Wikipedia:Unusual articles/Removed
Entries that have been removed from Wikipedia:Unusual articles, either for not being unusual enough or for being deleted as non-noteworthy. (Entries that are still listed on the page, but not in their original format, e.g. ones that were merged into other entries, will not be listed here.)
Pages removed due to content
[edit]These pages were just too usual or just too low-quality to be listed.
- Category:Non-idiophonic interruptive instruments
- 165 University Avenue- A small rented office building on University Avenue, the main commercial street in Palo Alto, California. Both Google and Paypal started there, among others.
- Acetylseryltyrosylseryliso...serine - An actual name for a chemical that is 1185 letters long.
- Assassination of Orlando Letelier
- Attila - Before he became the Piano Man, Billy Joel was making really awful psychedelic rock.
- Battle of Karánsebes - an Austrian army was defeated by an imaginary Turkish army in 1788.
- Berwick-upon-Tweed - A small town which can't decide whether it's in Scotland or England, and was at "war" with Russia for over a hundred years all by itself.
- Big Wheel - One of Spider-Man's strangest villains.
- Biggus Dickus - A fictional Roman officer, who wanks as high as any in Wome, from the Monty Python film Life of Brian.
- The Book of Mormon (musical) - A Tony Award winning musical about Mormon missionaries in Uganda. Doesn't sound that odd right? That is until you hear about the parts involving a song about Ugandan villagers repeating a phrase that basically translates to a phrase cursing out god, a running gag about a man having maggots in his scrotum, a song partially about Conversion Therapy, one of the missionaries talking about Joseph Smith having sex with frogs in order to cure his AIDS, a musical number basically equating Breaking rule 72 (leaving a missionary companion behind) and stealing a Doughnut with a maple glaze to starting World War II and The Holocaust, conquering most of the known world, killing people and committing necrophilia, and letting O.J. Simpson free, A musical number involving a group of villagers reciting wildly inacurate Mormon History (Which features parts such as Brigham Young's nose being turned into a clitoris as a punishment after cutting off his daughter's, Joseph Smith dying of dysentary, and ending with a giant orgy in "Sal Tlay Ka Siti"), and a new church being created that mixes Mormonism with pop culture. Unsurprisingly, the minds behind South Park, and supprisingly the guy who wrote Let It Go from Frozen were directly involved within the making of the musical.
- Border between West Jersey and East Jersey - a specific border that has been disputed for years
- John Allen Chau
- Chauchat - The worst machine gun ever invented.
- Sergey Vladimirovich Cherkasov - A Russian spy who used a fake Brazilian passport to gain access to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands. He was identified and is now serving a sentence in a Brazilian federal prison.
- Collier Motors - An American Motors Corporation dealer that is still in business despite the fact that AMC stopped manufacturing cars in 1987.
- Color TV-Game
- Computer Space - The world's first arcade game machine, launched in 1970.
- Conservapedia - A right wing, young earth creationist answer to Wikipedia.
- Daniel A. Grout - An individual whose last name has absorbed itself into the linguistic culture of Reed College.
- Douglas Corrigan - A pilot nicknamed "Wrong Way" Corrigan after he made such a grave navigational "error" that, after taking off from New York, he landed in Ireland instead of Los Angeles.
- Elysia chlorotica
- Energy vampire - A "vampiric" individual that supposedly drains the life-force of other human beings.
- Fantasmagorie (film)
- Ferdinand Lop - Perpetual candidate for the French Presidency who ran on a platform of outlawing poverty after 10:00 PM.
- Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals
- The Funniest Joke in the World - A Monty Python sketch depicting the writing of a joke so funny that people die within seconds of hearing it.
- Fire on the Mountain (Bisson novel)- An alternative history book about a successful John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry.
- Garden hermit
- Goiânia accident
- The Great Gatsby (1926 film)
- Gulag Archipelago
- Guns of the South - A novel where 20th century white South Africans travel back in time to give lots of AK-47 to the southern side of the American Civil war.
- "Hard Rock Hallelujah"
- Have You Forgotten? (song) - A very likely pro-war song of the post 9/11 era.
- Tania Head
- Hollywood (Mannequin character) - A fictional character played by Meshach Taylor in the 1987 movie Mannequin.
- Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch - A fictional weapon depicted in the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It is an ancient Christian artifact that explodes when its pin is pulled out. Its humour is derived from its anachronistic juxtaposition.
- Humorous Phases of Funny Faces
- International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs - Who knew this existed?
- Jimmy Jump
- Judica-Cordiglia brothers
- Julie d'Aubigny - A bisexual fencer who burnt down a convent to save her girlfriend.
