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2017 in archosaur paleontology

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List of years in archosaur paleontology
In science
In paleontology
In paleobotany
In arthropod paleontology
In paleoentomology
In paleomalacology
In paleoichthyology
In reptile paleontology
In mammal paleontology

The year 2017 in archosaur paleontology was eventful. Archosaurs include the only living dinosaur group — birds — and the reptile crocodilians, plus all extinct dinosaurs, extinct crocodilian relatives, and pterosaurs. Archosaur palaeontology is the scientific study of those animals, especially as they existed before the Holocene Epoch began about 11,700 years ago. The year 2017 in paleontology included various significant developments regarding archosaurs.

This article records new taxa of fossil archosaurs of every kind that have been described during the year 2017, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to paleontology of archosaurs that occurred in the year 2017.

General research

  • A study on the evolution of forelimb anatomy, musculature and joint ranges of motion from early archosaurs to sauropodomorph dinosaurs based on data from Mussaurus patagonicus and extant freshwater crocodile is published by Otero et al. (2017).[1]





New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

Calizas de La Huérgina Formation


A member of the family Gobiosuchidae. The type species is C. sanziuami.

Coahomasuchus chathamensis[32]

Sp. nov


Heckert, Fraser & Schneider

Late Triassic

Pekin Formation

 United States
( North Carolina)

An aetosaur.


Gen. et sp. nov


Adams, Noto & Drumheller

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Woodbine Formation

 United States
( Texas)

A neosuchian crocodylomorph related to Paluxysuchus newmani. The type species is D. motherali.


Gen. et sp. nov


Foffa et al.

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)

Oxford Clay Formation

 United Kingdom

A member of the family Metriorhynchidae. Genus includes new species I. melkshamensis.


Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Schwarz, Raddatz & Wings

Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)

Camadas de Guimarota
Süntel Formation


A member of Atoposauridae. The type species is K. langenbergensis; genus also includes "Theriosuchus" guimarotae Schwarz & Salisbury (2005).


Gen. et comb. nov


Johnson et al.

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)

Oxford Clay

 United Kingdom

A member of the family Teleosauridae; a new genus for "Steneosaurus" obtusidens Andrews (1909).


Gen. et comb. nov


Shan et al.



A new genus for "Tomistoma" petrolica Yeh (1958).

Mourasuchus pattersoni[38]

Sp. nov


Cidade et al.

Late Miocene

Urumaco Formation


A caiman.


Gen. et sp. nov


Jouve et al.

Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

İncigez Formation


A member of Crocodyliformes belonging to the family Hylaeochampsidae. The type species is T. okani.

Non-avian dinosaurs




New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov

Tsogtbaatar et al.

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Djadochta Formation


An ornithomimid theropod. The type species is A. tugrikinensis.


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian)

Elrhaz Formation


A theropod dinosaur of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Originally classified as an ornithomimosaur, but subsequently argued to be an abelisauroid closely related to Masiakasaurus.[171] The type species is A. tenerensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Evans et al.

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Horseshoe Canyon Formation

( Alberta)

A troodontid paravian theropod. The type species is A. curriei.


Gen. et sp. nov


Pei et al.

Late Cretaceous

Djadochta Formation


A troodontid theropod. Genus includes new species A. ukhaa.

Avimimus nemegtensis[174]

Sp. nov


Funston et al.

Late Cretaceous

Nemegt Formation


An oviraptorosaurian. Announced in 2017; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2018.


Gen. et sp. nov


Pu et al.

Late Cretaceous (CenomanianTuronian)

Gaogou Formation


A caenagnathid oviraptorosaur theropod. The type species is B. sinensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Cruzado-Caballero & Powell

Late Cretaceous (late Campanian–early Maastrichtian)


A hadrosaurid ornithopod. The type species is B. rionegrensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Brown et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

Clearwater Formation

( Alberta)

A nodosaurid thyreophoran. The type species is B. markmitchelli.


Gen. et sp. nov


Madzia, Boyd & Mazuch

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Peruc-Korycany Formation

 Czech Republic

A basal ornithopod. The type species is B. augustai.


Gen. et sp. nov


Longrich et al.

Late Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian)

Ouled Abdoun Basin


An abelisaurid theropod. The type species is C. barbaricus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Simón, Salgado & Calvo

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Huincul Formation


A titanosaur sauropod. The type species is C. baileywillisi. Announced in 2017; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2018.


Gen. et sp. nov

et al.

Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian)

Nanxiong Formation


An oviraptorid theropod. The type species is C. jacobsi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Shen et al.

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A troodontid theropod. The type species is D. liaoningensis.

Daspletosaurus horneri[184]

Sp. nov

Carr et al.

Late Cretaceous

Two Medicine Formation

 United States
( Montana)

A tyrannosaurid theropod


Gen. et sp. nov


Torcida Fernández-Baldor et al.

Early Cretaceous (late Barremian–early Aptian)

Castrillo de la Reina Formation


A sauropod belonging to the group Somphospondyli. The type species is E. eastwoodi.

Galeamopus pabsti[186]

Sp. nov


Tschopp & Mateus

Late Jurassic

Morrison Formation

 United States
( Colorado

A diplodocid sauropod.


Gen. et sp. nov


Cau et al.

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Djadochta Formation


A dromaeosaurid theropod. The type species is H. escuilliei.


Gen. et sp. nov

Salgado et al.

Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)

Los Molles Formation


An early ornithischian of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is I. mollensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Xu et al.

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A troodontid theropod. The type species is J. tengi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Zhang et al.

Late Cretaceous

Jingangkou Formation


A hadrosaurid ornithopod belonging to the subfamily Saurolophinae and the tribe Edmontosaurini. The type species is L. youngi. Announced in 2017; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2019.


Gen. et sp. nov


Van der Reest & Currie

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Dinosaur Park Formation

( Alberta)

A troodontid theropod. The type species is L. mcmasterae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Shen et al.

Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian)

Yixian Formation


A troodontid theropod. The type species is L. curriei.


Gen. et sp. nov


Martínez & Apaldetti

Late Triassic (late NorianRhaetian)

Quebrada del Barro Formation


A coelophysid theropod. The type species is L. bonoi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Godefroit et al.

Late Cretaceous (late Campanian)


A rhabdodontid ornithopod. The type species is M. provincialis.


Gen. et sp. nov

Royo-Torres et al.

Early Cretaceous (late Berriasian-early Aptian)

Cedar Mountain Formation

 United States
( Utah)

A turiasaur sauropod. The type species is M. bobyoungi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Britt et al.

Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

 United States
( Utah)

A turiasaur sauropod. The type species is M. utahensis.


Gen. et comb. nov

Foth & Rauhut

Late Jurassic (early Tithonian)

Painten Formation


A paravian theropod, possibly a relative of Anchiornis. The type species is "Pterodactylus" crassipes von Meyer (1857).


Gen. et sp. nov


Rauhut & Pol

Late Jurassic

Cañadón Calcáreo Formation

 Argentina  Chile

A basal tetanuran theropod of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is P. fernandezorum.


