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Draft:TT'34 (Band)

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"TT-34"  is a Belarusian nu metal band founded in 1996.



The history of TT-34 began with the band Head Cleaner, which was formed in 1996 in Gomel and which included Alexey Smirnov (drums), Konstantin Petrovich Astapenko (vocals), Alexander Volostnov (guitar) and Alexey Grigoriev - Mukh (bass).

In December 1996, the group recorded their first demo. In 1998, they changed the lineup: replacing Volostnov and Mukha, with Sergei Kuzmenkov and Valery Novoseltsev. In May 1999, Head Cleaner changed its name to TT'34. Alexander Potemkin joined the band and by the fall of 1999, stablishing formation, and the style of music.

The band begins concert activities in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic states, releases several soundtracks for films (the triumphant “Night and Day Watch”, the Russian action film “Piranha”). Over the course of several years, the group has been forming a program for the debut album “Грубый помол” (Rough Grinding).

In 2003, Artur Stepanov joined, adding percussion to the music to give a raw authenticity and harshness to the sound of the rhythm section.

At the end of 2004, the full-length album “Грубый помол” was released (in Russia it was released under the name “Бум!”).

In the fall of 2006, the group recorded an unreleased single: "Падая И Задыхаясь Добиваешься Единой Цели" (“Falling and Gasping You Reach the Common Goal”). The band’s sound becomes heavier, and positive fun is replaced by severe aggression.

In November 2006, Alexander Potemkin left the group. A month later, Krizhanovsky Lyubomir (formerly the vocalist of Jazzlatex) replaced Alexander Potemkin.

In the spring of 2007, the group gives its first concert with a renewed lineup. Also in the spring of 2007, the group shot an animated video for the song: “Пиздец" ("Fucked up”).

In September 2007, Konstantin Petrovich left the group, after which the group decided that there was no need for two vocals and, when writing subsequent material, focused on using one vocal.

They kept this formation until 2012; in the same year, one of the oldest members of the group, Valery Novoseltsev, left the band.

Valery Novoseltsev is soon replaced by the experienced musician Evgeniy Yudenok, known for his participation in many death metal and grindcore bands; his debut takes place in June 2012 at the Belarusian festival Mirsky Castle, where it becomes clear that this person is more suitable for further touring and studio work.

In 2014, as part of the Reunion show, one of its original members, Alexander Potemkin, appeared on stage together with the band for the first time in 7 years.

In 2015, work began on the second studio album, which later received the name “Падая И Задыхаясь Добиваешься Единой Цели”. During the recording of this album, Alexey Korshun (Thelema, Dragonflame) appeared in the band for the first time, first as a sound engineer, and then as a full-time team member.

On February 24, 2016, the group’s second studio album, entitled “Падая И Задыхаясь Добиваешься Единой Цели” was released. Many musicians took part in the recording of this album in various roles, for example, Alexander Potemkin participated in writing the lyrics, Alexey Korshun supervised the recording of instruments, and students of the children's vocal studio under the direction of Alina Ivanova participated in the recording of parts for the song “Аэростаты”.

A series of concerts in support of the album begins, at this stage the youngest member of the group, Anastasia Kuzmenkova, joins the concert line-up; she gets the difficult task of leading backing vocals.

On November 15, 2016, the video clip for the song “Гроб” premiered.

On March 23, 2018, the premiere of the video clip “Родина” took place, they started a crowdfunding, being able to collect funds from all over the world.

2018 - the band actively performed at various venues throughout the CIS and filmed a video clip for the song “Аэростаты”.

On November 17, 2018, a PRIVATE SCREENING took place at a large solo concert in Gomel at RED PUB. According to the established tradition, Gomel fellow countrymen were the first to see the video for the song “Аэростаты”.

On November 23, 2018, the premiere of the video clip “Аэростаты” took place.

On January 22, 2019, the concert of they had a concert banned in Minsk, as decided by the commission of the Minsk City Executive Committee, without issuing a tour certificate for this concert. Formulation: low artistic level. The refusal document was issued to the organizers at the end of 2018, but it became publicly available only now. In the document refusing to issue a tour certificate, officials refer to paragraph 1.3 of Article 215 of the Culture Code. This incident caused a stir among the group's fans. The group acted as follows - they weren’t allowed into Minsk? We're going to Moscow!!! Where the long-awaited concert took place.

On July 15, 2019, the band announced on their official VK account, that the band was ceasing activities. A video posted featuring Lyubomir was pinned to the page, informing the fans.



Last Formation


Lubomir Krizhanovsky - vocals (2006–2019)

Sergey Kuzmenkov - guitar (1998-2019)

Evgeniy Yudenok - bass (2012—2019)

Alexey Smirnov - drums (1996-2019)

Alexey Korshun - guitar (2015—2019)

Arthur Stepanov (2003—2019)

Anastasia Kuzmenkova - backing (2016—2019)

Past Members


Konstantin Petrovich Astapenko - vocals (1996-2007)

Alexander Potemkin - vocals (1998-2006, 2014)

Alexander Volostnov - guitar (1996-1998)

Alexey Grigoriev (Mukh) - bass (1996-1998)

Valery Novoseltsev - bass (1998-2012)

Alexey Grigoriev (Mukh) - bass (1996-1998)

Konstantin Petrovich Astapenko - vocals (1996-2007)

Alexander Potemkin - vocals (1998-2006, 2014)

Alexander Volostnov - guitar (1996-1998)



Studio albums


1999 — Psychotronic

2004 — Грубый Помол[белор.]

2005 — Бум

2016 — Падая И Задыхаясь Добиваешься Единой Цели



2002 — DEMO

2007 — Неизданное



2005 — Бум

2007 — Падая И Задыхаясь Добиваешься Единой Цели (unreleased)



D.P. “TT-34” // Encyclopedia of Belarusian popular music  (Belarusian) / style. Dz. Padbyarezskiy i insh. - Minsk : Zmitser Kolas [tarashk] , 2008. - P. 301–302. — 368 p. — 2000 copies.  — ISBN 978-985-6783-42-8