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Wikipedia:WikiProject Neuroscience/History of Neuroscience

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About - What is this page about ?

This is where we meet to organize a review of the history of neuroscience and consequent Wikipedia editing. If you are interested in joining this initiative based on the SfN's call to members, add you name to the list below and tell us what you would be interested to do.

Members - Add yourself to this list if you are looking to be part of this or need guidance for your contributions

Jean-Francois Gariepy - I'm interested in advising anyone who has questions concerning the History of Neuroscience initiative (based in part on SfN's call to members), and to coordinate the editing efforts by managing this page and simply contributing to any of the task that we will identify.

Scientist-based encyclopedia editing Wikipedia editing based on biographies of scientists

Here is a list of biographies already identified that need to be written from scratch (feel free to add) :

Georg Hermann Von Meyer

Francis Warner (Physical expression: Its modes and principles)

Stubs or articles that need improvements :

Isidor Rosenthal

James Sully

Jules Bernard Luys

Théodule-Armand Ribot

Subject-based encyclopedia editing Wikipedia editing based on scientific subjects

Here is a list of subjects already identified that need to be written from scratch (feel free to add) :

Stubs or articles that need improvements :

Biomechanics - I think we have some important information to add to the historical part

Output of the project

Pages we have edited:

Pages we have created from scratch:

The biography of Paul Sauriou. We also did it in French.

The biography of Henri-Étienne Beaunis, started from a small 3 line stub. We also did it in French.

Tasks on pre-identified ressources

1. Regroup all the documents we are going to be working with in this table. Indicate the work that was done for each document. If you know any book on neuroscience/brain/physiology that has an historical value (any book before 1950 is potentially interesting), add it and contribute to the effort!

We will divide the work in different themes so that people interested in contributing to one particular field of the history of neuroscience can pick their favorite theme and start working.

Motor patterns, rhythms and biomechanics

Name & link Link obtained Consulted Read in-depth Information extracted and entered in Wikipedia
L'esthétique du mouvement - 1889 X X X
Animal mechanism: a treatise on terrestrial and aerial locomotion - 1883 X
Animal locomotion: or, Walking, swimming, and flying, with a dissertation on - 1888 X
La locomotion chez les animaux; ou Marche, natation et vol: suivie d'une - 1887 X
Theory of Circulation by Respiration by Emma Willard - 1787-1870 X
Theory of Circulation by Respiration by Emma Willard - 1787-1870 X
On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals - William Harvey (1578-1657) X This is more heart physiology but he cites interesting works about respiration
On the Articulations - Hippocrates (460 BC - 377 BC) X Might be some interested biomechanics, etc...
La machine animale 1886 - E.J. Marey X In French. Biomechanics
La locomotion chez les animaux 1887 - J.B. Pettigrew X In French. Biomechanics
Du mouvement dans les fonctions de la vie 1868 - E.J.Marey X In French. Biomechanics

General or not classified

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All Brain journals 1882-1950 X
The Functions of the Brain by David Ferrier, 1876, -Harvard has it-
The Brain and Its Functions - traduced from French book, 1881 X
Feeling Good - 1899 - This is not true neurological work but might very well be the first 'Happiness book' - and it's done by a psychiatrist X
The Human Brain, Its Configuration, Structure, Development, and Physiology X
The descriptive and physiological anatomy of the brain, spinal cord and ganglions - 1845 X
A Course of Elementary Practical Physiology - 1884 X
The Brain as an Organ - 1820 X
The structure and functions of the brain and spinal cord - 1892
Nouveaux éléments de physiologie humaine: comprenant les principes de la ...‎ - Page 911 - 1881 X
Mind - All Mind Journal, 1886 X Look for the other years too
Journal de la physiologie de l'homme et des animaux - 1861 X
The Spinal Cord and Brain - 1895
Three treatises. On the brain, the eye, and the ear - 1797 X
Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie - 1899 X
The Brain and Its Mechanism: The Rede Lecture Delivered Before the.. - 1933 X
The abdominal brain - 1885 X
On the Weight of the Brain, and on the Circumstances Affecting it - 1866 X
The Human Brain, Its Configuration, Structure, Development, and Physiology .. - 1836
Selected writings of Sir Charles Sherrington - 1939
Brain Wave - 1858 I don't even know if this is about the brain
Our Brain, Body and Nerves - 1911
The Brain and the Bible - Or the conflict between mental science and theology - 1881 X
The Human brain - 1882 X
The solar plexus or abdominal brain - 1920
The brain and its environment - 1938
The National Medical Journal of China - 1919
On sense and the sensible (or De Sensu et Sensibilibus) - Aristotle, (384 BC – 322 BC) X
On sleep and sleeplessness (or De Somno et Vigilia) - Aristotle, (384 BC – 322 BC) X
On prophesying by dreams (or De Divinatione per Somnum) - Aristotle, (384 BC – 322 BC) X
On Longevity and Shortness of Life - Aristotle, (384 BC – 322 BC) X
La physiologie du goût (the physiology of taste, translated to english) - 1825 X
The Description of the Human Body (1647) René Descartes Might be interesting, but not copy available for now
On the Natural Faculties - Galen, 131-201 X
The Principles of Psychology - 1890 William James X
Of the Nature of Things Lucretius 98?-55 B.C. X
A New Theory Of Vision. - 1709 X Great early work in the field of vision.
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals by Charles Darwin - 1809-1882 X This is a crucial work with many references to facial expression and emotion works from 1600 to 1800

