Wa-ani Tefillati (JE | WPGWPG) The introduction to the reading of the lesson before the afternoon prayer on the Sabbath. Among the Ashkenazim it is ......
Wachnacht (JE | WPGWPG) The Judæo-German term for the night preceding the day of circumcision, spent in feasting and the recitation of hymns and ......
Johann Christoph WagenseilJE (JE | WPGWPG) German Christian Hebraist; born at Nuremberg Nov. 26, 1633; died at Altdorf Oct. 9, 1705. In 1667 he was made ......
Wilhelm Richard Wagner (Richard Wagner) S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) German composer of music; born at Leipsic May 22, 1813; died at Venice Feb. 13, 1883. He commenced the study ......
Moritz Callmann WahlJE (JE | WPGWPG) German writer; born March 28, 1829, at Sondershausen; died Oct. 15, 1887. He studied Oriental languages at Leipsic under Julius ......
Saul WahlJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) A remarkable personage who, according to tradition, occupied for a short time the throne of Poland. The story connected with ......
Adolphus Walhtuch (JE | WPGWPG) English physician; born in Odessa, Russia, 1837. He studied medicine at Kiev, Prague, and London (M.D., L.R.C.P., 1863), and then ......
Mark Wahltuch [Wikidata] (JE | WPGWPG) Russian philosopher and author; born at Odessa 1830; died at Pisa Jan. 27, 1901. He resided for many years in ......
Israel b. Solomon WahrmannJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian rabbi and Talmudist; born at Altofen, Hungary; died at Budapest June 24, 1824. He was called to the rabbinate ......
Judah WahrmannJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian rabbi; son of Israel Wahrmann; born 1791; died at Pesth Nov. 14, 1868. He was appointed associate rabbi and ......
Moritz WahrmannJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian politician; grandson of Israel Wahrmann; born at Budapest Feb. 28, 1832; died there Nov. 26, 1892. He was educated ......
Solomon Elijah Wakrulkar (JE | WPGWPG) Beni-Israel soldier; enlisted in the Nineteenth Regiment Native (Indian) Infantry Sept. 25, 1838. He was promoted jemidar Jan. 1, 1853; ......
Aaron ben Isaiah Nathan WaldenJE (JE | WPGWPG) Polish Talmudist, editor, and author; born at Warsaw about 1835. Walden, who is an ardent adherent of Ḥasidism, is known ......
Louis WaldenburgJE (JE | WPGWPG) German physician; born at Filehne, Posen, July 31, 1837; died at Berlin April 14, 1881; educated at the University of ......
Charles WaldsteinJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Anglo-American archeologist; born in New York March 30, 1856. He was educated at Columbia College, New York city (A.M. 1873), ......
Emile WaldteufelS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) French composer; born at Strasburg Dec. 9, 1837. He commenced the study of music under the tuition of his father, ......
Jacob Waley (JE | WPGWPG) English lawyer and professor of political economy; born in London March 17, 1819; died there June, 1873. He was the ......
Simon Waley (JE | WPGWPG) English merchant, musician, and communal worker; born in London Aug. 23, 1827; died there Dec. 30, 1875; younger son of ......
Abraham ben Asher Wallerstein (JE | WPGWPG) German scholar and rabbi of the eighteenth century; officiated in Schnaittach, Bavaria. He was the author of the following works: ......
WallichS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) German family which probably derived its name from the Hebrew transcription of "Falk" (V12p460001.jpg). The earliest known members of it ......
WallsS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) The walls erected by the Canaanites for the protection of their farmyards consisted of great unhewn blocks of stone, and ......
Bryan Walton (JE | WPGWPG) Christian Hebraist; born in 1600 at Hilton, Yorkshire, England; died in London Nov. 29, 1661; educated at Magdalene and Peterhouse ......
Wandering JewS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Imaginary figure of a Jerusalem shoemaker who, taunting Jesus on the way to crucifixion, was told by him to "go ......
Wandsbeck (JE | WPGWPG) Town in Sleswick-Holstein, near Hamburg. About the year 1600 Count Breido Rantzau, owner of the estate of Wandsbeck, allowed Jews ......
Sidney Stern, Lord Wandsworth (JE | WPGWPG) English banker and peer; born in London 1845; son of Viscount de Stern, senior partner of the firm of Stern ......
Eliakim Getschlik Wanefrieden (JE | WPGWPG) Dayyan and preacher in Amsterdam about the end of the eighteenth century. He published a pamphlet entitled "Megillat Sefer" (Amsterdam, ......
WarS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) The earliest war recorded in the Old Testament is that of the Elamitic king Chedorlaomer and his allies against the ......
