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Is Millán Astray a copyvio? Everyking 03:12, 30 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Did you copy and paste it from another website? Everyking 23:27, 30 Dec 2004 (UTC)
I have ended up handling virtually all of your work in the English-language Wikipedia as probable copyright violations. At least one other administrator has suggested to me that I should simply block this account. I am not going to do that at this time, but please, you are doing no one any favors when you paste copyrighted material into Wikipedia, all you do is waste a lot of our time removing it.
If you believe I am wrong in believing that this material constitutes copyright violations, the discussions on this take place on WP:CP. -- Jmabel | Talk 05:30, Jan 3, 2005 (UTC)

Thanks for the communication about LaCucaracha and the Spanish Civil War material. Please, though, I'm pretty sure that the information you took from Spartacus.net was not copyleft.

When you are taking substantive information with permission from another site and putting it into Wikipedia, please:

  1. Be very clear where the information comes from: this is simply a matter of ethics and respect. We wish to acknowledge our sources, especially those who donate significant material. In a case like this one, it's also important to make it clear that there is a source for this material that may be less restrictive than Wikipedia, so we don't accidentally accuse a third site who get the material legitimately from LaCucaracha of stealing it from us.
  2. Place the information about permission on the relevant talk page at the time you are inserting material. This has been eating a lot of time from a lot of people trying to clear up the copyright issue after the fact.

I'm sorry if this is a little bit complicated, but the nature of Wikipedia is such that if we weren't vigilant about copyright matters, we would probably be subject to a slew of lawsuits. -- Jmabel | Talk 19:39, Jan 4, 2005 (UTC)

You asked on my user talk page:"What I dont undestand about the articles from Spartacus and Legion Irlandaise or any other fee-view page is if it is free-view I dont c y it can be viewed from Wikipedia or any other non-profit page?"

Being allowed to view a page for free is not the same as being allowed to copy it and post it on another server. For example, anyone can look at Wikipedia pages for free, but they can re-post them only under terms that comply with GFDL.

By default, writings, pictures, etc. are copyrighted by their creators. That is, if someone writes something original, and does nothing about the rights to it, that material is copyrighted. Making it public (for free or for money) does not change this. Unless that person explicitly grants rights to someone else, it's still theirs. There is such a thing as fair use (at least under U.S. law; similar, but not identical, concepts exist in other countries), but it is very limited; see Fair use and Wikipedia:Fair use. It does not include picking up large passages of someone else's text and pasting them into Wikipedia.

Conversely, some sites place their content into the public domain or otherwise license them in a way that is compatible with GFDL. We can use those. Still, basic intellectual honesty includes acknowledging where the material came from. For example the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica is now old enough to be in the public domain. We take a lot of content from it (usually as a first draft of an article to be updated, and we indicate at the bottom of each relevant page that we have done so, using Template:1911 or some similar notice.

Note that at the bottom of every edit page on Wikipedia it says:

  • All contributions to Wikipedia are released under the GNU Free Documentation License (see Project:Copyrights for details).
  • If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, do not submit it.
  • By submitting your work you promise you wrote it yourself, or copied it from public domain resources — this does not include most web pages.

Note especially that last phrase: "[T]his does not include most web pages."

You might want to read Wikipedia:Copyrights. It is a bit dense, so if any of it is confusing, do feel free to ask questions, either at Wikipedia talk:Copyrights or by contacting me or any of the hundreds of other administrators. -- Jmabel | Talk 23:14, Jan 4, 2005 (UTC)

Have u contacted Cucaracha? What about Spartcus and Legion Irlandaise? What administator wanted to expell me from wikipedia?

I've contacted Cucaracha. I presume they will get back to me. Assuming that what you passed me was what they really wrote to you, I'm sure the answer will by "yes". I haven't contacted Spartacus because I know we don't have permission to take their material. Note that on their cite they routinely say, "The narrative text on this website is copyright. This means that any school which copies the site for local use onto a school cache is in breach of copyright. If your school wishes to copy the site in this way, there is a tariff of charges. Please contact Spartacus Educational spartacus@pavilion.co.uk for details." As you can imagine, if they are not open to schools making local copies, they are certainly not open to us re-posting pages on another site.
As for what administrator wanted to expel you, see Wikipedia:Administrator's_noticeboard#Copyvio_problem; that's a non-archival page, so the discussion won't be there much longer. You do need to understand: Violation of copyright is illegal. Not just against Wikipedia's rules, but against the laws of almost every country in the world. When a person repeatedly pastes copyrighted material into Wikipedia without permission, if we don't stop them, we can be seen as collaborating. Too much of this sort of thing and we will be sued. So we are very careful about it, probably more than about almost anything else. -- Jmabel | Talk 23:42, Jan 4, 2005 (UTC)

You really don't get it, do you? I'm still waiting to hear from Cucaracha to confirm that what you are doing at Spanish Civil War is legal, and you go ahead and do it again without waiting for them to confirm back to me. I personally am not going to block your account, because I think you are probably well-intentioned (even if your lack of comprehension of the seriousness of a legal matter like this is just about bulletproof) but I sure won't come to your defense if someone else does. -- Jmabel | Talk 04:47, Jan 5, 2005 (UTC)

The site that the Legion Irlandaise material came from is pretty clear about their copyright policy: © Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all information, images, data contained within this website is protected by copyright under international law. Any unauthorized use of material contained here is strictly forbidden. All rights reserved.

Have you read the pages I aimed you at (Project:Copyrights in particular)? Wikipedia is not mainly about copying material from other places, and it's not my (or anyone else's) role to chase down rights to every page that you (or any other user) would like to copy. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but Wikipedia is mostly about people writing new material based on knowledge and research. -- Jmabel | Talk 21:34, Jan 5, 2005 (UTC)

I still haven't received an email back from webmaster@lacucaracha.info. Since I gather that you have successfully communicated with him, could you please encourage him to write me back? Otherwise, all of this material you are adding remains under a cloud and is very likely to be deleted. I will also drop him another note myself. -- Jmabel | Talk 19:50, Jan 7, 2005 (UTC)

I still haven't received any email. Is this the same address you mailed to? I really don't want to delete all your work, but if I don't hear from them I will have no choice. -- Jmabel | Talk 23:43, Jan 9, 2005 (UTC)

OK, I finally got notice from Cucaracha. You're in the clear. I'll post appropriately, and this will be fine.

Please, in the future, if you want to take content from another web site, seek their permission in advance. As I'm sure you can imagine, this sort of thing is not how any of us love to spend our time. -- 00:24, Jan 11, 2005 (UTC)

Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas


Y r u accusing me 4 copyediting??User:Jugoslaven

I wrote copyedit (please follow the link) in the summary, which means that I fixed some minor formatting errors. It not that I am accusing you of any wrongdoing. In fact Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas looks like a perfectly fine article that you wrote yourself. Thue | talk 14:52, 6 Jan 2005 (UTC)



Downloadana Wikipedia? Kako to misliš? Ne znam za takav feature... jedino znam da se može skinuti database dump, a to nije iskoristivo osim za statističke analize i slično. --Joy [shallot] 20:23, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)

O downloadu database dumpova možeš pročitati na Wikipedia:Database download. Sumnjam da će ti to biti korisno.

Ne znam je li bilo lokalnih okupljanja, ja nisam čuo ni za jedno, niti bio. Gdje živiš? Ja sam u Zagrebu.

A za promjenu u Croatian language, ne slažem se da to tako treba pisati budući da članak postoji i argumentira kako to jest zaseban jezik, iako je dio ovoga što se naziva srpskohrvatski. --Joy [shallot]

Nema nas baš puno :/ Ima svega par ljudi koji su doista aktivni ovdje pa da bi možda bili zainteresirani za susret, ali i od njih su rijetki koji ne čuvaju svoju anonimnost... --Joy [shallot] 21:11, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Padaju mi na pamet User:Mir Harven, User:Ivan Bajlo, User:SpeedyGonsales, User:Zmaj, ... pogledaj i nedavne promjene na hrvatskoj Wikipediji za bolji pregled ljudi koji su aktivni. --Joy [shallot] 21:40, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Croatian geographical locations


Ja već odavno editiram i pratim sve što se tiče bilo kakvih geografskih pojmova u Hrvatskoj... samo ti daj, ali nemoj previše copy&pasteati. Npr. oni paragrafi o županima nisu potrebni na stranici *svake* županije. Sve gledam kako ću to maknuti ali malo je wikislow pa mi se ne da. --Joy [shallot] 23:14, 10 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Ono županima nisam ja pisao.Šta si pročitao da sam optužen za kršenje autorskih prava?

Ah, mislio sam da si ti stavljao te sve popise ali da si se zaboravio ulogirati ili nešto.

Što se tiče kršenja autorskih prava, to je nevezano... iako sam vidio tu da si nešto pasteao a da nisi provjerio licencu... ako trebaš nekakvo pojašnjenje, reci...

Vidio tu - na tvojoj talk stranici, ne na stranici te županije. --Joy [shallot]
Stvar je na popisu općina želim da link bude npr. Municipality of Lovinac a ne Municipality of Lovinac.

U osnovi, ja samo mislim da u naslovu članka ne treba stajati predmetak "Municipality of " jer je višak. Nema smisla praviti posebne članke za mjesto Lovinac i općinu Lovinac, jer ovo je ipak samo enciklopedija, ne doslovna kopija nekakvog katastra ili sličnog kirurški preciznog registra :) U par slučajeva se može odvojiti, ali nekako sumnjam da ćemo do takih doći...

A, ako samo želiš da ti se link na članak Lovinac iz nekog razloga prostire i na te prve dvije riječi, onda napraviš [[Lovinac|Municipality of Lovinac]].

Kako da stavim svoj projekt na wikiproject?

Pročitaj Wikipedia:WikiProject.

Što je to wikislow?

To je u žargonu opis stanja sporosti Wikipedijinih servera :)

--Joy [shallot] 23:46, 10 Jan 2005 (UTC)


Možemo li molim te nastaviti raspravu o ovome na engleskom, na Talk:Counties of Croatia? Nema smisla da se nas dvojica tu polu-privatno dopisujemo na svom jeziku a stvar javna i još na engleskoj Wikipediji... --Joy [shallot] 23:19, 16 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Vandalizam na Bosniaks


Nažalost, tvoje mišljenje je krivo i ide suprotiv toga što je pisano u durgim člancima na wikipediji. 1.) Sprskohrvatski više ne postoji, umro je zajedno sa SFRJ. Bošnjaci govore bosanskim jezikom, to je poznato širom svijeta. Također, Bošnjaci smatraju da govore bosanski jezik, ne srpskohrvatski, i bosanski je jedan od tri službena jezika Bosne i Hercegovine. Srpskohrvatski danas postoji samo u knjigama povijesti. 2.) Gorani nisu Bošnjaci, nit je iko rekao da jesu. Međutim, ti koji se smatraju Bošnjacima u Sandžaku i Makedoniji jesu. 3.) Meša Selimović se je rodio prije nacionalnog buđenja Bošnjaka, i oženio je Srpkinju. Ipak, dio je Bošnjačke kulture. On je Bošnjak isto tako kao što je Ivo Andrić Hrvat. 4.) Srbija i Crna Gora imaju odvojene popise stanovništva, i nisu se dogodili u istoj godini. Asim Led 01:10, 11 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Looks like a perfectly OK start on an article.

By the way, in English, place names, even in adjectival form, should always be capitalized ("Catalan", not "catalan", "Italian", not "italian"). -- Jmabel | Talk 17:54, Jan 20, 2005 (UTC)


Hi, since you have engaged in a revert war over at the Bosniak article, and came close to violating the 3RR, the next time you engage in this kind of behavior you will be blocked for policy violation. You now have an opportunity to reform and learn to work with other editors in peace and harmony. GeneralPatton 03:13, 21 Jan 2005 (UTC)



Hi, I found the page whilst populating Category:Basque - I searched for articles that mention 'Basque'. Mtiedemann 16:50, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Image source


Discussion moved to Image talk:Allemanisch.jpg#Copyright.

Image deletion warning The image Image:Zamora.jpg has been listed at Wikipedia:Possibly unfree images. If the image's copyright status cannot be verified, it will be deleted. If you have any information on the source or licensing of this image, please go there to provide the necessary information.

Thanks for uploading Image:Agulhas1.jpg. I notice it currently doesn't have an image copyright tag. Until a more informative tag is provided, it will be listed as {{no source}} or {{no license}}. Could you add a better tag to let us know its source and/or copyright status? If you made the image yourself, an easy way to deal with this is add {{GFDL}} if you're willing to release it under the GFDL. Alternatively, you could release all rights to it by adding {{NoRightsReserved}}. This would allow anyone to do whatever they wish with your image, without exceptions. However, if it isn't your own image, you need to specify what free license it was distributed under. You can find a list of the tags here. If it was not distributed under a free license, but you claim fair use, add {{fairuse}} but you need to substantiate your claim by explaining why you think it's fair use. If you don't know what any of this means, just let me know where you got the images by posting to my talk page. If you do this, I can tag them for you. Thanks. RedWolf 06:30, July 24, 2005 (UTC)

Name change


I noticed you asked for a change of name to "Luka Jačov". We can change your name, (that's not a problem) but some users might compain that the č might be difficult to type. Would Luka Jacov acceptable? If not, would you create an alternate account titled "Luka Jacov" and redirected to Luka Jačov? (Luka Jacov will have to be permanently blocked then). =Nichalp «Talk»= 09:31, 20 September 2005 (UTC) Please reply on the name change page. Thank you. =Nichalp «Talk»= 09:31, 20 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Err we have a problem. The account "Luka Jacov" already exists, so we can't transfer Jugoslaven to Luka Jacov. If user:Luka Jacov is you, please login as user:Luka Jacov, and make a request to have your user name changed with that id. (This is a security check). Thank you. =Nichalp «Talk»= 09:56, 20 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Sveta Nedelja


To je anonymous prije mene napisao, ja sam samo uobličio. Ima nekog smisla, jer je 15K prilično veliko a da nije grad. Nadopisat ću i to.

Znam zato što tako piše malo iznad? :)

--Joy [shallot] 17:39, 23 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]



nije bilo pravilno promjeniti Rusin language kako si promjenio. 'Srpskohrvatski' ima politicku boju. Nije ga trebalo nazivati, mislim, jer Rusini zive odvojeno u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji. --VKokielov 23:50, 21 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Srpskohrvatski danas je skracenica. To je ocito. Mi mozemo plakati i trpati prstima tijelo dokaza o tome kako su sva N jezika jedan. Na kraju, mi to ne odlucujemo. Slozimo se bar oko toga. --VKokielov 22:04, 24 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Ajmo ponovo...


Mrzi me da ovo pisem na engleskom i necu da izgleda kao prozivanje (na onoj strani), pa cisto da ti dam par napomena: --millosh (talk (sr:)) 18:55, 27 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

  1. Nemoj pomerati strane bez prethodnog koncenzusa. Postoji tacno odredjeni nacin na koji se pomera strana, a uputstva su ti i na samom templejtu koji sam postavio. --millosh (talk (sr:)) 18:55, 27 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Moliski slovenski ili moliskoslovenski je dovoljno neutralno da se ne odredi sta je. Termini kao sto su "Serbian", "Croatian" itd. potpuno znace "srpski", "hrvatski" i samo jednoznacnost tera da se stavi "language/jezik" iza toga. Ipak, ovde ili treba ostaviti viseznacno ili navesti puno ime i napravidi redirekte sa jezika i dijalekta. Dakle, ime bi trebalo da bude "Moliskoslovenski knjizevni jezik i dijalekat" (tj. tako na engleskom). Jer to jeste (bio) knjizevni jezik. I treba obraditi i jednu i drugu stavku. --millosh (talk (sr:)) 18:55, 27 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Podrazumeva se da imas izrazito malu podrsku postavljanju termina "srpskohrvatski". To je politicki u korpusu hrvatskog jezika i nema sta sad tu da se puno mudruje. Politicki korpus "srpskohrvatski" ne postoji i stvarno si naporan stalnim stavljanjem srpskohrvatskog u pricu. Ako se zeli izbeci politicka konotacija, onda se to treba uraditi kao sto sam ja prethodno uradio, a ne nametanjem jednog resenja. Usput, oko te terminologije mozemo organizovati i glasanje. --millosh (talk (sr:)) 18:55, 27 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, it's nice to see people from various parts of the world contributing to Wikipedia. Scanning our edit histories, I have to assume you were referring to Maréchal, nous voilà !. Recently I've been spending some time adding articles on birds that are missing, but otherwise much of the time I spend going through the list of new pages to see what's being added, and whether it needs any minor formatting or grammar corrections, etc. I may register a username someday, but for now I'm happy as an anonymous contributor. Happy editing. 07:12, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

How did you find out? The Molise Slavic? HolyRomanEmperor 18:55, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I am writing an article; but I fear the some wiki übernationalists won't accept it. I am already familiar with attempts to completly Croatize Dubrovnik..... HolyRomanEmperor 18:58, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Look at [1] and at [2] to see that the Serbian Party had existed. The Croatian parties are all from the XX century (mostly) HolyRomanEmperor 19:01, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

In 1890 it won the municipal elections over the Municipality of Dubrovnik [3] HolyRomanEmperor 19:03, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

In 1890 it won the municipal elections over the Municipality of Dubrovnik [4] HolyRomanEmperor 19:04, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

In the XX the Serbian Party gets 15 and a croatian one also 15 seats. HolyRomanEmperor 19:07, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

in 1912 Imperial Council elections (who will to to the Emperor's council) the Serbian Party sent two representatives, while the other four belonged to the pravaši. HolyRomanEmperor 19:10, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Rafo Pucić of the National Party in Dubrovnik was the mazor five times (1869, 1872, 1875, 1882, 1884) If you are really interested in The House of Pozza (Pucić), one of the five noble Serb families in Dubrovnik, I suggest you visit this: [5] HolyRomanEmperor 19:14, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Rafo Pucić of the National Party in Dubrovnik was the mazor five times (1869, 1872, 1875, 1882, 1884) If you are really interested in The House of Pozza (Pucić), one of the five noble Serb families in Dubrovnik, I suggest you visit this: [6] HolyRomanEmperor 19:16, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

More info on Medo Pucić: [7] and [8].

More info on Medo Pucić: [9] and [10]. HolyRomanEmperor 19:27, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

more sources: [11] and [12] etc. Will you fulfill my info add request?

Greeks in Hungary


You're right, there should be an article about Greeks and other minorities in Hungary, but it would need research (since I don't know this much about this subject) and I don't have much time for that now :) The only one of your questions that I can answer right now is about the church; it has been definitely used for more than 100 years before the Communist refugees arrived, since it was built in the late 18th century.

