User talk:Mike Schwartz/subpage/sandbox
[edit]most of this page has been deleted. It was just for temporary use.
I might use it again in the future. Keep in touch . . .
--Mike Schwartz (talk) 16:25, 3 July 2023 (UTC)
Hmm ...
[edit]Today -- 3 July 2023 (UTC) -- I noticed that, at "" (which might be a "NON-LATEST" version of something) there is a place that says -- in the wikitext, at least --
reason=Most English readers can not understand the script used in this citation so provide a translation either on the talk page or in a footnote (see WP:NONENG)
and I was curious about that "wikilink" or "hyperlink" to "[[WP:NONENG]]" shown there, near the end, in parentheses, after the word "see ". I was not able to click on it (but maybe NOW I will be able to! Since there will be a copy of it, here, in this "sandbox" subpage, ... a copy that is NOT inside [the 'value' of] a "reason" field of a "{{Request quotation}}" template [instance]!
I hope this works ... to enable me to (be able to) CLICK on it. I am curious (mostly, about where that "hyperlink" to "[[WP:NONENG]]", there, would take me, if I did click on it).
PS: "success!" ... I think. It appears that, when I CLICK on that hyperlink, (or right-CLICK and select "Copy link address", the URL [that it points to] seems to be: THIS:
(( "QED"! ))
so ... Enjoy!
Bye, for now, --Mike Schwartz (talk) 16:51, 3 July 2023 (UTC)