WarburgJES2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Family whose members are widely spread throughout Germany, Denmark, Sweden, England, and America. There is a tradition that the family ......
Warranty of Title (JE | WPGWPG) The Hebrew term for warranty of title is V12p467001.jpg (= "future"), the same word denoting the force of an attested ......
WarsawS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Capital of the Russo-Polish government of the same name, and former capital of the kingdom of Poland; situated on the ......
Mark Samoilovich Warshawski [ru] (JE | WPGWPG) Russian writer; born at Kherson in 1853. He received his early education at a gymnasium in St. Petersburg, and then ......
WashingS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) As compared with the Greeks and Romans, the Hebrews paid little attention to the care of the body; and the ......
WashingtonS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) An extreme northwestern state on the Pacific coast, United States of America; originally a part of Oregon, but admitted to ......
Silleman Abajee Wasker (Solomon Abraham) (JE | WPGWPG) Beni-Israel soldier; died about 1850. He enlisted in the Third Regiment Native (Indian) Light Infantry, Jan. 1, 1809, and was ......
Haim Wasserzug (JE | WPGWPG) English ḥazzan and composer; born at Sheritz, Prussian Poland, 1822; died at Brighton, England, Aug. 24, 1882. As a child ......
Waw (letter) (Vav) S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The name possibly means "nail" or "hook," and the shape of the letter in ......
Hippolite Henrichovich Wawelberg (JE | WPGWPG) Russian banker; born at Warsaw 1844; died at St. Petersburg Oct. 20, 1901. After graduating from the real-gymnasium of Warsaw ......
WaxS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) In the Old Testament wax is referred to only as a simile for something easily dissolved or evanescent (Ps. lxviii. ......
Lewis Way (JE | WPGWPG) English clergyman; born at Denham, Bucks, England, Feb. 11, 1772; died in London Jan. 26, 1840. He was educated at ......
Wayehi 'Ereb (JE | WPGWPG) One of the "nedarim," or special declamatory variations from the strict Cantillation of the Pentateuch, according to the Northern use. ......
Wayekullu [he] (JE | WPGWPG) The concluding verses of the story of Creation, deemed from Talmudic times an essential portion of the prayers for Friday ......
Wayiqra Rabbah (Wayikra Rabbah) JE (JE | WPGWPG) Haggadic midrash to Leviticus. Under the name "Wayiḳra Rabbah" this midrash is first referred to by Nathan, in his " ......
We-'Al Kullom (JE | WPGWPG) The brief prayer which interrupts and divides into three sections the longer confession of sins enumerated in alphabetical order (see ......
WeaselS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Unclean animal (Lev. xi. 29). Saadia, Bochart, and others render V12p480002.jpg by "mole," referring to the Arabic "?uld" and the ......
Weather-Lore (JE | WPGWPG) Popular prognostications regarding the weather. A certain number of these occur in the Talmud (B. B. 147a). If the weather ......
WeavingS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) As early as the nomadic period the Israelites understood the art of spinning the hair of camels and goats, and ......
Ignaz WecheselmannJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian architect and philanthropist; born at Nikolai, Prussian Silesia, in 1828; died at Budapest Jan. 17, 1903. He was educated ......
WeekS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) A division of time comprising seven days, thus explaining the Hebrew name. There are indications of the use of another ......
Wehu Rachum (Wehu Rahum) (JE | WPGWPG) A prayer, beginning with Ps. lxxviii. 38, recited on Mondays and Thursdays before Taḥanun. It is composed chiefly of Biblical ......
Anton Weichselbaum (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian physician; born at Schiltern, Lower Austria, Feb. 8, 1845. Educated at the Josefs-Akademie and the University of Vienna (M.D. ......
Karl WeigertJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) German pathologist; born at Münsterberg in Silesia March 19, 1845; died at Frankfort-on-the-Main Aug. 5, 1904. He received his education ......
Adolf Weil (JE | WPGWPG) German physician; born at Heidelberg Feb. 7, 1848. Educated at the universities of Heidelberg, Berlin, and Vienna (M.D. 1871), he ......
Gustav WeilJE (JE | WPGWPG) German Orientalist; born in Sulzburg, Baden, April 25, 1808; died at Freiburgim-Breisgau Aug. 29, 1889. Being destined for the rabbinate, ......
Henri WeilJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Philologist; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main Aug. 26, 1818; educated at the universities of Bonn, Berlin, and Leipsic. He went to France, ......
Jacob WeilJE (JE | WPGWPG) German rabbi and Talmudist; flourished during the first half of the fifteenth century. Of his life no details are known, ......
Jacob Weil (JE | WPGWPG) German educationist and writer; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main 1792; died there Nov. 18, 1864. His first work was "Fragmente aus Talmud ......
