User talk:Rayray
Hello there! Welcome to wikipedia! I expect you've found the FAQ and the Village Pump, and added yourself to the list of Wikipedians. Just dropping by to say excellent rewrite of Chris Morris! -- Tarquin 17:38 Apr 15, 2003 (UTC)
Thanks for the welcome message. I'm still finding my way around and trying not to make too many mistakes, but hopefully will find time to add myself to the Wikipedians list later.
Rayray 08:04 Apr 16, 2003 (UTC)
Miners' strike
[edit]Please see my message at Miners' strike discussion page
Alberto Orlandini 16:41, 2 Sep 2004 (UTC) Yes, I saw your message, and I'm sorry I misunderstood your motives. By the way, I'm far from being a fervent supporter of Thatcher government policies. I think the quotation should have been pronounced at Banbury in May 1984 after the Orgreave episodes of violence. I can control, if you are interested, but in the end I think it can also be left out of the article, there is no need to write it.
Thank you for your re-wording of bits of the British Union of Fascists article; I think you've done it very well. However, I should rather doubt that User:Del Trotter will accept it. 80.255 15:50, 9 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Fingers crossed, though, eh? If we both keep an eye on it, and try to be constructive with our edits, he'll surely get fed up eventually... Rayray 16:02, 9 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Although your changes leave a lot to be desired, I will not touch your changes as I think you have tried to be fair. However, I'm sure someone will be along.......
Del boy (Del Trotter)
- I've added an entry to Wikipedia:Great editing in progress regarding your excellent NPOV editing of British Union of Fascists -- Karada 22:20, 9 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Did you try hitting the "move" tab at the top of the page and simply renaming the article, before creating the second one? Uncle G 18:36, 2005 Mar 11 (UTC)
- I didn't, I'm afraid. I will remember this for future reference. Thanks! Rayray 21:07, 11 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Bridgwater site
[edit]Hi Rayray. I am glad to see what you are doing with the site. I shall be shortly adding a section about the town's churches, and also the C19 public health - cholera and water supply etc. I researched the former for a major exhibition we held at Saint Mary's in 2000 and the latter for a project I did for Wessex Water's education centre at Ashford Water Treatment Works nr Cannington. The C19 history section wants updating, since a lot has been left out, in particular the gerrymandering and corrpution which led to the town being disenfranchised for a number of years. Apwoolrich 08:11, 12 Mar 2005 (UTC)
- Sounds good! Despite being from Bridgwater, I don't know a great deal about it's history, so I'm always interested to read updates to this article. Next time I visit, though, I'm going to take some colour pictures... looks a bit bleak based on the pictures I've added so far... Rayray 10:00, 12 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa
[edit]Hallo - What ever I can help you witch in this subject I will
Contact me - at
Brooklyn New York
April 20, 2005
United States
Hallo Newnam. My name is Marcin, I’m living in USA. In the last 10 years I'm working on subject of Intelligence and Counterintelligence agency’s and secret police of country’s like - Soviet Union 1918-1991, Poland 1918-1939 and 1944-1989. Intelligence agency’s of Great Britain and United States during the Cold War.
You can check out some of my work in polish langue wikipedia, my name is Ataman, a lot of work on of Intelligence and Counterintelligence agency’s and secret police, was done by me in the last 13-14 months
About yours questions, i can answer only one today OK. -
First secret police - Resort Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego RBP
In July 1944 in Moscow temporary pro-soviet polish government was established by the name of Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego - PKWN. (Polish Committee of National Liberation). The PKWN had 13 department’s, (cold -resorty) one of them was Resort Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego - RBP. The head of RBP was Stanislaw Radkiewicz , RBP was resposible for - internal security, intelligence in side and out side the cuntry, counterintelligence, and government protection.
- Head of RBP - Stanislaw Radkiewicz
- RBP office - headed by Lulian Konar
- Comendanture - headed by Stefan Saboczak
- Department of Counterintelligence - headed by Roman Romkowski
- Personal Department - headed by major Mikolaj Orchewa
- Department of Government protection - headed by Leon Andrzejewski
- Department of censorship - headed by Rossner
- Department of prisons and camps - headed by Teodor Tuda
- Department of Intelligence - headed by Stefan Antosiewicz
- Department of Finances - headed by Edward Kalecki
- Department of Files - headed by (?)
- Department of Comunications and Technical - headed by (?)
- Supply Department - headed by (?)
- Low Office - headed by Zygmund Braud
In January of 1945 Resort Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego (RBP), was change on Ministerstwo Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego - (MBP) Ministry of public Security. It had the same task to perform but was bigger. The norm in MBP was one security officer for 200 citizens.
