Formation


Nanogyra brevisulcata[140]

Sp. nov


Toscano & Lazo

Early Cretaceous

Neuquén Basin


A bivalve belonging to the family Gryphaeidae.


Gen. et comb. nov




 United Kingdom

A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. The type species is "Trigonia" quadrata Agassiz (1840); genus also includes "Trigonia daedalea" bracquegniensis Gillet (1920, raised to the rank of the species N. bracquegniensis), "Trigonia daedalea" var. confusa Lycett (1875, raised to the rank of the species N. confusa), "Trigonia" daedalea Parkinson (1811), "Trigonia" rudis Parkinson (1811) and "Trigonia" spectabilis Sowerby (1826).

Nicaniella schoberti[132] Sp. nov Valid Karapunar et al. Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)  Germany


Gen. et sp. nov


Pérez & Giachetti

Late Oligocene – early Miocene


A member of the family Carditidae. The type species is "Venericardia" cannada Ihering (1907); genus also includes "Cyclocardia" dalek Pérez & del Río (2017).

Palaeomutela australis[142]

Sp. nov


Guerrini et al.


Rio do Rasto Formation


A bivalve belonging to the group Actinodontida and the family Palaeomutelidae. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.

Paracuspidaria[132] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Karapunar et al. Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)  Germany Genus includes "Cypricardia" goldfussiana Kuhn (1935) and "Cypricardia" walteri Kuhn (1935).

Permophorus? yrigoyeni[139]

Sp. nov


Díaz Saravia & González

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Santa Elena Formation


Pholadomya miyanoharaensis[143] Nom. nov Valid Matsubara Cretaceous  Japan A replacement name for Pholadomya japonica Amano (1956).

Pratulum kurrawchipellu[144]

Sp. nov


Rojas & Nielsen

Early Miocene

Ipún Beds


A species of Pratulum.

Pratulum terpoorteni[144]

Sp. nov


Rojas & Nielsen

Early Miocene

Navidad Formation


A species of Pratulum.

Promytilus rochacamposi[139]

Sp. nov


Díaz Saravia & González

Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian)

Santa Elena Formation


Protocardia broilii[145] Sp. nov Valid Yanin Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) Crimean Peninsula


Gen. et sp. nov


Guerrini et al.


Rio do Rasto Formation


A bivalve belonging to the group Edmondioidea and the family Pachydomidae. Genus includes new species R. delicata. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.

Retroceramus alliensis[136]

Sp. nov


Zakharov in Zakharov et al.

Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)


Retroceramus (?) inopinatus[136]

Sp. nov


Zakharov in Zakharov et al.

Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)


Rollieria franconica[132] Sp. nov Valid Karapunar et al. Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)  Germany
Rollieria goldfussi[132] Nom. nov Valid Karapunar et al. A replacement name for Nucula subovalis Goldfuss (1837).


Gen. et comb. nov




A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. The type species is "Korobkovitrigonia" mediasiatica Belyakova (1970); genus also includes "Korobkovitrigonia" akkaptschigensis Belyakova (1970), "Korobkovitrigonia" bobkovae Belyakova (1970), "Korobkovitrigonia" gissarensis Belyakova (1970) and "Korobkovitrigonia" rugosa Belyakova (1970).


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. The type species is "Trigonia" romanovskii Arkhanguelsky (1916); genus also includes "Trigonia" aralensis Arkhangelsky (1912).


Gen. et comb. nov





A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. The type species is "Litschkovitrigonia" media Saveliev (1958); genus also includes "Litschkovitrigonia inguschensis" alta Prozorovskii (1961, raised to the rank of the species S. alta), "Trigonia" inguschensis Renngarten (1926), "Trigonia" subdaedalea Renngarten (1926) and "Litschkovitrigonia" tenuituberculata Saveliev (1958).


Gen. et sp. nov


Rao et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian or Albian)

Langshan Formation


A rudist bivalve. Genus includes new species S. tibetica.

