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Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Chinese

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The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Chinese
# Articles in Chinese instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 马达加斯加 country, island country, unitary state Madagascar 304
2 東京都 prefecture of Japan, megacity, metropolis Tokyo 288
3 卢旺达 country, republic, landlocked country Rwanda 286
4 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫 human Johann Sebastian Bach 252
5 京都市 city of Japan, college town, tourist destination Kyoto 247
6 真菌 taxon Fungus 199
7 福克兰群岛 British overseas territories Falkland Islands 194
8 大阪市 megacity, metropolis, city of Japan Osaka 186
9 理查德·尼克松 human Richard Nixon 184
10 大爆炸 occurrence, unmoved mover, cosmological model Big Bang 174
11 詹姆斯·庫克 human James Cook 174
12 横滨市 city of Japan, satellite city, commuter town Yokohama 161
13 流行性感冒 infectious disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Influenza 160
14 北海道 island of Japan Hokkaido 155
15 天津市 city, megacity, national central city Tianjin 152
16 儒家 religion, philosophical movement Confucianism 151
17 什叶派 Islamic denomination Shia Islam 150
18 chemical element Iridium 149
19 chemical element, chalcophile element Germanium 148
20 札幌市 city of Japan, big city, city designated by government ordinance Sapporo 147
21 威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱 human William Howard Taft 146
22 格罗弗·克利夫兰 human Grover Cleveland 145
23 詹姆斯·艾布拉姆·加菲尔德 human James A. Garfield 145
24 自由女神像 statue, tourist attraction, observation tower Statue of Liberty 144
25 威廉·福克納 human William Faulkner 142
26 长崎市 city of Japan Nagasaki 141
27 约翰·泰勒 human John Tyler 138
28 米勒德·菲尔莫尔 human Millard Fillmore 138
29 遜尼派 Islamic denomination Sunni Islam 138
30 威廉·亨利·哈里森 human William Henry Harrison 137
31 chemical element, synthetic element Californium 135
32 切斯特·艾伦·阿瑟 human Chester A. Arthur 131
33 代谢 biological process Metabolism 131
34 稀有气体 group, main group Noble gas 128
35 神户市 city of Japan, big city, city designated by government ordinance Kobe 126
36 福岡市 city of Japan, college town, big city Fukuoka 124
37 四國 island Shikoku 124
38 罗伯特·奥本海默 human J. Robert Oppenheimer 123
39 唐朝 state, culture, style Tang dynasty 117
40 光子 type of quantum particle Photon 116
41 伊斯蘭教法 legal order, form of government, academic discipline Sharia 114
42 埃尔温·隆美尔 human Erwin Rommel 109
43 乙酰水杨酸 type of chemical entity Aspirin 108
44 道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟 human Douglas MacArthur 108
45 阿波罗11号 artificial satellite, Moon landing, human spaceflight Apollo 11 107
46 赫尔曼·戈林 human Hermann Göring 107
47 帕金森氏病 rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Parkinson's disease 107
48 肖申克的救赎 film The Shawshank Redemption 106
49 黃石國家公園 national park, biosphere reserve, tourist attraction Yellowstone National Park 106
50 第一代纳尔逊子爵霍雷肖·纳尔逊 human Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson 104
51 沖繩縣 prefecture of Japan Okinawa Prefecture 104
52 神奈川縣 prefecture of Japan Kanagawa Prefecture 102
53 航天飞机 rocket model, spacecraft model Space Shuttle 101
54 白羊座 zodiacal constellation Aries (constellation) 98
55 肺癌 rare disease, class of disease Lung cancer 98
56 婆羅浮屠 tourist attraction, archaeological site, candi Borobudur 97
57 德国足球甲级联赛 association football league Bundesliga 97
58 元朝 conquest dynasty, historical period, historical Chinese state Yuan dynasty 97
59 秦朝 historical period, historical Chinese state Qin dynasty 96
60 Windows Vista operating system, proprietary software Windows Vista 94
61 1930年國際足協世界盃 season 1930 FIFA World Cup 91
62 喬治四世 human George IV 91
63 安息帝國 historical country Parthian Empire 91
64 周朝 ancient Chinese state, historical period, Chinese dynasty Zhou dynasty 91
65 北九州市 city of Japan, big city, city designated by government ordinance Kitakyushu 90
66 金大中 human Kim Dae-jung 89
67 冬季战争 war Winter War 89
68 豪斯医生 television series House (TV series) 88
69 那霸市 city, city of Japan, core city of Japan Naha 87
70 曼哈顿计划 experiment, task, megaproject Manhattan Project 84
71 三角座 constellation Triangulum 83
72 乔治·巴顿 human George S. Patton 82
73 乌鸦座 constellation Corvus (constellation) 80
74 鸮鹦鹉 taxon Kākāpō 79
75 隋朝 historical Chinese state Sui dynasty 79
76 函館市 city of Japan, fortified town, core city of Japan Hakodate 77
77 1956年匈牙利革命 conflict Hungarian Revolution of 1956 77
78 終極警探 film Die Hard 76
79 蒙吕松 commune of France Montluçon 76
80 天王星的卫星 Moons of Uranus 76
81 多发性硬化症 designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Multiple sclerosis 76
82 行列式 Determinant 75
83 法櫃奇兵 film Raiders of the Lost Ark 75
84 满族 ethnic group Manchu people 74
85 放射性碳定年法 radiometric dating Radiocarbon dating 73
86 辛普森一家大电影 animated film The Simpsons Movie 73
87 探險活寶 animated television series Adventure Time 72
88 芙蕾达·平托 human Freida Pinto 71
89 波蘭戰役 invasion, military operation, military campaign Invasion of Poland 71
90 艾伦·谢泼德 human Alan Shepard 70
91 007大战皇家赌场 film Casino Royale (2006 film) 70
92 加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪 film Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 70
93 斯皮罗·阿格纽 human Spiro Agnew 70
94 星际争霸 video game, esports discipline StarCraft (video game) 70
95 盜墓迷城 film The Mummy (1999 film) 70
96 大沼澤地國家公園 national park, tourist attraction, National Park of the United States Everglades National Park 69
97 大白鯊 film Jaws (film) 69
98 亚特兰蒂斯:失落的帝国 animated film Atlantis: The Lost Empire 68
99 E.T.外星人 film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 68
100 催淚彈 weapon functional class Tear gas 68
101 荀子 human Xunzi (philosopher) 68
102 阿波罗13号 artificial satellite, human spaceflight Apollo 13 67
103 晋朝 era, Chinese dynasty, historical Chinese state Jin dynasty (266–420) 67
104 张衡 human Zhang Heng 66
105 禽龍屬 fossil taxon Iguanodon 65
106 胰臟癌 class of disease Pancreatic cancer 64
107 普罗米修斯 film Prometheus (2012 film) 62
108 第五元素 film The Fifth Element 62
109 今天暫時停止 film Groundhog Day (film) 61
110 五代十国 historical country, historical period, Chinese dynasty Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period 60
111 玳瑁 taxon Hawksbill sea turtle 60
112 金朝 Chinese dynasty, historical Chinese state Jin dynasty (1115–1234) 60
113 阿波罗12号 artificial satellite, Moon landing, human spaceflight Apollo 12 59
114 四色定理 theorem, computer-assisted proof, proof by exhaustion Four color theorem 59
115 金星凌日 astronomical transit Transit of Venus 59
116 阿波罗14号 artificial satellite, Moon landing, human spaceflight Apollo 14 58
117 布萊斯峽谷國家公園 national park, National Park of the United States Bryce Canyon National Park 58
118 俾斯麥號戰艦 battleship, shipwreck German battleship Bismarck 58
119 魔鬼剋星 film Ghostbusters 57
120 辽朝 Chinese dynasty, historical Chinese state Liao dynasty 57
121 下背痛 Low back pain 57
122 帕特·尼克松 human Pat Nixon 57
123 沈括 human Shen Kuo 57
124 最後生還者 video game The Last of Us 57
125 南北朝 historical period, historical Chinese state Northern and Southern dynasties 56
126 傲慢與偏見 film Pride & Prejudice (2005 film) 56
127 托马斯·R·马歇尔 human Thomas R. Marshall 56
128 阿波罗7号 human spaceflight Apollo 7 55
129 Dreamcast electronic device model Dreamcast 55
130 冰河國家公園 national park, biosphere reserve, National Park of the United States Glacier National Park (U.S.) 55
131 吞噬細胞 cell type Phagocyte 55
132 第83届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 83rd Academy Awards 54
133 第85屆奧斯卡金像獎 Academy Awards ceremony 85th Academy Awards 54
134 阿波罗16号 artificial satellite, Moon landing, human spaceflight Apollo 16 54
135 麗莎·喬宮多 human Lisa del Giocondo 54