Karl Weil [Wikidata] (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian physician; born at Altsattel, Bohemia, March 19, 1844. He studied medicine at the universities of Prague and Vienna(M.D. 1867). ......
Karl, Ritter von Weil [Wikidata] (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian journalist; born in Württemberg, Germany; died at Vienna Jan. 7, 1878. He studied law at the University of Freiburg ......
Nethaneel WeilJE (JE | WPGWPG) Rabbi and Talmudist; born at Stühlingen in 1687; died at Rostadt May 7, 1769; son of Naphtali Hirsch Weil. His ......
Simeon Hirsch Weil (JE | WPGWPG) German scholar; son of Nethaneel Weil; lived in Carlsruhe in the eighteenth century. He published his father's "Netib Ḥayyim," "Torat ......
Tiah Weil [de; he] (Jedidiah Weil) (JE | WPGWPG) German rabbi; born at Prague Oct. 2, 1721; died at Carlsruhe Oct. 10, 1805. He was the son of Nethaneel ......
Alexandre Weill [fr] (Alexandre Abraham Weil) (JE | WPGWPG) French writer; born at Schirhoffen, Alsace, May 10, 1811; died at Paris Oct. 18, 1898; grandson of R. Abraham Kellermeister. ......
Anselme Weill (JE | WPGWPG) French physician; born at Bischheim, Alsace, Aug. 24, 1842. He received his education at the lyceum of Strasburg and the ......
Emanuel Weill (JE | WPGWPG) French rabbi; born at Ensisheim, Alsace, Oct. 21, 1841; educated at the bet ha-midrash of Colmar and the Séminaire Israélite ......
Mathieu Weill (JE | WPGWPG) French mathematician; born at Hagenau, Alsace, May 24, 1851; educated in the lyceums of Burg and Strasburg, at the Polytechnique ......
Michel Aaron Weill [fr] (JE | WPGWPG) French rabbi; born at Strasburg July 19, 1814; died at Paris Jan. 6, 1889. He was educated at the Ecole ......
Lazare Jean Weiller (JE | WPGWPG) French manufacturer and author; born at Schlettstadt, Alsace, July 20, 1858; educated at the Lycée Saint-Louis of Paris and at ......
Pauline Weiller [de] (JE | WPGWPG) American pianist; born in Stuttgart April 22, 1839; died in Baltimore, Md., Dec. 28, 1874; eldest daughter of Moritz Eichberg, ......
Paul Weinberg [ru] (JE | WPGWPG) Russian writer; born at Odessa about 1840. His father, Isaiah Weinberg, adopted Christianity. Unlike his brothers, Peter Weinberg, a prominent ......
Felix Alphonse Weingaertner (JE | WPGWPG) French musician and composer; born at Nantes May 5, 1844. The son of a musician, he received his early education ......
Adolphe Weiss (JE | WPGWPG) French painter; born at Budapest May 11, 1838. He was educated at the School of Fine Arts in Vienna, and ......
Isaac Hirsch WeissJE (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian Talmudist and historian of literature; born at Gross Meseritsch, Moravia, Feb. 9, 1815; died at Vienna June 1, 1905. ......
Joseph Hirsch WeissJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian rabbi; born at Podola, Comitat Neutra, 1800; died at Erlau 1881. He was a descendant of a long line ......
Leopold W. Weiss (JE | WPGWPG) German ophthalmologist; born at Giessen 1849. He was educated at the universities of Giessen (M.D. 1874), Tübingen, and Vienna; and ......
Markus Nissa WeissJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian advocate of Reform. In 1792 he had a small business at Pesth, and in 1794 he leased an estate ......
Max WeissS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian chess-player; born July 21, 1857, at Szered on the Waag. Removing to Vienna, he studied mathematics and physics at ......
Wilhelm Weiss (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian mathematician; born at Ridka, Bohemia, Feb. 3, 1859; died at Prague June 18, 1904. He received his early education ......
Isaac Jacob Weissberg (JE | WPGWPG) Russo-Hebrew writer and pedagogue; born at Polonki, government of Minsk, 1841; died at Kiev 1904. He received his preliminary training ......
Samuel Abramowitch Weissenberg [ru] (JE | WPGWPG) Russian physician and anthropologist; born in Yelizavetgrad, South Russia, Dec. 16, 1867. He attended the public school and the real-school ......
Marcus Weissmann-Chajes (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian scholar; born at Tarnow, Galicia, 1830. He was destined for a rabbinical career, and began early to receive instruction ......
Berthold WeiszJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian deputy; born at Budapest 1845. He was educated at the gymnasium and commercial academy of his native city, devoting ......