Terraia decarinata[142]

Sp. nov


Guerrini et al.


Rio do Rasto Formation


A bivalve belonging to the family Astartidae. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.

Trigonipraxis madjerensis[98]

Sp. nov


Neubauer et al.



A member of the family Dreissenidae belonging to the subfamily Congeriinae.


Gen. et comb. nov




A member of Trigoniida belonging to the group Myophorelloidea. The type species is "Korobkovitrigonia" grumosa Vinokurova (1970); genus also includes "Quadratotrigonia" turkmenica Vinokurova (1970).

Other mollusks


New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

Acanthochitona interglacialis[147]

Sp. nov


Dell'Angelo et al.

Late Pleistocene

 Saudi Arabia

A chiton, a species of Acanthochitona.

Apoptopegma joyceae[148]

Sp. nov


Smith, Brock & Paterson

Cambrian (Guzhangian)

Shannon Formation


A rostroconch.

Catalanispira[149] Gen. et sp. et comb. nov Valid Ebbestad, Kolata & Isakar Ordovician (Darriwilian and Sandbian) Kõrgekallas
 United States
( Illinois)
A member of the family Onychochilidae. The type species is C. plattevillensis; genus also includes "Clisospira" reinwaldti Öpik (1930).

Craspedochiton fontlevensis[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Miocene (Burdigalian)


A chiton, a species of Craspedochiton.

Craspedochiton lozoueti[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Oligocene (Rupelian)


A chiton, a species of Craspedochiton.


Gen. et sp. nov


Högström, Ebbestad & Suzuki

Ordovician (Katian)

Boda Limestone


A member of Paleoloricata. The type species is C. collicola.

Lepidochitona chalossensis[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Oligocene (Rupelian)


A chiton, a species of Lepidochitona.

Lepidochitona charlesi[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Oligocene (Rupelian)


A chiton, a species of Lepidochitona.

Lepidochitona larratensis[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Oligocene (Rupelian)


A chiton, a species of Lepidochitona.

Lepidochitona tarbelliana[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Oligocene (Rupelian)


A chiton, a species of Lepidochitona.

Lepidochitona tessellata[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Oligocene (Rupelian)


A chiton, a species of Lepidochitona.

Lepidochitona vancuycki[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Oligocene (Rupelian)


A chiton, a species of Lepidochitona.

Lucilina aqabaensis[147]

Sp. nov


Dell'Angelo et al.

Late Pleistocene

 Saudi Arabia

A chiton, a species of Lucilina.

Qaleruaqia[152] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Peel Cambrian Stage 4 Aftenstjernesø Formation  Greenland A member of the family Mattheviidae. The type species is Q. sodermanorum.

Pseudoacanthochitona marsanensis[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Miocene (Burdigalian)


A chiton.

Stenosemus radiatus[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Miocene (Burdigalian)


A chiton.

Tonicella adunca[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Miocene (Aquitanian)


A chiton, a species of Tonicella.

Tonicella nuda[150]

Sp. nov


Dell’Angelo et al.

Oligocene (Rupelian)


A chiton, a species of Tonicella.


  • New specimens of Pelagiella exigua with associated impressions of two clusters of chaetae, providing new information on the anatomy of this taxon, are described from the Cambrian Kinzers Formation (Pennsylvania, United States) by Thomas, Runnegar & Matt (2020), who infer the occurrence of a pair of chaeta-bearing appendages extending from the anterior body wall or foot of the animal (unique among living and extinct molluscs), and interpret Pelagiella as the earliest known stem gastropod.[153]