136 世嘉土星 product model Sega Saturn 54
137 新朝 Chinese dynasty, historical Chinese state Xin dynasty 54
138 加勒特·霍巴特 human Garret Hobart 53
139 約瑟·巴貝拉 human Joseph Barbera 53
140 Juno少女孕記 film Juno (film) 53
141 小太陽的願望 film Little Miss Sunshine 53
142 突變第三型 film The Thing (1982 film) 53
143 阿爾貝特·凱塞林 human Albert Kesselring 52
144 薩斯奎哈納河 river Susquehanna River 52
145 野蛮人柯南 film Conan the Barbarian (1982 film) 51
146 惡靈古堡2:啟示錄 film Resident Evil: Apocalypse 51
147 第80屆奧斯卡金像獎 Academy Awards ceremony 80th Academy Awards 50
148 特攻聯盟 film Kick-Ass (film) 50
149 四號坦克 weapon family Panzer IV 50
150 傳送門2 video game Portal 2 50
151 五胡十六国 historical period, group Sixteen Kingdoms 50
152 挑战者号航天飞机灾难 aviation accident, launch failure Space Shuttle Challenger disaster 50
153 星际旅行II:可汗怒吼 film, Star Trek film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 50
154 第78届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 78th Academy Awards 49
155 第82屆奧斯卡金像獎 Academy Awards ceremony 82nd Academy Awards 49
156 俄克拉何马城爆炸案 mass murder, bomb attack, terrorist attack Oklahoma City bombing 49
157 帕特里克·亨利 human Patrick Henry 49
158 開麥拉驚魂 film Tropic Thunder 49
159 第79届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 79th Academy Awards 48
160 富士電視台 television station, business, enterprise Fuji Television 48
161 理性與感性 film Sense and Sensibility (film) 48
162 日本地理 geography of geographic location Geography of Japan 47
163 威廉·汉纳 human William Hanna 47
164 1953年伊朗政變 coup d'état 1953 Iranian coup d'état 46
165 2014年國際足協世界盃決賽 final of the FIFA World Cup, international association football match 2014 FIFA World Cup final 46
166 第77届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 77th Academy Awards 46
167 阿波罗9号 human spaceflight Apollo 9 46
168 端島 island, coal mine, uninhabited island Hashima Island 46
169 國立故宮博物院 Cultural heritage monuments in Taipei, national museum National Palace Museum 46
170 外高加索民主聯邦共和國 historical unrecognized state Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic 46
171 阿波罗4号 uncrewed spaceflight Apollo 4 45
172 提尔皮茨号战列舰 battleship German battleship Tirpitz 45
173 菊頭蝠科 taxon Horseshoe bat 45
174 氧化磷酸化 biological process Oxidative phosphorylation 45
175 開羅會議 convention Cairo Conference 44
176 白色念珠菌 taxon Candida albicans 44
177 嘉義市 provincial city, enclave Chiayi 44
178 Cortana virtual assistant, voice assistant Cortana (virtual assistant) 44
179 辐射 video game Fallout (video game) 44
180 异形大战铁血战士 film Alien vs. Predator (film) 43
181 魔鬼剋星2 film Ghostbusters II 43
182 凯特·谢泼德 human Kate Sheppard 43
183 南越国 historical country Nanyue 43
184 東京電視台 television station, business TV Tokyo 43
185 2012年欧洲冠军联赛决赛 UEFA Champions League final, association football club match 2012 UEFA Champions League final 42
186 赫尔穆特·舍恩 human Helmut Schön 42
187 欧阳修 human Ouyang Xiu 42
188 横纹肌溶解症 disease Rhabdomyolysis 42
189 第70屆奧斯卡金像獎 Academy Awards ceremony 70th Academy Awards 41
190 第74届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 74th Academy Awards 41
191 第75届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 75th Academy Awards 41
192 Game Gear product model Game Gear 41
193 李渔 human Li Yu (1611–1680) 41
194 千禧年大獎難題 occurrence Millennium Prize Problems 41
195 阿布哈兹苏维埃社会主义共和国 republic of the Soviet Union, soviet republic, administrative territorial entity of the Soviet Union Socialist Soviet Republic of Abkhazia 41
196 颠倒乾坤 film Trading Places 41
197 第72届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 72nd Academy Awards 40
198 N95口罩 mask, NIOSH air filtration rating, source control N95 respirator 40
199 太空戰爭! video game Spacewar! 40
200 送行者:禮儀師的樂章 film Departures (2008 film) 39
201 活动电影放映机 Kinetoscope 39
202 米歇尔·阿弗拉克 human Michel Aflaq 39
203 菲尔·哈特曼 human Phil Hartman 39
204 第71屆奧斯卡金像獎 Academy Awards ceremony 71st Academy Awards 38
205 蒂雷納子爵亨利·德·拉圖爾多韋涅 human Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, Viscount of Turenne 38
206 任天堂DSi electronic device model Nintendo DSi 38
207 日本電視台 television station, broadcaster Nippon Television 38
208 萨达 city, human settlement Saada 38
209 企業號航空母艦 aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6) 38
210 女權辯護 written work A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 37
211 阿蒙森南极探险队 research expedition, polar expedition Amundsen's South Pole expedition 37
212 柳宗元 human Liu Zongyuan 37
213 两西西里的特雷莎·克里斯蒂娜 human Teresa Cristina of the Two Sicilies 37
214 指环王 animated film The Lord of the Rings (1978 film) 37
215 皇家赌场 literary work Casino Royale (novel) 36
216 胡椒牛肝菌 taxon Chalciporus piperatus 36
217 瑪格麗特·艾伯特 human Margaret Abbott 36
218 2007年欧洲冠军联赛决赛 UEFA Champions League final 2007 UEFA Champions League final 35
219 第67届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 67th Academy Awards 35
220 第69届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 69th Academy Awards 35
221 巴泰勒米·波岡達 human Barthélemy Boganda 35
222 新特警判官 film Dredd 35
223 鼠族 graphic novel, limited series, literary work Maus 35
224 西里西亞戰爭 series of wars Silesian Wars 35
225 朝日電視台 television station, broadcaster TV Asahi 35
226 第62届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 62nd Academy Awards 34
227 第65届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 65th Academy Awards 34
228 董仲舒 human Dong Zhongshu 34
229 黑色洛城 video game L.A. Noire 34
230 良渚文化 archaeological culture, cultural region Liangzhu culture 34
231 倫敦啤酒淹災 flood, work accident, industrial disaster London Beer Flood 34
232 卢旺达内战 civil war, conflict Rwandan Civil War 34
233 罗伯特·F·肯尼迪遇刺案 political murder, assassination Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy 33
234 冤罪殺機 video game Dishonored 33
235 活动写真 short film Katsudō Shashin 33
236 巴伐利亞王位繼承戰爭 war of succession War of the Bavarian Succession 33
237 第59届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 59th Academy Awards 32
238 風眼 Eye (cyclone) 32
239 英式車裂 execution method Hanged, drawn and quartered 32
240 飓风米奇 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Mitch 32
241 馬來王豬籠草 taxon Nepenthes rajah 32
242 中華民國總統 position President of the Republic of China 32
243 狐狸与猎狗 literary work The Fox and the Hound (novel) 32
244 第60届奥斯卡金像奖 Academy Awards ceremony 60th Academy Awards 31
245 韩国地理 geography of geographic location Geography of South Korea 31
246 信濃號航空母艦 aircraft carrier Japanese aircraft carrier Shinano 31
247 管胞 plant structure Tracheid 31
248 血管紧张素转化酶2 gene Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 30
249 石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因号战列舰 shipwreck, pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Schleswig-Holstein 30
250 西敏站 underground railway station, London Underground station Westminster tube station 30
251 雷根遇刺案 murder, assassination attempt Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan 29
252 斯科特诉桑福德案 court decision, legal case, freedom suit Dred Scott v. Sandford 29
253 美国宪法第十四修正案 law, constitutional amendment Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution 29
254 颶風迪安 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Dean 29
255 雷德·斯克尔顿 human Red Skelton 29
256 温菲尔德·斯科特·汉考克 human Winfield Scott Hancock 29
257 滨海新区 sub-provincial district of the People's Republic of China, district (China), state-level new area of the People's Republic of China Binhai, Tianjin 28
258 胚胎幹細胞 cell type Embryonic stem cell 28
259 生死关头 written work Live and Let Die (novel) 28
260 马王堆汉墓 cemetery, archaeological site Mawangdui 28
261 李小龍傳 film Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story 27
262 芒市 county-level city Mangshi 27
263 巴西公主玛丽亚·阿梅利亚 human Princess Maria Amélia of Brazil 27
264 怜情蜜意 film Tender Mercies 27
