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My Talk Archive (2004)

Your comments posted on my main talk page throughout 2004 have been moved to this page. My replies (if any) are in red italics. More recent talk may be found at my 2005 archive.



South Africa


1. Hello. Thanks for your work on National Party (South Africa). The reason I removed your 'last edited by' comment was that we don't have such things here - articles are not signed - you will note very very few, if any articles have a signature (and those that are discovered are removed immediately). If people wish to find out who wrote it, they can use the 'page history'. Thanks again - and please don't think I'm trying to steal attribution or something - this is just custom. Morwen 14:16, Jan 2, 2004 (UTC)

Thank you, Morwen, for taking the time to correct me. I truly did not know of this rule, and I appreciate your taking the time to tell me.



2. I'm having difficulty understanding why you would create Christianity in Korea with nothing in it and a request not to delete it. You know that you can create it at any time, right? Why shouldn't I just delete it now? silsor 04:26, Jan 14, 2004 (UTC)I'm having difficulty understanding why you would create Christianity in Korea with nothing in it and a request not to delete it. You know that you can create it at any time, right? Why shouldn't I just delete it now? silsor 04:26, Jan 14, 2004 (UTC)

You're right. It was dumb of me to create a page before I was ready to post to it. However, the link is up and running now:-)

Not a deletion candidate


3. That article (Mother I'd Like To Fuck) isn't an instant deletion candidate - but feel free to stick it on Wikipedia:Votes for Deletion. If you're not sure how leave me a message on my talk page and I'll explain. Secretlondon 10:08, Jan 19, 2004 (UTC)

You now need to stick that article on the Wikipedia:Votes for Deletion page. Adding the tag to the article doesn't do it automatically. Secretlondon 10:26, Jan 19, 2004 (UTC)

Born again


4. Hi David, and welcome to Wikipedia. I notice that you've added some names of people to Born again. While I appreciate the sentiment of this, I'm not sure that this is going to be helpful. Since, as the article makes it clear, all Christians are born again (though some would be reluctant to describe themselves as such) the list is going to get very long. Maybe we could change it to "Famous people who describe themselves as born again". However the trouble with lists is, we start to get into argument about who describes themselves as born again. Mel Gibson? Let me know what you think. (You can reply here or on my talk page DJ Clayworth 15:39, 20 Jan 2004 (UTC)

I agree with most of what you said. Accordingly, I have moved the list of names on the Born again page to a new page (List of Born-again Christian Laypeople, with a disclaimer at the top that it is a list of Born-again Christians according to their own self-definition, as there is no academically objective criteria by which a born-again Christian may be defined. To make a subjective judgement about what constitutes a born-again Christian - a subject about which Christians disagree among themselves - would, in my opinion, be contrary to the "Neutral point of view" that characterizes this encyclopedia. There is a fine line between maintaining a neutral point of view, and citing a non-neutral one. For example, "George W. Bush is truly a born-again Christian" is a subjective judgement, open to debate, whereas "George W. Bush describes himself as a born-again Christian" is an objective fact. Once again, I'm letting self-definition rule here: George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter may be polar opposites in many ways, but they both describe themselves as born-again Christians, so they're both on the list. Undoubtedly other Wikipedians will, as time goes on, add many more names to the list, which I would expect to grow into a very diverse group indeed.

Ah! Thanks for the welcome to Wikipedia, too. I think it's a great place to be-) Good talking to you. (David Cannon - 24 January 2004 - 12.27pm GMT)





5. Please read the discussion page diligently and follow the links and read them also, before declaring a version to be vandalism. (ANONYMOUS USER)

Advice from Pete


6. Hi David, I ended up reading your comment on Talk:Born again. Just a heads up, you don't have to log in to be a "proper" user. There are good anonymous contributors and bad logged-in users too. We have to judge people on their edits not on their logged-in-ness. If you haven't seen it already, take a quick squizz at Wikipedia:Please do not bite the newcomers. Everyone is new once, and different people take different amounts of time to understand what the implications of tiny little phrase "NPOV" really are. Moulding newcomers into fine contributors in a patient way is the only way Wikipedia can continue to grow. Thanks, Pete/Pcb21 (talk) 11:56, 11 Feb 2004 (UTC).