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  9. ^ a b Gemma Martínez; Fernando García Joral (2020). "Bouleiceras (Hildoceratidae, Ammonitina) from the lower Toarcian (Jurassic) of the Iberian Range (Spain): Taxonomy, stratigraphic distribution and insights on its dispersal" (PDF). Geobios. 62: 31–44. Bibcode:2020Geobi..62...31M. doi:10.1016/j.geobios.2020.07.001. S2CID 225404680.
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  90. ^ Jean-Michel Pacaud; Guillermo Gómez (2020). "Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Lozouetina Dolin & Dockery, 2018 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Ovulidae) du Bartonien (Éocène moyen) de Loire-Atlantique (France) et de la province de Huesca (Espagne)". Folia Conchyliologica. 54: 33–47.
  91. ^ a b D. F. Hoeksema; A. C. Rijken; G. F. Simons (2020). "Moelleria jansseni spec. nov. and Skeneopsoides dejongi gen. et. spec. nov., two skeneimorph marine gastropods with obtuse axial ribs from the Plio-Pleistocene of NW Europe (Vetigastropoda, Trochoidea, Colloniidae, Skeneidae)". Vita Malacologica. 19.
  92. ^ a b Malcolm Francis Symonds; Olivier Gain; Jacques Le Renard (2020). "The Neritopsidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Neritimorpha) from the Middle Eocene of the Cotentin, (Manche, France)". Carnets de Voyages Paléontologiques dans le Bassin Anglo-Parisien. 6: 119–130. ISBN 978-2-9538000-6-7.
  93. ^ a b Dirk Fehse; Zoltán Vicián (2020). "Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae, XL. closing a gap". Acta Conchyliorum. 19: 114–120.
  94. ^ Zoltán Kovács (2020). "New Muricidae (Neogastropoda) faunas from the Middle Miocene of Hungary". Földtani Közlöny. 150 (3): 449–468. doi:10.23928/foldt.kozl.2020.150.3.449.
  95. ^ Marcello Guimarães Simões; Jacqueline Peixoto Neves; Arturo César Taboada; Maria Alejandra Pagani; Filipe Giovanini Varejão; Mário Luis Assine (2020). "Macroinvertebrates of the Capivari marine bed, late Paleozoic glacial Itararé Group, northeast Paraná Basin, Brazil: Paleoenvironmental and paleogeographic implications". Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 98: Article 102433. Bibcode:2020JSAES..9802433S. doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2019.102433. S2CID 213220168.
  96. ^ Mariel Ferrari; Robert B. Blodgett; Montana S. Hodges; Christopher L. Hodges (2020). "Early Jurassic (middle Hettangian) marine gastropods from the Pogibshi Formation (Alaska) and their paleobiogeographical significance". Andean Geology. 47 (3): 559–576. doi:10.5027/andgeoV47n3-3278. hdl:11336/127652.
  97. ^ Sven N. Nielsen; Francisca A. Ampuero (2020). "The Lower Miocene Mitridae (Gastropoda) of Chile". Ameghiniana. 57 (3): 255–265. doi:10.5710/AMGH.18.04.2020.3330. S2CID 219006497.
  98. ^ a b c d Thomas A. Neubauer; Oleg Mandic; Gordana Jovanović; Mathias Harzhauser (2020). "The Serbian Lake System: a stepping stone for freshwater molluscs in the middle Miocene". Papers in Palaeontology. 6 (4): 533–569. Bibcode:2020PPal....6..533N. doi:10.1002/spp2.1308.
  99. ^ a b c Olivier Gain; Laurent Belliard (2020). "Occurrence du genre Pseudoneptunea (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) dans l'Eocène Moyen du Cotentin (Manche, France) et dans le Thanétien du Bassin de Paris". Carnets de Voyages Paléontologiques dans le Bassin Anglo-Parisien. 6: 131–142. ISBN 978-2-9538000-6-7.