265 艾塞克斯號航空母艦 aircraft carrier USS Essex (CV-9) 27
266 五稜郭 star fort, park, fortress Goryōkaku 26
267 飓风安德鲁 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Andrew 26
268 飓风布雷特 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Bret 26
269 诱导性多能干细胞 cell type Induced pluripotent stem cell 26
270 太空城 written work Moonraker (novel) 26
271 瑞丽市 border city, county-level city, big city Ruili 26
272 沈约 human Shen Yue 26
273 超级肉肉男孩 video game Super Meat Boy 26
274 台风泰培 typhoon Typhoon Tip 26
275 張載 human Zhang Zai 26
276 拉米伊之战 battle Battle of Ramillies 25
277 Charlotte anime television series Charlotte (TV series) 25
278 秘書處 horse Secretariat (horse) 25
279 無畏號航空母艦 aircraft carrier, museum ship, preserved watercraft USS Intrepid (CV-11) 25
280 1880年美国总统选举 United States presidential election 1880 United States presidential election 24
281 2011年圖森槍擊事件 mass shooting 2011 Tucson shooting 24
282 白思華 human Arthur Percival 24
283 洞窟物語 video game Cave Story 24
284 電腦太空戰 video game Computer Space 24
285 願榮光歸香港 National anthem of Hong Kong, musical work/composition Glory to Hong Kong 24
286 乔伊·圣地亚哥 human Joey Santiago 24
287 妇人画像 painting Portrait of a Lady (van der Weyden) 24
288 少女的肖像 painting Portrait of a Young Girl (Christus) 24
289 国王号战列舰 battleship, shipwreck SMS König 24
290 美国宪法第十七修正案 constitutional amendment Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution 24
291 石林彝族自治县 autonomous county Shilin Yi Autonomous County 24
292 告密者 film The Whistleblower 24
293 特洛伊·麦克卢尔 fictional human, animated character Troy McClure 24
294 死亡天使 song, single, musical work/composition Angel of Death (Slayer song) 23
295 外切體複合物 cellular component Exosome complex 23
296 2009年美國總統就職典禮 United States presidential inauguration First inauguration of Barack Obama 23
297 皇帝級戰艦 ship class Kaiser-class battleship 23
298 三藩之乱 rebellion Revolt of the Three Feudatories 23
299 坦克女郎 film Tank Girl (film) 23
300 温德尔·H·福特 human Wendell Ford 23
301 谢伦山之战 battle Battle of Schellenberg 22
302 2008年夏季奧林匹克運動會女子公路自行車比賽 Olympic sporting event, Cycling at the Summer Olympics – women's individual road race Cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Women's individual road race 22
303 1941年惩罚行动 battle, aerial bombing of a city German bombing of Belgrade 22
304 肝肾综合征 class of disease Hepatorenal syndrome 22
305 今川氏 uji, noble family Imagawa clan 22
306 约翰·亚岱尔 human John Adair 22
307 李朝 dynasty, historical country Lý dynasty 22
308 拿骚级战列舰 ship class Nassau-class battleship 22
309 巴伐利亚号战列舰 shipwreck, super-dreadnought SMS Bayern 22
310 西蒙·玻利瓦尔·巴克纳 human Simon Bolivar Buckner 22
311 漢考克號航空母艦 aircraft carrier USS Hancock (CV-19) 22
312 提康德羅加號航空母艦 aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga (CV-14) 22
313 2005年大西洋颶風季 Atlantic hurricane season 2005 Atlantic hurricane season 21
314 2018年花莲地震 earthquake 2018 Hualien earthquake 21
315 2018年大阪地震 earthquake 2018 Osaka earthquake 21
316 威廉·麦金莱遇刺案 murder, assassination Assassination of William McKinley 21
317 德国级战列舰 ship class Deutschland-class battleship 21
318 骑士酒店 short film Hotel Chevalier 21
319 飓风伊莎贝尔 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Isabel 21
320 馬尼拉人質事件 hostage taking Manila hostage crisis 21
321 玛莎·莱恩·柯林斯 human Martha Layne Collins 21
322 南开大学 vice-ministerial level university, public research university, higher education institution directly under Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China Nankai University 21
323 沙恩霍斯特级战列舰 ship class Scharnhorst-class battleship 21
324 塔拉里 human Tarrare 21
325 1689年波士顿起义 rebellion 1689 Boston revolt 20
326 科隆戰爭 war Cologne War 20
327 第一次西里西亚战争 war First Silesian War 20
328 飓风纳丁 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Nadine 20
329 约翰·J·克里滕登 human John J. Crittenden 20
330 国王级战列舰 ship class König-class battleship 20
331 马克·汉纳 human Mark Hanna 20
332 5美分硬币 coin type Nickel (United States coin) 20
333 西里西亚号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Schlesien 20
334 第二次西里西亚战争 war Second Silesian War 20
335 超人前传 television series season Smallville season 1 20
336 胡蜂號航空母艦 aircraft carrier USS Wasp (CV-18) 20
337 倩女幽魂 film A Chinese Ghost Story 19
338 空襲日本 military campaign, airstrike Air raids on Japan 19
339 巴伐利亚级战列舰 ship class Bayern-class battleship 19
340 伊芙琳·梅斯 human Evelyn Mase 19
341 哈皮·钱德勒 human Happy Chandler 19
342 黑尔戈兰级战列舰 ship class Helgoland-class battleship 19
343 飓风埃里卡 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Erika (2003) 19
344 德皇腓特烈三世级战列舰 ship class Kaiser Friedrich III-class battleship 19
345 劝导 television film Persuasion (1995 film) 19
346 德国号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Deutschland (1904) 19
347 大选帝侯号战列舰 battleship, shipwreck SMS Grosser Kurfürst (1913) 19
348 黑尔戈兰号战列舰 dreadnought SMS Helgoland (1909) 19
349 波美拉尼亚号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Pommern 19
350 波森号战列舰 dreadnought SMS Posen 19
351 图林根号战列舰 dreadnought SMS Thüringen 19
352 桑德拉·摩根 human Sandra Morgan 19
353 新幹線0系電聯車 multiple unit class 0 Series Shinkansen 18
354 1928年奥基乔比飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1928 Okeechobee hurricane 18
355 2018年北海道地震 earthquake 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake 18
356 冈萨雷斯之战 battle Battle of Gonzales 18
357 轰炸新加坡 military campaign, airstrike Bombing of Singapore (1944–1945) 18
358 勃兰登堡级战列舰 ship class Brandenburg-class battleship 18
359 不伦瑞克级战列舰 ship class Braunschweig-class battleship 18
360 卡特曼的肛门探针 television series episode Cartman Gets an Anal Probe 18
361 清东陵 mausoleum Eastern Qing tombs 18
362 天津租界 Foreign concessions in Tianjin 18
363 蚊子是怎么生活的 animated short film How a Mosquito Operates 18
364 摩根银元 coin type Morgan dollar 18
365 腓特烈大帝号战列舰 battleship, shipwreck SMS Friedrich der Grosse (1911) 18
366 皇帝号战列舰 battleship, shipwreck SMS Kaiser (1911) 18
367 威斯特法伦号战列舰 dreadnought SMS Westfalen 18
368 卢西塔尼亚号的沉没 short film, animated film The Sinking of the Lusitania 18
369 霍默的恐惧症 television series episode Homer's Phobia 17
370 飓风艾琳 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Irene (2005) 17
371 2018年7月龙目岛地震 earthquake July 2018 Lombok earthquake 17
372 小尼莫 short film Little Nemo (1911 film) 17
373 杰西·华盛顿私刑事件 lynching Lynching of Jesse Washington 17
374 带吸管的玛格丽塔 film Margarita with a Straw 17
375 和平银元 coin type Peace dollar 17
376 汉诺威号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Hannover 17
377 王储号战列舰 battleship, shipwreck SMS Kronprinz (1914) 17
378 藩侯号战列舰 battleship, shipwreck SMS Markgraf 17
379 拿骚号战列舰 dreadnought SMS Nassau 17
380 莱茵兰号战列舰 dreadnought SMS Rheinland 17
381 啞口無言 single Speechless (Michael Jackson song) 17
382 我爸爸飞出了杜鹃窝 television series episode Stark Raving Dad 17
383 陶弘景 human Tao Hongjing 17
384 珊瑚岛 literary work The Coral Island 17
385 乌尔姆战役 military campaign Ulm campaign 17
386 维特尔斯巴赫级战列舰 ship class Wittelsbach-class battleship 17
387 2007年大西洋颶風季 Atlantic hurricane season 2007 Atlantic hurricane season 16
388 2018年和2022年国际足联世界杯申办过程 bid for sporting event 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup bids 16
389 治疗扑克上瘾 short film A Cure for Pokeritis 16
390 巴西皇太子阿方索 human Afonso, Prince Imperial of Brazil 16
391 1945年3月10日东京大轰炸 airstrike Bombing of Tokyo (10 March 1945) 16
392 气旋古努 cyclone Cyclone Gonu 16
393 深喉 television series episode Deep Throat (The X-Files episode) 16
394 朱安达 human Djuanda Kartawidjaja 16
395 战神:背叛 video game God of War: Betrayal 16
396 格蕾丝·舍伍德 human Grace Sherwood 16
397 香港太空館 science museum, astronomical observatory, national museum Hong Kong Space Museum 16
398 飓风黑兹尔 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Hazel 16
399 颶風伊歐凱 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Ioke 16