WellS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) The Hebrew language distinguishes between two kinds of wells: (1) "be'er," an artificially constructed hollow in which the water of ......
Song of the Well (JE | WPGWPG) A poem which is quoted in Num. xxi. 17, 18. It is introduced in a list of the encampments made ......
Julius WellhausenS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) German Biblical critic and Semitist; born at Hameln May 17, 1844; educated in theology and Semitics at Göttingen (Ph.D. 1870), ......
Die Welt (JE | WPGWPG) Zionist periodical, published weekly at Vienna (it is arranged to remove its headquarters to Berlin in 1906). The first number ......
Samuel Weltsch (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian cantor; born at Prague Sept. 12, 1835; died in that city Aug. 5, 1901. Belonging to a family of ......
Baruch Werber (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian Hebraist; born at Brody, Galicia, in the beginning of the nineteenth century; died there July 31, 1876. Werber, who ......
Jacob Werber (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian Hebraist; born at Brody, Galicia, Feb. 4, 1859; died there Aug. 20, 1890; son of Baruch Werber. When only ......
Abraham WernerS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Polish rabbi; born at Tels, Kovno, 1837. He received his early education in various ?adarim, and at thirteen was well ......
Judah Wernikovski (JE | WPGWPG) Russian Talmudical educator; born in Slonim, government of Grodno, 1823; died in Jerusalem Feb. 20, 1901. In his childhood he ......
John Wertheimer (JE | WPGWPG) English printer; born in London at the close of the eighteenth century; died there Dec. 18, 1883; senior member of ......
Joseph, Ritter von Wertheimer [de; ru] (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian philanthropist and author; born at Vienna March 15, 1800; died there March 15, 1887. He was the descendant ......
Samson WertheimerJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian court Jew, financier, and rabbi; born at Worms Jan. 17, 1658; died at Vienna Aug. 6, 1724. He was ......
Solomon Aaron WertheimerJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian rabbi and scholar; born at Bösing Nov. 18, 1866. In 1871 he went with his parents to Jerusalem, where ......
Baruch Bendet ben Reuben Wesel (JE | WPGWPG) German rabbi and scholar; born at Wesel in the latter half of the seventeenth century; died at Breslau in the ......
We-Shameru (JE | WPGWPG) Quotation from the Pentateuch, recited before the "'Amidah" in the Sabbath evening service, and repeated in the domestic Ḳiddush on ......
Moritz August Wessely [Wikidata] (JE | WPGWPG) German physician; born at Bleicherode, near Erfurt, Oct. 15, 1800; died at Nordhausen March 7, 1850; nephew of Naphtali Hirz ......
Naphtali Hirz (Hartwig) WesselyJE (JE | WPGWPG) German Hebraist and educationist; born at Hamburg 1725; died there Feb. 28, 1805. One of his ancestors, Joseph Reis, fled ......
Wolfgang Wessely [de; cs] (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian jurist and theologian; born at Trebitsch, Moravia, Oct. 22, 1801; died at Vienna April 21, 1870. At the age ......
WestS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) One of the "four skirts" (V12p507002.jpg, Isa. xi. 12; Ezek. vii. 2; Job xxxvii. 3, xxxviii. 13) or "four corners," ......
West IndiesS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Group of islands in the North Atlantic adjoining the Gulf of Mexico; so named because supposed by Columbus, who discovered ......
West VirginiaS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) One of the east-central states of the American Union; formerly part of Virginia; made a separate state on June 19, ......
Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de WetteS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Christian Biblical critic and theologian; born at Ulla, near Weimar, Jan. 12, 1780; died in Basel June 16, 1849. He ......
WetzlarS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Prussian city in the district of Coblenz; formerly a free city. Jews lived there probably as early as the twelfth ......
We-Ye'etayu [he] (JE | WPGWPG) A piyyuṭ, by Eleazar Ḳalir (Zunz, "Literaturgesch." p. 21), chanted by the ḥazzan during the Musaf service on the days ......
Max Weyl (JE | WPGWPG) American painter; born at Mühlen, Württemberg, in 1840. At the age of fifteen he went to the United States, but ......
Walter Edward Weyl (JE | WPGWPG) American economist; born at Philadelphia, Pa., March 11, 1874. He was educated in the public schools of his native city ......
WhaleS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) A cetaceous mammal. Several species of cetacea are found in the Mediterranean as well as in the Red Sea. In ......
WheatS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) The chief breadstuff of Palestine in both ancient and modern times. It has been observed that the cultivation of wheat ......
WheelS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) In the Bible wheels are mentioned in connection with ordinary wagons, as well as with Chariots. Mention is made also ......
Fernand Georges WidalJE (JE | WPGWPG) French physician; born at Paris March 9, 1862. From 1886 to 1888 he devoted himself to public demonstrations of the ......