I'll write the article about the Greek village soon, if I remember well, HuWiki already has an article about it. regards, Alensha 20:04, 10 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

knez Apolonije.... knez Apolonije... hmm... could you be a little more specific? HolyRomanEmperor 22:13, 12 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

...and why not add at least the Serbian adjective? He was an extreme Serbian nationalist... HolyRomanEmperor 22:17, 12 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah, but I really don't have the time to use it right now (ICQ) And I am experiencing some technical problems (low connection) so I won't write the article for some time. As for knez Apolonije, sorry mate, I hear that name for the first time in my life. HolyRomanEmperor 22:40, 12 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I am starting Zorsines, Varivode, Medo Pucić, Matija Ban and Ćojluk. Currently, I am currently running edits on Rudjer Boskovic, Rascia, Zahumlje, Travunia, Pagania and also somehwat on Bosnia, the Military Frontier and the Republic of Dubrovnik. HolyRomanEmperor 22:58, 12 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah, it's because nothing more can be said about Zorsines (except a weak description of the Serbi tribe which I am digging) My birthplace is Karlovac. HolyRomanEmperor 23:09, 12 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

It's my grandparents' village; my mother's birthplace and the village that I visit every summer. :) HolyRomanEmperor 18:47, 13 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

You are free to take over Medo Pucich if you can... Can you? ~~

Ja sam pravoslavni Čovjek... HolyRomanEmperor 19:29, 13 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Because I believe that nations are non-existant and that one should receive a national adjective only when he or her is deeply attached to a "nation" (no matter of his/her ethnicity) HolyRomanEmperor 20:34, 14 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Penkala was a Dutch-Pole. But he was a Croat by nationality. Ivo Andrić -- the same theory -- a Serb. Do you agree with me? HolyRomanEmperor 16:10, 15 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

And (if we are already going along this fictionous "ethnicity") anyone claiming that Serbs, Montenegrins, Bosniaks, Croats and Muslims are not ethnicly connected (or don't speak the same language) bears less knowledge about this world than a frog. Don't you agree? HolyRomanEmperor 16:21, 15 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]



I'll try to expand the article but the Hungarian one is not much longer (maybe it seems longer because of the pictures and because Hungarian words in average are longer than English ones). There were a few specific expressions I couldn't translate, and I didn't add the names of the neighboring villages etc., because I didn't think it says anything to the average non-Hungarian user :) but the English article basically has the same info the Hungarian article has. I'm still waiting for the uploader of the pictures to specify under which licence are they available, because he forgot to mention it on the picture description pages. Alensha 12:19, 16 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Image Tagging Image:Jarun.jpg


Thanks for uploading Image:Jarun.jpg. I notice the image page currently doesn't specify who created the image, so the copyright status is therefore unclear. If you have not created the image yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the image on Wikipedia (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the image yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page.

If the image also doesn't have a copyright tag then you must also add one. If you created/took the picture then you can use {{gfdl}} to release it under the GFDL. If you can claim fair use use {{fairuse}}. See Wikipedia:Image copyright tags for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.

If you have uploaded other images, please check that you have specified their source and copyright tagged them, too. You can find a list of image pages you have edited by going to "Your contributions" from your user page and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any unsourced and untagged images will be deleted one week after they have been uploaded, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thanks so much. --Agnte 21:30, 19 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

YOu need to insert {{fairusein|ARTICLE NAME}} on the image page. more importantly, you need to specify the source (where you found it)

Opció k-95


I'm sorry, but I know nothing about that band. Moreover, my interest in them is null. Anyway, I'll fix some spelling mistakes.

Good luck. --GTubio 18:28, 23 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

You wanted articles created by me? Here: Duklja, Zeta (state), Jovan Vladimir, Stefan Voislav, Mihailo Voislav and [en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Image:Mihailo.jpg]. I hope that you don't mins that these are all Serbian- and Montenegrin- orientated; but don't think that I have forgotten to put the Croatian history into Duklja. It contains very little now, but it's well underway. You could give a hand if you'd like! HolyRomanEmperor 14:57, 26 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I don't have an ICQ account, but I do have an MSN passport one. If you wish, add <removed> --GTubio 22:40, 29 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Rotacija


Mislim da nema nekog načina da to napraviš iz MediaWikija. Editiraj je kod sebe u nekom image editoru, sačuvaj pod istim imenom i uploadaj. --Joy <small><small>&#91;shallot&#93;</small></small> 14:38, 27 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Gruss Dich


Hallo Luka Jačov. Ich habe ein kleines Irrtum korrigiert.

Ich bin Amerikaner, habe aber in Deutschland u. in Wien studiert. Da lerne ich viele Jungs von Kroatien kennen. Habe grosse Lust auf ein Besuch in Zagreb! Ciao Gilliamjf 15:51, 28 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Could you contribute my articles? Save for Duklja, they are POV, and quitte poor, francly :((( HolyRomanEmperor 21:00, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Those I mentioned several lines up. And yes, I have enabled mIRC. :) HolyRomanEmperor 21:11, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I am using the wikipedia, wikipedia-sr and wikipedia-hr (and wikipedia-bs) channals. POV is short for Point-of-View; and I still want your comment... (those are my first articles)... HolyRomanEmperor 21:29, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, nope... :((( HolyRomanEmperor 21:41, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

'cause I have no idea where you went wrong... HolyRomanEmperor 21:47, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Try #wikipedia-sr ? HolyRomanEmperor 21:53, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

So, did you solve the mIRC problem? HolyRomanEmperor 19:17, 7 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I fixed a few (small) grammatical mistakes for you. I assumed you could read my German because you are at de-1 level. Gruss, Gilliamjf 08:25, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Prevod na engleski


Nemam ništa protiv da prevedeš moje članke na engleski. Jedino me zanima koji će to biti. Belirac

Image:Kcholokashvili2.gif has been listed for deletion

An image or media file that you uploaded, Image:Kcholokashvili2.gif, has been listed at Wikipedia:Images and media for deletion. Please look there to see why this is (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry), if you are interested in it not being deleted. Thank you.

Duklja and Zeta aren't my articles, but 90% of the info there is mine :))) Zeta is coming right up. The other three articles are just copy-edits, I will deal with them when I have time. Your articls seem fine to me. HolyRomanEmperor 22:37, 13 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Most definately the Molise Slavic and Lastovo. Additionally, the sources that I used for Lika are moslty from Serbia and Montenegro; and Elephantus already judged the article to be a Greater Serbian propaganda page. I was amazed when I heard "very good" :))) HolyRomanEmperor 22:59, 13 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

According to the Nemanjić annals, Lastovo was given (gifted) to the Ragusian Republic in 1252 by King Stefan Uroš I of the Serbs. He besieged Dubrovnik, and won the war. For forgiveness he vouched that there will be eternal peace between Rascia and Dubrovnik forever; agreed that the Nemanjics will not keep a navy (but Dubrovnik will serve them instead) and gave the island of Lastovo. HolyRomanEmperor 23:26, 13 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Do you want me to look up for a source for that? HolyRomanEmperor 23:55, 13 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

By the way, about that "Srb" part, I disagee that you put it; unless you have some very concrete strong sources; the page is on the watch list of some nationalists... HolyRomanEmperor 09:53, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Pa, samo sam pogledao prijevod = Stari vijek/Archaic Age, Srednji vijek/Middle Ages, Novi vijek/Industrial Age, Najnovije, sarvemeno doba/Modern Times (stoljeće, kako god, meni je to sve isto :) HolyRomanEmperor 09:56, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Archive your talk page; it's far too long (for me to write). HolyRomanEmperor 20:55, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

still too long (I spent my fast internet) HolyRomanEmperor 21:08, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

The King put the final point on the decision that might have went as far as within the walls of Dubrovnik (in other words, Urosh, roughly said, approved the territorial transition) And just when he needed something to make Dubrovnik forgive him. HolyRomanEmperor 21:15, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

source: my ol' History for the Third Grade of High School textbook written by Smilja Marjanović-Dušanic and Marko Šujica; ako nije dovoljno (ako ti treba nesto sto mozes sam da vidis) mogu potrazit po net-u... HolyRomanEmperor 21:27, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

The mIRC that I mentioned a while ago, I use almost every day; talking with User:Rama and several others. HolyRomanEmperor 21:40, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Appearently, it is too slow for your talk page (which I find very strange). HolyRomanEmperor 21:42, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

My connection is too slow. The same reason applies to why I can't edit Lastovo (I'll try now, though) HolyRomanEmperor 21:56, 14 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Where did you find that Srb info? HolyRomanEmperor 13:43, 15 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Tried. Didn't work. You haven't answered my question about Srb... HolyRomanEmperor 11:55, 17 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

His realm was Panonija a. k. a. Posavska Hrvatska. He ruled many Slavic nations (roughly comprising current Croats and Serbs, also trying to extend influence over the Slovenes): Panonians, Serbs, Timockians, Caranthinians; tried to include Guduscans and others... I don't mind it; I gave up on that idea even before FireFox recommended me for an admin :) --HolyRomanEmperor 22:52, 29 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Reversion of your edits to User:Dado


Hi. I reverted your edits to User:Dado. I'm watching his page as he was vandalized by an anon last night. It is usually bad Wikiquette to change another users main page. If it was an authorized change by him he can easily restore it. Thanks. --Syrthiss 18:35, 15 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]



If you're going to try and get me banned, at least do it right. "Wait to see if the vandalism continues. Only add users to the list who continue to vandalize after being warned."[13]. I guess you couldn't wait to see if I would continue my "vandalism". No matter. Your mistake has been noted. Asim Led 20:00, 21 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

It was an accident. I was reverting two similar changes on "Cazin" and "Prijedor" by the same user. I thought I had copied the text from the previous version of Prijedor, but I guess I accidently forgot so when I hit "paste" it just replaced the text with the one from the "Cazin" article. An honest mistake.

Zdravo. Mogao bi pogledati ovu stranicu, ako te zanima. Pozivam te da se prijaviš na Wikipediji na srpskohrvatskom jeziku. Svako dobro. --M. Pokrajac 00:09, 22 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Одговор са сх. Пијаце


Та пракса о којој ти говориш није неукусна, већ логична. Логична из простог разлога што на нашем језику имамо ни мање ни више него 4 Википедије. На бс, ср. и хр. Википедијама се пише истим језиком, јер су босански, хрватски и српски исти. Уопште није битно како се зове ова Википедије, већ је битна њена мисија, а то је да докаже бесмисао 4 Википедије на истом језику. Дугорочан је план да једног дана бот чланке са све три Википедије пребаци на ову. Шаблон на твојој корисничкој страни на енглеској Википедији који указује да је твој матерњи језик српскохрватски једноставно збуњује после овог твог коментара. --M. Pokrajac 15:01, 22 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

УФ! Ето видиш шта се деси кад човек довољно не обрати пажњу, као ја сад! Извињавам се због овога. Поздрав:)), --M. Pokrajac 18:03, 22 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Croat Canuck


Well that's great that you want to come to Canada. It is a great country from what I've seen in my little corner of it. I am actually not from Croatia, although my father was born there. It was the best user name I could think of on the spot. Croat Canuck 22:02, 24 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I don't know the village name, and I can't find out at the current moment because he's out of town. Fergus, Ontario the town I live in is north of K-W. I know its not proportional, but the part I live in is considered central Ontario. I'd prefer not to disclose my last name, also, family policy. ha, that sounds so artificial. Croat Canuck 17:39, 26 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, he was born in Bosiavo. Croat Canuck 03:20, 30 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Yes I read the article, it was well researched and the history was interesting. I even made a small grammar edit on it today. Croat Canuck 21:13, 4 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Not as now I have not, but if I find the time I will. Croat Canuck 21:24, 4 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

sh Wikipedia


Izvini što ti sad odgovaram. Nisam baš najbolje shvatio tvoj predlog za nove standarde... Ipak, nekakvi novi standardi se ne mogu propistivati. Tačno se zna šta je pravilno a šta nepravilno. Na toj Wikipediji moguće je pisati ili na ćirilici ili na latinici bilo kojim izgovorom (ijekavica ili ekavica). To je zapravo srpskohrvatski jezik koji prepoznaje sve ovo što sam ti naprojao. Ne možemo uvoditi nekakva andergraund pravila, kada to nije u skladu sa principima Wikipedije. --M. Pokrajac 00:53, 25 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Naravno! To je jedna jako specificna Wikipedia (vrlo alternativna). Koliko god da je specifiča, ona je i logična jer su srpski, hrvatski i bosanski jezici isti. Međutim, nikako se ne mogu složiti s tim da se uvede samo latinica i da se članci pišu iskljulivo ijekavicom. Naprosto, tamo se piše kako se želi! I nije bitno ako više ima članaka koji su na latinici, odnosno ako su napisani hrvatskom jezičkom formom. --M. Pokrajac 01:03, 25 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Možeš pisati pravopisom srpskohrvatskog jezika (hrvatskog ili srpskog). --M. Pokrajac 01:08, 25 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Hm. Pa voleo bi da vidim nacrt tog pravopisa, ako postoji. --M. Pokrajac 01:13, 25 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Nije problem u mojoj replici, već u vremenu. Tvoj predlog je za mene ne prihvatljiv, jer je se kosi sa osnovnim načelima pravopisa srpskog ili hrvatskog jezika. Možda predlog lepo zvuči na prvi pogled, ali jednostavno, ako se tako nešto dogodi, to bi bio presedan na Wikipediji. Možda ne bi bilo loše da razmeniš mišljenja sa nekim lingvistom - stručnjakom za južnoslovenske jezike. Preporučujem ti da se obratiš predsedniku Wikimedije za SCG Milošu koji je stručan po ovom pitanju. On će ti reći da li je tvoj predlog realan i da li je izvodljiv. --M. Pokrajac 15:04, 26 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Koristim. Pretraži pod ****, sad sam on-line. Miloš je sa filološkog fakulteta i odlično poznaje strukturu jezika. --M. Pokrajac 15:36, 26 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Nije bitno kako vi bezveznjaci nazivate jezike kojima pričate!!!! Jezik je živa stvar i mjenja se bez utjecaja samozvanih intelektualaca kakvi ste vi!!!! Sama činjenica da smo se konačno razdvojili jedni od drugih će utjecati na razvoj jezika unutar novo nastalih nacionalnih političkih tvorevina. Tako će se konačno bošnjački, slovenski, crnogorski, makedonski i albasnki jezici koji su iz ovoga ili onoga razloga bili potisnuti u drugi plan radi lažnog bratstva i jedinstva konačno moći samostalno razvijati. Srpsko-hrvatski nikada nije postojao, niti će ikada. To je mutacija izmišljena u glavama partijaša, koji su si umislili da jednim potezoma pera mogu stvarati ili ukidati nacije i jezike. Nikada nitko nitu u Hrvatskoj niti u Srbiji nije u praksi koristio taj 'jezik'

Jezik je jedno; povijest je drugo


Slušajte Luka. Nemam ništa protiv Vašeg jezika na engleskoj Wikipediji. Govorite vi svojim srpskohravtskim jezikom koliko i gdje hoćete, to je Vaša sloboda. Ali nemojte u hrvatsku, nikakvu srpsko-hrvatsku srednjovjekovnu povijest uplitati jugoslavenske i srpskohrvatske kategorije. Nemojte misliti da je znanje koje ste stekli u ex-Yougoslavie ispravno znanje. Do šesnaestog stoljeća, na prostoru počev od lijeve obale Vrbasa nema ni Srba ni Bošnjaka, samo Hrvati i tako taj period treba promatrati. Mađari su samo bili vrhovna vlast, ali nikad ondje nisu živjeli ni uredovali. A onda su bili katolički Vlasi koji su se kasnije pomiješali sa Vlasima iz Srbije i Grčke, te još kasnije sa Srbima, i to su današnji Srbi u tim dijelovima suvremene Bosne. Ove druge Vlahe i Srbe dovodili su Turci, osim onih koje je doseljavao u Dalmaciji knez Mladen Šubić, koji je bio zet cara Dušana. Ali to su malobrojhne sskupine. Mnogo toga je skriveno, izbrisano, iskrivljeno. Ne mislim da ste zlonamjerni, ali niste dovoljno obaviješteni. Srdačan pozdrav, Tomislav Dretar (zaboravio sam se prijaviti, pa neće moj potpis izići).-- 12:36, 1 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Jeste Luka to je bio razlog.Tomislav Dretar-- 14:52, 25 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]



...the technical difficulties disable me (trust me, I tried for hundreds of times). HolyRomanEmperor 17:23, 4 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Nm; I think that it's a little too early to nominate Lastovo... Guduscani su bili narod izmedju Panonije i Dalmacije (ali unutar Dalmacije). Titule dalmatinskih vladara su bili "___ Guduscana". Ako smatramo da su Moravljani i Timocani bili Srbi; po istoj tezi su i Guduscani bili Hrvati. --HolyRomanEmperor 20:41, 4 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

no comment za SDK. a za ovo drugo te ne razumijem... HolyRomanEmperor 20:50, 4 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Here's a map (note, it's Pro-Serbian; but correct on the Guduscani fact): [14] --HolyRomanEmperor 21:55, 4 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

? HolyRomanEmperor 16:54, 5 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Nije te zadovoljio odgovor? HolyRomanEmperor 12:02, 6 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Mogao bi da ima malo više paragrapha; no, je si li zaboravio na Liku? --HolyRomanEmperor 12:33, 6 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

OK; ti sredi Liku ako hoces. --HolyRomanEmperor 13:18, 6 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

OK; I am leaving the Project of Lika entirely to your hands :) --HolyRomanEmperor 13:22, 6 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Koristim mIRC kao sto rekoh prije. A Lika? --HolyRomanEmperor 18:27, 6 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]



First let me wish you all the best in 2006!