400 颶風琳達 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Linda (1997) 16
401 卢克·P·布莱克本 human Luke P. Blackburn 16
402 關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事 film Marry My Dead Body 16
403 妮基和保罗 group of fictional characters Nikki and Paulo 16
404 巴登号战列舰 shipwreck, super-dreadnought SMS Baden 16
405 东弗里斯兰号战列舰 dreadnought SMS Ostfriesland 16
406 柳特波德摄政王号战列舰 battleship, shipwreck SMS Prinzregent Luitpold 16
407 聖安東尼奧河 river San Antonio River 16
408 纽约市主场迎战霍默·辛普森 animated series episode The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson 16
409 1910年古巴飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1910 Cuba hurricane 15
410 1949年安巴托地震 earthquake 1949 Ambato earthquake 15
411 1985年世界斯诺克锦标赛 snooker tournament 1985 World Snooker Championship 15
412 1997年加延地震 earthquake 1997 Qayen earthquake 15
413 恐惧角 television series episode Cape Feare 15
414 E.T.外星人 album E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (album) 15
415 范妮·伊姆利 human Fanny Imlay 15
416 飓风哈蒂 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Hattie 15
417 颶風約翰 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane John (1994) 15
418 飓风文斯 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Vince 15
419 J·C·W·贝克汉姆 human J. C. W. Beckham 15
420 詹姆斯·B·韦弗 human James B. Weaver 15
421 詹姆斯·加勒德 human James Garrard 15
422 金聖歎 human Jin Shengtan 15
423 约瑟夫·德沙 human Joseph Desha 15
424 基恩·约翰逊 human Keen Johnson 15
425 刘易斯与克拉克博览会金币 coin type Lewis and Clark Exposition gold dollar 15
426 唇唇欲動 song, single Lips Are Movin 15
427 理查德·霍伊斯 human Richard Hawes 15
428 皇后号战列舰 battleship, shipwreck SMS Kaiserin 15
429 阿尔贝特国王号战列舰 battleship, shipwreck SMS König Albert 15
430 奥尔登堡号战列舰 dreadnought SMS Oldenburg 15
431 薩卡加維亞1美元硬幣 coin type Sacagawea dollar 15
432 熱帶風暴畫眉 typhoon, tropical storm Tropical Storm Vamei 15
433 1998年英格蘭慈善盾 season 1998 FA Charity Shield 14
434 奧德維奇站 underground railway station, station building, former railway station Aldwych tube station 14
435 查尔斯·多默里 human Charles Domery 14
436 艾森豪威尔一美元硬币 coin type Eisenhower dollar 14
437 飘发自由女神1美元硬币 coin type Flowing Hair dollar 14
438 飓风艾瑞丝 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Iris 14
439 詹姆斯·B·麦克里 human James B. McCreary 14
440 约翰·W·约翰斯顿 human John W. Johnston 14
441 馬丁·克米 fictional human, television character Martin Keamy 14
442 孟卯 historical country Möng Mao 14
443 賓夕法尼亞州議會大廈 capitol building Pennsylvania State Capitol 14
444 鲁比·拉冯 human Ruby Laffoon 14
445 勃兰登堡号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Brandenburg 14
446 阿尔萨斯号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Elsass 14
447 尼俄伯号小巡洋舰 light cruiser SMS Niobe 14
448 透过窥镜 television series episode Through the Looking Glass (Lost) 14
449 甲狀腺毒性週期性麻痺症 Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis 14
450 今天 single Today (The Smashing Pumpkins song) 14
451 颱風柏加 Category 5 hurricane Typhoon Paka 14
452 颱風鹿莎 typhoon Typhoon Rusa 14
453 增肥4000 television series episode Weight Gain 4000 14
454 你只能搬两次家 television series episode You Only Move Twice 14
455 2006年大西洋颶風季 Atlantic hurricane season 2006 Atlantic hurricane season 13
456 奥古斯塔斯·奥斯利·斯坦利 human Augustus Owsley Stanley 13
457 查尔斯·斯科特 human Charles Scott (governor) 13
458 世界貿易中心工程 construction Construction of the World Trade Center 13
459 Eyes of the Insane single Eyes of the Insane 13
460 富兰克林·奈特·莱恩 human Franklin Knight Lane 13
461 信仰自由 painting Freedom of Worship (painting) 13
462 1美元金币 coin type Gold dollar 13
463 精选辑 television series episode Greatest Hits (Lost) 13
464 飓风卡罗尔 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Carol 13
465 飓风法比安 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Fabian 13
466 冰核计划 television series episode, Monster of the Week Ice (The X-Files) 13
467 詹姆斯·巴顿·朗埃克 human James B. Longacre 13
468 劳伦斯·韦瑟比 human Lawrence Wetherby 13
469 柳永 human Liu Yong (Song dynasty) 13
470 圣诞便便,黄金先生 television series episode Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo 13
471 麥理浩 human Murray MacLehose, Baron MacLehose of Beoch 13
472 巴西皇太子佩德罗·阿方索 human Pedro Afonso, Prince Imperial of Brazil 13
473 黑森号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Hessen 13
474 腓特烈·威廉选帝侯号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm 13
475 普鲁士号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Preussen (1903) 13
476 魏森堡号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Weissenburg 13
477 塞缪尔·J·兰德尔 human Samuel J. Randall 13
478 华南理工大学 public university, research university, higher education institution directly under Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China South China University of Technology 13
479 突变异种 television series episode, Monster of the Week Squeeze (The X-Files) 13
480 蘇米特羅·佐約哈迪庫蘇莫 human Sumitro Djojohadikusumo 13
481 TBS電視台 television station, broadcaster TBS Television (Japan) 13
482 巴格达地毯 film The Carpet from Bagdad 13
483 热带风暴阿利森 tropical storm Tropical Storm Allison 13
484 2007年热带风暴加布里埃尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Gabrielle (2007) 13
485 2008年熱帶風暴馬可 tropical storm Tropical Storm Marco (2008) 13
486 2美分硬币 coin type, discontinued product model Two-cent piece (United States) 13
487 1958年美英共同防御协定 treaty US–UK Mutual Defence Agreement 13
488 威廉·格贝尔 human William Goebel 13
489 威廉·海登·英格利希 human William Hayden English 13
490 威廉·奥康奈尔·布拉德利 human William O'Connell Bradley 13
491 刻在你心底的名字 film Your Name Engraved Herein 13
492 張岱 human Zhang Dai 13
493 2020年瓦哈卡地震 earthquake 2020 Oaxaca earthquake 12
494 玛琦号街车 television series episode A Streetcar Named Marge 12
495 查尔斯·爱德华·马贡 human Charles Edward Magoon 12
496 撒旦之子 television series episode Damien (South Park) 12
497 地震預警系統 Earthquake early warning system 12
498 四大自由 painting series Four Freedoms (Rockwell) 12
499 富兰克林半美元 coin type Franklin half dollar 12
500 飓风伊斯梅尔 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Ismael 12
501 约翰·L·赫姆 human John L. Helm 12
502 约翰·杨·布朗 human John Y. Brown (politician, born 1835) 12
503 凯文·奥哈洛伦 human Kevin O'Halloran 12
504 利金河 river Licking River (Kentucky) 12
505 迷失特辑:遗忘的碎片 web series Lost: Missing Pieces 12
506 俄勒岡洞穴國家紀念區暨保護區 national preserve, national monument, National Monument of the United States Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve 12
507 不伦瑞克号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship, lead ship SMS Braunschweig 12
508 洛林号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Lothringen 12
509 韦廷号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Wettin 12
510 维特尔斯巴赫号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Wittelsbach 12
511 沃尔特号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Wörth 12
512 策林根号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Zähringen 12
513 史迈斯报告 written work Smyth Report 12
514 饿死鬼叭噗 television series episode Starvin' Marvin 12
515 德布罗伊王妃肖像 painting The Princesse de Broglie 12
516 2006年热带风暴阿尔贝托 tropical storm Tropical Storm Alberto (2006) 12
517 20美分硬币 coin type Twenty-cent piece (United States coin) 12
518 颱風彩蝶 typhoon Typhoon Nabi 12
519 火山爆发 television series episode Volcano (South Park) 12
520 反重力赛车3 video game Wipeout 3 12
521 1968年伊利诺伊州地震 earthquake 1968 Illinois earthquake 11
522 1988年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1988 Atlantic hurricane season 11
523 1999年悉尼雹暴 hailstorm 1999 Sydney hailstorm 11
524 2002年大西洋颶風季 Atlantic hurricane season 2002 Atlantic hurricane season 11
525 2002年太平洋颱風季 Pacific typhoon season 2002 Pacific typhoon season 11
526 2003年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 2003 Atlantic hurricane season 11