WiddinS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Bulgarian fortified town, situated at the confluence of the rivers Widd and Danube.The beginnings of the Jewish community of Widdin ......
WidowS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) The law of Israel treats the widow as a privileged person, and seeks to indemnify her in some degree for ......
Adolf Wiener [pl] (JE | WPGWPG) German rabbi; born in Murowana-Goslin, Posen, 1811; died in Oppeln, Prussian Silesia, Aug. 25, 1895. Having acquired his diploma as ......
Jacques Wiener [fr; de] (JE | WPGWPG) Belgian engraver; born at Hoorstgen, Rhine Province, 1815; died at Brussels Nov. 3, 1899. When thirteen years of age he ......
Leo Wiener (JE | WPGWPG) American philologist; born at Byelostok, Grodno, Russia, July 27, 1862; studied in the gymnasia of Minsk and Warsaw, in the ......
Leopold Wiener [fr; nl; de] (JE | WPGWPG) Belgian engraver and sculptor; born in Holland 1823; died at Brussels Jan. 24, 1891. He was a resident of Boitsfort, ......
Meïr Wiener [de] (JE | WPGWPG) German teacher; born at Glogau June 3, 1819; died at Hanover March 31, 1880; head master of the religious school ......
Wiener-NeustadtS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) City of Austria; situated thirteen miles south of Vienna. Jews settled in this city probably shortly after its foundation in ......
Henri WieniawskiS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Russian violinist and composer; born at Lublin, Russian Poland, July 10, 1835; died at Moscow April 1, 1880; brother of ......
Joseph Wieniawski (JE | WPGWPG) Russian pianist and composer; born at Lublin, Poland, May 23, 1837; brother of Henri Wieniawski. He studied music under Zimmerman, ......
Peter Wiernik (JE | WPGWPG) Russo-American journalist; born at Wilna, Russia, in March, 1865. He received the customary Jewish education. From 1878 to 1882 he ......
WiesbadenS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) German town in the province of Hesse-Nassau; capital of the former duchy of Nassau. Schenk ("Gesch. der Stadt Wiesbaden") thinks ......
Adolf Wiesner (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian journalist and author; born in Prague 1807; died in New York Sept. 23, 1867. His name was originally Wiener, ......
WigS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) A covering for the head, consisting of false hair interwoven with or united to a kind of cap or netting. ......
Judah Wiga (JE | WPGWPG) Polish preacher of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The name so written is given by Sternberg ("Gesch. der Juden in ......
Ludwig Wihl [de] (JE | WPGWPG) German poet and philologist; born at Wevelingen, Prussia, Oct. 24, 1807; died at Brussels Jan. 16, 1882; educated at Krefeld, ......
Ernest Julius Wilczynski (JE | WPGWPG) American mathematician; born in Hamburg, Germany, Nov. 13, 1876. He went with his parents in 1885 to America, where he ......
Wild Ass Ours is about something else (JE | WPGWPG) Rendering used in Gen. xvi. 12 (R. V.), Job vi. 5, xi. 12, xxiv. 5, xxxix. 5, Ps. civ. 11, ......
Wilhelm Eduard Wilda (JE | WPGWPG) German jurist; born at Altona Aug. 17, 1800; died at Kiel Aug. 9, 1856; educated at the Johanneum of Hamburg ......
WildernessS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) An examination of the Hebrew terms rendered "wilderness" or "desert" in the English versions shows that these translations are inadequate ......
Wanderings in the Wilderness (JE | WPGWPG) Next to the Exodus, the remembrance of the wanderings in the desert for a period corresponding to the life of ......
Gregory Wilenkin [Wikidata] (JE | WPGWPG) Russian government official; born at Tsarskoye-Selo, near St. Petersburg, Russia, Feb. 22, 1864. He is a member of an ancient ......
Wilkes-BarreS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) County-seat and principal city of Luzerne county, Pa. Evidence points to 1838 as the date of arrival of the first ......
WillS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Legal instrument by which a person disposes of his property, or of a part thereof, and which takes effect ......
William of NorwichS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Alleged victim of ritual murder by Jews at Norwich in 1144. He may therefore claim to be the protomartyr of ......
WillowS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) A tree or shrub of the genus Salix. Willows and poplars are numerous in Palestine. In all regions the white ......
Max, Ritter von Wilmersdörffer [de] (JE | WPGWPG) Bavarian financier and philanthropist; born at Bayreuth April 8, 1824; died at Munich Dec. 26, 1903. At an early age ......
Wilna (Vilna) S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Ancient Lithuanian city, capital of the district of the same name; situated on the rivers Vilia and Vileika, about 200 ......