My subject refers to the language you inserted in my babel infobox, on my user page. All debates about similarities and differences between Serbian and Croatian languages set aside; I don't appreciate anyone changing my personal information without any consultation or approval. As you could see on my talk page, I was already suggested to put SH on the language list - this is a request that I would've seriously considered. However, simply editing which languages I can speak is not something you should be proud of, especially having in mind that nowadays Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian are internationally recognized as distinctive and different languages, though I personally find that absurd. Meelosh 02:12, 7 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]



još nisi :D --HolyRomanEmperor 21:55, 8 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

User page

  • Please stop changing my own user site or I'll put you on the shame list and You won't ever contribute anything to Wikipedia! Have You ever heard anything of Wikiquette? Just because you belong to an era of ancient-thinking dinosaurs this doesn't mean that you have the right to change everything according to your weird and unprofessional attitudes! Be assured that big brother is watching you! ;) --Neoneo13 22:55, 10 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Odgovor od Boris Živ


Hej! Ma ne izbjegavam te! Dakle, nemam pojma odakle mi je točno stari. Neko selo kraj Zadra. Tamo više nitko ne živi. Malo je u planinama. Sva rodbina tamo mi je u Splitu i Šibeniku. Ja se držim Slavonije i ravnice. Pozdrav! Boris Živ

Ma odakle ti te gluposti. Tata je iz sela Sapina Doca (kraj Rogoznice i Primoštena), blizu mora. Kakva Bukovica?!! I da sam srbin?! Pa da jesam rekao bih, ali nisam. Cijeli život živim u Našicama, oba su mi roditelja hrvati. Zapravo, kada su srbi osvojili Vukovar (kraj 1991) poslali su me roditelji na nekoliko mjeseci u Zagreb kod tete jer se nije znalo kako će sve završiti. Boris Živ

Hello. Could you please provide more information about these images? The tag currently ascribed to them says that it is obsolete, and that other tags should be used. Thank you. JoaoRicardotalk 16:08, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Serbs of Croatia


Why not return my "name" section; and place the Frontiersmen part over there (I have bunch of info incoming for that part also) Thanks in advance! --HolyRomanEmperor 16:41, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Military Frontier is the reason. Anyway; I'm rather low on connection; so you do the suggested please. --HolyRomanEmperor 19:16, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Prestani zezati user page


Hvala!--László 19:48, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

Changing userboxes


Changing user boxes on user pages of currently inactive users to push one's political agenda is, IMHO, one of the worst misdemeanors in the book. --Elephantus 16:00, 14 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, but I'm really busy right now :( Maybe next time. --HolyRomanEmperor 23:32, 14 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Bio sam na IRC-u i nema te tamo :) Tamo nas ima 10 a ti nisi tamo. I nemam mnogo vremena... --HolyRomanEmperor 23:56, 14 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Please stop editing other users' pages. feydey 16:10, 16 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Serbs of Croatia


Hi. I'm not specifically interested in Serbs of Croatia but I am very interested in Serbs in general, and Serbian history/culture etc. I'm interested mainly because all the Serbs I met in person and through other media have been very charming, intelligent, and well-rounded people. It's unfortunate they get such a bad rep in the states and elsewhere. Antidote 01:53, 15 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Changing userboxes 2


After looking through Your edits to other users pages i'll remind You of WP guidelines: Wikipedia:User_page#Ownership and editing of pages in the user space and if this continues, listing to Wikipedia:Requests for comment/User conduct could follow. Please consider this advise. feydey 16:49, 16 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lule, Lule.. baš si nevaljao :o))


Лука или од миља Луле, читај

One observation, my mother tong is not serbo-croatioan neither Serbian or Croatian, my mother tong is Hungarian. OK? It's mean thаt user (babel) box which you made is not correct.

Meni nimalo ne smeta što tamo piše ovo ili ono, ali stalo mi je da ako je nešto u vezi mene i mog pisanja na Wikipediji bude tačno. Prema tome izvuci zaključak i uradi to što treba. pozdrav--László 00:24, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

Tebi je stvarno dosadno!!!

Ma ne napadam te uopšte. Za user stranu me zabole kako će izgledati, možda pre nekoliko godina da, pošto sam isto rodjen 15 Januara samo malo ranije nego ti. Zaključak ako hoćeš nešto menjati ti napravi babel kutiju gde će pisati Služim se srpsko-hrvatskiim kao maternjim pa ga stavi na moj user page. Ok? Deal?--László 14:18, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

--László 14:19, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

Soon. I'll notify you. (I am very busy right now) --HolyRomanEmperor 15:10, 18 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Spominjem iz razloga što smatram da user page je nešto što treba ostaviti korisniku da piše o sebi kako on to sam misli. Ipak treba poštovati tuđe ja, u ovom slučaju moje ja, pa ako pišem nešto lično o sebi to ne ispravljati.

Namerno ili slučajno si napisao 15 godina, 1990-91. Slažem se sa tvojom idejom u vezi jezika (hrvatskosrpskog ili srpskohrvatskog) ali sve se menja i ko se bolje prilagodi bolje prolazi u životu. Recimo, ako ja na vikipediji ću pisati o jednom mestu odakle su došli moji pretci. To mesto se oduvjek zvalo Andrasfalva (od osnivanja), ali se sada zove Mánueti, pošto se nalazi u Rumuniji. Sekelji otišli, rumunji došli i ako ja napišem na stranici Andrašfalva i ne dodam rumunjsko sadašnje ime, kao naslov, prvo što će se desiti da me optuže (verovatno rumunji) da sam nacionalista, hoću da ukradem ne znam ti ja šta i tako dalje. Tako je i sa jezikom. Ne možeš hrvatu rijeći da priča srpski ili srpskohrvatski i obrnuto, srbinu da govori hrvatskosrpski ili neku kombinaciju jer će odmah se pobuniti i navjesti milijun razloga protiv. Pa pošto je ovo enciklopedija smatram da u mom slučaju ne treba da stoji da mi je maternji srpskohrvatski, što i nije već da se služim sa njim kao maternjim. Etoako sam malo razjasnio šta su moji motivi. Ovo sam se trudio da pišem srpkohrvatski.--László 15:30, 18 January 2006 (UTC)

Е, луд си 100 гради, што би се у моје време рекло. А ни ја баш нисам нешто свој ових дана. Треба бити упоран (не тврдоглав) то је једини начин да се нешто истера. Поздрав--László 16:00, 18 January 2006 (UTC)



Hej, I have some bad news, I won't be able to talk in SH with you, but I did get the gist of your message. --Hurricane Angel 17:57, 18 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Please stop removing content from Wikipedia; it is considered vandalism. If you want to experiment, please use the sandbox. Thank you. Neoneo13 22:33, 18 January 2006 (UTC) This particularly concerns article Šokci and various user pages.[reply]

Warning: WP:3RR on Šokci


You are in danger of violating the three revert rule. Please cease further reverts or you may be blocked from further editing. --Tznkai 08:44, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Uporan ili tvrdoglav?


+ Uporan - to je neko ko zna da je u pravu i ide do kraja sa svojim verovanjima da bi isterao "pravdu" ili verovanje.

+ Tvrdoglav - to je neko ko misli da je u pravu tera nesto, pa posle iako vidi da nije u pravu ili vise nije siguran dali je, ipak tera dalje pa sta bude.--László 00:21, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

Ne koristim ga.--László 00:33, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

ne--László 00:48, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

bio sam na telefonu do sada. Preletio sam preko tvojih clanaka, i ako ih nisi prepisao odnekud onda mi se vecina dopada. Jedino u clanku Gorski Kotar sam naisao na izraz za Autoput Motorway sto si ga koristio u clanku, ovde u severnoj americi se koristi izraz Highway, skraceno HGW i onda broj auto puta, naprimer HGW 400, ili naprimer Rout 66 u americi--László 01:05, 21 January 2006 (UTC)



Sorry, I'm not familiar with IRC. Antidote 00:03, 24 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

"Kad bi se mogli nač IRC-u?"

Reci kad ćeš biti tamo. PANONIAN (talk) 18:32, 25 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

e, zezaš, zezaš...ako promenim glas na Šokcima, ostavićeš vojvođanska mesta na miru? PANONIAN (talk) 18:57, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

hm, mnogo tražiš.... Ajde ovako, da zaboravimo to glasanje i da tražimo arbitražu nekog administratora o Šokcima? PANONIAN (talk) 21:37, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I am really sorry that I didn't reply to you immediatly, I am very busy; I'll get back to you in a few days. :( --HolyRomanEmperor 12:52, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hey man, sorry. I have removed my suggestion. I didn't see where you'd reached agreement on the talk page. Sorry again in case I messed something up, - FrancisTyers 12:24, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Nemam sada vremena za IRC. Pitaj me na strani za razgovor šta te zanima,ok? PANONIAN (talk) 22:50, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dakle, što se tiče ucena i trgovine, to ne pali kod mene. Onu prošlu trgovinu sam predložio više iz zajebancije. Što se mape tiče, ako oćeš daj mi je, ako nećeš nemoj. Od volje ti. :) PANONIAN (talk) 23:35, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Take it to WP:RPP. I'm done here, can't figure out what the hell it is you're all doing--Tznkai 18:19, 29 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Hey man, please don't edit my comments on the talk page :) I have added your suggestion as a separate compromise and voted. - FrancisTyers 15:36, 29 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image Tagging Image:Kuzma.jpg

Warning sign
This media may be deleted.

Thanks for uploading Image:Kuzma.jpg. I notice the 'image' page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is therefore unclear. If you have not created this media yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the media on Wikipedia (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the media yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page.

If the media also doesn't have a copyright tag then you must also add one. If you created/took the picture, audio, or video then you can use {{GFDL}} to release it under the GFDL. If you believe the media qualifies as fair use, please read fair use, and then use a tag such as {{Non-free fair use in|article name}} or one of the other tags listed at Wikipedia:Image copyright tags#Fair_use. See Wikipedia:Image copyright tags for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.

If you have uploaded other media, please check that you have specified their source and copyright tagged them, too. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any unsourced and untagged images will be deleted one week after they have been uploaded, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. Nv8200p talk 23:10, 31 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Šokci


Deletion of material showed up in the vandal detecting bot. Latinus 23:22, 31 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

No, I was using the vandal detecting bot on IRC at #wikipedia-en-vandalism and the deletion of material was marked as vandalism, so I reverted without looking at the content (deletion usually is vandalism). Latinus 23:25, 31 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

OK sorry - my mistake. Latinus 23:28, 31 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Your article of Lastovo needs better referencing


Hi Luka. Look how the article 'Black Hole' is referenced and do the same for your article, since I know too little about those books. --GTubio 08:41, 1 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Why isn't Lastovo a Featured Article? what went wrong? --HolyRomanEmperor 17:10, 1 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image Tagging Image:Sdkteren.jpg

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If you have uploaded other media, please check that you have specified their source and copyright tagged them, too. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any unsourced and untagged images will be deleted one week after they have been uploaded, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. -- Longhair 23:34, 1 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You beat me to it


I finally started working on a map of Lostovo after leaving a comment at Wikipedia:Featured article candidates/Lastovo, only to find you beat me to it! Oh well, I uploaded it anyway at image:Lastovo.svg. It's an svg so very easy to modify (in case you find a use for it).

Also, I think you need to provide source information for Image:Lastovokarta.jpg. --Duk 17:19, 9 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Serbian propaganda on article Lastovo


In response to a few issues I have that need resolution.

First, Lastovo is mentioned expressly in DAI - Chapter 26 Of the Pagani /Neretvani " There are other islands not in the possession of these same pagani: Choara, the island of Ies (Vis), the island of Lastobon (Lastovo).

Constatint Prophyrogenitus -- DAI GV Moravcsik (translation) p.165

Secondly, it is quite clearly and generally accepted that Lastovo entered the republic of Dubrovnik of its own free will in 1252 -- this is the generally accepted history. A simple google check would make this clear to you. You should also quote the direct source of this statement.

Thirdly, this theory of Serbianism on the island does not hold any water as by even Vuk draskovic's definition of serbian language and the defintion of serbian culture he specifically excludes the cakavski dialect which Lastovo speaks.

Fourthly, culturally there are no specific signs of serbian culture on the island such as the slava or anything else

Finally, on etymological grounds the bay east of Skrivena Luka on the southern side of the island has been known and recorded as uvala Hrvaska since antiquity.

I would just like to say that I have nothing against Serbian people or culture, but in this instance it is wrong to assert this here as it is clearly wrong and inaccurate.

Actually, the border of the Serbian Kingdom in the 13th century was not Neretva. It was Cetina. :) --HolyRomanEmperor 15:56, 11 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

That has nothing to do with this island.

To Annon: Register, and then make hard arguements.

P. S. there were no non-shtokavci on Lastovo before the Ottoman period (migrations from Croatia brought the linguistic change with them). --HolyRomanEmperor 16:12, 12 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well I want claim that they didnt spoke Chakavian before but if they spoke Chakavian that doesnt have to mean that they were not part of Serbian kingdom. Luka Jačov 16:35, 12 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry but...



Sorry but I'm not very happy that you changed my page. I mean... I know that we are all "free" of changing almost everything and so on on this site, but I think that there should be some respect towards what one decides to put on his/her page. I welcome everybody who wants to change my page for some joke and so on. But what you did, from my point of view, comes out from some political reasons. And I must say that I try not to stay on just one side (don't rellay know how to explain), but I really thought a lot before deciding that I'm a Hr-native speaker. I didn't know whether I should write sh, hr or bs, but later on I thought that I cannot write Cyrillic (unfortunately) and don't know very well what belongs to the Croatian and what to the Serbian languages. So I decided that the best thing to do was to put Hr and perhaps sh-3 and bs-3, but not sh. This is a decision that I took and it is about myself and I think I don't harm anyone with it. Hence, I don't understand why you felt the need for changing it in sh. I think that I can share some opinions and reasons that I think you changed my page for, but I think that there should be respect towards what one decides to be, or to speak or to do (if he/she doesn't harm anybody). So, please if you have some political ideas (that are different from mine... as I think in this case is) tell me and we can speak, but leave people express their own feelings without trying to impose yours.

Thank you! :) --Ivana 01:48, 14 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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Thanks for uploading Image:Lastovokarta.jpg. I notice the 'image' page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is therefore unclear. If you have not created this media yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the media on Wikipedia (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the media yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page.

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You did? Or do you mean that you have scanned it from a book or something similiar? Eitherway..there's still no source on the page..only a {{fairuse}} template.SoothingR 16:11, 15 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Ok, mozda i imas pravo... To su razlicita misljenja... Ali bas me ljuti kad ljudi neke stvari forsiraju i najvise me naljutilo to sto si mijenjao stranicu bez da me pitas sto ja o tome mislim. Da li je Hr ili Sh ili bilo sto drugo mene ne zanima. Samo zelim da se postuju moja misljenja kao sto ja postujem druge. Mislim samo da to nije u redu. A druga je prica da li je "hrvatski jedna standardna forma srpskohrvatskog a sam srpskohrvatski zajednički naziv za 4 dijalekta i 3 standardne forme". Da si mi to rekao prije ok... postoji "Dicussion page" za takve stvari. Ali za sada zelim ostaviti hr-n, zato sto se ja tako osijecam. Ja isto ne volim (mislim da i ti ne volis) to sto politicari i drugi uvijek "govore" da hr, sh i bs su 3 razlicita jezika, ali se ja osijecam hr-n... u biti mi to nije niti toliko vazno. Ali me zivcira kada ljudi forsiraju neke stvari, iskreno to ne volim! Hvala na razumijevanju. --Ivana 15:35, 14 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sada ima nesto vaznije. Pogledaj ovo: [15] Mislim da nekome treba blok. --HolyRomanEmperor 21:05, 14 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Zasto si izbrisao imena onijeh ostrva? --HolyRomanEmperor 00:23, 15 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Nema problema!


Nema problema, hvala! Nisam zaboravila! :) --Ivana 23:29, 15 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

names ala Trutnov


The naming convention you dislike got quite standardized for Czech towns and cities (and possibly in other articles but I concentrate on Czech places). Pavel Vozenilek 00:40, 16 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I began adding "-native language" to locality articles that I created for Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. Since I was always adding the German and Hungarian names for towns in Slovakia, and therefore links to German language and Hungarian language, I began adding links to Slovak language, as it (usually) is the language the town's inhabitants speak. Most contributors have removed "-native language" as they believe it gratuitous, and I've since stopped adding it to articles. I suggested it at Wikipedia talk:Naming conventions/Geographic names, but no one responded... Olessi 01:30, 16 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Wiki is not democracy, but also it is not yours to manage it, but ours to made encyclopedia out of it.

Use sound mind, existing paper encyclopedia, and then you will be on the right path to be useful on wikipedia. Be bold, but not ignorant! SpeedyGonsales 12:45, 17 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Koristim Google Talk, adresa: ivana.venier at gmail dot com :) --Ivana 18:53, 17 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Zasto, Luka, tako nastavljas?

Ti vidis kakva su mislenja ljudi po ovom pitanju. Pogledaj sam. I ima razloge za to. Sto, pitam se, tebe to tako zanima? Zar nema vaznijih stvari u zivotu?--VKokielov 20:53, 17 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, Luka, jebote, koliko ima nas a koliko od tebe? Ja nisam ni usao ovamo dok nisam pomislio da mozda jest rijesenje za vas s Zmajem, da prekinete onaj rat tamo. --VKokielov 21:17, 17 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ti si mislio vecina ljudi nije u pravu, jesi li?


Jebote, ti si to mislio. I stoga to jest automatski tako, je li?

Ti jos uvijek nisi odgovorio zasto ti se boris? Za koga, tocnije? Ti se ne boris za opce mnijenje, jer ono je suprotno tvojemu stavu. Sigurno se ne boris za prava onih jadnih Taljanaca, jer, kako su tebi vec rekli, ne samo sto su oni katolici, nego su i potomci Dalmatinaca, koji su svi bili katolici. Ti se ne boris za Srbe, jer Srbima ne moze biti svejednije. Dakle, za koga? Za italjansku vladu?

Ili za neki princip, po kojem moras agitirati svih ovdje prisutnih? --VKokielov 23:19, 17 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Koristim emesen mesendžer, korisničko mi je estavisti@hotmail.com. --estavisti 21:35, 19 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Renaming the article


Opinions are one thing, official Wikipedia policy is another. I followed the official policy step by step in order to rename the article. I also explained on the talk page what other users can do to change the decision after the voting. Maybe you haven't seen the explanation, so I'm copying it here:

The voting is hereby closed after the period of 5 days, in accordance with the policy of Wikipedia:Requested moves, where the voting request was placed on 17 February 2006. A clear consensus for the page move has not been reached. However, the policy of requested moves allowes a page to be moved if 60% or more users support the moving of the article. There have been 10 "Support" votes and 3 "Oppose" votes, which makes for a 76% majority, meeting even the supermajority principle. Therefore, I will now move the page to Molise Croatian dialect. This does not mean that the issue is closed. Users opposing this decision can use the channels provided by the Wikipedia policy, such as consulting a third party, filing a request for comment (on the article in question), and requesting mediation. The article may not be moved to other names than Molise Croatian dialect without following the official policy steps. I have followed the official policy to the letter and expect others to do the same. --Zmaj 09:05, 22 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I didn't rename the article. It was done by an independent administrator of the English Wikipedia after we all voted, including yourself. It was all done according to the Wikipedia policy. Please adhere to that policy and follow the appropriate steps for opposing the decision that was made. --Zmaj 14:47, 22 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

WikiProject Former Yugoslavia


Luka, WikiProject Former Yugoslavia is now up and running. You are invited to come and participate! --dcabrilo 23:24, 22 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

What am I, handicapped?