In terrain the Offices of Ministry of public Security was working like this:
- Wojewodzki Urzad Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego - (voivodship office of Public safety) witch personnel of 308.
- Miejski Urzad Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego - (Municipal Office Public Safety) witch personel of 148
- Powiatowy Urzad Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego - (District office of Public Safety) witch personnel of 51
- Gminny Urzad Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego - (commune) was pleased in Militsiya Commissariat’s (Police Precinct) personnel was 3 officers.
That is where the Urzad Bezpieczenstwa - UB comes from.
In 1946 People's Republic of Poland was divided on 14 voivodships. In ech voivodship (main city) was one main station of Ministry, they called voivodship office, one (Municipal Office Public Safety, (District office and (commune office Thad was pleased in Police Precinct.
Ministerstwo Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego also had control over Citizens Militia -(MO), Internal Security Corps - (KBW), Border Guard - (WOP), Prisont guard’s - (SW), and Voluntary Reserves of the Citizens Militia - (ORMO), and the Industry Guard - (SP).
They where in the numbers of -
- 41.000 Troops of Internal Security Corps (Korpus Bezpieczenstwa Wewnetrznego)
- 57.500 troops in Citizens Militia (Milicja Obywatelska)
- 32.000 troops in Border Guard (Wojska Ochrony Pogranicza)
- 10.000 troops in Industry Guard (Straz Przemyslowa)
- 120.000 troops in Voluntary Reserves of the Citizens Militia (Ochotnicze Rezerwy Milicji Obywatelskiej)
In 1953 personel of MBP was 33.500, (do not count KBW, MO, WOP, SP, and ORMO). From this 8.000 was working in hquoters in Warsaw. And the rest in terein, MBP had 17 voivodship officess, 4 Municipal Offices, 268 District offices.
In 1954 government made lots of changes in secret police. Ministerstwo Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego was dismantled and two separate administration whore created - Ministry of Internal Affairs - MSW, and the Committee for Public Security - KdsBP.
- Ministry of Internal Affairs took task of police work and prision administration - (Citizens Militia - MO), and Internal Security Corps and Border Guard troops.
- Committee for Public Security KdsBP - had control over of Intelligence and Counterintelligence jobs, and litter smaller organ of secret service (That tepartment that later in 1956 became SB.).
In 1956 Committee for Public Security - KdsBP was dismantle and Ministry of Internal Affairs took over evriting.
Of Ministry of Internal Affairs the large’s departments where -
- Department I - was responsible for foreign operations and intelligence-gathering activities.
- Department II - counterintelligence
- Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa - Secret Service-Police)
For the next two questions I will answer tomorrow - OK.
- This is great! Thanks so much, Marcin. We should *definitely* incorporate this material into the UB/SB article. Rayray 08:24, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Hallo again Newman....,, I forgot about something in my yesterday letter -
In 1947 Department of Intelligence - headed by Stefan Antosiewicz (in April 1945 structure changes it become nown as Wyddzial II Samodzielny), was combine witch Millitary Intelligence witch was (Oddzaial II Sztabu Generalnego Ludowego Wojska Polskiego), in to new department - Department VII Ministry of public Security. On April 5 1950, Millitary Intelligence when back to Ministry of Defense.
Most of them (specialy the head’s of departments, top level oficials) were members of Communist Party of Poland before WW2, that survived Josef Stalis’n purge of 1938. Recruitment to polish Secret service (cywil and military) begean already in 1943, when polish army in the Soviet Union was established, and led by General Zygmunt Berling.
In 1943 grup of poles in the number of 120 officers form polish army in the Soviet Union, wast moved to special NKWD school (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) in Kujbyszewo near Moscow. By 1944, 217 officers was specialy train in NKWD schools all over the Soviet Union. So evean before first administration of Secret service was established, spacialy train people were ready to work.
In post-war period, (UB) was recruding people from evry level of population. They were looking for people witch out education and knowledge, those people did not ask quastions, and did what they were told to doo. There were intelligent people too. Many of officers working in post-war polish secret service were jewsh. In 1951 there were 40% Jews in hquoters in Warsaw, most of them were head’s of Department’s in MBP top level people.