  100. ^ Bernard Manuel Landau; Anton E. Breitenberger; Mathias Harzhauser (2020). "Rotatrigonostoma reinholdkunzi, gen.nov., spec.nov., an elusive trigonostomid group unveiled (Gastropoda, Cancellariidae)". Basteria. Journal of the Netherlands Malacological Society. 84 (4–6): 135–140.
  101. ^ a b Luc Dolin; Olivier Aguerre (2020). "Description de deux espèces de Schilderina n. gen. (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda, Cypraeoidea) du Serravallien (Miocène moyen) du Béarn (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France)". Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux. 48 (1): 83–92.
  102. ^ Daniel L. Geiger; James L. Goedert (2020). "Scissurella nesbittae, new species, from the Gries Ranch Formation, Lewis County, Washington State (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda: Scissurellidae)". Zootaxa. 4759 (4): 593–596. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4759.4.11. PMID 33056901.
  103. ^ Henry J. L. Gard (2020). "A new species of fossil Scutus Montfort, 1810 from New Zealand (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Fissurellidae)". Molluscan Research. 40 (3): 223–230. Bibcode:2020MollR..40..223G. doi:10.1080/13235818.2020.1741069. S2CID 216322575.
  104. ^ Maurizio Sosso; Luca Bertolaso; Bruno Dell’Angelo (2020). "A new species of Seguenzia Jeffreys (Mollusca: Vetigastropoda) from the Miocene (Tortonian) of northern. Italy" (PDF). Bollettino Malacologico. 56 (1): 101–106.
  105. ^ Andrea Checchi; Fiorenzo Zamberlan; Riccardo Alberti (2020). "Una nuova specie di Semicypraea Schilder, 1936 (Mollusca, Cypraeoidea) dell'Eocene di "Cava Rossi" di Monte di Malo (Vicenza, NE Italy)" (PDF). Studi e Ricerche - Associazione Amici del Museo - Museo Civico "G. Zannato" Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza). 27: 11–17.
  106. ^ Bernard Manuel Landau; J.G.M. Raven; Anton E. Breitenberger; Aart Marinus Dekkers (2020). "Semiricinula preturbinoides spec. nov., a new species from the Miocene of Java (Gastropoda, Muricidae)". Basteria. Journal of the Netherlands Malacological Society. 84 (4–6): 131–134.
  107. ^ D. F. Hoeksema; G. F. Simons (2020). "Skenea wesselinghi spec. nov., a new marine gastropod from the Pliocene of the southern North Sea Basin (Vetigastropoda, Trochoidea, Skeneidae)". Vita Malacologica. 19.
  108. ^ Aart Marinus Dekkers; Virgilio Liverani; Stjepan Coric; Stephen J. Maxwell; Bernard Manuel Landau (2020). "A new genus for Indo-Pacific fossil strombids, and two new species from the Miocene of Java and Borneo (Caenogastropoda, Stromboidea)". Basteria. Journal of the Netherlands Malacological Society. 84 (1–3): 1–9.
  109. ^ a b Frank Walther; Klaus Groh (2020). "Description of a new genus and two new species of land snail (Gastropoda: Gastrodontidae, Geomitridae) from the late Pleistocene of the island Porto Santo (Madeira Archipelago)". Archiv für Molluskenkunde: International Journal of Malacology. 149 (1): 5–12. doi:10.1127/arch.moll/149/005-012. S2CID 225733185.
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  111. ^ Takuma Haga (2020). "First Strebloceras (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Caecidae) from the middle Pleistocene of Japan" (PDF). Science Report of the Toyohashi Museum of Natural History. 30: 1–19.
  112. ^ David P. Berschauer; David B. Waller (2020). "A new Siphocypraea species from the Immokalee Reef Tract (Unit 2) of the Tamiami Formation, Florida". The Festivus. 52 (2): 139–145. doi:10.54173/F522139. S2CID 242425579.
  113. ^ a b E. J. Petuch; David P. Berschauer (2020). "Fossil species of Subpterynotus Olsson and Harbison, 1953 (Gastropoda: Muricidae: Muricopsinae) from southern Florida". The Festivus. 52 (3): 245–252. doi:10.54173/F523245. S2CID 239283251.
