From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
St'uténte chi o peu contriboî co-in livéllo bâze in lìgure .
Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch nicht (oder versteht es nur mit beträchtlichen Schwierigkeiten).
This user can program in Python .
C++ This user can program in C++ .
My research investigates how digital literacy and documentation could be integrated into urban manufacturing, aiming to develop guidelines for makerspaces and urban factories.
I created my user page while following the PhD Intensive course on research state of the art and Wikipedia in Mendrisio (Switzerland) .
During the course I would like to work on creating a specific article on urban manufacturing, a topic relevant to my research and already covered by many different scientific sources.
Articles lacking information [ edit ]
Fab lab (general enrichment and update of information)
Digital modeling and fabrication (general enrichment)
Rapid prototyping (specific for prototyping in the world of interaction design, link with the page Prototype )
Articles to be written [ edit ]
Urban manufacturing (interest in the actual literature)
Small production (as a contrary of Mass production - strong correlation with Maker culture and Fab lab ), possible paragraph of Handicraft with an accent of digital production.