527 2013年大西洋颶風季 Atlantic hurricane season 2013 Atlantic hurricane season 11
528 2013年罗萨里奥煤气爆炸 gas explosion 2013 Rosario gas explosion 11
529 34街-哈德遜調車場車站 metro station, terminus, underground station 34th Street–Hudson Yards station 11
530 伯特·T·康布斯 human Bert Combs 11
531 埃德温·P·莫罗 human Edwin P. Morrow 11
532 性别扭曲 television series episode, Monster of the Week Gender Bender (The X-Files) 11
533 严肃的骨头 video game Gravity Bone 11
534 古里亚共和国 historical country Gurian Republic 11
535 阿仙奴足球會歷史 aspect of history History of Arsenal F.C. (1886–1966) 11
536 1985年飓风艾琳娜 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Elena 11
537 颶風貢薩洛 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Gonzalo 11
538 2006年飓风戈登 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Gordon (2006) 11
539 颶風伊尼基 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Iniki 11
540 1999年飓风艾琳 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Irene (1999) 11
541 2009年飓风里克 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Rick (2009) 11
542 飓风威拉 tropical cyclone Hurricane Willa 11
543 杰里·沃里斯 human Jerry Voorhis 11
544 肯尼迪半美元 coin type Kennedy half dollar 11
545 聚光之下 single Lights Up 11
546 林有福 human Lim Yew Hock 11
547 怀疑论者莉萨 animated series episode Lisa the Skeptic 11
548 素食主义者莉萨 television series episode Lisa the Vegetarian 11
549 路易·B·纳恩 human Louie Nunn 11
550 玛丽·玛格丽特·奥赖利 human Mary Margaret O'Reilly 11
551 尼尔·道 human Neal Dow 11
552 试播集 television pilot, television series episode Pilot (House) 11
553 试播集 season premiere, television pilot, television series episode Pilot (Supernatural) 11
554 罗克西·安峰 mountain, volcanic landform Roxy Ann Peak 11
555 德皇腓特烈三世号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Kaiser Friedrich III 11
556 德皇卡尔大帝号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Kaiser Karl der Grosse 11
557 梅克伦堡号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Mecklenburg 11
558 施瓦本号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Schwaben 11
559 圣高登斯双鹰金币 coin type Saint-Gaudens double eagle 11
560 所羅門·P·夏普 human Solomon P. Sharp 11
561 史蒂夫·多德 human Steve Dodd 11
562 2007年亚热带风暴安德烈亚 subtropical cyclone, Category 1 hurricane Subtropical Storm Andrea (2007) 11
563 綏遠抗戰 military campaign Suiyuan campaign 11
564 月光曲 film Terang Boelan 11
565 结局的开始 television series episode The Beginning of the End (Lost) 11
566 2007年热带风暴巴里 tropical storm Tropical Storm Barry (2007) 11
567 颱風梅米 typhoon Typhoon Maemi 11
568 西夏王陵 necropolis, archaeological site Western Xia mausoleums 11
569 冬季服務車輛 Winter service vehicle 11
570 无字小说 literary form, comic genre, novel genre Wordless novel 11
571 1911年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1911 Atlantic hurricane season 10
572 1984年羅傑尼希教生物恐怖攻擊 bioterrorism, terrorist attack 1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack 10
573 2000年斯里兰卡气旋 cyclone 2000 Sri Lanka cyclone 10
574 2005年亚速尔亚热带风暴 subtropical cyclone, tropical storm 2005 Azores subtropical storm 10
575 2018年安克雷奇地震 earthquake 2018 Anchorage earthquake 10
576 惊人故事季刊 pulp magazine, science fiction magazine Amazing Stories Quarterly 10
577 塔拉特帕夏遇刺案 assassination Assassination of Talaat Pasha 10
578 黑色星期五 battle Black Friday (1945) 10
579 确认死亡 television series episode Confirmed Dead 10
580 埃利奥特·菲奇·谢泼德 human Elliott Fitch Shepard 10
581 飞鹰1美分硬币 coin type Flying Eagle cent 10
582 紅毛城 fort, historic site Fort Santo Domingo 10
583 法蘭西斯·哈維 human Francis Harvey 10
584 免于匮乏的自由 painting Freedom from Want 10
585 戈布雷希特银元 coin type Gobrecht dollar 10
586 亨利·科尼利厄斯·伯内特 human Henry Cornelius Burnett 10
587 故乡 television series episode, Monster of the Week Home (The X-Files) 10
588 2003年飓风克劳德特 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Claudette (2003) 10
589 飓风多格 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Dog (1950) 10
590 1997年飓风埃里卡 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Erika (1997) 10
591 飓风肯纳 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Kenna 10
592 飓风莱尼 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Lenny 10
593 2005年飓风内特 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Nate (2005) 10
594 印第安人头像一美分硬币 coin type Indian Head cent 10
595 自由女神头像镍币 coin type Liberty Head nickel 10
596 鼠冠狀病毒 taxon Murine coronavirus 10
597 与时间赛跑:在艾滋病肆虐的非洲寻找希望 written work Race Against Time (Lewis book) 10
598 德皇威廉二世号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Kaiser Wilhelm II 10
599 德皇威廉大帝号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 10
600 宋朝科技 Science and technology of the Song dynasty 10
601 苏珊·安东尼一美元硬币 coin type Susan B. Anthony dollar 10
602 3美元金币 coin type Three-dollar piece 10
603 贸易银元 trade dollar, coin type Trade dollar (United States coin) 10
604 澳大利亚维多利亚十字勋章 cross, courage award Victoria Cross for Australia 10
605 1946年加利福尼亚州第十二国会选区选举 public election 1946 California's 12th congressional district election 9
606 1994年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1994 Atlantic hurricane season 9
607 200 television series episode 200 (Stargate SG-1) 9
608 2006年太平洋颶風季 Pacific hurricane season 2006 Pacific hurricane season 9
609 2008年世界科学节 World Science Festival, festival occurence 2008 World Science Festival 9
610 2020年司諾克巡迴錦標賽 snooker tournament 2020 Tour Championship 9
611 朝鲜人民军第766独立步兵团 organization, regiment 766th Independent Infantry Regiment (North Korea) 9
612 生日数字效应 cognitive bias Birthday-number effect 9
613 魔岩风暴 film Blackrock (film) 9
614 荒勝文策 human Bunsaku Arakatsu 9
615 張伯苓 human Chang Po-ling 9
616 气旋查帕拉 extremely severe cyclonic storm Cyclone Chapala 9
617 布莱尔·皮奇之死 human Death of Blair Peach 9
618 波浪头像银元 coin type Draped Bust dollar 9
619 埃德温·泰勒·波洛克 human E. T. Pollock 9
620 5步曲 extended play Five (EP) 9
621 富兰克林·皮尔 human Franklin Peale 9
622 哈利·格里肯 human Harry Glicken 9
623 飓风卡门 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Carmen 9
624 飓风黛安 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Diane 9
625 1991年飓风格雷斯 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Grace (1991) 9
626 2006年飓风莱恩 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Lane (2006) 9
627 1997年飓风诺拉 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Nora (1997) 9
628 杰斐逊镍币 coin type Jefferson nickel 9
629 聽見愛你的聲音 film Loev 9
630 乔安娜·叶茨谋杀案 murder Murder of Joanna Yeates 9
631 真菌病毒 Mycovirus 9
632 姓名字母效应 cognitive bias Name-letter effect 9
633 奥利弗打字机公司 business Oliver Typewriter Company 9
634 魔盜王:被詛咒的艦隊 video game Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned 9
635 德皇巴巴罗萨号战列舰 pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Kaiser Barbarossa 9
636 太阳辐射监测卫星一号 military satellite, Solrad SOLRAD 1 9
637 科幻+ magazine Science-Fiction Plus 9
638 坐姿自由女神银元 coin type Seated Liberty dollar 9
639 盾牌镍币 coin type Shield nickel 9
640 突袭南海 military operation South China Sea raid 9
641 斯坦利·普莱斯·威尔 human Stanley Price Weir 9
642 太平經 literary work Taipingjing 9
643 教派的喜悦 animated series episode The Joy of Sect 9
644 库斯提最后的诱惑 animated series episode The Last Temptation of Krust 9
645 科学怪人 television series episode, Monster of the Week The Post-Modern Prometheus 9
646 未来世界 television series episode The Shape of Things to Come (Lost) 9
647 第三次西里西亚战争 war Third Silesian War 9
648 百慕大惊魂 television series episode, Monster of the Week Triangle (The X-Files) 9
649 2007年第十号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression Ten (2007) 9
650 2001年热带风暴巴里 tropical storm Tropical Storm Barry (2001) 9
651 颱風查特安 typhoon Typhoon Chataan 9
652 颱風鳳仙 typhoon Typhoon Pongsona 9
653 保加利亚与罗马尼亚联盟 proposed state merger Union of Bulgaria and Romania 9
654 行走自由女神半美元 coin type Walking Liberty half dollar 9
655 执法先锋之X档案篇 television series episode, Monster of the Week X-Cops 9