  114. ^ Dietrich Kadolsky (2020). "Early Miocene land and freshwater gastropods from the karst fissure filling Tomerdingen 1 (southern Germany)". Palaeodiversity. 13 (1): 11–23. doi:10.18476/pale.v13.a2.
  115. ^ Ting-ting Yu (2020). "New material of terrestrial gastropods from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber". Acta Palaeontologica Sinica. 59 (1): 43–48. doi:10.19800/j.cnki.aps.2020.01.005 (inactive 2024-09-19).{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of September 2024 (link)
  116. ^ a b Igor Balashov (2021). "The first records of mollusks from mid-Cretaceous Hkamti amber (Myanmar), with the description of a land snail, Euthema myanmarica n. sp. (Caenogastropoda, Cyclophoroidea, Diplommatinidae)". Journal of Paleontology. 95 (5): 994–1003. Bibcode:2021JPal...95..994B. doi:10.1017/jpa.2021.26. S2CID 233690461.
  117. ^ a b Tomoki Kase; Susumu Tomida; Keisuke Inoue; Masahito Kadota (2020). "New species of Turbo (Marmarostoma) (Gastropoda, Turbinidae) from the Miocene limestone in central Japan: a window into the Miocene marine biodiversity in the northeastern Philippine Sea". Paleontological Research. 24 (1): 14–25. doi:10.2517/2019PR002. S2CID 209522912.
  118. ^ a b Angus L. Hawke (2020). "Two new species of Umbilia (Caenogastropoda: Cypraeidae) from the Australian Miocene". Acta Conchyliorum. 19: 15–22.
  119. ^ a b Radoslav Biskupič (2020). "A new evidence of Vexillum (Gastropoda: Costellariidae) from the middle Miocene (Serravallian) of the Vienna Basin (Slovakia)". Acta Geologica Slovaca. 12 (2): 75–88.
  120. ^ Stefano Dominici; Mariagabriella Fornasiero; Luca Giusberti (2020). "The largest known cowrie and the iterative evolution of giant cypraeid gastropods". Scientific Reports. 10 (1): Article number 21893. Bibcode:2020NatSR..1021893D. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-78940-9. PMC 7736312. PMID 33318588.
  121. ^ Katja T. C. A. Peijnenburg; Arie W. Janssen; Deborah Wall-Palmer; Erica Goetze; Amy E. Maas; Jonathan A. Todd; Ferdinand Marlétaz (2020). "The origin and diversification of pteropods precede past perturbations in the Earth's carbon cycle". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117 (41): 25609–25617. Bibcode:2020PNAS..11725609P. doi:10.1073/pnas.1920918117. PMC 7568333. PMID 32973093.
  122. ^ a b Maximiliano Jorge Alvarez; Claudia Julia del Río (2020). "Phylogeny of the Eocene Antarctic Tapetinae Gray, 1851 (Bivalvia, Veneridae) from the La Meseta and Submeseta formations". Journal of Paleontology. 94 (5): 799–818. Bibcode:2020JPal...94..799A. doi:10.1017/jpa.2020.30. S2CID 221355013.
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  125. ^ a b Victor R. da Silva; Filipe G. Varejão; Suzana A. Matos; Mariza G. Rodrigues; Franz T. Fürsich; Aleksandra Skawina; Simon Schneider; Lucas V. Warren; Mario L. Assine; Marcello G. Simões (2020). "New freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionida) with potential trigonioidid and hyriid affinities from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil". Geobios. 61: 41–54. Bibcode:2020Geobi..61...41D. doi:10.1016/j.geobios.2020.06.001. S2CID 225792601.
  126. ^ Kazutaka Amano; Hiroshi Kurita (2020). "A new species of Arca (Bivalvia: Arcidae) from the lower Miocene Asahi Formation on the Japan Sea side of central Honshu, with remarks on the westward faunal migration from the eastern Pacific". The Nautilus. 134 (3–4): 132–137.