Simon WinawerS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Russian chess-player; born in Warsaw 1839. In 1867 he was in Paris; and while watching some games at the Café ......
WinchesterS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Ancient capital of England; county town of Hampshire. Jews appear to have settled there at an early date, one of ......
WindowsS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) The climate of Palestine and the customs of the ancient and the modern Orient alike rendered the house less important ......
WindsS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Ancient Hebrew literature recognizes only four winds-north, south, east, and west, having no names for those from intermediate points, so ......
Wine (See Kosher wine) S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) The juice of the grape is the subject of special praise in the Scriptures. The "vine tree" is distinguished from ......
Max Winkler - Ours is about German politician - (JE | WPGWPG) American philologist; born at Cracow, Austria, Sept. 4, 1866; educated at the gymnasium of Cracow, Hughes High School (Cincinnati, Ohio), ......
WinnipegS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Capital of the province of Manitoba, Canada; situated at the junction of the Assiniboin and Red rivers. Jews had relations ......
Solomon WinterJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian philanthropist; born in the county of Zips, Hungary, in 1778; died at Hunsdorf, in the same county, Feb. 24, ......
Moriz WinternitzJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian Orientalist; born at Horn Dec. 23, 1863. He received his earliest education in the gymnasium of his native town, ......
Wilhelm WinternitzJE (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian physician and hydropathist; born at Josefstadt, Bohemia, March 1, 1835; educated at Vienna and at Prague (M. D. 1857), ......
Simon, Freiherr von Winterstein [de] (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian railroad magnate; born at Prague 1819; died at Vöslau June 11, 1883. The son of poor parents, he had ......
WisconsinS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) State in the Upper Lake region of the United States of America; admitted to the Union in 1848. In 1792 ......
WisdomS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Practical intelligence; the mental grasp which observes and penetrates into the nature of things, and also the ability skilfully to ......
Aaron WiseJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) American rabbi; born at Erlau, Hungary, May 2, 1844; died in New York March 30, 1896; son of Chief Rabbi ......
Isaac Meyer WiseJE S2005-08-19 (JE | WPGWPG) American Reform rabbi, editor, and author; born at Steingrub, Bohemia, March 29, 1819; died at Cincinnati, Ohio, March 26, 1900. He was the son of Leo Wise ......
Leo Wise (JE | WPGWPG) American journalist and publisher; born at Albany Oct. 28, 1849; son of Isaac Mayer Wise. He was educated at St. ......
Stephen Samuel WiseS2005-08-19 (JE | WPGWPG) American rabbi; born at Budapest March 17, 1862; son of Aaron Wise. He studied at the College of the City of New York (1887-91), Columbia ......
Kalonymos Zeeb Wolf Wissotzky (JE | WPGWPG) Russian philanthropist; born in Zhagory, government of Kovno, July 8, 1824; died at Moscow May 24, 1904. Wissotzky, whose father ......
WitchcraftS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) "Witchcraft" and "sorcery" are the terms used in the Bible to designate the practise of the arts of divination, which ......
Leopold WittelschöferJES2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian physician; born at Nagy-Kanizsa, Hungary, July 14, 1818; died at Vienna Jan. 8, 1889; educated at the University of ......
Franz WittmannJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian electrician and physicist; born at Hod-Mezö-Vasarhely Jan. 16, 1860. He was educated at the university of Budapest, and continued ......
Philip WodianerJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian communal worker; flourished in Szegedin during the latter part of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century. ......
Jules Wogue [Wikidata] (JE | WPGWPG) French author; son of Lazare Wogue; born in Paris Dec. 4, 1863; educated at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in his ......
Lazare Eliezer Wogue [fr] (JE | WPGWPG) French rabbi; born at Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne, July 22, 1817; died at Paris April 14, 1897; educated at the Lycée Charlemagne ......
Jetty Wohllerner (JE | WPGWPG) Galician Hebrew writer; born at Lemberg in 1813; died there in 1891. When a little girl of eight, Jetty, after ......
WolfS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) The wolf (Canis lupus) is still found in Palestine, where the animals prowl in pairs or droves about sheepfolds at ......
Abraham Nathan Wolf [Wikidata] (JE | WPGWPG) German scholar; born at Dessau in 1751; died there in 1784. On account of his liberal views he was highly ......
Adolph Grant Wolf (JE | WPGWPG) American jurist; born at Washington, D. C., Jan. 11, 1869; educated at Johns Hopkins University (A.B. 1890) and at the ......
Emma Wolf (JE | WPGWPG) American authoress; born June 15, 1865, in San Francisco, Cal., to which city her parents had migrated from France, and ......
