During August we signed up to the WikiProject advertising facility {{wikipedia ads}} initiative.
Our tagged articles now number over 14,000 and more are being added every day. In reality the article count for our project scope is likely to be much higher so the more who can get involved and assist the process of improving the quality of the articles the better.
Member news
The project has currently 261 members, 7 joined & 0 leavers since the last newsletter at the start of August 2007.
A number of editors have signed up to our "task forces" without signing to the main project so the figure could be slightly higher.
Other news
Although many editors are doing sterling work actually working on writing and maintaining articles we could always do with more volunteers to assist with the project wide tasks.
Our Collaboration of the Month is in need of more suggested articles for our attention and more votes for those already proposed.
Welcome to the sixteenth issue of the Novels WikiProject's newsletter! Use this newsletter as a mechanism to inform yourselves about progress at the project and please be inspired to take more active roles in what we do.
We would encourage all members to get more involved and if you are wondering what with, please ask.
The first person to start the article is mentioned in the next newsletter. This month's article is Susan Cooper's Over Sea, Under Stone, which currently is only a redirect.
To stop receiving this newsletter, or to receive it in a different format, please list yourself in the appropriate section here.
Wikipedia:WikiProject Novels/Outreach/Newsletter September 2007