where used
{{User ancestry|Denmark}}
![](// | This user is of Danish ancestry. |
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{{User Danish}}
![](// | This user is of Danish ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|Djibouti}}
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{{User ancestry|Dominica}}
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{{User:Dwscomet/My userbox creations/DominicaAncestry}}
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{{User ancestry|Dominican Republic}}
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{{User:Dwscomet/My userbox creations/DRAncestry}}
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{{User Dravidian-ancestry}}
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{{User ancestry|Netherlands}}
![](// | This user is of Dutch ancestry. |
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{{User Dutch-ancestry}}
![](// | This user is of Dutch ancestry. |
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{{User Dutch-ancestry2}}
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{{User ancestry|Ecuador}}
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{{User ancestry|Egypt}}
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{{User:Zerida/User Egyptian ancestry}}
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{{User ancestry pharaoic}}
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{{User ancestry|El Salvador}}
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{{User ancestry|United Arab Emirates}}
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{{User ancestry|England}}
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{{User ancestry English}}
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{{User English ancestry}}
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{{User ancestry|Equatorial Guinea}}
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{{User ancestry|Eritrea}}
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{{User ancestry|Estonia}}
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{{User ancestry|Ethiopia}}
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{{User ethiopian}}
![](// | This user is of Ethiopian ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|Falkland Islands}}
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{{User ancestry|Faroe Islands}}
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{{User ancestry|Fiji}}
![](// | This user is of Fijian ancestry. |
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{{User filipino}}
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{{User ancestry|Finland}}
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{{User ancestry Finnish}}
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{{User ancestry Frank}}
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{{User ancestry|France}}
![](// | This user is of French ancestry. |
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{{User French}}
![](// | This user is of French ancestry. |
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{{User French ancestry 2}}
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{{User ancestry|French Guiana}}
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{{User ancestry|French Polynesia}}
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{{User ancestry|Gabon}}
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{{User Gael}}
Gael | This person is proud of the blood of the ancient Gaelic clanna which flows through their veins, and is a modern Gael. |
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{{User Gagauz}}
![Gagauz Flag](// | This user is of Gagauz ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|Gambia}}
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{{User ancestry|Georgia (country)}}
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{{User ancestry|Germany}}
![](// | This user is of German ancestry. |
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{{User German}}
![🇩🇪](// | This user is of German ancestry. |
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{{User Anglo-German Ancestry}}
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{{User ancestry|Ghana}}
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{{User ancestry|Gibraltar}}
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{{User ancestry Gibraltar}}
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{{User ancestry|Greece}}
![](// | This user is of Greek ancestry. |
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{{User Greek}}
![](// | This user is of Greek ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|Greenland}}
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{{User ancestry|Grenada}}
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{{User:Dwscomet/My userbox creations/GrenadianAncestry}}
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{{User ancestry|Guadeloupe}}
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{{User ancestry|Guam}}
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{{User ancestry|Guatemala}}
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{{User ancestry|Guernsey}}
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{{User ancestry|Guinea}}
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{{User ancestry|Guinea-Bissau}}
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{{User ancestry|Guyana}}
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{{User:Dwscomet/My userbox creations/GuyaneseAncestry}}
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{{User ancestry|Haiti}}
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{{User hakka}}
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{{User ancestry|Honduras}}
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{{User ancestry|Hong Kong}}
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{{User hk-fam}}
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{{User ancestry|Hungary}}
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{{User ancestry-Magyar}}
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{{User ancestry|Kiribati}}
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{{User ancestry|Iceland}}
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{{User Ancestry Icelandic}}
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{{User Ancestry Icelandic 2}}
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{{User ancestry|India}}
![](// | This user is of Indian ancestry. |
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{{User Indian American}}
![](// | This user is of Indian heritage and lives in the USA. | ![](// |
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{{User indigenous American}}
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{{User Indo-Aryan}}
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{{User ancestry|Indonesia}}
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{{User ancestry|Iran}}
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{{User Iranian}}
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{{User ancestry|Iraq}}
![](// | This user is of Iraqi ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|Ireland}}
![](// | This user is of Irish ancestry. |
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{{User:Octane/userboxes/User Irish Ancestry}}
This user is of Irish ancestry.
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{{User Anglo-Irish Ancestry}}
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{{User ancestry|Isle of Man}}
![](// | This user is of Manx ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|Israel}}
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{{User ancestry|Italy}}
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{{User Italian}}
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{{User Italo-British Ancestry}}
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{{User ancestry|Côte d'Ivoire}}
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{{User ancestry|Jamaica}}
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{{User Jamaican Ancestry}}
![](// | This user is proud of their Jamaican ancestry |
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{{User:Dwscomet/My userbox creations/JamaicanAncestry}}
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{{User ancestry Jamtlandic}}
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{{User ancestry|Japan}}
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{{User Japanese}}
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{{User Japanese-British}}
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{{User ancestry|Jersey}}
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{{User ancestry|Jordan}}
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{{User ancestry|Kazakhstan}}
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{{User ancestry|Kenya}}
![](// | This user is of Kenyan ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|Kiribati}}
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{{User:Dwscomet/My userbox creations/KittitianAncestry}}
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{{User Korean}}
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{{User ancestry|North Korea}}
![](// | This user is of Korean ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|South Korea}}
![](// | This user is of Korean ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|Kuwait}}
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{{User ancestry|Kyrgyzstan}}
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{{User ancestry|Laos}}
![](// | This user is of Lao ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|Latvia}}
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{{User ancestry|Lebanon}}
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{{User Lebanese Anc}}
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![](// | This user is of Lebanese descent. |
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{{User ancestry|Lesotho}}
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{{User ancestry|Liberia}}
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{{User ancestry|Libya}}
![](// | This user is of Libyan ancestry. |
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{{User ancestry|Liechtenstein}}
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{{User ancestry|Lithuania}}
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{{User Lithuanian}}
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{{User ancestry|Luxembourg}}
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