George Garcia Wolf (JE | WPGWPG) South-African merchant, and member of the Cape Parliament; born at Great Yarmouth 1838; died in London March 18, 1899. He ......
Gerson Wolf (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian historian and educator; born at Holleschau, Moravia, July 16, 1823; died in Vienna Oct. 29, 1892. He began the ......
Hirsch W. Wolf (JE | WPGWPG) German physician; born at Lobsens, Posen, 1738; died at Hamburg April 14, 1820; studied at the University of Giessen (M.D. ......
Johann Christoph WolfJE (JE | WPGWPG) Christian Hebraist and polyhistor; born at Wernigerode Feb. 21, 1683; died at Hamburg July 25, 1739. He studied at Wittenberg, ......
Wolf ben Joseph of Dessau (JE | WPGWPG) German scholar and author; born at Dessau in 1762; died there March 16, 1826. Left an orphan at an early ......
Lucien WolfS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) English journalist and Anglo-Jewish historian; born in London Jan. 20, 1857. He began his journalistic career at a very early ......
Max Wolf (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian composer; born at Weisskirchen, Moravia, Feb., 1840; died in Vienna March 23, 1886. His father, a wealthy business man, ......
Simon Wolf (JE | WPGWPG) American jurist, publicist, and philanthropist; born at Hinzweiler, Bavaria, Oct. 28, 1836; emigrated to the United States in 1848 and ......
WolfenbüttelS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) German city, particularly noted for its Samson-Schule, a school, originally at Brunswick, founded by Herz Samson, on a legacy by ......
Martha Wolfenstein (JE | WPGWPG) American authoress; born at Insterburg, Prussia, Aug. 5, 1869. During her infancy her parents emigrated to the United States, settling ......
Wolff - Ours is a dab page - (JE | WPGWPG) American family which derives its origin from the Robles family of Surinam, Dutch Guiana. The following is the family tree:Wolff ......
Aaron Wolff (JE | WPGWPG) Danish merchant; born in the Island of Saint Christopher on Aug. 6, 1795; died in London, England, Jan. 12, 1872. ......
Abraham Alexander Wolff (JE | WPGWPG) German rabbi; born at Darmstadt April 29, 1801; died at Copenhagen Dec. 3, 1891. His first teacher was his father, ......
Joseph WolffS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Missionary and Oriental traveler; born at Weilersbach, near Bamberg, Germany, in 1795; died at Ile Brewers, Somerset, England, May 2, ......
Joseph Wolff (JE | WPGWPG) Russian historian; born at St. Petersburg; died at Heidelberg 1900. The son of a book-dealer, he early developed a passion ......
Julius WolffS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) German surgeon; born at Märkisch Friedland, West Prussia, March 21, 1836; died at Berlin Feb. 18, 1902. He received his ......
Maurice Wolff [de] (JE | WPGWPG) Swedish rabbi; born in 1824 at Meseritz, Prussia, where his father officiated as rabbi. He studied at the universities of ......
Oskar Ludwig Bernhard Wolff [de] (JE | WPGWPG) German improvisator and novelist; born at Altona July 26, 1799; died at Jena Sept. 13, 1851. He early manifested an ......
Ulla Wolff (JE | WPGWPG) German authoress; born at Gleiwitz, Silesia, April 2, 1850; daughter of Max Hirschfeld. She received her education at home and ......
Isaac Wolffson [de] (JE | WPGWPG) German jurist and politician; born Jan. 19, 1817; died at Hamburg Oct. 12, 1895. He was prominent in German politics, ......
Wolfkan of Ratisbon (JE | WPGWPG) Jewish convert to Christianity and traducer of the Jews; lived in the second half of the fifteenth century. He was ......
Wolflein of Lochamen (Wolflein of Lochheim) (JE | WPGWPG) Medieval Bavarian litterateur; known for his compilation of the so-called "Lochheimer Liederbuch" (about 1450), a collection of medieval German folk-songs, ......
Bernard Wölfler (JE | WPGWPG) Austrian physician; born at Praschnoaugezd, Bohemia, Dec. 8, 1816. After having studied philosophy at the gymnasium of Prague, he attended ......
Theodore WolfnerJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian deputy; born at Uj-Pest June 18, 1864; educated at the gymnasium and at the school of technology at Budapest. ......
Wilhelm Wolfsohn [de; ru] (JE | WPGWPG) German poet and essayist; born at Odessa Oct. 20, 1820; died at Dresden Aug. 13, 1865; studied medicine and philosophy ......
Leone Wollemborg (JE | WPGWPG) Italian economist; born at Padua 1859; graduated from the university of his native city (1878). He made a special study ......
Anton Eduard W. da Fonesca Wollheim [de] (JE | WPGWPG) German playwright and journalist; born in Hamburg Feb. 12, 1810; died in Berlin Oct. 24, 1884; studied at the University ......