Gen. et sp. nov


Carballido et al.

Early Cretaceous (Albian)

Cerro Barcino Formation


A titanosaur sauropod belonging to the group Lognkosauria. The type species is P. mayorum.


Gen. et sp. nov



Late Triassic (Norian)

Los Colorados Formation


A coelophysoid theropod. The type species is P. podocitus.


Gen. et sp. nov


Lefèvre et al.

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

Tiaojishan Formation


A paravian theropod. The type species is S. sungei.


Gen. et sp. nov


Gorscak et al.

Cretaceous (late Campanian–early Maastrichtian)

Galula Formation


A titanosaur sauropod. The type species is S. songwensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wang et al.

Early Jurassic

Fengjiahe Formation


A basal theropod. The type species is S. anlongbaoensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Royo-Torres et al.

Early Cretaceous (late Hauterivian–early Barremian)

Golmayo Formation


A brachiosaurid sauropod. The type species is S. golmayensis.

Tarchia teresae[204]

Sp. nov


Penkalski & Tumanova

Late Cretaceous


A member of Ankylosauridae.


Gen. et comb. nov



Late Cretaceous (late Campanian-early Maastrichtian)

Navesink Formation

 United States
( New Jersey)

A tyrannosauroid theropod; a new genus for "Laelaps" macropus Cope (1868). Considered to be a nomen dubium by Brownstein (2017), who interpreted the fossil material of this taxon as a mixture of ornithomimosaur and tyrannosauroid hindlimb elements.[206]


Gen. et sp. nov


Averianov & Skutschas

Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian)

Murtoi Formation


A lithostrotian titanosaur sauropod. The type species is T. starkovi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Carvalho et al.

Early Cretaceous (Berriasian-early Hauterivian)

Rio Piranhas Formation


A sauropod dinosaur. Originally interpreted as a basal titanosaur,[208] subsequently considered to be a member of Somphospondyli of uncertain phylogenetic placement by Poropat et al. (2017).[126] The type species is T. leonardii.


Gen. et sp. nov


Mannion, Allain & Moine

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

Calcaires de Clerval Formation


A brachiosaurid sauropod. The type species is V. damparisensis.


Gen. et sp. nov

Wang, You & Wang

Early Jurassic

Lufeng Formation


A basal member of Sauropodiformes. The type species is X. chengi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Rivera-Sylva et al.

Late Cretaceous

Aguja Formation


A centrosaurine ceratopsian. The type species is Y. mudei.


Gen. et sp. nov


Xu & Qin

Early Cretaceous

Possibly Yixian Formation


A dromaeosaurid theropod. The type species is Z. yangi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Mo et al.

Late Cretaceous

Wangshi Group


A titanosaur sauropod. The type species is Z. zangjiazhuangensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wang et al.

Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

Zhumapu Formation


A basal member of Hadrosauroidea. The type species is Z. huangi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Arbour & Evans

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Judith River Formation

 United States
( Montana)

A member of Ankylosauridae belonging to the subfamily Ankylosaurinae. The type species is Z. crurivastator.