656 青春18×2 通往有你的旅程 film 18×2 Beyond Youthful Days 8
657 1933年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1933 Atlantic hurricane season 8
658 1950年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1950 Atlantic hurricane season 8
659 1983年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1983 Atlantic hurricane season 8
660 1991年完美风暴 Category 1 hurricane 1991 Perfect Storm 8
661 上海“11·15”特别重大火灾 conflagration, accident 2010 Shanghai fire 8
662 AKB48握手會傷人事件 attempted murder 2014 AKB48 handsaw assault 8
663 賈乃錫 human Arthur Edward Grasett 8
664 宝成铁路 railway line Baoji–Chengdu railway 8
665 本杰明·富兰克林·蒂利 human Benjamin Franklin Tilley 8
666 野牛镍币 coin type Buffalo nickel 8
667 哥伦布半美元 coin type Columbian half dollar 8
668 娜塔莉·霍洛威失踪案 disappearance Disappearance of Natalee Holloway 8
669 波特兰森林公园 urban park Forest Park (Portland, Oregon) 8
670 1985年飓风鲍勃 tropical cyclone, Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Bob (1985) 8
671 1971年飓风伊迪丝 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Edith (1971) 8
672 飓风埃洛伊塞 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Eloise 8
673 颶風費伊 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Fay 8
674 飓风格洛丽亚 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Gloria 8
675 1997年飓风吉列尔莫 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Guillermo (1997) 8
676 2006年飓风约翰 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane John (2006) 8
677 2002年飓风凯尔 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Kyle (2002) 8
678 颶風瑪麗 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Marie (2014) 8
679 颶風瓦拉卡 Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Walaka 8
680 伊莎贝拉25美分硬币 coin type Isabella quarter 8
681 高捷少女 K.R.T. Girls 8
682 L 20e α方案 ship class L 20e α-class battleship 8
683 拉法耶特银元 coin type Lafayette dollar 8
684 阿尔陶塞湖 lake Lake Altaussee 8
685 奥利弗·波斯比谢尔 human Oliver Bosbyshell 8
686 加州大学董事会诉巴基案 United States Supreme Court decision Regents of the University of California v. Bakke 8
687 杜鲁门总统解职道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟 dismissal Relief of Douglas MacArthur 8
688 罗伯特·豪 human Robert Howe (Continental Army officer) 8
689 罗斯福十美分硬币 coin type Roosevelt dime 8
690 戈德斯贝格围城战 siege Siege of Godesberg 8
691 站姿自由女神25美分硬币 coin type Standing Liberty quarter 8
692 地铁莎蒂 film Subway Sadie 8
693 恶魔之子 television series episode Terms of Endearment (The X-Files) 8
694 开国大典 painting series The Founding Ceremony of the Nation 8
695 快乐人生 television series episode, Monster of the Week The Unnatural (The X-Files) 8
696 2003年热带风暴比尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Bill (2003) 8
697 2002年热带风暴汉娜 tropical storm Tropical Storm Hanna (2002) 8
698 台风盖伊 typhoon Typhoon Gay 8
699 美国化验委员会 government agency United States Assay Commission 8
700 1941年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1941 Atlantic hurricane season 7
701 1991年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1991 Atlantic hurricane season 7
702 1995年太平洋颶風季 Pacific hurricane season 1995 Pacific hurricane season 7
703 2002年布因扎赫拉地震 earthquake 2002 Bou'in-Zahra earthquake 7
704 我为喜剧狂 television series season 30 Rock season 1 7
705 我为喜剧狂 television series season 30 Rock season 2 7
706 博尚-夏普慘案 murder Beauchamp–Sharp Tragedy 7
707 跳棋演讲 oration, campaign speech Checkers speech 7
708 克萊沼澤 nature reserve Cley Marshes 7
709 1873年硬幣法令 Act of Congress in the United States Coinage Act of 1873 7
710 哥倫比亞泥沼 river Columbia Slough 7
711 肯塔基州邦联政府 transitional government, government-in-exile, state with limited recognition Confederate government of Kentucky 7
712 垃圾箱里的婴儿 television film Dustbin Baby (film) 7
713 著名奇幻懸疑 magazine Famous Fantastic Mysteries 7
714 言论的边界 literary work Freedom for the Thought That We Hate 7
715 新鲜血液 television series episode Fresh Blood (Supernatural) 7
716 1997年飓风丹尼 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Danny (1997) 7
717 2019年飓风温贝托 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Humberto (2019) 7
718 2018年飓风塞尔吉奥 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Sergio (2018) 7
719 耶稣基督的女孩 nonprofit organization, Christian organization JC's Girls 7
720 杰思罗·萨姆纳 human Jethro Sumner 7
721 煎饼馃子 Jianbing guozi 7
722 Jihad musical work/composition Jihad (song) 7
723 自由女神头像双鹰金币 coin type Liberty Head double eagle 7
724 羅教 Luo teaching 7
725 麦金莱诞生地纪念金币 coin type McKinley Birthplace Memorial gold dollar 7
726 蒙山大佛 sculpture Mengshan Giant Buddha 7
727 墨丘利10美分硬币 coin type Mercury dime 7
728 伊冯·弗莱切尔谋杀案 murder Murder of Yvonne Fletcher 7
729 默里·乔蒂纳 human Murray Chotiner 7
730 试播集 television pilot, television series episode Pilot (Smallville) 7
731 U-66号潜艇 submarine SM U-66 7
732 臺灣國中教育 secondary education in country or region Secondary education in Taiwan 7
733 兴圣教寺塔 pagoda Songjiang Square Pagoda 7
734 圣埃尔默 film St. Elmo (1914 film) 7
735 斯特罗姆·瑟蒙德对1957年民权法案的冗长演说 occurrence Strom Thurmond filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 7
736 第六次大灭绝:命运之爱 television series episode The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati 7
737 2004年热带风暴邦尼 tropical storm Tropical Storm Bonnie (2004) 7
738 热带风暴布伦达 tropical cyclone Tropical Storm Brenda (1960) 7
739 2001年热带风暴尚塔尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Chantal (2001) 7
740 2003年热带风暴亨利 tropical storm Tropical Storm Henri (2003) 7
741 颱風奧馬 typhoon Typhoon Omar 7
742 星座号对战叛乱者号 naval battle USS Constellation vs L'Insurgente 7
743 星座号对战复仇号 naval battle USS Constellation vs La Vengeance 7
744 宇喜多氏 clan Ukita clan 7
745 乌列尔·塞伯里 human Uriel Sebree 7
746 新西兰维多利亚十字勋章 courage award Victoria Cross for New Zealand 7
747 华盛顿25美分硬币 coin type Washington quarter 7
748 1880年民主党全国大会 party conference 1880 Democratic National Convention 6
749 1941年佛罗里达飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1941 Florida hurricane 6
750 1950年加利福尼亚州联邦参议员选举 United States Senate election in California 1950 United States Senate election in California 6
751 2019年司諾克巡迴錦標賽 snooker tournament 2019 Tour Championship 6
752 阿拉巴马州百年纪念半美元 coin type Alabama Centennial half dollar 6
753 美国艺术纪念系列奖章 American Arts Commemorative Series medallions 6
754 贝尔要退出 musical work/composition Bale Out 6
755 1937年布莱克沃特大火 conflagration Blackwater Fire of 1937 6
756 轰炸上萨尔茨堡山 military operation Bombing of Obersalzberg 6
757 卡洛伍德太平洋鐵路 rideable miniature railway Carolwood Pacific Railroad 6
758 查尔斯·斯科特 Wikimedia human name disambiguation page Charles Scott 6
759 气旋奥森 cyclone Cyclone Orson 6
760 裕成辦館毒麵包案 food scandal, legal case Esing Bakery incident 6
761 弗朗西斯·纳什 human Francis Nash 6
762 Fuck:禁忌词与保护我们的第一修正案自由 literary work Fuck: Word Taboo and Protecting Our First Amendment Liberties 6
763 颶風亞歷克斯 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Alex (2016) 6
764 飓风康妮 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Connie 6
765 飓风格特 tropical depression, Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Gert 6
766 1985年飓风凯特 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Kate (1985) 6
767 1989年飓风基科 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Kiko (1989) 6
768 順化化學攻擊 military operation Huế chemical attacks 6
769 印第安人头像鹰扬金币 coin type Indian Head eagle 6
770 引诱 film Into Temptation (film) 6
771 伊爾根覺羅氏 family, clan Irgen Gioro 6
772 雅各布斯·安東尼·梅森 human Jacobus Anthonie Meessen 6
773 詹姆斯·摩尔 human James Moore (Continental Army officer) 6
774 肯尼斯·R·沙德里克 human Kenneth R. Shadrick 6
775 路易斯安那购地博览会金币 coin type Louisiana Purchase Exposition gold dollar 6
776 缅因州百年纪念半美元 sculpture series, work with multiple executions, coin type Maine Centennial half dollar 6
777 门罗·爱德华兹 human Monroe Edwards 6
778 德韦恩·琼斯谋杀案 murder Murder of Dwayne Jones 6