In 1951 status - Jewish personel in polish Secret service -
- Head of Secret service (minister) - Stanislaw Radkiewicz - (Polish)
- I vice-ministe MBP - Roman Romkowski : real name Natan Grunsapau-Kikiel (Jewish)
- II vice-minister MBP - Mieczyslaw Mietkowski - Mojżesz Borowicki (Jewish)
- III vice-minister MBP - Konrad Swietlik (Polish)
- IV vice-minister MBP - Waclaw Lewikowski (Jewish)
- Department I - Roman Romkowski (also - vice-minister) real name Natan Grunsapau-Kikiel - (Jewish)
- Department II headed by Leon Rubinstein (Jewish)
- Department III headed by Josef Czaplicki (Jewish)
- Department IV headed by Josef Kratko (Jewish)
- Department V headed by Julia Brystigerowa (Brestiger - nick name Blody Luna) (Jewish)
Well known secret service officers ,like - Anatol Fejgin, Josef Ruzanski - real name Josef Goldberg, Jakub Berman, Adam Humer - in 1996 was convicted for crimes on polish people during the erly 1950's. First defector from polish secret service Josef Swiatlo (real name -Izak Fleichfarb) - defected in 1953 visiting West Berlin) all of them wore Jewish.
Well,, depending on couple thinks, like -
- what department he was working in
- what kind of rank he had
- witch terain he was working in
- what kind of task he got to complete
Resort Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego - RBP, was one of 13 Department’s of PKWN - Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego - PKWN. (Polish Committee of National Liberation).
- Chairman of PKWN - Edward Osóbka-Morawski
- Wice- Chairman of PKWN, Andrzej Witos
- main Department's (resorty) in Polish Committee of National Liberation
- Department (resort) of Foreign Relations - headed by - Chairman of PKWN Edward Osóbka-Morawski
- Department (resort) of Agriculture - headed by Wice- Chairman of PKWN, Andrzej Witos
- Department (resort) of Public Administration - headed by Stanislwa Kotek-Agroszewski
- Department (resort) of National Economy and Finances - headed by Jan Stefan Heneman
- Deparrtment (resort) of Information and Propaganda - headed by Stefan Jendrykowski
- Department (resort) of Comunication, Mail telegraf’s - headed by Jan Michal Grubecki
- Department (resort) of Culture - headed by Wincenty Rzymowski
- Department (resort) of Public Security - headed by Stanislaw Radkiewicz
- Department (resort) of National Defense - headed by general Michal Zymierski
- Department (resort) of (?) - headed by Emil Sommerstein
- Department (resort) of (?)
- Department (resort) of Labor and Health - headed by Boleslaw Drobner
- Department (resort) of Justice - headed by Jan Czechowski
In January 1945 Resorty (department’s) were change for Ministerstwa (Ministry’s) - Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of National Defense, (......)
- OK. Thanks again for this. Rayray 07:13, 22 Apr
2005 (UTC)
- PART 3
- April 22,2005
- Goverment
In post-war Poland everything was control by soviet’s, staring form top level government people (for example - first president of Poland - Boleslaw Bierut was a soviet NKWD and agent), ending on the lowest level, like on District’s officials people.
- Millitary
In military was the same, to control polish military after ww2, soviet’s put red army general’s on top positions in Polish Ministry of Defense, and general staff.
For example - To control army in 1949 by order of Josef Stalin soviet marshal Konstanty Rokossowski became Polish Minister of National Defence, with the additional title Marshal of Poland.)
- Secret service
The first main man form the Soviet side, in polish secret service (Ministry of Public Security - MBP) was general Iwan Sierow (the one that later become head of KGB - from March 13, 1954 until December 8, 1958).
Soviets where controling MBP by using so call Advisor’s. They where soviet middle and high rank MGB officers (Soviet Ministry of State Security - ex-NKWD). In 1950, in MBP cenrtal headquarters in Warsaw there where 35-40 soviet advisors.
- Main soviet Advisors in MBP and KdsBP (Committee for Public Security) ( from 1944 - 1956
- Major General Iwan Sierow en: Ivan Serov) - March 1945 - April 1945
- Major General Nikolaj Seliwanoski - April 1945 - May 1946
- polkovnik Colonel) Siemion Davydov - May 1946 - March 1950
- polkovnik(Colonel) Michal Biezborodov - March 1950 - June 1953
- General.lejtnant Nikolaj Kowalczuk - June 1953 - July 1953
- polkovnik (Colonel Serefin Lialin - July 1953 - september 1954
- polkovnik(Colonel Gieorgij Jewdokimienko - september 1954 till dismantled of KdsB and creation of Ministry of Internal Affairs - MSW.
- Besides the 35-40 advisors in cenrtal headquarters in Warsaw, in terrain there where four (4) soviet advisors in Wojewodzki Urzad Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego - (voivodship office of Public Security(-safety).
Change come in 1956 when Wladyslaw Gomulka heve been chosen as the haed of PZPR (Polish United Workers' Party). He meade soviet advisors leave the country.