  127. ^ a b Oleg Mandic; Simon Schneider; Mathias Harzhauser; Wolfgang Danninger (2020). "Bivalves from the Innviertel Group of Allerding in the North Alpine Foreland Basin (lower Miocene, Upper Austria)". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen. 297 (1): 47–100. doi:10.1127/njgpa/2020/0914. S2CID 225636458.
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  130. ^ a b Michael Hautmann; Evelyn Friesenbichler; Eugen Grădinaru; Romain Jattiot; Hugo Bucher (2020). "New Triassic Aviculopectinoidea (Bivalvia), with notes on the taxonomic concept of the superfamily" (PDF). Journal of Paleontology. 95 (2): 291–297. doi:10.1017/jpa.2020.79. S2CID 225161034.
  131. ^ a b Jean-Michel Pacaud (2020). "Gibbolucina aremorica nom. nov. (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Lucinidae), un nouveau nom de remplacement pour Lucina profunda Dufour, 1881 non Deshayes, 1850, non White, 1881". Folia Conchyliologica. 58: 35–39.
  132. ^ a b c d e f Baran Karapunar; Winfried Werner; Franz T. Fürsich; Alexander Nützel (2020). "Taxonomy and palaeoecology of the Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian) bivalves from Buttenheim, Franconia (Southern Germany)". Palaeontographica Abteilung A. 318 (1–4): 1–127. Bibcode:2020PalAA.318....1K. doi:10.1127/pala/2020/0098. S2CID 225589507.
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  134. ^ Charles L. Powell, II; Cheryl D. Millard; Christine Garcia (2020). "A new Lyropecten (Pectinidae, Bivalvia, Mollusca) from the central California Miocene, USA". PaleoBios. 37: ucmp_paleobios_47813.
  135. ^ Takashi Matsubara; Toshikazu Ohta; Yuuki Nakamura; Naotomo Kaneko; Yasuhiro Ito (2020). "Deep-sea fossil molluscan assemblages from a new locality in the lowest Miocene Tsubetsu Formation in the Tsubetsu area, eastern Hokkaidō, Japan". Bulletin of the Kitami City Museums. 1: 1–27.
  136. ^ a b c V. A. Zakharov; A. P. Ippolitov; N. G. Zverkov; P. A. Beznosov; D. N. Kiselev (2020). "Middle Jurassic retroceramids and unionids from the Izhma River Basin, north of European Russia". Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. 28 (4): 381–401. Bibcode:2020SGC....28..381Z. doi:10.1134/S0869593820040115. S2CID 220980233.
  137. ^ a b Jean-Pierre Masse; Mukerrem Fenerci-Masse (2020). "Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Early Cretaceous species of the genus Monopleura Matheron (Hippuritida, Monopleuridae) of the Mediterranean region". Cretaceous Research. 108: Article 104287. Bibcode:2020CrRes.10804287M. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2019.104287. S2CID 210281110.
  138. ^ Kazutaka Amano; Hiroshi Kurita (2020). "A new Paleocene species of Myonera (Bivalvia: Cuspidariidae) from eastern Hokkaido, northern Japan". The Nautilus. 134 (1): 51–56.
  139. ^ a b c Pamela Díaz Saravia; Carlos R. González (2020). "New Pennsylvanian Bivalvia (Mollusca), the Early Permian glaciation and the Carboniferous–Permian boundary in western Argentina". PalZ. 94 (4): 675–695. Bibcode:2020PalZ...94..675D. doi:10.1007/s12542-020-00517-8. S2CID 218531211.
  140. ^ Agustina G. Toscano; Darío G. Lazo (2020). "Taxonomic revision and palaeobiogeographic affinities of Berriasian–Valanginian oysters from the Vaca Muerta and Mulichinco formations, southern Mendoza, Neuquén Basin, Argentina". Cretaceous Research. 109: Article 104358. Bibcode:2020CrRes.10904358T. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2019.104358. S2CID 213082044.