"I am authorized by user". Right. --VKokielov 23:22, 23 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Slusaj, ti vec toliko vremena na Internetu, a valjda znas kako radi? Onaj tvoj hrvatski IP broj -- prvi koji si ostavio tamo -- moze biti vezan s tvojim imenom za dvije sekunde. --VKokielov 23:36, 23 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

My Last Name


Hey Luka, when we talked last you were asking for my last name, and I've decided it really has little relevance whether its put online or not. Now my last name is Brnjas, Canadianized it sounds Burn-jis... However in Croatian I'm almost positive that it sounds as Burn-yas, with the j sounding as a y in English. Now I have a question for you as well because I've always wondered about the Croatian spelling of it. I read up on the Croatian language article, and I'm just wondering if the spelling stays Brnjas in Croatian? Thanks. Croat Canuck 04:10, 25 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yes it was helpful, thank you. Croat Canuck 19:34, 25 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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You're playing with fire


Don't change user pages, Luka. We are not powerless. Eventually, you will pass our patience. --VKokielov 18:41, 26 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Luka, what the heck is wrong with you? Leave VK a time to breathe! --HolyRomanEmperor 20:33, 26 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Keep at it


and I will keep at it, too. --VKokielov 20:50, 26 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I meant: why are you editing other peoples' pages? It is considered Vandalism! --HolyRomanEmperor 21:01, 26 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Why do you keep editing User:Joy's page, I meant? --HolyRomanEmperor 13:35, 27 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Welcome to Wikipedia. We invite everyone to contribute constructively to our encyclopedia. Take a look at the welcome page if you would like to learn more about contributing. However, unconstructive edits are considered vandalism, and if you continue in this manner you may be blocked from editing without further warning. Please stop, and consider improving rather than damaging the hard work of others. Thanks.

If you edit User:Joy's page again you will be blocked. If he wants to make that change he can do it himself. -- Curps 14:49, 27 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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WikiProject Croatia


Hi. I noticed that you've joined WikiProject Croatia. Thanks for the interest. The project isn't quite ready yet (that is why I haven't categorized it for the time being), but it should be ready to go soon.

I appreciate the comment about your work on Karlovac County. That can be the first part of the improvement drive if you wish, my selection of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County was rather arbitrary anyway. The "To Do List" isn't my first concern at the moment. It's really just a place to collaborate on sections. Before that can happen, I'm gonna have to fix up the project page a little bit more to actually be able toattract some collaborators. Hopefully the project will have some success. Thanks. --Thewanderer 20:53, 24 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I'd rather not give out my messenger info on Wikipedia. However, if you want to talk about something, I guess we could get together on mIRC. --Thewanderer 18:22, 25 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, don't revert again on Republic of Macedonia or you'll have violated the 3RR and will be blocked. Also, look at the 1911 Ottoman Census, there were a lot of Greeks in Macedonia [16] and according to the 2005 Ethnologue, one of the countries in which Greek is spoken is Macedonia [17] - so Greek is spoken in Macedonia (According to them, Greek is spoken in Greece and is also spoken in Albania, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bulgaria, Canada, Congo, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Malawi, Paraguay, Poland, Romania, Russia (Europe), Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey (Europe), Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA.). You also called my edit "nationalist" - don't do that, it's a personal attack and you could get blocked. Regards, --Latinus 23:57, 25 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You must stop violating it now, or you'll violate the 3RR. There is no census data as the R. Macedonia doesn't recgnise a Greek minority (only Albanians and Aromanians). According to Ethnologue, in 2005 (last year), Greek was spoken in Macedonia - therefore, it is sourced and you should not remove it. I'll report you (inter alia for the 3RR and you'll get blocked) if you do it again. --Latinus 00:24, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Latinus, Your Otoman census data is unreliable. And you falsely claim that Macedonia doesn't recognise minorities. The fact that they are not mentioned is due to their insignificant number. We simply cannot mention every 5-6 members of every nationality in Macedonia. That also aplies to the article. And there is no international doubt about the Macedonian census results. So I support Luka for removing it. It's Greece wich doesn't recognise minorities and is raighteously criticised by the international community for not respecting human and minority rights. Sooner rather than later Greece will have to face the facts (with the help of international pressure ofcourse) --Realek 01:35, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
So that means you won't object to me removing the "Macedonians" from the Greece article as there is no census data saying that there are? I think I will, if it is removed again. --Latinus 11:32, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
The difference between the situations in Greece and Macedonia is that Greek census data is disputet internationaly and Macedonian is not (Except maybe by you). So the answer to your question is - yes, I would object! But what's more important is that many neutral observers would object. --Realek 14:03, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Evidence? --Latinus 14:09, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You'll have to be more spcific - evidece for what exactly? --Realek 14:16, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Evidence to support your claim that Greek censi (i.e. EU censi) are questionable - of course I very much doubt that what you're saying has any merit. --Latinus 14:17, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Noooo, not EU but spceifically Greek Census. I think it's pretty obvious that greek census data is false since it claims 98% are greeks - in a region with such a ethnic diversity. It would have been 100% greeks if greece was not forced to recognise the Turkish minority under the treaty of Laussane. But you want "evidence", so check out what the the Greek Helsinki have been saying for years on the matter. Or is that too a communist propaganda??? --Realek 14:51, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
No weblinks, just your word, which I am not obliged to believe ;-) You have provided no evidence, therefore your assertions are moot. YOu have to learn that your opinion counts for nothing. I think I'll seriously consider removing the "Macedonians" from the Greece ard related articles. Double standards cannot be tolerated... --Latinus 15:34, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I'm pretty sure you knew how to find the Greek Helsinkisite, but nevermind - here it is [www.greekhelsinki.gr]. I dont mind prooving even obvious things to you. You even ask me to proove and source my nationality. That speaks volumes about you. Now, about your "seriously consideration" for removing Macedonians - let's see how it goes if you decide to do it ;) --Realek 15:43, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Give me a specific quote that says that Greek censi are unreliable. I can't find it anywhere. You can't make explosive claims and not prove it - in the same way I can say that Fyrom's censi are unreliable and not give a source ;-) --Latinus 16:02, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
What are you talking about - you ask for census data on Greeks in M, I ask for census data on Macedonians in G; there's nothing wrong with that. Do you have double standards? --Latinus 12:00, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I think Ethnologue answers that - Greek is spoken in R. Macedonia and if you can add "Macedonians are in Greece" without census data, but are relying on other sources, why can't I add "Greeks are in R Macedonia" while relying on non-census sources. Quite simply, R. Macedonia doesn't recognise a Greek minority - you claim that Greece recognises no minorities is a lie: Greece recognises a Turkish minority in Thrace. --Latinus 12:10, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Source [18] - and also, is there a Macedonian Orthodox Church in Greece, I don't think so. I don't know if there is a Greek church in R. Macedonia - I know they oppress the Serbian Orthodox Church and violate their human rights, so I very much doubt a Greek church would stand a chance. --Latinus 12:39, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Read article Macedonian Orthodox Church - it says something about the SOC there. I also remember the Human Rights Watch saying something about it - gimme a minute... --Latinus 16:25, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Here [19] and [20] - I feel so sorry for the Serbs in Fyrom... --Latinus 16:29, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Apparently they violate all their minorities rights (according to those reports) and then have the nerve to criticise Greece and wonder why they are not in the EU - THAT'S why! --Latinus 16:36, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Latinus, Latinus :))). Make one of your famous "tests". Search for fyrom in on the HRW site and you get 5 results. Search for abuses in Greece and you get 591 [21].
Funny thing you "respect" HRW findings when it suits you, but ignore them when it doesn't. --Realek 16:58, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Apparently, Fyrom has it's dirty linen as well ;-) --Latinus 16:59, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Acording to HRW - matematically speaking Greece is 118.2 worse! ;) --Realek 17:12, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Straw man - you know very well that HRW erroneously refers to you as Macedonia. You should search for Macedonia OR Fyrom [22]. I got to tell you - until all this is remedies, the EU will not be happy... --Latinus 17:15, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I just suggested you make one of your famous tests - you always use fyrom. And if HRW "erroneously" refers to Macedonia, maybe it's not a reliable source on Macedonia. I wasn't my intention to get in any discussions with you, because I've realised that you dont accept even the most obvious facts. I just did it to expose your double standars ;) --Realek 17:23, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Until those human rights abuses are fixed, the EU prospects seem rather remote - the entry standards seem to have gone up since the time when Greece joined ;-) --Latinus 17:26, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yes it's very unfortunate how grece sliped in the EU. But it's quite fortunate that you don't get to voice your oppinion on who can join now - your thoughts on Macedonia's EU prospects will have about zero point nada impact on the decision ;) --Realek 17:32, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Very doubtful, Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria will all be full members by that time and all members, regardless of their domestic affairs have the right to veto – don't make up stories as you go along, it's too obvious ;-) --Latinus 17:35, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Well, we will have to see about that. Anyway stop puting words in my mouth - I didn't mantion any countries. I just said your thoughts will have about zero point nada impact on the decision. Also don't hope too much on Bulgaria taking sides with Grece against Macedonia. Macedonia and Bulgaria have much closer and friendlier ralations that you would like to admit. Also dont forget that Bulgaria was tha first country to recognise Republic of Macedonia - under the constitutional name ofcourse ;) --Realek 17:52, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Vidim da ti je cilj da odes u Kanadu. Ako odlucis da dodjes u Vankuver, javi mi se :-) --Boris Malagurski 01:23, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

bacio sam pogled na ovaj tekst, i kliknuo na tvoje ime, pa sam malo pogledao tvoju korisnicku stranu. inace, ja uglavnom uredjujem za sr wiki, nedavno sam napisao clanke o svim nacionalnim parkovima hrvatske (s obzirom da sam vecinu posetio), ali nema mnogo teksta, vidim da te interesuje geografija, dobro bi nam dosla pomoc od nekog ko je iz hrvatske i verovatno vise zna o hrvatskoj geografiji od nas :-)

--Boris Malagurski 01:58, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yahoo messenger: bormalagurski@yahoo.com

Dodaj me ako imas taj messenger. --Boris Malagurski 02:53, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. Primetio sam da si napisao clanak o Risnjaku, drago mi je, jer stvarno mislim da su nacionalni parkovi u hr jedni od najlepsih na svetu (a obisao sam mnogo drzava i nacionalnih parkova, pogledaj moju korisnicku stranu na sr wiki) --Boris Malagurski 02:54, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

don't change my user page


I don't know you + you don't know me, so it's my business what language box I put there..

Svetlana Miljkovic 04:59, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Luka,

I tried to translate that sentence, but I'm Brazilian, and that's a form of Portuguese that we don't use here. In fact the way Portuguese people write (and speak) is even difficult for people from Brazil to understand. Anyway, I tried my best.

You seem to speak and understand English better than me. So, I wrote a "translation" there, right under the sentence in Portuguese, and I would like you to check if everything is okay, or even to correct it (my English is not good enough, I confess).

Hope I helped somehow.

Best regards,

Milena 16:11, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Luka,
Sorry for taking such a long time to reply, but I've been quite busy here at work. Answering your question, yes, I'm a MSN Messenger user, you can find me there (popovic_milena is my username at Hotmail).
Best regards,
Milena 16:34, 7 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Kosovar Turks


I happened to notice that the source you quoted in determining the Kosovo(a?) population is another wikipedia article(Kosovo). This does not count as a reliable source - Please read WP:V. The Wikipedia articles themselves are not a rigid entity(being one that any schmuck can edit - Criticism of Wikipedia). Adding to that problem is the presence of a Neutrality tag on that same wikipedia article on Kosovo. If you can quote the official census from an RELIABLE external link, your figure can be entertained. Until then, please stop vandalizing the article with your POV.

Im aware that you bear some sort of resentment against Turks that stems from past Turkish rule of the balkans, but please back up your views. I also want point out to you that Kosovar Turks suffered as well at the hands of Albanian chauvanists/nationals during the 1999 crisis. Not only were they seen as colonist/imperialist leftovers, but also as colloborators with Milosevic.

Im reverting the article to an earlier version for now. KSK 13:30, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ok, I jumped the gun a bit there. The reason your figures arent accepted is because they are UNSOURCED. 1981 is 1/4 a century ago. Thats way too outdated and there's likely to have been significant population growth since that time. Doesnt Serbia have a census every decade or something like that ? Why not the most recent Kosovo census ?--KSK 14:52, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Why isnt that sort of growth possible. Since the balkan wars, Turkey's population increased by close to 8 times though admittedly a lot of it was because of ethnic cleansing directed against Turks in the balkans and later, the caucasus. Ill have a look around and see what i can come up with. These figures have to be taken with a pinch of salt though. Its difficult to pass off a hard figure for population in this case. A range in its place would do great. Btw, you might want to take a look at the Albanians article, which states that Albanians number over 2.2 million in Kosovo alone. That sounds very, very suspect. RegardsKSK 15:21, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Obviously a news article is no match for a recent census, but it certainly trumps another wikipedia article, (which is in constant fluc with a neutrality tag to boot). Im searching for sources right now, but all that seems to show up is some crappy medieval battle between Turks and Serbs=). And anyway, we arent setting the 50000 figure in stone. Its just the higher end estimate. -KSK 15:33, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Here are serbian nationalist sites that say over 50,000 [23] [24]. Salon article [25]. Another news site [26] (Note the context though) KSK 15:42, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I think those are more than enough. Even cetniks(who absolutely hate Turks) admit that 50000 Turks live in Kosovo. Salon and pacificnews are right up there in terms of reliability.KSK 15:53, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



You are in danger of violating the three-revert rule on Turkish people. Please cease further reverts or you may be blocked from further editing. --Khoikhoi 15:35, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I agree with you, that the Bosnian Language does not use cyrillic. If you look at the article Bosnian Cyrillic you will see that it says it is extinct.

More information regarding the fact that Bosnian language does not use cyrillic is on every discussion page of Bosnian language template.

Help out with the dispute,




Hi Luka, Thanks for that i spent a few hours last night going through all my books on Lastovo :) I think submitting the article for featured candidate in its current form is good, and thanks for nominating it. I wanted to add some extra information on econonomy, but i dont think its in a good format, maybe you could help as i wouldnt the best place to do it or the best way to format it?

-- Economy --

  • Tourism - Nature tourism, Scuba-Diving (underwater wrecks and rich underwater wildlife), great Yachting facilities makes it popular outpost in the Adriatic for yachters. This all contribute to a small but thriving tourism industry
  • Agriculture - Olives, Wines (famous Dalmatian wine called Lastovo Maraština)
  • Fishing and fish processing industry

Lastly the Map you re-included is fine, i just dont like it becuase of the markings. The reason i included the other one is that it showed the group of islands called Lastovnjaci on the east side. But the big problem i have with the current photo is that it is marked by Diving Sites from the Diving Centre (Ronilacki Raj) around Prezba and the west side (see the little squares). This shouldnt be on the map. Anyway i'm glad you liked the Article :) Uvouvo 23:14, 1 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]


This user participates in
WikiProject Croatia.

Hey, I made a template for everyone who's a part of this project! Put it on your user page, maybe more people will join when they see how cool it would look on their page!!! --M.B. 01:06, 2 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hello there,

I wanted to inform you I have filed a Request for Arbitration against User:Bormalagurski here. Goven your role in the start of this thing, I'd definitely welcome your perspective on the situation!

Greets, The Minister of War (Peace) 10:02, 5 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Warning sign
This media may be deleted.

Thanks for uploading Image:Fumari small.jpg. I notice the 'image' page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you have not created this media yourself then there needs to be an argument why we have the right to use the media on Wikipedia (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the media yourself then it needs to be specified where it was found, i.e., in most cases link to the website where it was taken from, and the terms of use for content from that page.

If the media also doesn't have a copyright tag then one should be added. If you created/took the picture, audio, or video then the {{GFDL-self}} tag can be used to release it under the GFDL. If you believe the media qualifies as fair use, consider reading fair use, and then use a tag such as {{Non-free fair use in|article name}} or one of the other tags listed at Wikipedia:Image copyright tags#Fair_use. See Wikipedia:Image copyright tags for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.

If you have uploaded other media, consider checking that you have specified their source and copyright tagged them, too. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any unsourced and untagged images will be deleted one week after they have been uploaded, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the Image legality questions page. Thank you. Pagrashtak 03:21, 6 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please avoid using abusive edit summaries as per Wikipedia:Civility and Wikipedia:No personal attacks. Thanks and happy edits. Pagrashtak 15:18, 9 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Let 3


Can you acknowledge my claims about popularity of Let 3 in Croatia and other ex-Yugoslavian republics on talk page of DakotaKahn? He proposed deletion of article. Jakiša Tomić 10:24, 8 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  1. This image seems to have been previously published at [27] (please correct me if I'm wrong). Did you create this image? If so can you verify this with a note on the site or some other way?
  2. Don't remove image tags like this withought first discussing with the editor who put it there.
  3. Don't engage in personal insults in your edit summaries.
  4. You've had a lot of previous trouble with copyrights. Please read and understand WP:C. Basically, any creative work is automatically copyrighted, it doesn't need a copyright notice. The copyright belongs to the person who created it, not the person who grabbed it from some website.
--Duk 12:41, 10 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I see your edit summary (Gian Franco and I spent summer togheter!). Thanks for the explanation.
I'm not trying to pick on you - it's just that your previous problems with copyright violations is troubling. Also, verification is sometimes requested for previously published work. There is a whole section of previously pulished work awaiting verification at WP:CP, for example.
Can you please answer question 1 above.
--Duk 21:00, 10 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Please indicate the source on the actual image page and not just the edit summary. You are still stating that the image was released into the public domain by User:user which is clearly not the case. Pagrashtak 03:44, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image is tagged as a copyright violation and removed from the article. You can comment at Wikipedia:Copyright problems/2006 April 11.

Don't remove the tag or you will be blocked from editing. --Duk 18:16, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I’m the user that was formerly known as Bitola. I decided to make some changes (changes are always welcomed from time to time) and I created a new user account. I was pretty much involved in the Macedonian articles heated area for several months and these days I will take some rest from all that bickering. In the same time, I would like to thank you for your voting for the brief option on the Republic of Macedonia talk page (the option I was supporting). MatriX 17:12, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

No I didnt click the button but Gianfranco gave me CD with the pictures (which means I can do what ever I want). He is not making his pictures for copyright or money but for his pure joy. Luka Jačov 18:20, 11 April 2006 (UTC)

I believe you, but please respond at Wikipedia:Copyright problems/2006 April 11. I'd like an administrator (other than my self) to resolve this. --Duk 18:52, 11 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Join us!