Wolowski (JE | WPGWPG) Polish family, several members of which became converted to Christianity. It flourished in southern Poland in the seventeenth and eighteenth ......
Michael Wolper [Wikidata] (JE | WPGWPG) Russian educator and author; born in Wilna 1852; educated in the rabbinical school of his native city. He was graduated ......
Woodbine, New JerseyS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Borough in Cape May county, New Jersey; established as an industrial village Aug. 28, 1891; incorporated as a borough in ......
Albert Edward Woolf (JE | WPGWPG) American chemist and inventor; born in New York Sept. 26, 1846; educated in the public schools of that city and ......
Edward Woolf [Wikidata] (JE | WPGWPG) American musician and novelist; born in London, England, Sept., 1803; died in New York March 14, 1882. After acting as ......
Sidney Woolf (JE | WPGWPG) English lawyer; born in London 1844; died March 12, 1892; educated at Neumegen's school and at University College, London. After ......
WormS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) "Rimmah" and "tole'ah" are the terms most frequently employed in the Bible to connote not only the earthworm, but any ......
Worms, GermanyS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Town in Rhein-Hesse, grand duchy of Hesse, Germany. Like Mayence and Cologne, it has one of the oldest Jewish communities ......
WormsJE (JE | WPGWPG) Frankfort and English family, tracing its descent from Aaron Worms of Frankfort-on-the-Main in the middle of the eighteenth century. Aaron's ......
Asher Anshel Worms [de] (JE | WPGWPG) German physician, mathematician, and Hebraist; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main toward the end of the seventeenth century; died there in 1769. Worms ......
Émile Worms [de] (JE | WPGWPG) French jurist; born at Frisange, Luxembourg, May 23, 1838; educated at the University of Heidelberg and at Paris (LL.D. 1864). ......
Gustave-Hippolyte Worms (JE | WPGWPG) French actor; born in Paris March 21, 1837. He was graduated from the Conservatoire in 1857, winning the first prize ......
Jules Worms (JE | WPGWPG) French physician; born in Paris Jan. 24, 1830; died there April 15, 1898; educated at the University of Strasburg (M.D. ......
Jules Worms (JE | WPGWPG) French genre painter; born in Paris Dec. 16, 1832. He studied under Philippon and Lafosse, and made his début at ......
Maurice Benedict de Worms (JE | WPGWPG) English financier and agriculturist; born in Frankfort-on-the-Main 1805; died in London 1867; grandson of Meyer Anselm de Rothschild, and son ......
René WormsJES2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) French auditor of the council of state; son of Emile Worms; born at Rennes Dec. 8, 1869; educated at the ......
Baron Solomon Benedict de Worms (JE | WPGWPG) English financier; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main Feb. 5, 1801; died at Brighton, England, Oct. 20, 1882; son of Benedict de Worms ......
Victor Worms (JE | WPGWPG) French lawyer; younger brother of Emile Worms; born at Luxembourg Nov. 16, 1853; educated at Paris and Rennes ("docteur en ......
André Alphonse Wormser (JE | WPGWPG) French composer; born in Paris Nov. 1, 1851; studied at the Paris Conservatoire under Bazin and Marmontel. In 1875 he ......
Idol-Worship (Idolatry) (JE | WPGWPG) All idolatrous cults are condemned by the Biblical insistence on worship of Yhwh only. The Decalogue begins with the command ......
WreathS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Garland placed on the head as a token of honor. The wealthy bridegroom and bride, on the day of their ......
WreschenJES2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) A town in Posen, Germany, three miles from the Russian frontier. Its Jewish community formerly ranked among the largest of ......
Reuben Joseph Wunderbar [Wikidata] (JE | WPGWPG) Russian pedagogue and author; born at Mitau Sept. 12, 1812; died there Aug. 16, 1868. He received the usual Jewish ......
August WünscheJE (JE | WPGWPG) German Christian Hebraist; born at Hainewalde July 22, 1839. He has devoted his attention almost exclusively to rabbinic literature. After ......
WürttembergS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Kingdom of southwestern Germany. The earliest traces of Jews in this country are found in Bopfingen (1241), Ulm (1243), Esslingen ......
WürzburgS2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Capital of Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany. It ranked as a city in 741, and had a Jewish community as early ......
Julius Würzburger (JE | WPGWPG) American journalist; born in Bayreuth, Germany, 1819; died in New York city Sept. 14, 1876; studied at the University of ......
Ludwig WysberJE S2006-02-20 (JE | WPGWPG) Hungarian journalist and author; born 1817. Originally a street pedler in Pesth, he obtained employment as a chorus singer in ......