  • A study on the method allowing estimation of wing loading and aspect ratio in Mesozoic birds and on flight modes that were possible for Mesozoic birds is published by Serrano et al. (2017).[216]
  • A study on whether sternal keel length and ilium length were correlated in bird evolution, based on data from extant birds and Mesozoic birds, is published by Zhao, Liu and Li (2017).[217]
  • A study on the impact of varying oxygen concentrations, global temperatures and air densities on the flight performance of extinct birds and on major diversification events which took place during the evolution of birds is published by Serrano et al. (2017).[218]
  • A study on the pectoral girdle morphology of Mesozoic birds and its implications for the evolution of the avian flight musculature (specifically the supracoracoideus muscle) is published by Mayr (2017).[219]
  • A study on the morphological characteristics and evolution of the pygostyle and tail feathers in Early Cretaceous birds and closely related non-avian theropods is published by Wang & O'Connor (2017).[220]
  • A study on the postnatal skeletal development of limb bones in four species of extant aquatic birds (the streaked shearwater, the Japanese cormorant, the black-tailed gull and the rhinoceros auklet) and its implications for the assessment of ontogenetic stage of fossil and skeletal bird specimens is published by Watanabe (2017).[221]
  • A study estimating values of body weight, wing span and wing area of the trackmakers of the Cretaceous ichnotaxa Archaeornithipus meijidei, Hwangsanipes choughi and Yacoraitichnus avis is published by Tanaka (2017).[222]
  • The presence of the atlas rib in Archaeopteryx is reported for the first time by Tsuihiji (2017).[223]
  • A tooth attributed to an archaeopterygid bird is described from the Early Cretaceous of France by Louchart & Pouech (2017).[224]
  • A well-preserved skull of a juvenile specimen of Sapeornis chaoyangensis is described by Wang et al. (2017), preserving what the authors consider to be the complete dentition.[225]
  • A study on the flight capabilities of Sapeornis chaoyangensis is published by Serrano & Chiappe (2017).[226]
  • A study on the relationship between the oxygen isotope composition of bird bone phosphate and that of the drinking water of birds, as well as on implications of applying the discovered equation to Confuciusornis and to the Miocene and Pliocene penguins from Peru, is published by Amiot et al. (2017).[227]
  • A specimen of Confuciusornis sanctus with tendon- and cartilage-like tissues preserved around its ankle joint (with microstructure evident at the cellular level) is described by Jiang et al. (2017).[228]
  • A specimen of Eoconfuciusornis preserving soft-tissue traces of the ovary and wing is described by Zheng et al. (2017);[229] the conclusions of this study are subsequently contested by Mayr et al. (2020), who interpret putative ovarian follicles of this specimen and other birds from the Jehol Biota as more likely to be ingested food items.[230]
  • A study on the taxonomic and morphological diversity of Early Cretaceous enantiornithines is published by Zelenkov (2017), who argues that members of the family Pengornithidae might be more closely related to Ornithuromorpha than to enantiornithines.[231]
  • A complete description of the skeletal anatomy of Chiappeavis magnapremaxillo, suggesting that rectricial bulbs were present in basal members of the enantiornithines, is published by O'Connor et al. (2017).[232]
  • A specimen of the enantiornithine Pterygornis dapingfangensis with a completely fused carpometacarpus and pelvis is described by Wang, Li & Zhou (2017), who also study the evolution of the manus and pelvis fusions in nonavian theropods, enantiornithines and ornithuromorphs.[233]
  • A bohaiornithid enantiornithine specimen with exceptionally preserved feathers, providing information on the colouration of the bird, is described from the Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation (China) by Peteya et al. (2017).[234]
  • Nearly half of a hatchling of an enantiornithine with preserved soft tissue is described from the Cretaceous Burmese amber by Xing et al. (2017).[235]
  • Description of the fossilized outer cones, rods, oil droplets and pigment epithelium preserved in an eye of an enantiornithine specimen from the Lower Cretaceous of China, and a study on their implications for inferring enantiornithine vision, is published by Tanaka et al. (2017).[236]
  • A new specimen of the Early Cretaceous species Archaeorhynchus spathula is described by Wang and Zhou (2017).[237]
  • An isolated tibiotarsus of a bird morphologically similar to Ichthyornis is described from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of Russia by Zelenkov, Averianov & Popov (2017).[238]
  • Description of new remains of hesperornithids from several Cretaceous (Campanian) localities of the Lower Volga Region (European Russia) and a revision of the systematics of Eurasian hesperornithiforms is published by Zelenkov, Panteleyev & Yarkov (2017).[239]
  • Delphine Angst et al. find Gargantuavis philoinos in Spain, in Laño.[240]
  • A study on the species richness, taxonomic diversity and presumed ecological characteristics of the Eocene avifauna of the Messel fossil site is published by Mayr (2017).[241]
  • Revision of bird fauna from the Miocene locality of Rudabànya (Hungary) is published by Zelenkov (2017).[242]
  • Worthy et al. (2017) provide an overview of the recent advances in avian palaeobiology in New Zealand.[243]
  • A review of the Neogene birds of continental Asia is provided by Zelenkov (2017).[244]
  • Passerine and anatid fossils are described from the Miocene Tsurevsky Formation (Krasnodar Krai, Russia) by Zelenkov (2017), representing the earliest known Miocene birds from European Russia reported so far.[245]
  • A study on the isolated contour feather from the Eocene Fur Formation (Denmark), indicating presence of melanosomes similar in size and morphology to those of extant parrots, is published by Gren et al. (2017).[246]
  • A study on the nuclear genome fragments recovered from extinct elephant birds and a reconstruction of the phylogenomic timetree for the group Palaeognathae is published by Yonezawa et al. (2017).[247]
  • Ancient DNA, including mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA, is recovered from elephant bird eggshell by Grealy et al. (2017).[248]
  • Results of palaeontological surveys of King and Flinders Islands (Australia) undertaken in 2014 and 2015, searching for remains of the King Island emu, are presented by Hume et al. (2017).[249]
  • A revision of ratite museum fossil specimens from Argentina, indicating presence of non-rheid ratites in South America during Paleogene and Miocene, is published by Agnolin (2017).[250]
  • A study on ancient DNA recovered from late Pleistocene ratite eggshell samples from India is published by Jain et al. (2017), providing the first molecular evidence for the presence of ostriches in India.[251]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of fossil birds, focusing on resolving the relationships of giant flightless members of Galloanseres, is published by Worthy et al. (2017).[252]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships of Vegavis iaai, Polarornis gregorii and Australornis lovei is published by Agnolín et al. (2017), who name a new anseriform family Vegaviidae.[253]
  • New skeletal elements (limb bones) of Garganornis ballmanni are described from the Miocene of Italy by Pavia et al. (2017).[254]
  • A tarsometatarsus of a member of the anseriform genus Paranyroca is described from the late Oligocene/early Miocene of the Saint-Gérand-le-Puy area (France) by Mayr & Smith (2017), representing the first known record of the genus from the Old World.[255]
  • A study establishing criteria for assessing presence or absence of flight ability in fossil anatids, as well as assessing flight abilities of fossil anatids based on the constructed rules, is published by Watanabe (2017).[256]
  • Rawlence et al. (2017) interpret extinct New Zealand swan as a member of a distinct swan lineage divergent from modern black swan, based on ancient DNA and osteological data.[257]
  • The first Cenozoic avian body fossil from the Korean Peninsula (partial tibiotarsus of a member of the clade Galloanserae more closely related to galliforms than to anseriforms) is described from the Miocene Bukpyeong Formation (South Korea) by Park & Park (2017).[258]
  • Two parallel trackways produced by a guineafowl or a member of the family Phasianidae, rendered visible by the layer of biofilm, are described from the Pleistocene Waenhuiskrans Formation (South Africa) by Helm et al. (2017), representing the longest identified fossil avian trackways in the region.[259]
  • A revision of non-passeriform birds belonging to the group Neoaves known from the Miocene locality of Polgárdi (Hungary) is published by Zelenkov (2017).[260]
  • A study on the bone histology of the dodo (Raphus cucullatus) and its implications for the life history of members of this species is published by Angst et al. (2017).[261]
  • A study estimating the mass of the dodo is published by van Heteren et al. (2017).[262]
  • A study on the genetic diversity of the passenger pigeons based on the analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of members of the species is published by Murray et al. (2017).[263]
  • A study on lipid residues recovered from the uropygial gland of an early Eocene bird (possibly a messelirrisorid or a close relative of the family) from the Messel pit (Germany) is published by O'Reilly et al. (2017).[264]
  • A study on the diet and trophic position of the South Island adzebill (Aptornis defossor) as indicated by bone stable isotope data is published by Wood et al. (2017).[265]
  • Partial tibiotarsus of a member of Cariamae belonging or related to the family Ameghinornithidae is described from the Eocene strata in Inner Mongolia (China) correlative to the Irdin Manha Formation by Stidham & Wang (2017).[266]
  • A study on the morphological adaptations linked to substrate preference and locomotory mode in the hindlimbs of phorusrhacids is published by Degrange (2017).[267]
  • Limb elements of a single specimen of a middle-sized terror bird are described from the Miocene of northwestern Argentina by Vezzosi & Noriega (2017), who interpret this specimen as a member of the genus Mesembriornis belonging or related to the species M. milneedwardsi.[268]
  • Restudy of the holotype specimen of the putative Miocene seriema Noriegavis santacrucensis is published by Noriega & Mayr (2017), who reinterpret this specimen as a member of the falconid genus Thegornis of uncertain specific assignment.[269]
  • Fossils of at least eight species of Pleistocene passerines are described from the Liang Bua cave on the island of Flores (Indonesia) by Meijer et al. (2017).[270]
  • A study on the paleoecology of the late Pleistocene populations of the eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) and the Hispaniolan crossbill (Loxia megaplaga) from the Bahamian island of Abaco is published by Steadman & Franklin (2017).[271][272][273]
  • Darter fossils are described from the late Pliocene Tatrot Formation (India) by Stidham et al. (2017).[274]
  • Incomplete skull of a bald ibis related to the southern bald ibis is described from the Bolt's Farm Cave System (Cradle of Humankind, Pliocene of South Africa) by Pavia et al. (2017).[275]
  • Leg bones of a penguin comparable in size to Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi are described from the mid-Paleocene Waipara Greensand (New Zealand) by Mayr, De Pietri & Scofield (2017).[276]
  • An incomplete left tarsometatarsus of a penguin from the Late Eocene La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island, Antarctica is described by Jadwiszczak & Mörs, (2017). they report on a recently collected large-sized tarsometatarsus from this formation that represents a new morphotype. They are convinced that the morphotype corresponds to a new species, but the material is too scarce for a taxonomic act.[277]
  • A new skull of a medium-sized penguin is described from the late Eocene Submeseta Formation of Seymour Island, Antarctica by Haidr & Acosta Hospitaleche (2017), who also study the differences in proportions between skull and postcranial skeletons of Eocene and modern penguins.[278]
  • Description of new penguin fossils from different levels of the Eocene La Meseta and Submeseta formations, including the most complete beak of a penguin from Antarctica, and a study on the dietary habits of these penguins as indicated by the morphology of the mandibles and maxillary remains, is published by Haidr & Acosta Hospitaleche (2017).[279]
  • A study on the locomotion of Brontornis and the phorusrhacids Paraphysornis and Kelenken, identifying them as adapted for slow walking rather than fast running locomotion, and evaluating possible ecology of these taxa, is published by Angst & Chinsamy (2017).[280]
  • A study on the fossil bird remains from the Pliocene locality of Kanapoi (Kenya), indicating presence of many aquatic birds, is published online by Field (2017).[281]
  • Description of Holocene bird remains from the archaeological site at Tula Village (Tutuila, American Samoa) is published by Tennyson, Rieth & Cochrane (2017).[282]