Wikipedia:WikiProject Serbia --serbiana - talk 01:53, 13 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]



My YMSN user is: Sufitul@yahoo.com I'll talk to you online.

??? Glasao sam za drugo; ono prvo ne postoji... --HolyRomanEmperor 16:25, 15 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Luka, stavio sam tabelu na članak o Rusinima:

Ako imaš podatke o tome koliko ima Rusina u Hrvatskoj molim te napiši to u tabelu. PANONIAN (talk) 02:59, 17 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Mogao bi napisati i podatke o broju Muslimana u Hrvatskoj ako ih imaš:

PANONIAN (talk) 19:32, 17 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Bessarabian Bulgarians and Gagauzia


Well, the article is a translation of the original one in Bulgarian by Anton Keckarov. I now noticed there's a paragraph in Bulgarian about the Bessarabian Bulgarians in the later years of the Soviet Union that is either new or I've left it out during the translation. I'll probably come to translate it too. Unfortunately, I doubt much reliable information about the Bessarabian Bulgarians and their connection to Gagauzia is available online — you see, I even met expressions like "Bulgarian Gagauzians" and "Gagauzians — the other Bessarabian Bulgarian" after a brief Google search, although the two peoples are not really related. You know what nationalism means here in our part of the world :) As for the messenger, I don't have one at the moment (I only have mIRC and BORGChat), but it's not a problem to install one at all, just say which one you prefer and leave a nick/number. → Тодор Божинов / Todor Bozhinov 19:37, 17 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Great! I'll be going to bed now cause I'm rather tired, but I'll pop in in ICQ when I get back home tomorrow (sometime in the late afternoon/evening) so we could talk. → Тодор Божинов / Todor Bozhinov 19:49, 17 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
All right, I'm home now, but I couldn't find you in ICQ because the search function doesn't seem to like the Croatian "đ" at least on my system. I'm currently online, my nick is Martyr and my number is 278-660-480, so pop in when/if you can. → Тодор Божинов / Todor Bozhinov 17:35, 18 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]




Dodaj me u tvoj MSN, više volim preko tog messengera da se dopisujem... --serbiana - talk 03:20, 18 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

COTW Project


You voted for Lipovans, this week's Collaboration of the week. Please come and help it become a featured-standard article. Scottwiki 04:54, 18 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Semnko Contact


Hi There. My email is Semenko.oilers(at)gmail.com. It may also work with google talk, but that's the only messenger I use.--Semenko 18:30, 18 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Avoid personal attacks, please


Please refrain from personal attacks on Wikipedia, such as the comment you made at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Vaginal flatulence. Thank you, and happy editing! -Harmil 17:24, 19 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please see Wikipedia's no personal attacks policy: There is no excuse for personal attacks on other contributors. Do not make them. Comment on content, not on the contributor; personal attacks damage the community and deter users. Note that you may be blocked for disruption. Please stay cool and keep this in mind while editing. Thanks. -- Malber (talk · contribs) 19:27, 20 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Clearly Malber is speaking of this edit you made which is uncivil. WP:CIVIL says to comment on content, not editors. Luka, your speakulation about Malber's sexual habbits is rude and irrelevant. Accordingly, I have removed your comments from the AFD page, though I left your vote to Keep. Johntex\talk 19:44, 20 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Congratulations on Lastovo - FA


Luka, nice work with the article and nominating it - It has become a FA. Ajde, vidimo se :) Uvouvo 05:48, 23 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Flag of SerbiaThe current Serbia Collaboration of the Week is

Flag of Serbia
Every week, a Serbia-related article that is in need of substantial improvement is Selected to be the Serbia Collaboration of the Week. Help improve it to a higher standard of quality.


Thank you for your support of the Article Improvement Drive.
This week Belgrade was selected to be improved to featured article status.
Hope you can help…

Posted by (^'-')^ Covington 07:07, 1 May 2006 (UTC) on behalf of the the AID Maintenance Team[reply]

Hvala na podrsci


Hvala na glasu u vezi sa mojim clankom o onoj pesmici.Dzoni 11:26, 5 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Vrlo rado,samo koji od svih predloga je u pitanju,posto ima od 2.1. do 2.43.??Dzoni 12:43, 5 May 2006 (UTC) A da,pesmu mozes da skines na jednom od sajtova za koje sam dao linkoveDzoni 12:43, 5 May 2006 (UTC) Glasao sam[reply]

Not 1 but 2


No, Germany and Austria have very different histories, they were the centre of very different empires (German and Austro Hungarian) and now they are both EU members. But Republic of Macedonia has very few years history and there was no name 'Macedonia' for a country for more than 2,000 years. Sometimes the future looks better without history (I am joking). Makedonija 12:41, 6 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The article is being voted again [28] Dzoni 23:15, 7 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



You might wanna take a look at Second enemy offensive and Third enemy offensive. ;-) And, please, do not make personal attacks, it sounds bad... --Dijxtra 20:59, 8 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Serbs speak serbian (unbelievable, isn't it?)



Thank You for taking care od croatia-related articles, like Serbs of Croatia. I appreciate your wish to push your ideas, but, please, get informed before reverting changes that You don't like. After all, truth should be in the first place here, isn't it?

Anyway, thanks to your insisting, a found data on croatian census 2001 and found that just 2.054 people speak "Croato-Serban" and 4.961 Serbo-Croatian (totla 7000, so, if they are all Serbs, that shold mean less than 3.5% od Serbs), and 44.629 speak Serbian. Since over 200 000 people declared on census to be Serbs, I guess that mean that many of them speak croatian. I believe this should be investigated in more detail. Since You care so musch about this, maybe You could do it. But, please, use arguments, don't just write what You like.

And, by the way, don't call me an idiot, someone might think that truth makes You nervous ;). Also, that's against wikipedia policy.

Regards, --Ante Perkovic 10:46, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please, DO NOT delete reference that proves You wrong. That is so not wiki. --Ante Perkovic

You said:

As said different names for same thing. Mentioning this would only creat confusion among readers impliying that they speak more or less different idioms which is not true. Thats why term Serbo-Croatian is best to use especially cos we are talking about dialectology. Luka Jačov 11:02, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Man, stick to one standard, don't change it! Just few hours ago, You wrote ([http://en.wiki.x.io/w/index.php?title=Serbo-Croatian_language&diff=prev&oldid=52453699 here) U call it your way but dont deny it to others). So I just proved that Serbs of Croatia call their language serbian. I believe it should be enough here to just paraphrase you:
U call language os Serbs of Croatia your way but don't deny them to call it croatian, serbian or whatever they want. But, You must admit, they (96.5% of them) do not cal it Srebo-croatian nor croato-serbian.
So, is this issue solved or You gonna revert my data again? --Ante Perkovic 11:11, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ha, ha, Hey Luka, you can see now what kind of IDIOTS, like the one writing above ( Ante P.) are writing all kinds of trash throughout this popular encyclopedia. They're either sick in their brain, either blind-evil nationalists, whose ideas are wired to everyone normal on this world. Their rotten brains don't want to accept the simple truth that SERBOCROATIAN is ONE LANGUAGE, and there's no languages like Croatian, Serbian or Bosnian, which are just dialects of the Serbocroatian, (even if some of them have recently got their 'standards'status from political reasons). It is soo stupid what that small group of croatian nationalist-editors write on croatian (and sometimes bosnian) wikipedia, so that all serious people who read that are probably laughing outloud. Dear Luka, don't pay attention on those morons' cries and just continue your precious work on the wikipedia pages, correcting lies and bad intentions wherever it's needed. You know the truth the best and the truth is over all. Best Regards and all the best from another supporter of the truth. Cheers! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 07:33, 28 July 2007

DO NOT delete reference!!! Stop vandalising!!!


Hey, Tou can't delete reference to census just because You don't like it!!! Stop bandalising!!! --Ante Perkovic 11:24, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please mind WP:3RR on Serbo-Croatian language. You haven't broken it yet, and you really shouldn't. Thanks. --Elephantus 14:17, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Now, now...


You nasty boy... :-)

  1. WP:CITE. Obey it. Do not remove plausible sources. It's called vandalism.
  2. WP:NPA. Calling people idiots is not a nice thing. Moreover, you can get yourself blocked for that.
  3. WP:3RR. Wouldn't advise breaking it. Can get blocked for that too.

If you wish to edit-war, I can't stop you. Moreover I do it sometimes also, so that would be against the first-person-to-throw-the-rock thingy... but you have to obey the rules. Enjoy. --Dijxtra 15:47, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You have been temporarily blocked for violation of the three-revert rule. Please feel free to return after the block expires, but also please make an effort to discuss your changes further in the future. --Cyde Weys 16:37, 10 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Sori, nisam dobio poruku na vrijeme... Izgleda da već mjesec dana nisam logiran kad surfam po Wp :( Miranche 10:17, 11 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Obrisan šablon za yu reujedinjenje


Da li si to do sad primetio? Na osnovu čega je to urađeno, nije mi jasno. Hajde da napravimo novo! --Pockey 18:11, 11 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please don't....


remove sourced statements unless you claim the source itself is doubtful. Also, don't use misleading edit summaries, like you did here. Thanks. --Elephantus 19:05, 11 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Inclusionist Wikipedian. Yeah, right!


Hi, I see that You list your self among Inclusionist Wikipedian. Looks like You don't really understand the meaning of "Inclusionist".

You see, their motto "with truth preserved" reflects the desire to change Wikipedia only when no knowledge would be lost as a result. So, your constant deleting of my references really don't really fits here.

So, tell me, are You really an "inclusionist" or You just put that category on your user page to make You look better?

Regards. --Ante Perkovic 06:51, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Which part of my text you think is wrong?


Hi, You deleted this text:

According to Croatian census 2001 [29], most of the Croatian Serbs speak Croatian language.. What exactly is wrong with that sentence.

  1. Census did take place in 2001.
  2. Results are just as I wrote

So, why did You deleted the sentence that is undoubdately true?

Please, read WP:CITE. --Ante Perkovic 10:25, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Also, You deleted Serbs in schools in eastern Slavonia receive education in Serbian language and script. They do have subject called "Sebian language and literature", you know that, don't you? --Ante Perkovic 11:04, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Political preference?


Could You please explain what You mena by we r talking about dialectology not political preferences. Are You impling that (in census 2001) people calling their language "Croatian" is just a political statement againt former Yugoslavia? --Ante Perkovic 10:32, 12 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, Luka! I'd like to ask you if the Croatian name Žumberak is actually a Slavic rendering of the German Schielberg (the German name of the mountain). Such names don't look in any way etymologically familiar to me (but phonetically do), and I'm interested in the way Slavic people "hear" the German toponyms. Another very similar example could be Ružomberok in Slovakia, this one's from Rosenberg, and I believe there are many other in Slovenia (Brunšvik — from Braunschweig?; Majšperk and Žužemberk also extremely likely, and Šentjernej also sounds like a rendering of a certain saint's name in German, but I'm not sure).

Anyway, are such folk-German-derived names (what you hear is what you have :)) generally common in Slovenia and Croatia and do people usually know they're from German? How do they sound to you? Thanks and sorry if my question's a bit unusual and hard to understand. Todor Bozhinov  11:10, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Don't change it and discuss it later.

  • If You don't have time, leave it, and later You can explain it and then change it
  • If you don't have arguments, don't change it.

These are the rules of wikipedia, not mine. --Ante Perkovic 12:23, 26 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Вер д фак ар ју? :P --estavisti 00:14, 29 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Da, Luka, gde si nestao bre, nema te na Yahoo, na MSN, na wiki, NIGDE!! Nedostajes nam, come back! -- serbiana - talk 05:43, 3 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]




You need to give some proof for Tudjman's aledged plans if you want your part of text to stay where you put it. I put "verify" template in order to remind you of this. If you don't have time (or can't find reliable reference) to prove this, it will be deleted.

Please, try to play by the rules (WP:CITE, WP:Verify). --Ante Perkovic 07:21, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hey, what is your problem??? Do you think it's right just to put unsourced claims to wikipedia and even remove my legitimate request to prove it?
Do you think this is your private wikipedia??? --Ante Perkovic

Read Tudjman's book?... This is hillarious!
So, you think it is better to have few millions wikipedia readers individually learning croatian and reading Tudjman's book that to have you translating a few pages of it? Do you really think that is the way wikipedia is functioning??? I can't believe that you actually wrote that I should read a book instead you citing sources. Unbelievable !!! --Ante Perkovic 07:56, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Let me explain some basics here. You should prove your accusations by citing sources. Until then, it is just a slender.
You obviously think that we should trust what you said until someone read entire book and proves that there is no such a thing in the book!!!!
So, I will delete your text until you verify your conspiracy theory. --Ante Perkovic 09:38, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
There are the rules. If You don't know them, try reading!
Ante Perkovic 09:38, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, but your word is not enough here, especcialy since You have a history of ignoring valid references if they don't fit your agenda. You will have to translate a few sentences from the book if you want your text to stay. I'll give you some time to do that. --Ante Perkovic 09:53, 6 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I made some additional research and found zero sources on internet where Tudjman's book is mentioned in the same context with Janjevci or Kosovo.

So, if Tudjman really wrote this plan in a book, how come that entire internet community of this planet is anaware of that??? You must admit that this is a good reason to suspect that you somehow get confused when writting the text on Janjevci.

I believe it is reasonable to ask from You to leave this text on talk page until You give some additional explanation.

Pease comment this at Talk:Janjevci#Moved here until proper source given.

Regards, Ante Perkovic

CG Wikipedia


Hey Luka, there is currently a vote for a version of Wikipedia in Montenegrin. If you want to vote, go to meta:Requests for new languages. There you can vote. Ask your friends on Wikipedia (if you have any) who haven't voted to vote. Thanks. Crna Gora (Talk/Contribs/Edit Count) 06:09, 7 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I need some explanation of your edit



I found some of your edits quite strange. An example is this.

The text you deleted is this:

According to the Croatian census 2001 [30], most Serbs of Croatia declared that they speak Croatian. The opinion on the diaspora population has not been polled and the data for them is unavailable.

So, why did you deleted it?

Let me brake this into more understandable pieces:

  1. Did croatian census took place in 2001? Yes.
  2. Did most Serbs declared their language as croatian. Yes.
  3. Is diaspora sentence correct? Yes.

I'm really buffled. Do you find some of this text wrong or what? If yes, which part? Please, enlighten me.

Regards, Ante Perkovic 13:25, 8 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Instead of answering this remarkably simple question, you decided to ignore it and just to revert the article one more time. I can only conclude that you run out of arguments. --Ante Perkovic 17:42, 9 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  1. I am still waiting for you to tell me are these information you deleted actualy false and if yes, which part.
  2. You think that census results should be censored because they will confuse readers???? --Ante Perkovic 18:01, 9 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

--Ante Perkovic 18:01, 9 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Onaj potez od prije para dana ti je bio vrlo podal, tel toliko da znaš. To ti nije bio pravi način.

No, ljudi su te prokužili, tako da si s ovim zabio sebi poprilično nezgodan autogol.

Bolje ti je da se počneš ponašat ko odrasla osoba, a ne da maltretiraš svih nas sa svojim guranjem jugonostalgičnih ideja pod svaku cijenu. Da si pametan, moga si popustit na mjestu gdje sigurno gubiš i pokušat progurat ideju na drugim mjestima, ali tebi je izgleda ponos jači od razuma.

Bilo bi dobro da se malo smiriš, da nađeš malo mira u sebi, a ne da ovako svi gubimo vrijeme zato jer ti ne žališ popustit, pa makar te to koštalo totlanog gubitka ugleda. Ja ti ne želim zlo niti te ne želim tjerat odavde, ali ni ja ni itko drugi ovdje neće dopustit da se pravi budala od njega. Pa ti razmisli...

--Ante Perkovic 22:57, 12 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Ne znam kolko pratiš nogomet, ali je vrijeme svjetskog prvenstva i baš mi je dobra usporedba pala na pamet. Znaš, ima jedna reprezentacija sa prilično dobrim rezultatima, ali stvarno ružnom igrom koja je često prljava. Čim uđu u šesnaesterac, fintiraju prekršaj da bi dobili penal, kad vode onda odugovlače sa igrom i tako.

Ide im prilično dobro rezultatski, ali neutralni navijači uglavnom navijaju protiv njih kad god igraju.

Zovu se Italija. Ako ne gledaš nogomet, pitaj ljude koji gledaju i oni će ti potvrdit.

Vjerojatno pretpostavljaš na što ciljam:

Istina je, bio si mudar prije par dana kad si isposlovao blokiranje svojih "protivnika" na temu članka o Srbima u Hrvatskoj. Igrao si po pravilima i pobijedio, ali koliko ti je to bila pametna odluka, prosudi sam.

Bez obzira kakva bila pravila Wikipedije, postoje nekakve moralne norme koje vrijede i u životu i na Wikipediji i doma i u školi i na faksu i na poslu i za stolom i u WC-u i u prometu i po ljeti i po zimi.

Teško ih je definirat, ali ih je lako prepoznat. Zapravo, lako je prepoznat kad netko odstupa od tih normi skrivajući se iza pravila.

Nitko nije savršen, ja sam daleko od toga, ali ti moram nešto reć i nadam se da nećeš to shvatit osobno. Stvarno je, u najmanju ruku, taj tvoj postupak bio "gadljiv". Nisam opće sudjelovao u editiranju članka jer nemam čvrsto mišljenje u vezi teme jezika Srba u Hrvatskoj, ali me tvoj potez skoro pozvao da zamijenim tvoje "protivnike" dok su blokirani (što bi definitivno bilo loše budući da bi onda ja editirao bez da sam upućen u temu, a to je vandalizam). Vjeruj mi, dvojim ko je u pravu u vezi te teme, ali takvi potezi kao taj tvoj su vrlo uspješna negativna samopropaganda.

Govorim ti ovo čisto da vidiš mišljenje od nekog ko ne sudjeluje. (Zapravo, slabo radim išta na Wikipediji jer sam prezauzet diplomskim i poslom, ali ću za mjesec dana bit aktivniji.)


Jakiša Tomić 23:25, 14 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

What are you doing?