Localization of functions and physiognomy

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The History of Electrical Stimulation of the Brain X
The Localisation of Cerebral Disease - 1878 X
Brain and personality by William Hanna Thomson 1910 -University of Wisconsin has it-
The theory of Physiognomy based on anatomy and physiology of the brain - 1807 X X - very interesting
On the functions of the brain and of each of its parts - 1835 X
Event-related brain potentials in man - 1924
The skull and brain: their indications of character and anatomical relations - 1875 - Oxford has it
Characterology; an exact science embracing physiognomy, phrenology and - 1920 - Harvard has it
The revival of phrenology: The Mental Functions of the Brain: an ... - 1901
The Mechanism of the brain and the function of the frontal lobes - 1920
Physiognomics - Aristotle, (384 BC – 322 BC)

Cognitive Neuroscience

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Brain as an organ of mind - 1880 X
The Relation of Brain to Mind - 1882 X
The Relation of Brain to mind - 1882 X
The various theories of the relation of mind and brain reviewed - 1869 X
FRAMES OF MIND by HOWARD GARDNER X This is a popular book and is probably already described, some information may be interesting however.
The relations of mind and brain - 1879 X
Brain Mechanisms and Intelligence - 1929 X
Des théories de l'entendement humain dans l'antiquité - 1855 X
The Mental Functions of the Brain - 1901
Brain in Relation to Mind - 1900 X
Brain, Mind and the Eternal Sign of Intelligence - 1931
Brain and Personality: Or, The Physical Relations of the Brain to the Mind - 1916
The brain and the mind - 1926
On the Soul - Aristotle, (384 BC – 322 BC) X
On memory and reminiscence (or De Memoria et Reminiscentia) - Aristotle, (384 BC – 322 BC) X
On Dreams (or De Insomniis) - Aristotle, (384 BC – 322 BC) X
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding - Locke, John, 1632-1704 X
Brain in relation to mind - 1900 - University of Virginia has it
Thought and the brain - 1927 Traduction of Le cerveau et la pensée, not available yet.
Brain and mind, or, Mental science considered in accordance with the - 1879 X
Mind and brain; or, The correlations of consciousness and organisation - 1860 X
The human mind in its relations with the brain and nervous system - 1858 X
Brain Mechanisms and Intelligence by Karl Spencer Lashley - 1930 - could not find
Brain and body: the nervous system in social life - 1900
Brain and mind: or, Mental science considered in accordance withthe .. - 1879 X
Brain, mind, and the external signs of intelligence - 1931
Consciousness, brain-child

Anatomy of the brain

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Brain and spinal cord: a manual for the study of the morphology and fibre-tracts of the central nervous system by Emil Villiger, George Arthur Piersol 1918 -University of Michigan has it-
The Morbid Anatomy of the Brain - 1827 X
The anatomy of the brain - 1826 X
Anatomy of the brain and spinal cord by Joseph Ryland Whitaker 1899
The morbid anatomy of the human brain - 1828
On the structure of the brain of the sessile-eyed Crustacea - 1884 X
The epithelium of the brain cavities - 1890
Illustrations of the Nerve Tracts in the Mid and Hind Brain and the Cranial.. - 1892
Notes on the Dissection and Brain of the Chimpanzee "Gumbo" - 1895 X
The Dissection and Study of the Sheep's Brai - 1937
The Anatomy of the Brain - 1695
Illustrations of the gross morbid anatomy of the brain in the insane - 1908
The Anatomy of the Brain, Explained in a Series of Engravings - 1802
Idea of a New Anatomy of the Brain - 1811 X
Topographical anatomy of the brain - 1885 X
Anatomy of the brain and spinal cord - 1911 - California University has it
Note on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and the Development of the Brain in Man and Apes - Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) X
Brain weight in vertebrates - 1905 - Harvard has it
Architecture of the brain - 1896 - Harvard has it
The Anatomy of the Human Body - 1811 X General anatomy but half the book is about the brain.
Cranio-muscular origins of brain and mind - 1904 - not found yet Title is nice, let's look for this one
A reconstruction of the nuclear masses in the lower portion of the human... - 1914
The abdominal brain and automatic visceral ganglia - 1899
The neurones and supporting elements of the brain of a selachian - Harvard has it - 1901
Nerve tracts of the brain and cord - 1927
Brain Stem of the Cat - 1920 X
Your brain and its story - 1939