New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Hospitaleche, Reguero & Santillana


La Meseta Formation Submeseta III


(Seymour Island)

A penguin. The type species is A. mikrotero.


Gen. et sp. nov


Worthy & Yates

Late Miocene

Waite Formation


A member of the family Anatidae. The type species is A. magnanatis.

Bubo ibericus[285]

Sp. nov


Meijer et al.

Early Pleistocene


A horned owl.


Gen. et sp. nov


Tanaka et al.

Late Cretaceous (Coniacian to Santonian)

Kashima Formation


A member of Hesperornithiformes. The type species is C. keraorum.

Colaptes naroskyi[287]

Sp. nov


Agnolin et Jofré

Early-Late Pleistocene - Early-Mid Pleistocene

Jáuregui Member



A member of the Picidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Zelenkov, Panteleyev & De Pietri

Late Miocene


A rail. Genus includes new species C. crexica.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wang et al.

Early Cretaceous (130.7 Myr ago)

Huajiying Formation


A member of Enantiornithes. The type species is C. multidonta.


Gen. et sp. nov


De Pietri et al.

Early Miocene

Bannockburn Formation

 New Zealand

A member of the family Columbidae, likely related to the Nicobar pigeon, the tooth-billed pigeon, the western crowned pigeon, the dodo and the Rodrigues solitaire. The type species is D. zealandiensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Mayr & Goedert

Late Oligocene

Lincoln Creek Formation

 United States
( Washington)

A stem-albatross. Genus includes new species D. knapptonensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Mourer-Chauviré, Pickford & Senut

Eocene (Bartonian)

Eocliff Limestone


A member of Charadriiformes of uncertain phylogenetic placement, related to buttonquails. The type species is E. primaeva.


Gen. et sp. nov


Shute, Prideaux & Worthy



A megapode. The type species is G. mcnamarai.


Gen. et sp. nov


Liu et al.

Early Cretaceous

Yixian Formation


A member of Enantiornithes. The type species is J. houi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Mayr et al.

Paleocene (late Teurian)

Moeraki Formation

 New Zealand

An early penguin. The type species is K. biceae.


Gen. et comb. et sp. nov


Shute, Prideaux & Worthy

Early to Late Pleistocene


A megapode. The type species is "Progura" naracoortensis van Tets (1974); genus also includes new species L. olsoni.

Leucocarbo septentrionalis[296]

Sp. nov


Rawlence et al.


 New Zealand

A blue-eyed shag.


Gen. et sp. nov


McLachlan, Kaiser & Longrich

Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

Northumberland Formation

( British Columbia)

Probably a member of Vegaviidae. The type species is M. cascadensis.

Macranhinga ameghinoi[298]

Sp. nov


Diederle & Agnolin

Miocene (Colloncuran)


A darter.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wei & Li

Early Cretaceous

Jiufotang Formation


A member of Enantiornithes. The type species is M. vulgaris.


Gen. et sp. nov


Noriega & Mayr

Early Miocene

Santa Cruz Formation


A seriema. The type species is M. patagonica.


Gen. et sp. nov


Zelenkov, Panteleyev & De Pietri

Late Miocene


A rail. Genus includes new species M. tanaisensis.

Opisthodactylus kirchneri[300]

Sp. nov


Noriega et al.

Late Miocene

Andalhuala Formation


A member of the family Rheidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Agnolin et al.



A New World vulture. The type species is P. imperator.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wang & Zhou

Early Cretaceous

Jiufotang Formation


A member of Enantiornithes. The type species is P. inusitatus.

Progura campestris[293]

Sp. nov


Shute, Prideaux & Worthy



A megapode.

Pyrrhula crassa[303]

Sp. nov


Rando et al.



A bullfinch.


Gen. et comb. nov



Late Miocene


Type species is "Certhia" janossyi Kessler et Hír, 2012 and it is placed in the superfamily Sylvioidea.


Gen. et sp. nov


Ksepka, Stidham & Williamson

Early Paleocene

Nacimiento Formation

 United States
( New Mexico)

A stem-mousebird belonging to the family Sandcoleidae. The type species is T. abini.


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Eocene

Messel pit


A bird of uncertain phylogenetic placement with a shorebird-like beak. The type species is V. longihallucis.




  • A study on the body size evolution in pterosaurs, especially on whether Bergmann's rule can be shown to apply to pterosaurs, is published by Villalobos et al. (2017).[306]
  • A study on the occurrence of competition and ecological separation between pterosaurs and birds as indicated by analyses of functionally equivalent morphological characters of lower jaw, fore- and hindlimbs is published by Chan (2017).[307]
  • A study on the differences between soft-tissue structure and attachments articulating skeletal joints of Rhamphorhynchus and Pterodactylus as indicated by known skeletons of members of both taxa is published by Beardmore, Lawlor & Hone (2017).[308]
  • Pterosaur manus tracks are described from the Late Cretaceous of Morocco by Masrour et al. (2017).[309]
  • A study on the systematic relationships of Parapsicephalus purdoni is published by O'Sullivan & Martill (2017).[310]
  • A study on the differences in the anatomy of the skull crests in wukongopterid pterosaur specimens and its implications for the function of these crests is published by Cheng et al. (2017).[311]
  • New specimen of Kunpengopterus sinensis, providing new information on the anatomy of members of the species, is described from the Upper Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation (China) by Cheng et al. (2017).[312]
  • An accumulation of hundreds of eggs (some of which contain embryonic remains) of Hamipterus tianshanensis is reported from the Lower Cretaceous of China by Wang et al. (2017), who interpret the finding as evidence of colonial nesting and potential nesting site fidelity in pterosaurs, and argue that the hatchlings might have been flightless and not as precocial as previously thought.[313]
  • Isolated teeth belonging to indeterminate members of the clade Anhangueria are described from the Early Cretaceous (Albian) Griman Creek Formation (Australia) by Brougham, Smith & Bell (2017).[314]
  • A study on the morphological diversity of the skulls of anhanguerids from the Lower Cretaceous Romualdo Formation (Brazil) and its implications for the taxonomy of members of the genus Anhanguera is published by Pinheiro & Rodrigues (2017).[315]
  • A redescription of the holotype specimen of Dawndraco kanzai is published by Martin-Silverstone et al. (2017), who consider this species to be a junior synonym of Pteranodon sternbergi.[316][317][318]
  • A redescription of the holotype specimen of Jidapterus edentus and a study on the taxonomic validity, phylogenetic relationships and paleoecology of the species is published by Wu, Zhou & Andres (2017).[319]
  • Funston, Martin-Silverstone & Currie (2017) describe a fossil specimen from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Dinosaur Park Formation (Canada), interpreted as a partial pterosaur pelvis (tentatively referred to Azhdarchidae), which if confirmed would represent the first described pelvic material from a North American azhdarchid;[320] however, this specimen is subsequently reinterpreted as a broken tyrannosaurid squamosal.[321]
  • A description of a neck vertebra of a probable member of the genus Hatzegopteryx recovered from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Sebeş Formation (Romania) and a study on the implications of the vertebra's anatomy for the neck length and ecology of Hatzegopteryx is published by Naish & Witton (2017).[322]
  • Fragments of neck vertebra of a gigantic pterosaur are described from the Upper Cretaceous Nemegt Formation (Mongolia) by Tsuihiji et al. (2017).[323]
  • Leal et al. (2017) describe a chaoyangopterid pterosaur based on remains found in the Crato Formation (Brazil), providing further support for the presence of these types of pterosaurs in the Early Cretaceous of Brazil. The phylogenetic position of Lacusovagus is also reviewed in this study.[324]