What do you thnk you are doing to my research (User:Telex/Ethnic identity in Greece)? --Telex 10:32, 15 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



You didn't tell me you wanted to move to Canada, is this why you always asked me about the beautiful British Columbian environment? --Hurricane Angel 03:45, 16 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed compromise


See this:


--Ante Perkovic 12:21, 16 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]



As an inclusionist, please review Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/List of relationships with age disparity and please take a side.

Polemical userboxes


Some of your userboxes are divisive and possibly inflammatory. They have nothing to do with the spirit of wikipedia. Please remove them. TheCooler



See website http://svetskirat.net/istorija/odredi.htm for more information and pictures on Serbian Volunteer Corps--TheFEARgod 23:23, 26 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Thanks for uploading Image:Lastovokarta.jpg. However, the image may soon be deleted unless we can determine the copyright holder and copyright status. The Wikimedia Foundation is very careful about the images included in Wikipedia because of copyright law (see Wikipedia's Copyright policy).

The copyright holder is usually the creator, the creator's employer, or the last person who was transferred ownership rights. Copyright information on images is signified using copyright templates. The three basic license types on Wikipedia are open content, public domain, and fair use. Find the appropriate template in Wikipedia:Image copyright tags and place it on the image page like this: {{TemplateName}}.

Please signify the copyright information on any other images you have uploaded or will upload. Remember that images without this important information can be deleted by an administrator. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, or ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you. ==


Thanks for uploading Image:Lastovokarta.jpg. However, the image may soon be deleted unless we can determine the copyright holder and copyright status. The Wikimedia Foundation is very careful about the images included in Wikipedia because of copyright law (see Wikipedia's Copyright policy).

The copyright holder is usually the creator, the creator's employer, or the last person who was transferred ownership rights. Copyright information on images is signified using copyright templates. The three basic license types on Wikipedia are open content, public domain, and fair use. Find the appropriate template in Wikipedia:Image copyright tags and place it on the image page like this: {{TemplateName}}.

Please signify the copyright information on any other images you have uploaded or will upload. Remember that images without this important information can be deleted by an administrator. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, or ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you.


Thanks for uploading Image:Pasadur.jpg. However, the image may soon be deleted unless we can determine the copyright holder and copyright status. The Wikimedia Foundation is very careful about the images included in Wikipedia because of copyright law (see Wikipedia's Copyright policy).

The copyright holder is usually the creator, the creator's employer, or the last person who was transferred ownership rights. Copyright information on images is signified using copyright templates. The three basic license types on Wikipedia are open content, public domain, and fair use. Find the appropriate template in Wikipedia:Image copyright tags and place it on the image page like this: {{TemplateName}}.

Please signify the copyright information on any other images you have uploaded or will upload. Remember that images without this important information can be deleted by an administrator. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, or ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you. --Eloquence* 14:16, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Also Image:Fumar.jpg and Image:Kuzma.jpg.--Eloquence* 15:02, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Claim of self-made


Let's just take one image as an example, Image:Fumar.jpg. This exact image is at:


which happens to be a website of a photographer showcasing his work. It has a modification date of August 2003, which is before the photo was uploaded. His name is not yours. Are you claiming this person is a liar and showing your work as his own? Or did you simply download this photo from the web and label it as yours even though you didn't take it?--Eloquence* 18:05, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

So you claim you took the pictures "together". I'll be happy to e-mail Gianfranco to verify this. Then let's take the next example:

Image:Kuzma.jpg is the same image as


Again, the modification date of the image on the site is in 2003, long before you uploaded the same image to Wikipedia. Are you also claiming that you have a connection to this website? Or how about Image:Pasadur.jpg, which is the same image (in higher quality) as http://www.lastovo-accomodation.com/slike/iz_aviona.jpg - again, how do you explain this? How and when do you claim you have taken this photo?--Eloquence* 18:10, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image:Pasadur.jpg was uploaded by someone else, so I have restored the license. However, the images you have uploaded appear to have been grabbed randomly from the web or scanned from paper -- or are you next going to try to tell me that you also drew this map yourself? Look, just admit that you took them from the web. Some of them may qualify as fair use, but others will have to be deleted. There's no reason to make up fake stories.--Eloquence* 18:16, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Even if the map was "given" to you (it frankly looks more like a typical web picture), that does not mean that we can publish it under the GNU Free Documentation License. We need specific permission from the copyright holder to do so -- the GFDL allows for free and unlimited distribution, modification and commercial use. For images which are not under a free license, we have the fair use guidelines. A limited number of pictures for which we can cite a source, and which have educational relevance to an article, can be used. But the worst thing we can do is mislabel images under licenses under which they are not actually available.

Your images are more likely to be deleted if you label them GFDL but they actually aren't. For each of the photos, we need to know exactly where it is from, and why we can use it.--Eloquence* 18:23, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



What treason? I feel the article needs some major improvement in order to exemplify 'our best work' and be ready for the Main Page. It's not anything personal, directed against you or anyone else, I'm just trying to help the community. The article is going to hit the Main Page anyway — but there are areas in which it has to be improved. I'm nominating it for de-featuring or anything, just trying to help (and it wouldn't have been a 'treason' even if I did nominate it for FA removal)! I understand your desire to have a Croatian article featured on the Main Page, but some of the means you've used to achieve this are unacceptable.

I'd be happy to see a great featured article on Lastovo, that's why I have reviewed it and given some suggestions — it's in the name of improvement. If that's a treason, then I'd be proud to be called a traitor, though I was disappointed by this unexpected reaction of yours. TodorBozhinov 18:28, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image sources


If you want to follow the correct procedure:

For each photo that you did not personally take, or the map which you did not personally draw, the copyright holder (the person who created the image) needs to give permission on the record to license it freely, ideally under something like CC-BY 2.5 (better than GFDL, which is very bad for images). So we need a permission e-mail from them that they have licensed it in this way. E-mail them and ask them for explicit permission. Copy me on this e-mail as CC. My e-mail address is moeller AT scireview DOT de.--Eloquence* 18:51, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Verifying the authenticity is quite easy. You CC me on the mail you send, and I'm copied on the response. I can then also send an e-mail separately to the recipient, which they can respond to. That's good enough.

You're correct that I'm opposed to copyright law. However, copyright law is not going to go away anytime soon. If we do not follow it, the Wikimedia Foundation will be liable for copyright violations by Wikipedia's users, and Wikipedia can be shut down as a consequence. Furthermore, creating free content is, in my belief, the best way to oppose copyright: building a large archive of materials that anyone can use is something we all have the legal right to do. In other words, the best way to make copyright obsolete is to demonstrate that it is unnecessary.--Eloquence* 19:49, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Gentile signore Gervasi,

come utente della Wikipedia in lingua inglese vi domanso se e possibile usare la fotografia http://www.gianfrancogervasi.it/images/fumari_small.jpg dal vostro site www.gianfrancogervasi.it. Vi promettiamo che un collegamento esterno verso il vostro site sara' fatto.

Se la vostra risposta sara' positiva, vi prego di mandare un e-mail con la vostra risposta su permissions@wikimedia.org.

Grazie in avanti,

(your signature/name)

--TheFEARgod 22:54, 2 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lastovo copyvios


Why do you keep adding obvious copyvios to the article? I'm currently trying to save it, but you insist on those rip-offs without posting any permissions, any traces of releasing the images under an appropriate license or anything. Please first provide permissions (not only to use in Wikipedia, but under CC, GFDL or PD) and then add images. Here's a free one I found — Commons:Image:Lastovo isl.jpg. TodorBozhinov 10:59, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I've just licensed a NASA satellite for free use in Wikipedia, the permission was mailed to permissions [at] wikimedia [dot] org. What's the matter really? Well, you can't just say you've mailed the friggin' permissions, you've got to show them on the image page for us to believe you. And Image:Pasadur.jpg can't have a permission, it says it's {{GFDL-self}} by Uvouvo and he said he nicked it from some site. That's an obvious discrepancy. TodorBozhinov 11:06, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
That's silly, you're relying on someone having forgotten to do something to restore the image there. I'm removing it and adding a copyvio tag then. Show the licenses. TodorBozhinov 11:10, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
It's just above from where you respond to me and Uvouvo linked to it from the discussion. Refrain from readding images already removed and discussed. It is a great photo, but a blatant copyvio. TodorBozhinov 11:16, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Please make those permissions available on the image pages ASAP, otherwise I'd have to tag the images as 'no license'. TodorBozhinov 11:41, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
ASAP, and I mean it. TodorBozhinov 11:45, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
How do you think anyone is going to believe you by just saying 'I mailed them'? Put them on the image pages, as I already said several times. A good way to do this is to enclose the e-mail in <pre></pre>. It's not paranoia, but extremely necessary if you want that article to remain featured. And I'm drug-free. So please don't deviate from the topic of discussion. TodorBozhinov 11:52, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You have to put the permission here too — Wikipedia:Successful requests for permission. You have to understand that the mail is only an archive. Put it there and I will include it on the image page. But it becomes questionable if you've obtained any permission at all or you're just monkeying. TodorBozhinov 12:49, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This is outrageous, you're removing what someone else has posted there to be discussed. If you have any objections, you're supposed to discuss, not remove it. At least you should have asked me, you simply had to ask me before removing it. Now I intend to request some sort of administrator's intervention to stop you. Whatever we're arguing about, you simply can't remove what someone else has posted on a project page without even giving any explanation in the edit summary.

Is it that difficult to understand that until the permission is publicly available the license is still not determined? And why have you removed the so-called 'Croatian government'-public-domain image, it has nothing to do with those permissions, there you have to explain why you think it's public domain and provide a direct source. I'm just shocked how low-down someone can act. TodorBozhinov 17:18, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

By removing the {{PUIdisputed}} from Image:Kuzma.jpg you say the copyright isn't disputed, but it is. The tag only refers to the image being on PUI, what's wrong with that? I can wait, but until then it's possibly unfree. I hope it's clear, since I have no desire to further edit war over stupid rubbish like a tag that says I dispute an image copyright, when that's the truth. TodorBozhinov 21:04, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Huh, that's no black list, it just indicates that it's possibly unfree, which is true. If you don't stop with these personal attacks, I'll have to resort to admin help. I'm taking it absolutely easy, I'm waiting for your permission, but until then, the image has no permission and unclear copyright status. And it's listed on PUI, the tag says that — it's a fact, why remove it? I don't know or care who you're waiting for, for the moment the image is on PUI. You remove the tag — you deny the truth.
By removing the tag you don't help the image or the article, on the contrary. You have to understand I'll do anything to stop the article from appearing on the Main Page if I'm not absolutely convinced of all the images' free copyright status. You have to understand that and work in this direction — to convince me, not to make me further doubt your claims. A featured article can't have such images with unclear copyright; actually, they should be removed straight away and stay out of the article until they're proven to be free. You have to understand that everything has to be perfect with an FA.
Is everything clear? And don't forget to give a source and rationale for Image:Pasadur.jpg, it's the other big copyvio problem that you keep making the article actually worse with. Until all the issues are solved adequately, please stop removing my notices — they're useful and necessary. TodorBozhinov 21:49, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You really shouldn't remove that template from an image unless it put there in bad faith, which it doesn't appear to have been. It puts the image under consideration for eventual deletion as a copyright violation. Please understand this. Kevin_b_er 23:40, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



You're aware of the rule. You've been reported to WP:AN/3RR for reverting three times on Image:Kuzma.jpg. TodorBozhinov 22:05, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I blocked you and Todor Bozhinov 12 hours each for WP:3RR on Image:Kuzma.jpg. Thanks Jaranda wat's sup 23:56, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Blocked again for 48 hours for 3rr on Republic of Macedonia. Thanks Jaranda wat's sup 21:23, 10 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

'He that mischief hatches mischief catches'


That's how it's in English. Interestingly, the Bulgarian proverb is mostly the same, but we say grave (grob) instead of pit (jama).

I sent an e-mail to Jaranda asking for an explanation, because I believe I was blocked unjustly (I only made three reverts, not four, and wouldn't have ever made a fourth one). You tried to present it as if I made six reverts, when in fact they were only three, and it's very likely you mislead Jaranda. But this is going to be corrected, I hope.

Again, I have nothing against you, and this 3RR report wasn't intended to do you harm — I was just doing what I felt (and still feel) is right. That you successfully mislead Jaranda by making it look as if I had made six reverts and your report was just the same as mine (when in fact you were blatantly vandalizing), is your own business. I don't care about that and I'm not angry at you. Justice will prevail, you know. It always does, sooner or later. TodorBozhinov 15:55, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

WPFY has a new look!


Check out WP:FY. If you wish, you can add {{WPFY}} to your user or talk page to keep in touch with the project. Zocky | picture popups 17:51, 8 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The world is not your enemy


Dear friend, the world is not your enemy, it just seems that way. In fact, we all care for you and embrace your suggestions. You erased information which, to my probably tired eyes, seemed one sided. I do not doubt your wisdom and Canada will be richer for having you in its bosom. But is seems that you unwittingly expressed one-sided attention to your call for proof. Politis 19:48, 10 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



LOL. I could..... it would take a while. I doubt I have the time just about now - or the attention span, quite frankly... Why do you ask about this particular one? - CrazyRussian talk/email 23:57, 12 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I've added the data you requested. BTW, what do you mean by this: About Bulgarians it should be noted that some people that would otherwise be considered as Macedonians feel Macedonians belong to Bulgarian nation and that they are not seperate. Therefore this is more political preference then ethnical distinction and that should be noted. !? --FlavrSavr 03:02, 13 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Unfortunately, my earlier contacts with the Macedonian Statistical Bureau have convinced me that they would like to keep their data for themselves, as they were too lazy to give me some crucial data needed at mk.wiki (number of inhabitants in the towns and villages in the Republic of Macedonia), so I really don't think that they would give me the number of Circassians. :/ As far as the Bulgarians are concerned, well, that's your point of view, but I totally disagree with it, and to some extent, I even find it offensive. The view that the difference between Macedonians and Bulgarians is a mere political one is abandoned everywhere, except in Bulgaria and in far-right organizations such as Stormfront. Documents that the Macedonians are an ethnicity on its own appeared as early in the 19th century, for example Karl Hron, Das Volkstum der Slaven Makedoniens (Vienna, 1890). All relevant ethno-linguistical organizations treat them as separate people with a separate language, history, customs, and even cuisine from the Bulgarians. As further elaboration would make me look like a nationalist, I'd rather put that matter to rest. All ethnic differences are in a way "political", after all. --FlavrSavr 18:53, 13 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

BTW, it seems that we have a similar surname :). Any Montenegrin ancestry? --FlavrSavr 18:53, 13 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Wow, it seems that you sent me a message while I was editing my reply! Razlog je bio taj što sam imao nešto posla da završim! :( --FlavrSavr 18:57, 13 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

My surname is Jaćoski, and it was supposed to be Jaćov - ski (error in my father's book of birth). I was told that my surname comes from a distant Montenegrin ancestor called Jać, and that's all I know about it. Also, my grandmother was Montenegrin (she was born in Ajaccio, though), so beware of further Montenegrin/Serb comparisons as well! :D Anyhow, I understand your point, but I still think the Montegrin/Serbian relations are not the perfect example. The number of declared Bulgarians is really low, and the "Serboman/Serbophil" faction is much stronger. There are about 40.000 Serbs here, and I doubt that the significant majority of them comes from traditional Serb regions such as Shumadija, Nish or whatever. There is a Serbian Radical Party, it's president being... Angele Jovanoski, the Serbiest of the Serbians! :) However, I do support their right for self-identification and I choose not to call them Serboman/Serbophil. These are modern times and everyone is or should be free to choose his nationality. --FlavrSavr 19:43, 13 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You mean self-identification? Self-determination is the doctrine that a people ought to be able to determine their own governmental forms and structures (e.g. if the inhabitants of Kosovo want independence, they should have it). --Tēlex 19:46, 13 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

License tagging for Image:SLB.jpg


Thanks for uploading Image:SLB.jpg. Wikipedia gets thousands of images uploaded every day, and in order to verify that the images can be legally used on Wikipedia, the source and copyright status must be indicated. Images need to have an image tag applied to the image description page indicating the copyright status of the image. This uniform and easy-to-understand method of indicating the license status allows potential re-users of the images to know what they are allowed to do with the images.

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This is an automated notice by OrphanBot. If you need help on selecting a tag to use, or in adding the tag to the image description, feel free to post a message at Wikipedia:Media copyright questions. 19:08, 13 July 2006 (UTC)

Edit summaries


Hi Luka,

Can you please use edit summaries on a regular basis as a courtesy to other editors? Many thanks.

Samsara (talkcontribs) 20:59, 13 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Bulgarians and Serbs in the Republic of Macedonia


Hi! I see you're making some edits to the Republic of Macedonia article concerning the Bulgarians and Serbs in the Republic of Macedonia and you're being repeatedly reverted. Let me explain why.

Regarding the people who self-declare as Bulgarians in the census, as far as I know, they speak the same language as the ethnic Macedonians (the majority of the population in RoM), so they're not a minority in the classical sense. They are simply people who, noting that they're no different than the ethnic Macedonians, believe they are Bulgarians as are the other ethnic Macedonians in their opinion. These people are dispersed around the country but to my knowledge there are more in the eastern part of RoM, closer to the Bulgarian border, where the ties with Bulgaria have traditionally being at their strongest, specifically in the town of Strumica and the surrounding area, which remained Bulgarian until 1919. Of course, there's a number of Bulgarians who've come to RoM from Bulgaria counted in the census, but they're a different group.

As for the Serbs, they speak a recognizably different language and are a real minority — simply Serbs that have lived there for centuries as a minority or who have come to what is now RoM during the times of Yugoslavia. Those who are indigenous live in the north, close to Serbia, in organized groups. RoM and Serbia have generally had (and still have) absolutely perfect relations with one other, the Serbs are those who initiated the idea of a separate Macedonian (as opposed to Bulgarian) ethnic (as opposed to regional) consciousness on a larger scale, having given up the idea of Serbianizing what are today ethnic Macedonians, that's why there are (almost) no ethnic Macedonians who self-declare as Serbs. TodorBozhinov 16:57, 16 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well, the formation of a Macedonian identity of a people who previously regarded themselves as Bulgarians is certainly political. As for these Serbs around Kumanovo, as speakers of the transitional Torlakian dialect, they may very likely be related to the local population of ethnic Macedonians who speak a close dialect, but decided to declare a different nationality due to a number of reasons; so yes, it is most likely a political and not purely ethnic division.
As you certainly know, to an extent every division between South Slavs is political in nature, since we all formed a linguistic continuum, had and still have the same or related customs, but we're now different nations and live in separate countries, the result of 19th-century nationalism and later developments, some of which completely obscure, weird, unfair and senseless. TodorBozhinov 18:30, 16 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, but the problem is, you have to find a source to reference it :) You'd probably easily find a source about Serbs in Kumanovo and the dialect they speak, but all the other things we discussed are very hard to reference. I'd also object including them justl ike that, without sources. TodorBozhinov 18:47, 16 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Your request


Hello, I'm not very interesting in the subject you proposed for translation, therefore I limited myself with hasty entries about Sarir and Avarian Khanate. I also expanded history sections of Dagestan and Caucasian Avars. P.S. Your talk page takes awfully long to load; please do other wikipedians a favour and archive it as soon as possible. --Ghirla -трёп- 16:15, 17 July 2006 (UTC) [reply]

Unspecified source for Image:Jochen.jpg


Thanks for uploading Image:Jochen.jpg. I notice the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you have not created this file yourself, then there needs to be an argument why we have the right to use it on Wikipedia (see copyright tagging below). If you did not create the file yourself, then you need to specify where it was found, i.e., in most cases link to the website where it was taken from, and the terms of use for content from that page.