But this did not help that much, becose first KGB residency was established in Warsaw, and they took over the jobs of advisors. But they did not had that power like those in late 1940s , and erly 1950s, and there where not soo many of them. KGB residency rely more on inside agents and informators.
Hammer Films - Hammer Horror merge
[edit]I think you've done this wrong way round. It's not that I don't think "Hammer films" is a less appropriate title, but the vast majority of the editing was done on Hammer Horror - and after this change the edit history is now hidden away on a redir page. Merge the smaller hammer films article into the larger hammer horror and redirect it. We can always get an admin to sort out the naming if really necessary. - Motor (talk) 13:25:40, 2005-08-19 (UTC)
Just thought I'd drop you a note about the Hammer Horror link. You see people going out of their way to avoid redirects by using piped links [real link|displayed text] all time, and it really makes the page source look messy and much more difficult for anyone new to wikipedia to read, understand and edit. It's no big deal, but I thought I should let you know why I changed it back... - Motor (talk) 10:33:26, 2005-08-24 (UTC)
- I changed a couple of others too, and then stopped to give people time to protest (I had a sudden feeling it might not be "on", or else more people would do it...). Doesn't it take up a lot bandwidth having all those redirects in place? Or don't they work like normal web redirects? Anyway, happy to follow your lead on this, coach.Rayray 10:42, 24 August 2005 (UTC)
- If you see unnecessary redirects then avoid them by all means. You could have rewritten it to say "produced by Hammer Film Productions"... but IMO, it's not as snappy and readable as "a Hammer Horror film", so you may as well leave the redirect and not use a pipe link. Feel free to rewrite it if you disagree though. As for bandwidth: I can't imagine it's anything other than negligable, and it helps keep things simple and makes wikipedia easier for new users to get into (something that's absolutely key to its continued growth... all IMO of course). But like I said, it's not a big deal. - Motor (talk) 11:03:07, 2005-08-24 (UTC)
I've just created The Satanic Rites of Dracula and I used a quote that you added to Hammer Film Productions and duped the book/author name into the article. Could you supply the ISBN number for it, if possible. Cheers. - Motor (talk) 11:55:49, 2005-08-26 (UTC)
Goble image
[edit]I was poking around when I saw this image on the The War of the Worlds (novel) article. I was going to ask you if I could delete it, since I had a similar run in with Expatkiwi over the same drawing. But, I noticed yours is much bigger and better quality than this one. What do you want to do? Personally, I would delete the one I uploaded back in July. If yours was the same as mine I would say differently, though. Thunderbrand 02:04, September 8, 2005 (UTC)
- I have no strong feelings on this issue, really, and am happy for you to make an executive decision. I didn't realise this illustration was so common - there are others I could have scanned in the original magazine, but I guess this one just stood out. Rayray 10:13, 8 September 2005 (UTC)
- I went ahead and deleted mine and replaced it with your image in the subsiquent articles. Thunderbrand 12:57, September 8, 2005 (UTC)
Bomber Command/to do
[edit]You created Bomber Command/to do like 9 months ago and it's still up... this seems like it was meant for the user namespace. Would you mind requesting it for a speedy delete? (just slap the {{db-author}} template on it). I'm telling you here so you can salvage the content, if you wish. Thanks. --W.marsh 01:50, 3 December 2005 (UTC)
- Have done as you suggest - I don't even remember creating it, and I'm not sure what I had in mind. Thanks for the head's up.Rayray 14:49, 3 December 2005 (UTC)
Peter Kay
[edit]Hey there. Well, nice work on the Article, giving it a bit more poise than what i gave it. The word "skyrocket" was used, particularly because before such events, Peter Kay wasn't even known by anyone outside of bolton - now he's estimated to be the 30th richest celebrity in the UK, and has had a hit single (whichwas at number 1 for 7 weeks), as well as a whole host of new fans etc.
Well, anyway - cheers for that :-) Ta-raa Spum 12:08, 28 December 2005 (UTC)
- Glad you took my changes in the spirit intended - my speciality is taking enthusiastic additions by people who know what they're talking about and making them a bit more dry and boring... it's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it... Rayray 08:43, 30 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit]If you ever happen to be near St Katherine Dock could you please take a photo of a boat there called Suhaili which was the boat in which the first solo non-stop circumnavigation of the world was completed in. Thanks --CharlieP 20:08, 1 March 2006 (UTC)
Actually, its in the Maritime Museum--CharlieP 06:00, 2 March 2006 (UTC)
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- I've added a GFDL self tag, and removed the "this image may be deleted" tag. Hope that's the right procedure...Rayray 09:35, 6 March 2006 (UTC)
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