New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et comb. nov


Vidovic & Martill

Late Jurassic

Mörnsheim Limestone Formation


A pterodactyloid pterosaur; a new genus for "Germanodactylus" rhamphastinus (Wagner, 1851).


Gen. et sp. nov


Kellner & Calvo

Late Cretaceous (Turonian-Coniacian)

Portezuelo Formation


A member of Azhdarchoidea, possibly an azhdarchid. The type species is A. barrealensis.


Gen. et sp. nov


Wang et al.

Late Jurassic

Tiaojishan Formation


A non-pterodactyloid monofenestratan. The type species is D. zhengi.


Gen. et sp. nov


Zhou et al.

Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

Tiaojishan Formation


A member of Ctenochasmatidae. The type species is L. primus.


Gen. et comb. nov


Rigal, Martill & Sweetman

Early Cretaceous (late Valanginian or early Hauterivian)

Upper Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation

 United Kingdom

A pterodactyloid pterosaur; a new genus for "Pterodactylus" sagittirostris Owen (1874). Announced in 2017; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2018.


Gen. et sp. nov


et al.

Early Cretaceous

Jiufotang Formation


A member of the family Anurognathidae. Genus includes new species V. lamadongensis. Announced in 2017; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2018.

Xericeps [331]

Gen. et sp. nov


Martill et al.

Cretaceous (Albian or early Cenomanian)

Kem Kem Beds


A member of Azhdarchoidea. The type species is X. curvirostris. Announced in 2017; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2018.

Other archosaurs




New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov


Nesbitt et al.

Middle Triassic

Manda Beds


An early member of Avemetatarsalia belonging to the newly named group Aphanosauria. The type species is T. rhadinus.