If the file also doesn't have a copyright tag, then one should be added. If you created/took the picture, audio, or video then the {{GFDL-self}} tag can be used to release it under the GFDL. If you believe the media meets the criteria at Wikipedia:Fair use, use a tag such as {{Non-free fair use in|article name}} or one of the other tags listed at Wikipedia:Image copyright tags#Fair_use. See Wikipedia:Image copyright tags for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.

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Molim te pogledaj ovu sliku i njenu licenci. Onaj korisnik uporno pokušava da je diskredituje uprkos mom nastojanju da opstane. Da li bi mogao da reaguješ adekvatnim argumentima pošto moj engleski nije najbolji za takve stvari? Hvala. --Pockey 22:32, 20 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Marco Polo


Luka vidi sto se pise na Marco Polo site ...pod English...Ja bi volio vidit sto ti mislis od verziji da je Marco Polo Hrvat, roden u Korculi ima kontakt sa Sibenik. Meti tvoje misljenje na discussion. Hvala.

U vezi Lastavo...nazalost Taljani i Srbi uvjek oce sto Hrvatska ima..i nazalost neki vjeruju te propagande njihove. Sto mozes neko voli lagat i puno toga vidim na Wikipedija ..a na kraju neki stranac mozda to procita i vjeruje u njihove lazi.


Jagoda 1 03:27, 26 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Eto tako me intersira sto si ti mislija od Marki Polo. Za mene nemoze bit Talijan jer Hrvati pod Venecijon su minjali imena. Kazu da su ti Poli sa korcule iz Sibenika i Hrvati. Sve je moguce...razumin to


Jagoda 1 23:18, 26 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]



E,zapravo ima jedna porodica muslimana Osmanagic,ali ne znam da li to treba pomenuti u clanku.To slucajno znam jer mi je tamo porodica,kod Andrijevice.Pozdrav

Ice Cold 20:33, 27 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Image tagging for Image:Cazma_(grb).png


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This is an automated notice by OrphanBot. For assistance on the image use policy, see Wikipedia:Media copyright questions. 09:05, 8 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Could you please help protect this article from unfair deletionists?


Hi Luka! I found you through Association of Inclusionist Wikipedians. I was hoping if you can lend me a helping hand with http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/International_Institute_of_Management article. On August 10 an unknown person marked it for deletion. Then a group of 4 deletionists gave a delete vote claiming non-notability. Inspite of the fact that nn is not an official reason for deletion, I provided a clear evidence of notability and verifiable references and won a stong keep vote from Ephilei (another inclusionist). However, my concern is that we are only 3 votes against 6 votes . Therefore, I kindly ask you to check the article http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/International_Institute_of_Management (if it is too long you can check keep-comments). I’m not asking for anything more than an ethical vote. I’m willing to return the favor and review a similar articles. Every keep vote counts, please help! Miro.gal

Luka, I responded on User talk:Quarl to explain why I had removed the above message by User:Miro.gal. Quarl (talk) 2006-08-15 11:45Z

Unspecified source for Image:Torlak.png


Thanks for uploading Image:Torlak.png. I notice the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you have not created this file yourself, then there needs to be a justification explaining why we have the right to use it on Wikipedia (see copyright tagging below). If you did not create the file yourself, then you need to specify where it was found, i.e., in most cases link to the website where it was taken from, and the terms of use for content from that page.

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Romanian & other stuff


Noroc domnule! Kako ćeš na srpskom i na hrvatskom slabo što pronaći za učenje rumunjskog jezika, najlakše ti je prionuti za knjige napisane engleskim ili njemačkim jezikom. A, ako me tvoj userbox ne vara, s engleskim bi se malo bolje snašao. Dobar didaktički pristup ima Dennis Deletant u famoznom Teach Yourself Romanian (kojeg ti, on a more discrete note, ja mogu kopirati i poslati); alternatively, od nekog studenta rumunjskog jezika na zagrebačkom sveučilištu možeš maznuti grozomornu knjigu Limba română, Manual pentru studenţii străini., čiji je izdavač sveučilište u Bukureštu, a za koju ti treba ili netko tko zna rumunjski, ili jaaaako puno strpljenja. Od CD-Romova za početak nije ni loš Talk Now Romanian koji se, opet discretely, da nabaviti kopiran. Pozdrav iz smrznuta Beča, nepTune 07:26, 8 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Opet ja. Jesam, ja sam taj. Nisam bio u izbjeglištvu u Mađarskoj, a mada jezike sve manje-više jednako dobro znam, poredani su reda radi, da ne bi izgledalo kao preseravanje. Javi mi se mailom da se dogovorimo oko knjiga. Živ bio! nepTune 20:35, 11 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well, da si dao svoj e-mail u preferencesima, sad bi imao E-mail this user s lijeve strane. Otherwise, javi se msn mesenđerom (citiram napis iz jutrošnjih bh dnevnih novina) na windboro@hotmail.com, pa se izdogovaramo. I popricamo o nivoima. The level you reach, obviously, ovisi o tomu kako pristupis ucenju, but Teach Yourself does offer quite a lot. nepTune 09:28, 12 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Online sam upravo sada, tako da, ako ga imash pri ruci, izvoli... nepTune 09:58, 12 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Pa hvala za Barnstar. :) PANONIAN (talk) 20:35, 8 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



I have reported your vulgar language to an administrator - you have to understand that that kind of obscure language doesn't deserve to be on Wikipedia. --HolyRomanEmperor 13:57, 9 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ehh, OK; I'm sorry, I should've checked the history of the page before... --HolyRomanEmperor 08:55, 10 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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Dakle ovako: poznat mi je tvoj stav o srpskohrvatskom jeziku, ali bih te zamolio da ne uklanjaš nazive na službenim jezicima Vojvodine iz članaka o mestima u Vojvodini. Bez obzira da li se to tebi sviđa ili ne, hrvatski je u Vojvodini služben jezik i hrvatski nazivi treba da stoje tamo. Ti očigledno ne razumeš neke stvari ali ću pokušati da ti ih objasnim. Pogledaj na primer ovaj članak: Beli Manastir. Sad mi reci koliko je NPOV da tu stoji samo mađarsko ime? Iako je ideja Vikipedije bila isključivo da pokaže alternativne nazive za subjekat članka, mnogi korisnici Vikipedije ta imena koriste u političke svrhe kao izraz iredentističkih pretenzija. Pogledaj i otkud mađarsko ime u tom članku: izmena anonimnog korisnika. Ja veoma dobro znam ko je taj anonimni korisnik i zašto je stavio mađarska imena na razne članke o Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Slovačkoj, Rumuniji, itd... Nije to uradio da bi popravio kvalitet Vikipedije već da bi izrazio sopstvene teritorijalne pretenzije prema tim područjima. Ja nemam ništa protiv da mađarska imena stoje tu, ali pod uslovom da pri tom ne impliciraju ono što je taj anonimni korisnik želeo da implicira. A kako to postići? Tako što ćemo imati nazive i na drugim jezicima, i time mađarsko ime neće implicirati Veliku Mađarsku, već će implicirati isto ono što impliciraju i ostala imena na drugim jezicima. Naravno, problem nije isti u svakoj državi ili regionu. U slučaju Vojvodine stvar je jasna: mađarski tu predstavlja jedan od šlužbenih jezika i to je razlog zašto mađarska imena stoje tu (a ne nečije političke pretenzije), ali to je isto razlog zašto imena na ostalim službenim jezicima treba da budu tu, jer su svi ti jezici po statutu Vojvodine u ravnopravnoj upotrebi. Po mom mišljenju, prava neutralnost članaka će se obezbediti onda kad ime svakog mesta bude ispisano na svih 6 službenih jezika. Dakle, ne postoji razlog za brisanje imena na jednom od službenih jezika Vojvodine. Da ime nekog mesta u Vojvodini piše na bosanskom, onda bi mogao da ga obrišeš jer bosanski nije služben u Vojvodini, ali hrvatski jeste. Toliko o slučaju Vojvodine, a sada da pređemo na slučaj Hrvatske. Iako je u Hrvatskoj samo hrvatski jezik služben, neutralnost članaka o gradovima Hrvatske se takođe može obezbediti tako što će tamo biti više imena na jezicima od "istorijskog značaja". U slučaju ovog severnog dela Hrvatske, to bi bili latinski, mađarski, nemački, turski i srpski. E sada, ja namerno nisam napisao kako se Beli Manastir kaže na srpskom (ili kako se piše ćirilicom) jer bi me neki Hrvati onda optužili za "velikosrpstvo", ali je činjenica da bi srpsko ime koje bi tu stajalo pored mađarskog obezbedilo veću neutralnost članka o Belom Manastiru. Nadam se da ćeš jednog dana to shvatiti (a i ostali hrvatski korisnici naravno). PANONIAN (talk) 11:33, 10 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Re User talk:Zweifel Russian Dolls (series). I think it's important to be polite when conveying messages. Calling other users dumb is not acceptable. --ArmadilloFromHell 14:22, 18 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Your rude comment on my talkpage


In English a "series" can mean just about everything, a series of russian dolls seemed more logical than a tv programm (which are called tv series in English) this comment is rude and inappropriate not to mention quite late as I made those edits nearly 6 months ago. Refrain from making comments like this directed at me (or any other user really) and I suggest you look at Wikipedia:Civility. Rex 15:59, 18 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Thank you for your wonderful comment on my talk page this morning! As requested, I translated the Dutch article (or at least part of it), which can now be found here: Matroesjka's, with redirects at De Matroesjka's and Russian Dolls (series).

You know, last summer I got to visit Ljubljana, Zabreb, Rijeka, and Piran. They were actually really cool (seriously).

Anyway, thank you for getting me out of my chair and onto the translation of this utterly critical article. Like I've always said, Wikipedia works best as a collaboration! I even took the time to correct all of the English-language mistakes on the Cimos building page you created! Just returning the favor!

Why you gotta be a jackass like that, dude? What do you have to prove? And how do you actually prove it by writing obnoxious comments on people's talk pages -- and, as your talk page shows, removing stuff from their talk pages, and editing their user pages and engaging in revert wars? You're certainly not strengthening the point you wish to make.

Anyway, if you edit or remove anything I have written or that exists on my user-pages, I will revert them post haste, and then complain about your behavior to someone. You should have been banned from this site a long time ago.

I mean it. .. ..Zweifel 18:52, 18 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please help


Hi! I got your username from the Association Inclusionist Wikipedians. I'm trying to work against a band of linkocrites (see en:User:cochese8). You look as if you're a valuable editor and I could really use some help [preserving] a great link. I would ask you to review the discussion and vote keep if you agree with the link's value. By the way, you're welcome to ask for my vote to keep any information on this website. Thanks for your help! Cochese8 17:34, 25 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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HRE = PAX now


Holy Roman Emperor is Pax now.

Jagoda 1 22:49, 15 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Good Job!


Yanis Kanidis was the real man, whose action draws inpiration to the broader Caucasus and the World in general. I wish Russia had many people like him on their soil, especially in the govt, so finally, individuality and the human right would be respeced there. If it was my choise I would also put Dzhokhar Dudaev's picture next to his to have the hero from opposite side of the spectrum, but some Russian nationalist users already attack me on wiki and I am trying to stay diplomatic. Sosomk 16:42, 23 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]



You may be interested in Belgrade's FA nom. Please do not vote in favour simply because it is an article about Belgrade, but rather on the article's merits. If you feel that it is not good enough, please vote against. --estavisti 05:48, 24 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi there Luka. I appreciate the switch on my user page for the Greek version of my name. As you can guess, I tried to give it an encyclopaedic look so as to be slightly different but also interesting. You know something about Greek I see, and you are correct in that the phoneme /v/ is used by the Greek letter Beta (β). Having written it as you did is not wrong. My name on the other hand is not based on anything Greek, however, supposing it were, you'll find that in Modern Greek, the lexeme /Υ υ/ when used after -A, or -E yields to a 'v' sound. This is from this influence that we along the eastern side of the former Yugoslavia (Bulgaria & Macedonia mainly but Serbia to a degree too) derive our words for "Europe" (Evropa) and "Auto" (Avto) and others. The two examples in Greek are ΕΥΡΟΠΑ and ΑΥΤΟ. Thank you for the interest anyhow. Regards! Evlekis 09:02, 2 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]


U redu, nadam se da nemaš ništa protiv sadašnje verzije članka o Jaši Tomiću? Inače, ne shvataj lično ako sam te nečim uvredio, danas sam bio prilično nervozan. I možeš li da napišeš rumunska imena za mesta sa rumunskom većinom u članku Romanians of Serbia? PANONIAN (talk) 00:50, 15 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
U redu, nemam ništa protiv da se to primeni i na druge članke - u svakom slučaju nije isto kada nešto stoji u prvoj rečenici i u posebnom poglavlju o imenu. Što se statuta Vojvodine tiče, to ima ovde: http://www.vojvodina.sr.gov.yu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=100&Itemid=68 "Statutom AP Vojvodine, kao najvišim pravnim aktom u Pokrajini, utvrđeno je da su u službenoj upotrebi istovremeno sa srpskim jezikom još i mađarski, hrvatski, slovački, rumunski i rusinski jezik." Dakle, to je na nivou pokrajine, dok na lokalnom nivou nema određen kriterijum koji će jezici biti u službenoj upotrebi a koji ne - to svaka opština valjda sama odredi. U Novom Sadu na primer ima 4 službena jezika u upotrebi, a ni jedna manjinska zajednica nije veća od 6 posto stanovništva (taj broj od 20% važi u nekim drugim zemljama, na primer u Makedoniji, ali u Vojvodini ne). PANONIAN (talk) 17:34, 15 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Serbs in Hungary


U redu, video sam broj, ali ako taj link kaže da u Mađarskoj ima 7 350 Srba, zašto ovaj drugi kaže da ih ima 3 816: http://www.nepszamlalas.hu/eng/volumes/24/tables/load1_4_1.html PANONIAN (talk) 16:10, 19 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Znači, hoćeš da kažeš da je 3 816 podatak o broju ljudi koji govore srpski kao maternji? PANONIAN (talk) 02:40, 20 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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As a member of WikiProject Serbia, you should be aware that the project as well as Portal:Serbia is being considered for deletion. If you have the time, please comment on what you feel should be done with the project and the portal. Thank you. // Laughing Man 01:47, 3 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Template:Yugoslav wars


I've begun work on Template:Yugoslav wars. It's a work in progress, but feel free to add anything I've overlooked/haven't got round to yet.--Hadžija 18:41, 20 January 2007 (UTC)--[reply]

Please, see this. How about we talk normally about this on the talk page of the article? As far as I know, Illythr is a very civilized person, and logical arguments are not passing parallel to his ears.:Dc76 16:31, 7 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

And please show me the word "Romanian" here: Art. 3. - (1) Limbile oficiale ale Găgăuziei sînt limbile moldovenească, găgăuză şi rusă.Law on the special legal status of Gagauzia as well. --Illythr 21:57, 7 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I blocked you for 24 hours for violating WP:3RR on Gîsca. Thanks Jaranda wat's sup 00:06, 10 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, can we move it back? I mean the Romanian language spoken in Serbia.--Items cases 20:12, 30 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Ajde molim te pročitaj stranu za razgovor kod članka Banat. Postoji poseban članak o demografiji srpskog Banata (samo se pitam zašto uklanjaš link do tog članka u članku Banat?), i nema nikakvog razloga da sve to ponovo napišemo u glavnom članku o Banatu. Drugi članak je i napravljen sa ciljem da se u glavnom članku o Banatu smanji količina teksta. PANONIAN 09:18, 9 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Sa druge strane i sama ova tabela ne valja - na primer Nemci su 1910 bili druga po veličini etnička grupa a ti si ih u tabeli stavio na zadnje mesto. Podatke sa različitih popisa je teško sravniti na ovaj način zbog razlike u veličini pojedinih etničkih grupa. PANONIAN 09:22, 9 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Pa jel ti mene zezaš sa "This is resume of that special article" kad si upravo prekopirao ceo "special article" umesto da si napravio "resume"??? Ako je sve to već pomenuto u posebnom članku, zaista nemamo razloga da sve to ponavljamo u glavnom članku. Ako ima razlog da to ponavljamo, molim te reci koji je? PANONIAN 18:38, 9 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
A da ne pominjemo i činjenicu da u toj tvojoj tabeli iznosiš netačne podatke, na primer zadnji popis je bio 2002, a ne 2001, dok je broj koji koristiš kao broj Srba iz 1921 u stvari zbirni broj Srba i Hrvata. Tebi lično možda te sitnice nisu važne, ali su one veoma važne sa stanovišta tačnog prikaza. PANONIAN 18:43, 9 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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Hvala ti na podršci, ako koristiš koji mesendžer javi se... Luka Jačov 16:26, 12 September 2007 (UTC) Hey Luka. Da, koristim msn i posto nisam primjetio na tvojoj stranici gdje bih ti mogao poslati poruku, dacu ti moj yahoo email, pa cu ti poslije naknadno poslati moj msn nick. Mozes mi pisati na pgoran6atyahoo.com, a ja cu ti odgovoriti sa vise informacija o meni i sl. Veliki pozdrav, G.V. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:36, 14 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Debate on the correct adjective for Kosovo


Hi! Based on your interest in the Balkans, you may be interested in the currently ongoing debate on whether we should be using Kosovo or Kosovar/Kosovan as the adjective for Kosovo. —Nightstallion 15:26, 31 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hello. There's a discussion and vote going on at Talk:Kosovo#Kosovo:_terminology as to whether or not it's better to use Kosovo rather than Kosovan or Kosovar in the Wikipedia articles. You've contributed to Balkans articles in the past and I thought you might have an interest. Cheers. 16:09, 31 July 2007 (UTC)