  141. ^ Damián E. Pérez; Luciana M. Giachetti (2020). "Is Cyclocardia (Conrad) a wastebasket taxon? Exploring the phylogeny of the most diverse genus of the Carditidae (Archiheterodonta, Bivalvia)". Palaeontology. 63 (3): 477–495. Bibcode:2020Palgy..63..477P. doi:10.1111/pala.12467. S2CID 214411074.
  142. ^ a b c Vitor B. Guerrini; Suzana A. Matos; Rosemarie Rohn; Filipe G. Varejão; Lucas V. Warren; Marcello G. Simões (2020). "The last chapter of 30 million years of molluscan evolution: Permian non-marine bivalves of the Rio do Rasto Formation, Paraná Basin, Brazil". PalZ. 94 (3): 487–512. Bibcode:2020PalZ...94..487G. doi:10.1007/s12542-019-00455-0. S2CID 199408182.
  143. ^ Takashi Matsubara (2020). "Pholadomya (Pholadomya) miyanoharaensis, a New Replacement Name for Pholadomya japonica Amano, 1956, Non Yokoyama, 1920 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pholadomyidae)". Paleontological Research. 24 (4): 316–317. doi:10.2517/2019PR018. S2CID 222136023.
  144. ^ a b Jocelyn Rojas; Sven N. Nielsen (2020). "Two new species of Pratulum from the Lower Miocene of Chile: the first records of Pratulum (Bivalvia, Cardiidae) from South America". Ameghiniana. 57 (5): 433–442. doi:10.5710/AMGH.20.05.2020.3290. S2CID 219501064.
  145. ^ B. T. Yanin (2020). "Bivalve mollusks from the lower Berriasian deposits of the northern slope of the Ai-Petri Yaila (southwestern Crimea)". Paleontological Journal. 54 (4): 323–331. Bibcode:2020PalJ...54..323Y. doi:10.1134/S0031030120040152. S2CID 221167167.
  146. ^ Xin Rao; Peter W. Skelton; Shin–ichi Sano; Yiqiang Zhang; Yichun Zhang; Yanhong Pan; Huawei Cai; Bo Peng; Tong Zhang; Zhaoxiong Ma (2020). "Shajia, a new genus of polyconitid rudist from the Langshan Formation of the Lhasa Block, Tibet, and its palaeogeographical implications" (PDF). Cretaceous Research. 105: Article 104151. Bibcode:2020CrRes.10504151R. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2019.05.009. S2CID 195577398.
  147. ^ a b Bruno Dell'Angelo; Bernard M. Landau; Maurizio Sosso; Marco Taviani (2020). "Late Pleistocene Red Sea Mollusca: 1. Polyplacophora". Zootaxa. 4772 (3): 401–449. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4772.3.1. PMID 33055600. S2CID 219467375.
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  149. ^ Jan Ove R. Ebbestad; Dennis R. Kolata; Mare Isakar (2020). "New onychochilid mollusks from the Middle and Upper Ordovician of Baltica and Laurentia". Journal of Paleontology. 95 (1): 106–122. doi:10.1017/jpa.2020.81.
  150. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Bruno Dell’Angelo; Jean-Francois Lesport; Alain Cluzaud; Maurizio Sosso (2020). "The Oligocene to Miocene chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) of the Aquitaine Basin, soutwestern France, and Ligerian Basin, western France. Part 2: Lepidochitonidae, Tonicellidae, Acanthochitonidae, Cryptoplacidae and Additions to Part 1". Bollettino Malacologico. 56 (1): 1–58.
  151. ^ Anette E. S. Högström; Jan Ove R. Ebbestad; Yutaro Suzuki (2020). "A new large mound dwelling chiton (Mollusca), from the Late Ordovician Boda Limestone of central Sweden". GFF. 142 (4): 297–303. Bibcode:2020GFF...142..297H. doi:10.1080/11035897.2020.1819406. hdl:10037/19506.
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  153. ^ Roger D. K. Thomas; Bruce Runnegar; Kerry Matt (2020). "Pelagiella exigua, an early Cambrian stem gastropod with chaetae: lophotrochozoan heritage and conchiferan novelty". Palaeontology. 63 (4): 601–627. Bibcode:2020Palgy..63..601T. doi:10.1111/pala.12476.