  1. ^ Alejandro Otero; Vivian Allen; Diego Pol; John R. Hutchinson (2017). "Forelimb muscle and joint actions in Archosauria: insights from Crocodylus johnstoni (Pseudosuchia) and Mussaurus patagonicus (Sauropodomorpha)". PeerJ. 5: e3976. doi:10.7717/peerj.3976. PMC 5703147. PMID 29188140.
  2. ^ F. Clarac; V. De Buffrénil; C. Brochu; J. Cubo (2017). "The evolution of bone ornamentation in Pseudosuchia: morphological constraints versus ecological adaptation". Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 121 (2): 395–408. doi:10.1093/biolinnean/blw034.
  3. ^ Agustina Lecuona; Julia B. Desojo; Diego Pol (2017). "New information on the postcranial skeleton of Gracilisuchus stipanicicorum (Archosauria: Suchia) and reappraisal of its phylogenetic position". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 181 (3): 638–677. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlx011.
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  5. ^ Sterling Nesbitt; Julia B. Desojo (2017). "The osteology and phylogenetic position of Luperosuchus fractus (Archosauria: Loricata) from the latest Middle Triassic or earliest Late Triassic of Argentina". Ameghiniana. 54 (3): 261–282. doi:10.5710/AMGH.09.04.2017.3059. hdl:11336/49654. S2CID 132719170.
  6. ^ Nicole Klein; Christian Foth; Rainer R. Schoch (2017). "Preliminary observations on the bone histology of the Middle Triassic pseudosuchian archosaur Batrachotomus kupferzellensis reveal fast growth with laminar fibrolamellar bone tissue" (PDF). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 37 (4): e1333121. Bibcode:2017JVPal..37E3121K. doi:10.1080/02724634.2017.1333121. S2CID 58943103.
  7. ^ João Russo; Octávio Mateus; Marco Marzola; Ausenda Balbino (2017). "Two new ootaxa from the late Jurassic: The oldest record of crocodylomorph eggs, from the Lourinhã Formation, Portugal". PLOS ONE. 12 (3): e0171919. Bibcode:2017PLoSO..1271919R. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171919. PMC 5342183. PMID 28273086.
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  11. ^ Jeremy E. Martin; Romain Amiot; Christophe Lécuyer; Michael J. Benton (2014). "Sea surface temperature contributes to marine crocodylomorph evolution". Nature Communications. 5: Article number 4658. Bibcode:2014NatCo...5.4658M. doi:10.1038/ncomms5658. PMID 25130564.
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  13. ^ Cristiano Dal Sasso; Giovanni Pasini; Guillaume Fleury; Simone Maganuco (2017). "Razanandrongobe sakalavae, a gigantic mesoeucrocodylian from the Middle Jurassic of Madagascar, is the oldest known notosuchian". PeerJ. 5: e3481. doi:10.7717/peerj.3481. PMC 5499610. PMID 28690926.
  14. ^ Leonardo Cotts; André Eduardo Piacentini Pinheiro; Thiago da Silva Marinho; Ismar de Souza Carvalho; Fabio Di Dario (2017). "Postcranial skeleton of Campinasuchus dinizi (Crocodyliformes, Baurusuchidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Brazil, with comments on the ontogeny and ecomorphology of the species". Cretaceous Research. 70: 163–188. Bibcode:2017CrRes..70..163C. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2016.11.003.
  15. ^ Sandra Aparecida Simionato Tavares; Fresia Ricardi Branco; Ismar de Souza Carvalho; Lara Maldanis (2017). "The morphofunctional design of Montealtosuchus arrudacamposi (Crocodyliformes, Upper Cretaceous) of the Bauru Basin, Brazil". Cretaceous Research. 79: 64–76. Bibcode:2017CrRes..79...64T. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.07.003. hdl:11422/3325.
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  17. ^ Stephanie E. Pierce; Megan Williams; Roger B.J. Benson (2017). "Virtual reconstruction of the endocranial anatomy of the early Jurassic marine crocodylomorph Pelagosaurus typus (Thalattosuchia)". PeerJ. 5: e3225. doi:10.7717/peerj.3225. PMC 5407279. PMID 28462034.
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  20. ^ Jorge Cubo; Meike Köhler; Vivian de Buffrenil (2017). "Bone histology of Iberosuchus macrodon (Sebecosuchia, Crocodylomorpha)" (PDF). Lethaia. 50 (4): 495–503. Bibcode:2017Letha..50..495C. doi:10.1111/let.12203. S2CID 90181712.
  21. ^ Grant J. Field; David M. Martill (2017). "Unusual soft tissue preservation in the Early Cretaceous (Aptian) crocodile cf. Susisuchus from the Crato Formation of north east Brazil". Cretaceous Research. 75: 179–192. Bibcode:2017CrRes..75..179F. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2017.04.001.
  22. ^ Hongyu Yi; Jonathan P. Tennant; Mark T. Young; Thomas J. Challands; Davide Foffa; John D. Hudson; Dugald A. Ross; Stephen L. Brusatte (2017). "An unusual small-bodied crocodyliform from the Middle Jurassic of Scotland, UK, and potential evidence for an early diversification of advanced neosuchians". Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 107 (1): 1–12. doi:10.1017/S1755691017000032. hdl:10044/1/45704.
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  26. ^ Paula Bona; Ariana Paulina Carabajal; Zulma Gasparini (2017). "Neuroanatomy of Gryposuchus neogaeus (Crocodylia, Gavialoidea): a first integral description of the braincase and endocranial morphological variation in extinct and extant gavialoids". Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 106 (4): 235–246. doi:10.1017/S1755691016000189.
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  32. ^ Andrew B. Heckert; Nicholas C. Fraser; Vincent P. Schneider (2017). "A new species of Coahomasuchus (Archosauria, Aetosauria) from the Upper Triassic Pekin Formation, Deep River Basin, North Carolina". Journal of Paleontology. 91 (1): 162–178. Bibcode:2017JPal...91..162H. doi:10.1017/jpa.2016.130. S2CID 132119587.
  33. ^ Thomas L. Adams; Christopher R. Noto; Stephanie Drumheller (2017). "A large neosuchian crocodyliform from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Woodbine Formation of North Texas". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 37 (4): e1349776. Bibcode:2017JVPal..37E9776A. doi:10.1080/02724634.2017.1349776. S2CID 133647239.
  34. ^ Davide Foffa; Mark T. Young; Stephen L. Brusatte; Mark R. Graham; Lorna Steel (2017). "A new metriorhynchid crocodylomorph from the Oxford Clay Formation (Middle Jurassic) of England, with implications for the origin and diversification of Geosaurini" (PDF). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 16 (13): 1123–1143. doi:10.1080/14772019.2017.1367730. hdl:10141/622883. S2CID 135234906.
  35. ^ Daniela Schwarz; Maik Raddatz; Oliver Wings (2017). "Knoetschkesuchus langenbergensis gen. nov. sp. nov., a new atoposaurid crocodyliform from the Upper Jurassic Langenberg Quarry (Lower Saxony, northwestern Germany), and its relationships to Theriosuchus". PLOS ONE. 12 (2): e0160617. Bibcode:2017PLoSO..1260617S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160617. PMC 5310792. PMID 28199316.
  36. ^ Michela M. Johnson; Mark T. Young; Lorna Steel; Davide Foffa; Adam S. Smith; Stéphane Hua; Philipe Havlik; Eliza A. Howlett; Gareth Dyke (2017). "Re-description of "Steneosaurus" obtusidens Andrews, 1909, an unusual macrophagous teleosaurid crocodylomorph from the Middle Jurassic of England". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 182 (2): 385–418. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlx035.
  37. ^ Hsi-Yin Shan; Xiao-Chun Wu; Yen-Nien Cheng; Tamaki Sato (2017). "Maomingosuchus petrolica, a restudy of "Tomistoma" petrolica Yeh, 1958". Palaeoworld. 26 (4): 672–690. doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2017.03.006.