Diseases and Aging

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The Brain and the Nerves: Their aliments and their exhaustion - 1884 X
The brain and diseases of the nervous system - 1881 X
On failure of Brain-power - 1883 X
On Brain and Nerve exhaustion - Neurasthenia - 1880 X
Obscure Diseases of the Brain and Mind - 1863 - Oxford has it
On cerebria and other diseases of the brain - 1872 X
Brain exhaustion, with some preliminary considerations on cerebral dynamics - 1884 X
A Second Essay on Hydrocephalus Acutus, Or Dropsy in the Brain - 1815 X
On the diagnosis of diseases of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves X
Essays on Hysteria, Brain-tumor, and Some Other Cases of Nervous Disease - 1888 X
An Essay on the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Water in the Brain - 1825 X
Researches into the nature and treatment of dropsy in the brain, chest... - 1825 X
Pathological and practical researches on diseases of the brain and the... - 1829 X
Compendium of regional diagnosis in affections of the brain and spinal cord - 1914 - Harvard has it X
Lectures on the diagnosis of diseases of the brain - 1885 X
Clinical lectures on paralysis, certain diseases of the brain, and other... - 1855 X
Statement of the early symptoms which lead to the disease termed water in the brain - 1815 X
A Treatise of Diseases of the Head, Brain, and Nerves. With Directions for... - 1714 X
The Brain in Health and Disease - 1914 X
The homeopathic therapy of diseases of the brain and nerves - 1928
Psychiatry - A Clinical Treatise on the diseases of the forebrain - 1885 X
Brain's clinical neurology - 1892
The field and limitation of the operative surgery of the human brain - 1885 X
On the nature and treatment of softening of the brain - 1851 X
Compendium of regional diagnosis in affections of the brain and spinal cord - 1922
The brain in health and disease - 1914
Physical Diagnosis of Brain Diseases - 1871 X
Diseases of the brain and nervous system - 1878 X
Recent Advances in Neurology
Wounds of the brain proved curable - 1682 X
Ophthalmic neuro-myology - 1905
Lectures on localization in diseases of the brain - 1878 X
On paralysis from brain disease in its common forms - 1875 X
On Injuries Of The Head - Hippocrates (460 BC - 377 BC) X
On The Sacred Disease - Hippocrates (460 BC - 377 BC) X Sacred disease seems to be neurological but could not understand what it was from fast reading of the text.
Diagnosis of Diseases of the Brain and of the Spinal Cord - 1885 X
On the convolutions of the human brain - 1873 X
Diseases of the brain and spinal cord: A Guide to Their Pathology, Diagnosis - 1883 X
Hygiene of the brain and nerves and the cure of nervousness - 1879 X
On Brain and Nerve Exhaustion X
The hygiene of mind - Michigan University has it 1907
Mobilizing the mid-brain: the technique for utilizing its latent power - 1924 - Michigan University has it Nice title, let's look for this one.
Visions: a study of false sight (pseudopia)‎ - Page 282 - 1879 X

Developmental Neuroscience

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The Building of the brain - 1874 - weird one; building means 'learning' here so may not be suitable for Developmental Neuroscience X
The growth of the brain - 1895 X

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

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A Treatise on the Chemical Constitution of the Brain - 1884
Chemistry of the brain - 1937 - University of California has it


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The brain and the voice in speech and song - 1910

Other subjects might also be included, but we have no books in these sections yet :

Behavioral Neuroscience Neural Engineering Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience

Useful ressources


We will need to consult these ressources and see if they have any information useful for our Wikipedia contributions.


http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/hist.html - that's a great timeline -








Brain Vision Memory : Tales in the history of Neuroscience






















http://www.sfn.org/index.cfm?pagename=HistoryofNeuroscience_autobiographies - This is a list of books edited by Larry Squire which consists of autobiographies. This is limited to early history of neuroscience since most authors are still alive but it can be interesting.



We might need to buy some / all of these books :









http://www.amazon.com/Brain-Mind-Medicine-Eighteenth-Century-Neuroscience/dp/0387709665/ref=sr_1_22?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1242681885&sr=1-22 - This one looks nice