779 邪恶无休 season finale, television series episode No Rest for the Wicked (Supernatural) 6
780 姓名决定论 hypothesis Nominative determinism 6
781 俄勒冈小径纪念半美元 coin type Oregon Trail Memorial half dollar 6
782 巴拿马-太平洋纪念币 coin type Panama–Pacific commemorative coins 6
783 葛柏 human Peter Godber 6
784 紅印花加蓋暫作郵票 stamp edition Red Revenue 6
785 卫星科幻 magazine Satellite Science Fiction 6
786 科幻季刊 magazine Science Fiction Quarterly 6
787 2012年撒迪厄斯·麦科特尔竞选美国总统 political campaign Thaddeus McCotter 2012 presidential campaign 6
788 3美分镍币 coin type Three-cent nickel 6
789 3美分银币 coin type Three-cent silver 6
790 蒂奇韋爾沼澤 nature reserve Titchwell Marsh 6
791 2018年热带风暴卡洛塔 Category 1 hurricane Tropical Storm Carlotta (2018) 6
792 2002年热带风暴爱德华 tropical cyclone, tropical storm Tropical Storm Edouard (2002) 6
793 強烈熱帶風暴法茜 tropical cyclone, cyclone Tropical Storm Faxai (2007) 6
794 应该不应该 television series episode What Is and What Should Never Be (Supernatural) 6
795 威廉·F·雷诺兹 human William F. Raynolds 6
796 薛范 human Xue Fan (d:Q9069372) 6
797 1867年堪萨斯州曼哈顿地震 earthquake 1867 Manhattan, Kansas earthquake 5
798 1880年绿背党全国大会 party conference 1880 Greenback National Convention 5
799 1899年肯塔基州州长选举 gubernatorial election 1899 Kentucky gubernatorial election 5
800 1974年白宫直升机事件 skirmish, theft, aviation incident 1974 White House helicopter incident 5
801 1998年太平洋颶風季 Pacific hurricane season 1998 Pacific hurricane season 5
802 2006年威斯特彻斯特县龙卷风 tornado 2006 Westchester County tornado 5
803 2009年纽约州第二十国会选区特别选举 public election 2009 New York's 20th congressional district special election 5
804 AKB48第22張單曲選拔總選舉 AKB48 22nd Single Elections (d:Q1089401) 5
805 地狱敞开 two-part episode All Hell Breaks Loose (Supernatural) 5
806 BAD MODE album Bad Mode 5
807 美国黑人手语 sign language, language, modern language Black American Sign Language 5
808 让我们团结起来 political slogan Bring Us Together 5
809 英国对曼哈顿计划的贡献 aspect of history British contribution to the Manhattan Project 5
810 加利福尼亚州钻禧纪念半美元 coin type California Diamond Jubilee half dollar 5
811 克里夫兰百年纪念半美元 coin type Cleveland Centennial half dollar 5
812 气旋雷瓦 cyclone Cyclone Rewa 5
813 台鐵DR2700型柴油車 rolling stock class DR2700 series 5
814 台鐵DR2800型柴聯車 rolling stock class DR2800 series 5
815 飓风乔治对路易斯安那州的影响 aspect of history Effects of Hurricane Georges in Louisiana 5
816 飓风伊莎贝尔对北卡罗莱纳州的影响 aspect of history Effects of Hurricane Isabel in North Carolina 5
817 伊利诺伊州埃尔金百年纪念半美元 coin type Elgin, Illinois, Centennial half dollar 5
818 星系舰队 video game Flotilla (video game) 5
819 侯志律 human Gerard Lewis Howe 5
820 上帝之人 wordless novel, literary work Gods' Man 5
821 格兰特纪念币 coin type Grant Memorial coinage 5
822 1993年飓风艾米莉 Category 3 hurricane Hurricane Emily (1993) 5
823 飓风埃丝特 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Esther 5
824 颶風弗雷德 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Fred (2015) 5
825 飓风金格 Category 2 hurricane Hurricane Ginger 5
826 1985年飓风胡安 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Juan (1985) 5
827 从没喜欢过你 graphic novel I Never Liked You 5
828 南北共同聯絡事務所炸毀事件 explosion Inter-Korean Liaison Office bombing 5
829 詹姆斯·霍根 human James Hogun 5
830 梅爾福德·史蒂文森 human Melford Stevenson 5
831 2005年飓风卡特里娜的气象历史 aspect of history Meteorological history of Hurricane Katrina 5
832 迈克尔·崔特 fictional human, television character Michael Tritter 5
833 回旋镖行动 conflict Operation Boomerang 5
834 朝圣者三百周年半美元 coin type Pilgrim Tercentenary half dollar 5
835 试播集 television series episode Premiere (The O.C.) 5
836 1796年莱茵战役 conflict Rhine campaign of 1796 5
837 1992年罗斯·佩罗竞选美国总统 political campaign Ross Perot 1992 presidential campaign 5
838 浪客剑心 追忆篇 original video animation series Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal 5
839 太阳辐射监测卫星二号 Solrad SOLRAD 2 5
840 莎蒂·哈里斯 fictional human, television character Sadie Harris 5
841 南方十字 version, edition or translation Southern Cross (wordless novel) 5
842 暂停英联邦成员资格 Suspension from the Commonwealth of Nations 5
843 1998年热带风暴赫敏 tropical storm Tropical Storm Hermine (1998) 5
844 1990年热带风暴马可 tropical storm Tropical Storm Marco (1990) 5
845 1992年台风盖伊 typhoon Typhoon Gay (1992) 5
846 大卫叔叔 film Uncle David 5
847 美国二百周年纪念币 coining United States Bicentennial coinage 5
848 美国诉黄金德案 United States Supreme Court decision United States v. Wong Kim Ark 5
849 上松底州立公园 Pennsylvania state park Upper Pine Bottom State Park 5
850 气象机 sculpture Weather Machine 5
851 沃爾夫岡·克洛爾 human Wolfgang Kroll 5
852 1944年古巴—佛罗里达飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1944 Cuba–Florida hurricane 4
853 荃葵青遊行 protest 25 August 2019 Hong Kong protest 4
854 准确新闻及资讯法 act of the Legislature of Alberta Accurate News and Information Act 4
855 起錨 political slogan Act Now (slogan) 4
856 奥尔巴尼宪章半美元 coin type Albany Charter half dollar 4
857 阿诗玛 poem, literary work Ashma 4
858 天津英租界 administrative territorial entity, concessions in China British concession of Tianjin 4
859 加利福尼亚州太平洋国际博览会半美元 coin type California Pacific International Exposition half dollar 4
860 1994年圣诞节东北风暴 storm Christmas 1994 nor'easter 4
861 辛辛那提音乐中心半美元 coin type Cincinnati Musical Center half dollar 4
862 1965年硬幣法令 Act of Congress in the United States Coinage Act of 1965 4
863 气旋艾尔西亚 cyclone Cyclone Althea 4
864 气旋迪娜 intense tropical cyclone Cyclone Dina 4
865 气旋杜马奇尔 tropical cyclone Cyclone Dumazile 4
866 气旋艾丽塔 cyclone Cyclone Elita 4
867 气旋乔伊 tropical cyclone Cyclone Joy 4
868 台鐵DR2900型柴聯車 rolling stock class DR2900 series 4
869 约翰·麦凯恩的早年经历和军旅生涯 early life Early life and military career of John McCain 4
870 温哥华堡百年纪念半美元 commemorative coin, coin type Fort Vancouver Centennial half dollar 4
871 加兹登购地半美元 proposed entity, coin type Gadsden Purchase half dollar 4
872 锅巴菜 stew Guoba Cuisine 4
873 將花束獻給你 single Hanataba o Kimi ni 4
874 携手霍桑 demonstration Hands Across Hawthorne 4
875 夏威夷一百五十周年纪念半美元 coin type Hawaii Sesquicentennial half dollar 4
876 亨利·索耶 human Henry W. Sawyer 4
877 会安古镇 old town Hoi An Ancient Town (d:Q5965459) 4
878 哈德逊一百五十周年半美元 coin type Hudson Sesquicentennial half dollar 4
879 胡格诺派-瓦隆人三百周年半美元 coin type Huguenot-Walloon half dollar 4
880 1986年飓风查利 Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Charley (1986) 4
881 2018年飓风奥利维亚 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Olivia (2018) 4
882 颶風羅莎 Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Rosa (2018) 4
883 伊利诺伊州百年纪念半美元 coin type Illinois Centennial half dollar 4
884 印第安人头像金币 coin type Indian Head gold pieces 4
885 15号州际公路亚利桑那州段 road, controlled-access highway Interstate 15 in Arizona 4
886 伊勢平氏 clan Ise Heishi (d:Q15734686) 4
887 列克星敦-康科德150周年纪念半美元 coin type Lexington–Concord Sesquicentennial half dollar 4
888 植劇場—荼蘼 television program Life Plan A and B 4
889 2005年大西洋飓风季的风暴 Wikimedia list article List of storms in the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season 4
890 麥理浩勳爵夫人 human Margaret Noël MacLehose (d:Q9003628) 4
891 36號馬里蘭州州道 road Maryland Route 36 4
892 飓风迪安的气象历史 aspect of history Meteorological history of Hurricane Dean 4
893 1994年飓风戈登的气象历史 aspect of history Meteorological history of Hurricane Gordon 4
894 飓风威尔玛的气象历史 aspect of history Meteorological history of Hurricane Wilma 4
895 墨西哥地震预警系统 emergency population warning Mexican Seismic Alert System 4
896 心靈融合 film Mind Meld 4
897 密苏里州百年纪念半美元 commemorative coin, coin type Missouri Centennial half dollar 4
898 门罗主义百年纪念半美元 coin type Monroe Doctrine Centennial half dollar 4
899 莉莉谋杀案 murder Murder of Leigh Leigh 4
900 夜泳 television series episode Nightswimming (Awake) 4
901 宁波图书馆 public library Ningbo Library 4
902 弗吉尼亚州诺福克二百周年半美元 coin type Norfolk, Virginia, Bicentennial half dollar 4
903 挪威裔美国人勋章 medallion, coin type Norse-American medal 4