  38. ^ Giovanne M. Cidade; Andrés Solórzano; Ascanio Daniel Rincón; Douglas Riff; Annie Schmaltz Hsiou (2017). "A new Mourasuchus (Alligatoroidea, Caimaninae) from the late Miocene of Venezuela, the phylogeny of Caimaninae and considerations on the feeding habits of Mourasuchus". PeerJ. 5: e3056. doi:10.7717/peerj.3056. PMC 5344020. PMID 28286712.
  39. ^ Stéphane Jouve; Volkan Sarıgül; J.-Sébastien Steyer; Sevket Sen (2017). "The first crocodylomorph from the Mesozoic of Turkey (Barremian of Zonguldak) and the dispersal of the eusuchians during the Cretaceous". Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 17 (2): 111–128. doi:10.1080/14772019.2017.1393469. S2CID 90379747.
  40. ^ Matthew G. Baron; David B. Norman; Paul M. Barrett (2017). "A new hypothesis of dinosaur relationships and early dinosaur evolution" (PDF). Nature. 543 (7646): 501–506. Bibcode:2017Natur.543..501B. doi:10.1038/nature21700. PMID 28332513. S2CID 205254710.
  41. ^ Luke A. Parry; Matthew G. Baron; Jakob Vinther (2017). "Multiple optimality criteria support Ornithoscelida". Royal Society Open Science. 4 (10): 170833. Bibcode:2017RSOS....470833P. doi:10.1098/rsos.170833. PMC 5666269. PMID 29134086.
  42. ^ Max C. Langer; Martín D. Ezcurra; Oliver W. M. Rauhut; Michael J. Benton; Fabien Knoll; Blair W. McPhee; Fernando E. Novas; Diego Pol; Stephen L. Brusatte (2017). "Untangling the dinosaur family tree" (PDF). Nature. 551 (7678): E1–E3. Bibcode:2017Natur.551E...1L. doi:10.1038/nature24011. hdl:1983/d088dae2-c7fa-4d41-9fa2-aeebbfcd2fa3. PMID 29094688. S2CID 205260354.
  43. ^ Matthew G. Baron; David B. Norman; Paul M. Barrett (2017). "Baron et al. reply". Nature. 551 (7678): E4–E5. Bibcode:2017Natur.551E...4B. doi:10.1038/nature24012. PMID 29094705. S2CID 205260360.
  44. ^ Jordan C. Mallon (2017). "Recognizing sexual dimorphism in the fossil record: lessons from nonavian dinosaurs". Paleobiology. 43 (3): 495–507. Bibcode:2017Pbio...43..495M. doi:10.1017/pab.2016.51. S2CID 90627697.
  45. ^ David W. E. Hone; Jordan C. Mallon (2017). "Protracted growth impedes the detection of sexual dimorphism in non-avian dinosaurs". Palaeontology. 60 (4): 535–545. Bibcode:2017Palgy..60..535H. doi:10.1111/pala.12298. S2CID 59396943.
  46. ^ Christopher E. Doughty (2017). "Herbivores increase the global availability of nutrients over millions of years". Nature Ecology & Evolution. 1 (12): 1820–1827. Bibcode:2017NatEE...1.1820D. doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0341-1. PMID 29038478. S2CID 13844413.
  47. ^ Jamie A. MacLaren; Philip S. L. Anderson; Paul M. Barrett; Emily J. Rayfield (2017). "Herbivorous dinosaur jaw disparity and its relationship to extrinsic evolutionary drivers". Paleobiology. 43 (1): 15–33. Bibcode:2017Pbio...43...15M. doi:10.1017/pab.2016.31. PMC 5270766. PMID 28216798.
  48. ^ Corwin Sullivan; Xing Xu (2017). "Morphological Diversity and Evolution of the Jugal in Dinosaurs". The Anatomical Record. 300 (1): 30–48. doi:10.1002/ar.23488. PMID 28000403. S2CID 205413216.
  49. ^ Steven W. Salisbury; Anthony Romilio; Matthew C. Herne; Ryan T. Tucker; Jay P. Nair (2017). "The Dinosaurian Ichnofauna of the Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian–Barremian) Broome Sandstone of the Walmadany Area (James Price Point), Dampier Peninsula, Western Australia". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 36 (Supplement to No. 6): 1–152. doi:10.1080/02724634.2016.1269539. S2CID 132330752.
  50. ^ Miengah Abrahams; Emese M. Bordy; Lara Sciscio; Fabien Knoll (2017). "Scampering, trotting, walking tridactyl bipedal dinosaurs in southern Africa: ichnological account of a Lower Jurassic palaeosurface (upper Elliot Formation, Roma Valley) in Lesotho". Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology. 29 (7): 958–975. Bibcode:2017HBio...29..958A. doi:10.1080/08912963.2016.1267164. S2CID 132587966.
  51. ^ Makaya M'Voubou; Mathieu Moussavou; Cédric Ligna (2017). "Discovery of dinosaur footprints in the Stanley Pool Formation of Gabon". Geodiversitas. 39 (2): 177–183. doi:10.5252/g2017n2a1. S2CID 134418956.
  52. ^ Jeremy E. Martin; Elie Fosso Menkem; Adrien Djomeni; Paul Gustave Fowe; Marie-Joseph Ntamak-Nida (2017). "Dinosaur trackways from the early Late Cretaceous of western Cameroon" (PDF). Journal of African Earth Sciences. 134: 213–221. Bibcode:2017JAfES.134..213M. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.06.013. S2CID 134434966.
  53. ^ Tomasz Skawiński; Maciej Ziegler; Łukasz Czepiński; Marcin Szermański; Mateusz Tałanda; Dawid Surmik; Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki (2017). "A re-evaluation of the historical 'dinosaur' remains from the Middle-Upper Triassic of Poland". Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology. 29 (4): 442–472. Bibcode:2017HBio...29..442S. doi:10.1080/08912963.2016.1188385. S2CID 133166493.
  54. ^ Michael Buckley; Stacey Warwood; Bart van Dongen; Andrew C. Kitchener; Phillip L. Manning (2017). "A fossil protein chimera; difficulties in discriminating dinosaur peptide sequences from modern cross-contamination". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 284 (1855): 20170544. doi:10.1098/rspb.2017.0544. PMC 5454271. PMID 28566488.
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  56. ^ Juan I. Canale; S. Apesteguía; P.A. Gallina; F.A. Gianechini; A. Haluza (2017). "The oldest theropods from the Neuquén Basin: Predatory dinosaur diversity from the Bajada Colorada Formation (Lower Cretaceous: Berriasian–Valanginian), Neuquén, Argentina". Cretaceous Research. 71: 63–78. Bibcode:2017CrRes..71...63C. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2016.11.010.
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  270. ^ Hanneke J.M. Meijer; Rokus Awe Due; Thomas Sutikna; Wahyu Saptomo; Jatmiko; Sri Wasisto; Matthew W. Tocheri; Gerald Mayr (2017). "Late Pleistocene songbirds of Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia); the first fossil passerine fauna described from Wallacea". PeerJ. 5: e3676. doi:10.7717/peerj.3676. PMC 5563437. PMID 28828271.
  271. ^ David W. Steadman; Janet Franklin (2017). "Origin, paleoecology, and extirpation of bluebirds and crossbills in the Bahamas across the last glacial–interglacial transition". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114 (37): 9924–9929. Bibcode:2017PNAS..114.9924S. doi:10.1073/pnas.1707660114. PMC 5604025. PMID 28847933.
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  274. ^ Thomas Stidham; Rajeev Patnaik; Kewal Krishan; Bahadur Singh; Abhik Ghosh; Ankita Singla; Simran S. Kotla (2017). "The first darter (Aves: Anhingidae) fossils from India (late Pliocene)". PLOS ONE. 12 (5): e0177129. Bibcode:2017PLoSO..1277129S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0177129. PMC 5443482. PMID 28542291.
  275. ^ Marco Pavia; Gregory B. P. Davies; Dominique Gommery; Lazarus Kgasi (2017). "Mid-Pliocene bald ibis (Geronticus cf. calvus; Aves: Threskiornithidae) from the Cradle of Humankind, Gauteng, South Africa and its environmental and evolutionary implications". PalZ. 91 (2): 237–243. Bibcode:2017PalZ...91..237P. doi:10.1007/s12542-017-0346-8. S2CID 90737705.
  276. ^ Gerald Mayr; Vanesa L. De Pietri; R. Paul Scofield (2017). "A new fossil from the mid-Paleocene of New Zealand reveals an unexpected diversity of world's oldest penguins". The Science of Nature. 104 (3–4): Article 9. Bibcode:2017SciNa.104....9M. doi:10.1007/s00114-017-1441-0. PMID 28233039. S2CID 10624641.
  277. ^ Piotr Jadwiszczak; Thomas Mörs (2017). "An enigmatic fossil penguin from the Eocene of Antarctica". Polar Research. 36 (1): 1291086. doi:10.1080/17518369.2017.1291086. S2CID 132620302.