Orphaned non-free media (Image:Kraljevica (grb).gif)


Thanks for uploading Image:Kraljevica (grb).gif. The media description page currently specifies that it is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, it is currently orphaned, meaning that it is not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the media was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that media for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

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According to the article Mulatto it's Spanish. I'm from the UK and the term is never used there, so it clearly is not a well known word. Indeed I had never heard the word until quite recently. Besides the Mulatto article states that the term is a pejorative term, it is not the purpose of an encyclopaedia to use pejorative terms that are colloquialisms. Maybe the word in international in the sense that it is used in the Americas, it certainly is never used in the UK. It is untrue that the term "white skinned" is American, it is descriptive, and it's meaning is therefore obvious to anyone. We could compromise on mixed race perhaps? I'm happy to compromise if you can suggest an alternative to a potentially offensive term if you cannot accept light skinned. All the best. Alun 11:38, 22 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

On second thoughts the description mulatto is misleading, it seems that this term applies to any person of mixed race background. Maybe we should just stste that her father was African-American and leave the "light-skinned" part out altogether. Alternatively we could just remove the picture altogether, does it really need to e there? What do you think? We need to reach agreement. All the best. Alun 11:44, 22 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
And I think you missed my point. Mulatto is a racist term in some parts of the world. If you read the Mulatto article it states this clearly. It is not true that this term is well known, and it is not true that it is not racist. It is also not true that "light skinned African American" is racist. I don't follow the logic of this at all. African American is a cultural term, it applies to a specific cultural group in the USA, some of these people have lighter skin than others, but it's a cultural identity and not a racial group. Besides you ignored my second suggestion that we can simply say African American and dispense with the light skinned part. I'm happy to come to a form of words we can both agree with, but this term Mulatto seems to have very pejorative overtones, maybe it does not where you come from, I cannot say, but it certainly does in some parts of the world. I cannot accept this form of words, I find it offensive, I do not accept that there is not a less offensive compromise that we can come to. Please try to think of a better form of words that we can both agree on rather than ignoring my concerns. Also let's not turn this into an edit war, I'm happy to refrain from editing this part of the article until we can reach an agreement. Thanks. Alun 15:44, 22 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
OK, I stand corrected. According to the OED Mulatto means a person with one White parent and one Black parent, it doesn't say this is a pejorative term.[31] But it does mean that the article caption is wrong, because apparently her father did not have one White parent and one Black parent, he had some African American ancestry, and therefore was not a mulatto. All the best. Alun 15:58, 22 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

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The content you restored is copyright violation, copied from some website. What is more, it was created by a sockpuppet of banned user. Deleted. `'Míkka 22:55, 12 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

White Africans


Actually, I agree with you. Arabs should be in the "White African" article. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:46, 14 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You can just delete whole article and make a redirect from it just because you think it is a stub. It is considered as a vandalism. ≈Tulkolahten≈≈talk≈ 22:07, 25 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Please stop. If you continue to vandalize pages, you will be blocked from editing Wikipedia. ≈Tulkolahten≈≈talk≈ 23:00, 25 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Discussion is about discussing between at least two parties, you can't just take a note on the talk page, nominate that article for AfD or propose merge. But do not delete that article again otherwise you are vandalising it only. ≈Tulkolahten≈≈talk≈ 23:00, 25 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

People's Republic of China = the one on the mainland. Republic of China = the one on Taiwan and a few other minor islands. Please read the Liu Shaoqi article which will clarify for you that he was president of the former and not the latter. cab 00:37, 27 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Boris Malagurski


Ah, tada sam bia mlad i nadobudan. Moze bit da nije, u svakom slucaju uvidia sam da pravi frikovi na ovoj Wikipediji nisu braca Slaveni (nemam nista protov Srba inace, I idu mi na zivce frikovi iz Splita sta pizde nacionalisticku retoriku), nego taljani, sta misle da bi po pravu cila Dalmacija tribala bit njihova u stvari... itd, da ne duljin, zao mi je ako san uvridia ikoga... :( --DIREKTOR (TALK) 16:37, 6 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I thought you retired a long time ago. :) --PaxEquilibrium (talk) 22:48, 1 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

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AfD nomination of Macedonian language naming dispute


An article you may be interested in, Macedonian language naming dispute, has been listed for deletion. If you are interested in the deletion discussion, please participate by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Macedonian language naming dispute. Thank you. Благодарам Alex Makedon (talk) 19:36, 7 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Based on the discussion in this article's talk page, I made a proposal [32] and gave its rationale [33]. You are receiving this standard message because during the last 12 months you have editted either this article or its talk page, or both. Dc76\talk 01:04, 9 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Greeks in FYROM


Regarding this, do you think you could actually discuss your edits instead of just blindly reverting? You have established no consensus on the talk page for such a major (and extremely bad) rewrite. ·ΚΕΚΡΩΨ· 14:07, 10 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Talk page etiquette


Luka Jačov, while the discussion at Talk:Republic of Macedonia has become contentious, some of us have been trying to keep it civil. The use of a perjorative in this edit was unhelpful. Groups of people should have the right to some control over what they are called (as opposed to what others are called). Please consider striking the offending term, or replacing it with something inoffensive. Jd2718 (talk) 22:46, 10 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I am glad you did not intend to offend. However, the problem is the word itself. If you would strike it or replace it, that would be a Good Thing. Thank you, Jd2718 (talk) 23:24, 10 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Zdravo Luka. Bolje je koristiti "Graecophile" od govoreći "Grkoman". Ako netko vas zove "srboman" bi vam vjerojatno biti uvrijeđen. Izvinete moje hrvatski nije dobro. Pozdravi, BalkanFever 03:10, 13 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]



Please do not undo other people's edits repeatedly, as you are doing in Greeks in the Republic of Macedonia, or you may be blocked from editing Wikipedia. The three-revert rule prohibits making more than three reversions in a content dispute within a 24-hour period. Additionally, users who perform a large number of reversions in content disputes may be blocked for edit warring, even if they do not technically violate the 3RR.

In a 2007 arbitration case, administrators were given the power to impose discretionary sanctions on any user editing Balkans-related articles in a disruptive way. If you engage in further inappropriate behaviour in this area, you may be placed under sanctions including blocks, a revert limitation or an article ban. Thank you.

Fut.Perf. 06:22, 13 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Final warning. I believe you actually have something useful to say in the Macedonian issues, so I would not want you to get blocked / topic-banned, but this revert-warring absolutely must stop. If your behaviour gets reported to the relevant notice boards, I'm pretty certain you'll face quite serious sanctions. Please try something different. Fut.Perf. 17:07, 14 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

You've been mentioned on a noticeboard


Hello Luka Jačov. Your edits are being discussed at the edit-warring noticeboard. You can join the discussion and give your own comment there. EdJohnston (talk) 18:41, 14 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

November 2008


I have blocked you for 24 hours for edit warring on the Greeks in the Republic of Macedonia article over a long period of time. Edit warring is not progressive on Wikipedia. If you wish to contest this block, please use the {{unblock}}. ScarianCall me Pat! 19:12, 14 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

This user's unblock request has been reviewed by an administrator, who declined the request. Other administrators may also review this block, but should not override the decision without good reason (see the blocking policy).

Luka Jačov (block logactive blocksglobal blockscontribsdeleted contribsfilter logcreation logchange block settingsunblockcheckuser (log))

Request reason:

The major complaint about the article that it was badly writen. As article's grammar was fixed some users again started to revert it to previous version without discussing it previously on article's talk page even after user that rewrote article asked them to do so. Second thing I only reverted twice changed to version of User:Bože pravde

Decline reason:

I concur with Scarian that there was edit-warring, along with referring to other edits as vandalism, and not engaging in discussion at the talkpage. The block was appropriate. —-Elonka 21:42, 14 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

If you want to make any further unblock requests, please read the guide to appealing blocks first, then use the {{unblock}} template again. If you make too many unconvincing or disruptive unblock requests, you may be prevented from editing this page until your block has expired. Do not remove this unblock review while you are blocked.

This user's unblock request has been reviewed by an administrator, who declined the request. Other administrators may also review this block, but should not override the decision without good reason (see the blocking policy).

Luka Jačov (block logactive blocksglobal blockscontribsdeleted contribsfilter logcreation logchange block settingsunblockcheckuser (log))

Request reason:

Then why was only I blocked? Its obvious that users User:Future Perfect at Sunrise , User:ΚΕΚΡΩΨ and User:NikoSilver participated in edit war jointly. Why arent they blocked?

Decline reason:

If you want to make any further unblock requests, please read the guide to appealing blocks first, then use the {{unblock}} template again. If you make too many unconvincing or disruptive unblock requests, you may be prevented from editing this page until your block has expired. Do not remove this unblock review while you are blocked.

Edit warring


When you are fresh off a block for edit warring, it would be best if you not perform the same revert that got you blocked in the first place. But that's what you have done here. In addition, I note that you marked the edit as minor, which it certainly is not. Please revert yourself before anyone has the chance to reblock you. Jd2718 (talk) 00:50, 16 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

You have been blocked from editing for a short time in accordance with Wikipedia's blocking policy for engaging in an edit war. Please be more careful to discuss controversial changes or seek dispute resolution rather than engaging in an edit war. If you believe this block is unjustified, you may contest the block by adding the text {{unblock|your reason here}} below.

Continued the same edit war you were blocked for two days earlier, making the identical revert. Please wait for a consensus on the Talk page before restoring material to a hotly-contested article. EdJohnston (talk) 04:59, 16 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]



Luka, morate prekinuti. Uzmi ovaj "odmor", da bi odražavala na ono što su radili. Ova situacija je neuspješan, ali pokušajte započeti konstruktivnu raspravu (ne uređivanje) kada se vratite. Vi ste dobar suradnik. Žao nam je još jednom ako moj hrvatski je loše. Pozdravi. BalkanFever 09:04, 16 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]



You've been reported at WP:AE. Expect some longish block or other kind of sanction coming your way soon. Fut.Perf. 18:35, 27 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/Future Perfect at Sunrise


Could you confirm the parties you are naming in the SPI report? It does not make sense to me at the moment. MBisanz talk 17:54, 28 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Per the remedies listed at Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Macedonia, you are restricted to WP:0RR on Greeks in the Republic of Macedonia (except for obvious vandalism). This restriction is to remain in place until lifted by myself or another uninvolved admin. Should the problematic behaviour spread to other articles, then the restriction will be similarly spread. Kevin (talk) 00:09, 29 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

DYK nomination of Kosovo: Can You Imagine?


Hello! Your submission of Kosovo: Can You Imagine? at the Did You Know nominations page has been reviewed, and there still are some issues that may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) underneath your nomination's entry and respond there as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to Did You Know! ∗ \ / () 11:45, 4 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

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File:Picture 689.jpg is now available on Wikimedia Commons as Commons:File:Bucharest Armenian Church.jpg. This is a repository of free media that can be used on all Wikimedia wikis. The image will be deleted from Wikipedia, but this doesn't mean it can't be used anymore. You can embed an image uploaded to Commons like you would an image uploaded to Wikipedia, in this case: [[File:Bucharest Armenian Church.jpg]]. Note that this is an automated message to inform you about the move. This bot did not copy the image itself. --Erwin85Bot (talk) 20:52, 11 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

File source problem with File:DjordjeKaradjordjevic.jpg

File Copyright problem
File Copyright problem

Thanks for uploading File:DjordjeKaradjordjevic.jpg. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, then a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a restatement of that website's terms of use of its content, is usually sufficient information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, their copyright should also be acknowledged.

If you have uploaded other files, consider checking that you have specified their source and tagged them, too. You can find a list of files you have uploaded by following this link. Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. If the image is copyrighted under a non-free license (per Wikipedia:Fair use) then the image will be deleted 48 hours after 18:44, 19 April 2009 (UTC). If you have any questions please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you. Calliopejen1 (talk) 18:44, 19 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Wow, I never imagined that someone would stumble upon my page so quickly! --Thesavagenorwegian (talk) 14:48, 20 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

File source problem with File:Patrij.jpg

File Copyright problem
File Copyright problem

Thanks for uploading File:Patrij.jpg. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, then a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a restatement of that website's terms of use of its content, is usually sufficient information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, their copyright should also be acknowledged.

If you have uploaded other files, consider checking that you have specified their source and tagged them, too. You can find a list of files you have uploaded by following this link. Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. If the image is copyrighted under a non-free license (per Wikipedia:Fair use) then the image will be deleted 48 hours after 11:58, 26 April 2009 (UTC). If you have any questions please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you. Calliopejen1 (talk) 11:58, 26 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Jesi me ti pitao kako koristim ikavicu?

Ali kako sa engleske vikipedije, a stiglo mi na srpskoj?

Could you help me with Lesser of Two and Embers (band) entries.


Hello, I saw that you started the Sin Dios page, and was hoping you could help me prevent the deletion of Lesser of Two and Embers (band). Lesser of Two played shows with Sin Dios and toured extensively in North America and Europe. Could you help with advice or helping improve this site. I am new to this so your help would be appreciated.

Thank you. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Noodlesteve (talkcontribs) 03:05, 3 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]


Thank you for uploading File:Zakkrus1944.jpg. However, it currently is missing information on its copyright status. Wikipedia takes copyright very seriously. It may be deleted soon, unless we can determine the license and the source of the file. If you know this information, then you can add a copyright tag to the image description page.

If you have uploaded other files, consider checking that you have specified their license and tagged them, too. You can find a list of files you have uploaded by following this link.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thanks again for your cooperation. User:Zscout370 (Return Fire) 20:42, 8 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

File source problem with File:Carra.jpg


Thank you for uploading File:Carra.jpg. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, please add a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a brief restatement of that website's terms of use of its content. However, if the copyright holder is a party unaffiliated from the website's publisher, that copyright should also be acknowledged.

If you have uploaded other files, consider verifying that you have specified sources for those files as well. You can find a list of files you have created in your upload log. Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged per Wikipedia's criteria for speedy deletion, F4. If the image is copyrighted and non-free, the image will be deleted 48 hours after 10:57, 6 June 2010 (UTC) per speedy deletion criterion F7. If you have any questions or are in need of assistance please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you. Sfan00 IMG (talk) 10:57, 6 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

File source problem with File:Sdkprota.jpg


Thank you for uploading File:Sdkprota.jpg. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the copyright status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, please add a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a brief restatement of that website's terms of use of its content. However, if the copyright holder is a party unaffiliated from the website's publisher, that copyright should also be acknowledged.

If you have uploaded other files, consider verifying that you have specified sources for those files as well. You can find a list of files you have created in your upload log. Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged per Wikipedia's criteria for speedy deletion, F4. If the image is copyrighted and non-free, the image will be deleted 48 hours after 14:22, 28 August 2010 (UTC) per speedy deletion criterion F7. If you have any questions or are in need of assistance please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you. Sfan00 IMG (talk) 14:22, 28 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The article Cimos Building has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

not notable

While all contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}} notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}} will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Joy [shallot] (talk) 12:55, 1 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

File:Kosidba.jpg needs authorship information

Dear uploader:

The media file you uploaded as File:Kosidba.jpg appears to be missing information as to its authorship (and or source), or if you did provide such information, it is confusing for others trying to make use of the image.

It would be appreciated if you would consider updating the file description page, to make the authorship of the media clearer.

Although some images may not need author information in obvious cases, (such where an applicable source is provided), authorship information aids users of the image, and helps ensure that appropriate credit is given (a requirement of some licenses).

  • If you created this media yourself, please consider explicitly including your user name, for which: {{subst:usernameexpand|Luka Jačov}} will produce an appropriate expansion,
    or use the {{own}} template.
  • If this is an old image, for which the authorship is unknown or impossible to determine, please indicate this on the file description page.
If you have any questions please see Help:File page. Thank you. Sfan00 IMG (talk) 13:22, 29 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

WikiProject Romania

Hi! From your edits, it looks like you might be interested in contributing to WikiProject Romania. It is a project aimed at organizing and improving the quality and accuracy of articles related to Romania. Thanks and best regards!

--Codrin.B (talk) 06:11, 21 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Nomination of Kosovo: Can You Imagine? for deletion


A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Kosovo: Can You Imagine? is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Kosovo: Can You Imagine? (2nd nomination) until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion template from the top of the article. PRODUCER (TALK) 14:11, 10 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

File:Picture 702.jpg listed for deletion


A file that you uploaded or altered, File:Picture 702.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for deletion. Please see the discussion to see why it has been listed (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry). Feel free to add your opinion on the matter below the nomination. Thank you. Sfan00 IMG (talk) 11:37, 6 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

File:Picture 281.jpg listed for deletion


A file that you uploaded or altered, File:Picture 281.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for deletion. Please see the discussion to see why it has been listed (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry). Feel free to add your opinion on the matter below the nomination. Thank you. ♫♫ Leitoxx ♪♪ 17:47, 6 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:53, 23 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed deletion of Betagarri


The article Betagarri has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

No claim to notability. Only three albums listed at AllMusic and none have reviews: http://www.allmusic.com/artist/betagarri-mn0001373475/discography Nothing in the first 50 hits on Google supports notability. And only self-published sources on their article on the Spanish project.

While all constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{proposed deletion/dated}} notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing {{proposed deletion/dated}} will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. In particular, the speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Walter Görlitz (talk) 22:35, 25 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Nomination of Betagarri for deletion


Hello. A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Betagarri is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Betagarri (2nd nomination) until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, please do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article. Thank you. Walter Görlitz (talk) 00:47, 26 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image File:Daruvar (grb).png


Thanks for uploading File:Daruvar (grb).png. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described in section F5 of the criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. --B-bot (talk) 03:28, 5 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image File:Karlovac (grb).png


Thanks for uploading File:Karlovac (grb).png. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described in section F5 of the criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. --B-bot (talk) 17:21, 1 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]

File:Lake in Skrivena Luka.jpg listed for discussion


A file that you uploaded or altered, File:Lake in Skrivena Luka.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for discussion. Please see the discussion to see why it has been listed (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry). Feel free to add your opinion on the matter below the nomination. Thank you. — JJMC89(T·C) 01:07, 29 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

File:Fumar.jpg listed for discussion


A file that you uploaded or altered, File:Fumar.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for discussion. Please see the discussion to see why it has been listed (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry). Feel free to add your opinion on the matter below the nomination. Thank you. — JJMC89(T·C) 06:31, 30 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Nomination of Sin Dios for deletion

A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Sin Dios is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Sin Dios until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on high-quality evidence and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion notice from the top of the article.

czar 17:47, 8 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]