904 老西班牙小径半美元 coin type Old Spanish Trail half dollar 4
905 臺灣議會設置請願運動 political movement Petition Movement for the Establishment of a Taiwanese Parliament 4
906 E计划 project Project E 4
907 宁芙号护卫舰 steam corvette SMS Nymphe (1863) 4
908 2009年9月越南熱帶性低氣壓 cyclone September 2009 Vietnam tropical depression 4
909 Spaghetti House围攻战 hostage taking Spaghetti House siege 4
910 石山纪念半美元 coin type Stone Mountain Memorial half dollar 4
911 台鐵DR3000型柴聯車 rolling stock class TRA DR2900, 3000 (d:Q10915906) 4
912 花花公子 graphic novel The Playboy 4
913 2018年第19E号热带低气压 tropical depression Tropical Depression Nineteen-E (2018) 4
914 1972年热带风暴卡丽 tropical storm Tropical Storm Carrie (1972) 4
915 1993年热带风暴辛迪 tropical storm Tropical Storm Cindy (1993) 4
916 特赖恩河 river Tryon Creek 4
917 头巾头像鹰扬金币 coin type Turban Head eagle 4
918 美国150周年纪念币 coining, coin type United States Sesquicentennial coinage 4
919 马克思为什么是对的 non-fiction work Why Marx Was Right 4
920 1896年威廉·詹宁斯·布莱恩竞选美国总统 political campaign William Jennings Bryan 1896 presidential campaign 4
921 1896年威廉·麦金莱竞选美国总统 presidential campaign William McKinley 1896 presidential campaign 4
922 航天飞机 space shuttle (d:Q125217474) 4
923 1850年大西洋飓风季 Atlantic hurricane season 1850 Atlantic hurricane season 3
924 1896年锡达礁群岛飓风 cyclone 1896 Cedar Keys hurricane 3
925 1898年俄亥俄州联邦参议员选举 United States Senate election in Ohio 1898 United States Senate elections in Ohio 3
926 1916年德克萨斯飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1916 Texas hurricane 3
927 1927年芝加哥市长选举 mayoral election 1927 Chicago mayoral election 3
928 中大學生報情色版事件 incident 2007 CUHK student newspaper pornographic section incident 3
929 2010年宾夕法尼亚州联邦参议员选举民主党初选 primary election in the United States 2010 United States Senate Democratic primary election in Pennsylvania 3
930 淘气小兵兵的光明节 television series episode A Rugrats Chanukah 3
931 賈達德 human Alan Carter (civil servant) 3
932 阿奇大战铁血战士 limited series Archie vs. Predator 3
933 康涅狄格州布里奇波特百年纪念半美元 coin type Bridgeport, Connecticut, Centennial half dollar 3
934 康涅狄格州三百周年半美元 commemorative coin, coin type Connecticut Tercentenary half dollar 3
935 气旋阿达 cyclone Cyclone Ada 3
936 气旋瓦卡 cyclone Cyclone Waka 3
937 1969年12月东北风暴 winter storm December 1969 nor'easter 3
938 夏洛特·金的遭遇 television series episode Did You Hear What Happened to Charlotte King? 3
939 賓臣 human Donovan Benson (d:Q22100698) 3
940 化身博士 literary work Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1887 play) 3
941 神秘博士敬献我儿托马斯 short film, video work From the Doctor to My Son Thomas 3
942 宁静之机 television series episode Give Peace a Chance (Grey's Anatomy) 3
943 北洋大学 university History of Peiyang University 3
944 1961年飓风黛比 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Hurricane Debbie (1961) 3
945 长岛三百周年半美元 coin type Long Island Tercentenary half dollar 3
946 林奇堡一百五十周年半美元 coin type Lynchburg Sesquicentennial half dollar 3
947 马里兰州三百周年半美元 coin type Maryland Tercentenary half dollar 3
948 飓风多利安的气象历史 aspect of history Meteorological history of Hurricane Dorian 3
949 飓风伊万的气象历史 aspect of history Meteorological history of Hurricane Ivan 3
950 飓风珍妮的气象历史 aspect of history Meteorological history of Hurricane Jeanne 3
951 母亲节 television series episode Mother's Day (Rugrats) 3
952 北疆博物院 museum Musée Hoangho Paiho 3
953 新罗谢尔二百五十周年半美元 coin type New Rochelle 250th Anniversary half dollar 3
954 吴廷琰访问澳大利亚 political event Ngo Dinh Diem presidential visit to Australia 3
955 沙楔行動 occurrence Operation Sandwedge 3
956 1327年議會 parliament Parliament of 1327 3
957 罗默森王子 human Prince Romerson 3
958 竞速者飓风 North Atlantic tropical cyclone Racer's hurricane 3
959 罗德岛州三百周年半美元 coin type Rhode Island Tercentenary half dollar 3
960 旧金山—奥克兰海湾大桥半美元 United States commemorative coin San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge half dollar 3
961 懶漢 musical work/composition Slug (song) 3
962 南豐紗廠 building complex The Mills, Hong Kong 3
963 2006年太平洋飓风季时间轴 timeline Timeline of the 2006 Pacific hurricane season 3
964 2010年大西洋飓风季时间轴 timeline Timeline of the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season 3
965 2018年热带风暴伊莱亚娜 tropical storm Tropical Storm Ileana (2018) 3
966 2010年热带风暴妮科尔 tropical storm Tropical Storm Nicole (2010) 3
967 2018年热带风暴维森特 tropical cyclone Tropical Storm Vicente (2018) 3
968 1991年热带风暴泽尔达 typhoon Tropical Storm Zelda (1991) 3
969 热带风暴思雅 typhoon Tropical Storm Zia (d:Q11482794) 3
970 津沽大学 cultural heritage Tsin Ku University 3
971 颱風戈登 cyclone Typhoon Gordon 3
972 颱風蓓姬 cyclone Typhoon Peggy 3
973 美利坚合众国诉进步案 legal case United States v. Progressive, Inc. 3
974 佛蒙特州一百五十周年半美元 coin type Vermont Sesquicentennial half dollar 3
975 华盛顿诉德克萨斯州案 legal case, United States Supreme Court decision Washington v. Texas 3
976 1840年威廉·亨利·哈里森竞选美国总统 political campaign William Henry Harrison 1840 presidential campaign 3
977 人群管理特別用途車 police vehicles in Hong Kong specialised crowd management vehicles (d:Q66104667) 3
978 One Last Kiss single ✗ (d:Q108033774) 2
979 1789年弗吉尼亚州第五国会选区选举 public election 1789 Virginia's 5th congressional district election 2
980 1951年费城市政选举 municipal election 1951 Philadelphia municipal election 2
981 1990—1991年南太平洋气旋季 South Pacific cyclone season 1990–91 South Pacific cyclone season 2
982 2001—2002年西南印度洋热带气旋季 South-West Indian Ocean tropical cyclone season 2001–02 South-West Indian Ocean cyclone season 2
983 2003年斯里兰卡气旋 cyclone 2003 Sri Lanka cyclone 2
984 2017年第聶伯羅打鬥事件 armed conflict 2017 Dnipro clashes 2
985 中原地產 estate agent Centaline Property Agency 2
986 爱的枷锁 television program Chains of Love (TV series) 2
987 中国国际救援队 China International Search and Rescue Team 2
988 春社 Chunshe 2
989 气旋哈利 cyclone Cyclone Hary 2
990 气旋可辛尼 cyclone Cyclone Kesiny 2
991 气旋拉贾 tropical cyclone Cyclone Raja 2
992 东西文化论战 debate East-west cultural debate 2
993 飓风伊莎贝尔对马里兰州和哥伦比亚特区的影响 aspect of history Effects of Hurricane Isabel in Maryland and Washington, D.C. 2
994 飓风伊万对小安的列斯群岛和南美洲的影响 aspect of history Effects of Hurricane Ivan in the Lesser Antilles and South America 2
995 广东恩平金融风波 incident Enping financial crisis 2
996 南开大学校史 aspect of history History of Nankai University 2
997 東望洋燈塔景觀危機 Landscape crisis of the Guia Fortress 2
998 2003年大西洋飓风季的风暴 Wikimedia list article List of storms in the 2003 Atlantic hurricane season 2
999 路易斯安那购地一百五十周年半美元 proposed entity, coin type Louisiana Purchase Sesquicentennial half dollar 2
1000 马里昂军事学院 public educational institution of the United States Marion Military Institute 2
1001 飓风帕特里夏的气象历史 aspect of history Meteorological history of Hurricane Patricia 2
1002 亚裔美国人军事史 aspect of history Military history of Asian Americans 2
1003 南开大学经济研究所 institute Nankai Institute of Economics 2
1004 顏成坤 human Ngan Shing-kwan 2
1005 世上没有吸血鬼 television series episode No Such Thing as Vampires 2
1006 沉着自信四人组 group of humans Quietly Confident Quartet 2
1007 羅德西亞駐葡萄牙代表處 diplomatic mission, de facto embassy Rhodesian mission in Lisbon 2
1008 澳大利亚联邦宪法第一百一十六条 article of constitution Section 116 of the Constitution of Australia 2
1009 1994年分税制改革 Tax-Sharing Reform of China in 1994 2
1010 偶像大師 劇場版 前往光輝的另一端! anime film The Idolmaster Movie: Beyond the Brilliant Future! 2
1011 2012年大西洋飓风季时间轴 timeline Timeline of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season 2
1012 颱風哈爾 cyclone Typhoon Hal (1985) 2
1013 刻在我心底的名字 musical work/composition Your Name Engraved Herein (song) 2
1014 机动战士GUNDAM 闪光的哈萨维 anime film Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway (d:Q109289213) 1
1015 強烈熱帶風暴愛娜斯 severe tropical storm Severe Tropical Storm Agnes (d:Q99466377) 1
Average ✓ With English: en/zh (Chinese) = 1002/1015 (98.7%) 26
Sum ✗ No article or article with the same title: 12
No label: 1

See also