  278. ^ Nadia Haidr; Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche (2017). "A new penguin cranium from Antarctica and its implications for body size diversity during the Eocene". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen. 286 (2): 229–233. doi:10.1127/njgpa/2017/0698. S2CID 134058382.
  279. ^ Nadia Soledad Haidr; Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche (2017). "Fossil penguin beaks from the Eocene of Antarctica: new materials from La Meseta Formation" (PDF). Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". 7: 69–80.
  280. ^ Delphine Angst; Anusuya Chinsamy (2017). "Ecological implications of the revised locomotory habits of the giant extinct South American birds (Phorusrhacidae and Brontornithidae)". Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". 7: 17–37.
  281. ^ Daniel J. Field (2017). "Preliminary paleoecological insights from the Pliocene avifauna of Kanapoi, Kenya: Implications for the ecology of Australopithecus anamensis". Journal of Human Evolution. 140: Article 102384. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.08.007. PMID 28966047. S2CID 24141622.
  282. ^ Alan J. D. Tennyson; Timothy M. Rieth; Ethan E. Cochrane (2017). "Bird remains from an early archaeological site on Tutuila Island, Samoa". Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". 7: 157–172.
  283. ^ Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche; Marcelo Reguero; Sergio Santillana (2017). "Aprosdokitos mikrotero gen. et sp. nov., the tiniest Sphenisciformes that lived in Antarctica during the Paleogene". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen. 283 (1): 25–34. doi:10.1127/njgpa/2017/0624. S2CID 132113629.
  284. ^ Trevor H. Worthy; Adam Yates (2017). "A review of the smaller birds from the late Miocene Alcoota local faunas of Australia with a description of a new anatid species". Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". 7: 221–252.
  285. ^ Hanneke J.M. Meijer; Marco Pavia; Joan Madurell-Malapeira; David M. Alba (2017). "A revision of fossil eagle owls (Aves: Strigiformes:Bubo) from Europe and the description of a new species, Bubo ibericus, from Cal Guardiola (NE Iberian Peninsula)". Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology. 29 (6): 822–832. Bibcode:2017HBio...29..822M. doi:10.1080/08912963.2016.1247836. S2CID 89467571.
  286. ^ Tomonori Tanaka; Yoshitsugu Kobayashi; Ken'ichi Kurihara; Anthony R. Fiorillo; Manabu Kano (2017). "The oldest Asian hesperornithiform from the Upper Cretaceous of Japan, and the phylogenetic reassessment of Hesperornithiformes". Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 16 (8): 689–709. doi:10.1080/14772019.2017.1341960. S2CID 134930629.
  287. ^ Federico L. Agnolin; Guillermo Jofré (2017). "Nueva especie del género Colaptes (Aves, Piciformes) para el Pleistoceno de la Región Pampanea, Argentina". Ornitología Neotropical. 28: 321–331.
  288. ^ a b Nikita V. Zelenkov; Andrey V. Panteleyev; Vanesa L. De Pietri (2017). "Late Miocene rails (Aves: Rallidae) from southwestern Russia". Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. 97 (4): 791–805. Bibcode:2017PdPe...97..791Z. doi:10.1007/s12549-017-0276-1. S2CID 132749348.
  289. ^ Min Wang; Jingmai K. O'Connor; Yanhong Pan; Zhonghe Zhou (2017). "A bizarre Early Cretaceous enantiornithine bird with unique crural feathers and an ornithuromorph plough-shaped pygostyle". Nature Communications. 8: Article number 14141. Bibcode:2017NatCo...814141W. doi:10.1038/ncomms14141. PMC 5290326. PMID 28139644.
  290. ^ Vanesa L. De Pietri; R. Paul Scofield; Alan J. D. Tennyson; Suzanne J. Hand; Trevor H. Worthy (2017). "The diversity of early Miocene pigeons (Columbidae) in New Zealand" (PDF). Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". 7: 49–68.
  291. ^ Gerald Mayr; James L. Goedert (2017). "Oligocene and Miocene albatross fossils from Washington State (USA) and the evolutionary history of North Pacific Diomedeidae". The Auk. 134 (3): 659–671. doi:10.1642/AUK-17-32.1. S2CID 89636332.
  292. ^ Cécile Mourer-Chauviré; Martin Pickford; Brigitte Senut (2017). "New data on stem group Galliformes, Charadriiformes, and Psittaciformes from the middle Eocene of Namibia". Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". 7: 99–131.
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  294. ^ Di Liu; Luis M. Chiappe; Francisco Serrano; Michael Habib; Yuguang Zhang; Qinjing Meng (2017). "Flight aerodynamics in enantiornithines: Information from a new Chinese Early Cretaceous bird". PLOS ONE. 12 (10): e0184637. Bibcode:2017PLoSO..1284637L. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0184637. PMC 5636078. PMID 29020077.
  295. ^ Gerald Mayr; R. Paul Scofield; Vanesa L. De Pietri; Alan J. D. Tennyson (2017). "A Paleocene penguin from New Zealand substantiates multiple origins of gigantism in fossil Sphenisciformes". Nature Communications. 8 (1): Article number 1927. Bibcode:2017NatCo...8.1927M. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01959-6. PMC 5727159. PMID 29233963.
  296. ^ Nicolas J. Rawlence; Charlotte E. Till; Luke J. Easton; Hamish G. Spencer; Rob Schuckard; David S. Melville; R. Paul Scofield; Alan J.D. Tennyson; Matt J. Rayner; Jonathan M. Waters (2017). "Speciation, range contraction and extinction in the endemic New Zealand King Shag complex". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 115: 197–209. Bibcode:2017MolPE.115..197R. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2017.07.011. PMID 28803756.
  297. ^ Sandy M. S. McLachlan; Gary W. Kaiser; Nicholas R. Longrich (2017). "Maaqwi cascadensis: A large, marine diving bird (Avialae: Ornithurae) from the Upper Cretaceous of British Columbia, Canada". PLOS ONE. 12 (12): e0189473. Bibcode:2017PLoSO..1289473M. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0189473. PMC 5722380. PMID 29220405.
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  300. ^ Jorge I. Noriega; Emilio A. Jordan; Raúl I. Vezzosi; Juan I. Areta (2017). "A new species of Opisthodactylus Ameghino, 1891 (Aves, Rheidae), from the late Miocene of northwestern Argentina, with implications for the paleobiogeography and phylogeny of rheas". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 37 (1): e1278005. Bibcode:2017JVPal..37E8005N. doi:10.1080/02724634.2017.1278005. S2CID 132860140.
  301. ^ Federico L. Agnolin; Federico Brissón Egli; Esteban Soibelzon; Sergio G. Rodriguez; Leopoldo H. Soibelzon; Facundo Iacona; David Piazza (2017). "A new large Cathartidae from the Quaternary of Argentina, with a review of the fossil record of condors in South America". Contribuciones del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia". 7: 1–16.
  302. ^ Min Wang; Zhonghe Zhou (2017). "A morphological study of the first known piscivorous enantiornithine bird from the Early Cretaceous of China". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 37 (2): e1278702. Bibcode:2017JVPal..37E8702W. doi:10.1080/02724634.2017.1278702. S2CID 89858642.
  303. ^ J.C Rando; H. Pieper; Storrs L. Olson; F. Pereira; J.A. Alcover (2017). "A new extinct species of large bullfinch (Aves: Fringillidae: Pyrrhula) from Graciosa Island (Azores, North Atlantic Ocean)". Zootaxa. 4282 (3): 567–583. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4282.3.9. S2CID 43997534.
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  308. ^ S.R. Beardmore; E. Lawlor; D.W.E. Hone (2017). "Using taphonomy to infer differences in soft tissues between taxa: an example using basal and derived forms of Solnhofen pterosaurs". The Science of Nature. 104 (7–8): Article 65. Bibcode:2017SciNa.104...65B. doi:10.1007/s00114-017-1486-0. PMID 28721556. S2CID 33984022.
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