- Judica-Cordiglia brothers- A par of italian brothers that claimed that they recorded audios that proved the Lost Cosmonaut conspiracy.
- Klüver-Bucy syndrome - A behavioral disorder that can produce hypersexuality, as well as exploring the world around them using their tongues and fingers.
- Kumis - A traditional drink of the people of Central Asia made from fermenting mare's milk.
- Lorem ipsum - A mutilated Latin passage widely used as a place-holder in typefaces.
- Marijuana Party of Canada - A Canadian federal political party whose platform is to end prohibition of cannabis. See also Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
- Match fixing in Romanian football[1] - The Eskimo have many words for snow, the Romanian have one word for football-fixing. (That's soccer-fixing to youse, Yankees!)
- Monster infighting - A demon civil war?
- Mooning - The act of exposing one's bare buttocks.
- Marilyn Monroe in popular culture- The queen of Hollywood had a gigantic impact in several fields of popular pop culture.
- Mr. Potato Head - A popular children's doll, consisting of a plastic model of a potato.
- Alessandra Mussolini
- Héctor Germán Oesterheld - The interesting, yet tragic, story of one of Argentina's most important comic book creators.
- Boris Onishchenko
- Our First Time- The first major internet hoax.
- Gennady Padalka
- Page Three girl - A woman who poses for topless photographs published in UK tabloid newspapers.
- Parking chair - Chairs placed on parking spaces to mark or reserve them for one
- 2004 Pitcairn Islands sexual assault trial
- Smells Like Nirvana
- Slobodan Praljak
- Project Ragtag – A curious, and kind of unknown, cancelled Star Wars videogame projected by Uncharted creator Amy Hennig.
- Pruitt-Igoe - A housing project in St. Louis that consisted of 33 11-story apartment buildings. Design defects and vandalism led to its demolition after only 16 years.
- Greg Rasmussen- A very improvable tale of surviving in the African wilderness.
- Emile Ratelband
- A Rebel in Time
- Reverence - Granite whales diving into a sea of grass near the Ben & Jerry's ice cream headquarters.
- Yendri Sánchez
- Ignaz Semmelweis
- Sonderkommando photographs
- Squaring the circle - It is impossible, using only compass and straightedge, to construct a square with the same area as a given circle. This problem occupied mathematicians for centuries.
- Stilyagi - A sub-culture during the Soviet era that was actually interested in topics from western culture.
- Svalbard
- Nelson Sullivan- A pioneer of vlogging in the 1980s.
- Tank Man - An unidentified man who achieved global recognition after standing in front, and blocking the procession of a column of tanks, the morning after the bloody suppression of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.
- Theranos
- Tiny Tim - A crooner with a 6'1" tall and ghoulish appearance who sang in a falsetto voice and played a ukulele.
- Sergei Tretyakov (intelligence officer) - An alleged former Russian spy who defected to the United States in 2000. In 2008, he would co-written a book about Russian espionage activities after the end of the cold war.
- Sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers
- Unibrow - The presence of hair between the eyebrows (sometimes called a monobrow)
- U.S. Games - A game publisher from the Atari era that was actually owned by Quaker Oats.
- Varg Vikernes
- VTuber - Anime meets Streaming Culture with lucrative and often rather sexual results.
- "We Are the Winners"
- White Rabbit (comics) - Another one of Spider-Man's strangest villains.
- Wikipedia coverage of Donald Trump
- Volodymyr Zelensky - When you play the President of Ukraine in a Ukrainian TV show so well you actually become President of Ukraine in real life.
- Wernher von Braun
Pages removed due to deletion or merging
[edit]These pages got deleted for not being noteworthy enough, or were merged into other articles that were too usual to list.
- 10:08 - The time most watches in magazine and newspapers show.
- Ablutophobia - Fear of showering or any other form of bathing
- Alien abduction insurance - As one insurance broker said, "Let’s face it – insurance is so tedious that if I can enlighten my dreary life with a bit of humor every now and again, I will."
- Among Us chicken nugget - A Chicken McNugget resembling a video game character obtained from a meal relating to BTS which sold for almost US$100,000 on eBay.
- Apotheon - A video game whose graphics are based on ancient Greek art.
- A Rebel in Time - A Alternative History novel with a bizarre premise.
- Beer goggles - Does drinking a certain beverage make other people more attractive to you?
- Booger - Slang for the partly solidified mucus from a human nose.
- Chronophobia - Fear of time
- Danish flag rules - Why the only flag you can burn legally in Denmark is the Danish one.
- Descent from Adam and Eve - formerly about people claiming to be able to trace such descent; now merged
- Deep-fried Twinkies - America's answer to the above (Deep-fried Mars bar).
- Endor Holocaust - Did the debris of the Death Star result in catastrophe for the friendly Ewoks?
- Evil Overlord List - How to avoid the movie clichés.
- Exploding donkey
- Exploding toads - An as-yet unexplained phenomenon observed in April 2005 in Germany and Denmark. Suggested as a possible weapons delivery system.
- Fictional chemical substance - Compounds and minerals that exist only in fiction.
- Galambosianism - A short-lived doctrine of intellectual property absolutism, which never caught on as an idea because, under its own laws, originator Joseph Andrew Galambos was the only person allowed to disseminate it.
- Five-minute hypothesis - Have we only been around for 5 minutes?
- Garden gnome liberationists - Vive la révolution des gnomes!
- Grilled Cheese Aspiration - Something to do with the game Sims 2.
- Heaven's Gate (religious group)- A relatively unknown story of alien cult.... that ended up in a mass suicide in 1997.
- How to keep an idiot busy - No description of article yet. Please return in five minutes.
- If it Had Happened Otherwise- A colection of Alternative History tales from the early 20th century. Notable for the participation of Winston Churchill as the author of a tale about the American Civil War.
- Immovable Ladder - A ladder in Jerusalem that can't be moved unless the Catholic and Orthodox churches come together. (Though it has been moved twice.)
- The Incredible Popeman
- Infinite Cat Project - Cats looking at cats looking at cats...
- International Flat Earth Research Society - A society, originally British, that holds the belief that the Earth is flat, not spherical.
- List of nontraditional bagpipe usage - Some unorthodox uses for the good ol' Scottish lung.
- List of people with reduplicated names - …such as Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Neville Neville.
- List of political flops
- List of song titles phrased as questions
- Lyttle Lytton Contest - Like the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, but "Lyttler"
- Lyulph Ydwallo Odin Nestor Egbert Lyonel Toedmag Hugh Erchenwyne Saxon Esa Cromwell Orma Nevill Dysart Tollemache - Leone [Sextus Tollemache]'s older brother, whose initials stand for Lyonel the Second.
- The Mad Pooper - An unidentified woman in Colorado Springs, CO repeatedly defecated in public while jogging.
- Methionylglutaminyl...serine - An actual name for a protein that is 64,060 letters long.
- Mull of Kintyre test - When can a human penis be shown on British television?
- Ninja–Russia relations - "Anti-Soviet activity by Ninjutsu Practitioners" would be quite the Jeopardy! category.
- Adnan Oktar - A very heavy story of Turkey's strangest cult.
- List of conspiracy theories § Predictive programming - According to conspiracy nuts, all dystopian science fiction are actually proposals for the "global elite"'s "problem-reaction-solution" playbook.
- Pretending to be stupid - I'd put it in bold, but I'm too dumb.
- Proverbs commonly attributed to be Chinese - ...although they're probably not.
- Prime Number Shitting Bear - A Javascript web animation showing a cartoon bear producing prime numbers from its anus.
- Emile Ratelband- A dutch TV personality that became world famous for a legaly trying to change his birthdate.
- Roger Fuckebythenavele - Perhaps the first use of the word fuck.
- Slutwave - From the same blog that brought you "chillwave".
- The Smurfs and communism
- William Stirrat - A man who claimed to have written "Unchained Melody" under the pen name Hy Zaret, despite the fact Zaret was an actual person who did write the song.
- Suicide booth - A common feature in the world of tomorrow.
- Tubby (Dog) - The only casualty of the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
- Tim Tam Slam - An Australian method for drinking tea through Tim Tam biscuits.
- Tokyo Ghetto Pussy - To this day I still wonder to this article.
- Tooth Fairy Rule - Rule of thumb for writing science fiction.
- Viossa - A pidgin language that was deliberately created via an online experiment in which participants are banned from using any common language to communicate.
- War Thunder classified documents leaks - Wargamers will stop at nothing to make sure modern weapons are depicted perfectly - not even sharing top-secret military info.
- Witch Prohibition Act - Enacted in 1999 in Orissa
- William Shatner's musical career - redirected to a discography section for being non-neutral and poorly written, removed in Special:Diff/1056260466
- You can't fight the Homestuck! - Regarding the song by Kylee Henke about the popular webcomic Homestuck.
- You forgot Poland - A paraphrased comment from President George W. Bush of the United States, made during the first presidential election debate on September 30, 2004.