Clear all


7. David: Glad to have been of help with the <br clear="all"> trick! It was just something I picked up and filed away for future reference a couple of days ago, with all the new image syntax adjustments going on. Knew it would come in handy at some point. Best, Hajor 03:48, 19 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Hi Pete! Thank you for your words of advice and correction. I think I got a bit too carried away. I wasn't too upset at first, but what tipped me was the anonymous user's characterization of (User:DJ_Clayworth) as a "vandal." What happened, as I see it, was this: the newcomer wrote up a long sermon about his new-fangled interpretation of "Born again." Now, I was not, I repeat, NOT, offended to see his opinion, even though I disagreed with it. What did concern me was to see that his novel idea contained much superfluous repetition and now took up more than half of the article. Mr Clayworth then edited the article, condensing the new interpretation and incorporating it into the text, as one opinion among several - an action that I felt was proper and in compliance with NPOV. Although he condensed it, Mr Clayworth did not delete the essence of the anonymous user's opinion - but he (the anonymous user) took it that way, and publicly called Mr Clayworth "nothing more than a vandal." That is what prompted my own outburst. But that wasn't called for either. I should have held my tongue, and I wish I had. Thank you for taking the time to correct me. Davidcannon 08:34, 12 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Constitution of Fiji


8. Hi! While we certainly could use some articles on the Constitution of Fiji, I'm not sure importing the full text, even in segments, is the right way to go. We generally don't have full-text here unless it's very short. For an example, see Constitution of the United States, which discusses the various sections but does not include the full text. Such a discussion that you seem to be proposing is valuable, but might be better for an in-depth addition at WikiBooks instead of here. --Delirium 12:08, Feb 23, 2004 (UTC)

9. (In response to your comment on my talk page) Ah, that sounds my better, and I agree that the 1st section article looks great. I was afraid it was going to be full-text followed by in-depth textual analysis, which would be sort of beyond the scope of the encyclopedia, in my opinion. But what you've got on Chapter 1 I have no objections to at all; quite the contrary. --Delirium 22:57, Feb 24, 2004 (UTC)



Editor rankings


Hi David, I got that listing from a developer on IRC who haad run a query on the servers. Someone else on IRC was wondering if they could be formatted to be links so I did it. Dori | Talk 13:41, Mar 2, 2004 (UTC)

Hi, me again. I should make it clear that those rankings are just for the last 10,000 edits. There are some contributors who have over 10,000 overall just by themselves. See [1] for a more up to date, overall list. Sorry for any confusion. Dori | Talk 19:21, Mar 3, 2004 (UTC)

Regarding updates, some developer would have to do that. Other people have been asking for updates, but it's just a matter of someone deciding to do it, so I don't know when that would happen. Dori | Talk 14:01, Mar 4, 2004 (UTC)

From Wik


Stop reverting me. If you disagree with the move, take it to talk. "Fiji Coup of 2000" is not a proper name, hence it shouldn't be capitalized. Compare "September 11, 2001 attacks" etc. --Wik 01:11, Mar 11, 2004 (UTC)

From Denny


Thank you! Thank you so much for updating the Multilingual statistics today, because I would hardly have the time to do it myself, as I have my exams these days. I'm so glad that you did it (and that you have seen the frequency the updates were made until now, too). Great work! --denny vrandečić 03:37, Mar 22, 2004 (UTC)

From Fuzzheado


David, thanks much for the nomination re: developer access. I do appreciate it and am flattered by your comments. Thanks! Fuzheado 23:12, 23 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Yes, it can be tough to examine since it redirects, but take a look at my meta user page to see how the redirect works. Fuzheado 23:42, 23 Mar 2004 (UTC)

From Arno LaGrange


Mi iom surpriziĝis ke vi kandidatigis min. Mi nur bezonas esplori pri kio ĝuste temas. Krom se mi -kiel ekplanite- iam profesiiĝos kiel vikipedia redaktisto, mi timas ke mi ne taŭge povus plenumi pliajn respondecojn. Ĉiukaze dankon pro la atento kaj miaflanke mi esploros pri kio temas.Arno Lagrange 07:41, 30 Mar 2004 (UTC)



From my French talk page


Bienvenue sur Wikipédia,

N'hésite pas à consulter comment modifier une page pour de premières indications sur la création et l'édition des pages sous Wikipédia. Tu peux également consulter la FAQ et faire tes essais dans le bac à sable
N'hésite pas à consulter les recommandations à suivre (règle de neutralité, copyright...).
Tu peux aussi laisser tes questions au bistro local.

Pour signer tes messages, tu peux taper trois fois le caractère ~. Avec un quatrième tilde, en plus de ta « signature », seront affichées la date et l'heure. Les articles encyclopédiques ne sont pas signés. Nous utilisons souvent des sigles parfois mystérieux : tu pourras trouver leur explication dans Wikipédia:Jargon de Wikipédia.

Si tu viens d'une autre Wikipédia, n'oublie pas de mettre les liens vers tes autres pages perso. ©éréales Kille® 2 avr 2004 à 12:43 (CEST)

From the Maori Wikipedia


Ngä nehe hononga pai, tino köpütahi körero, ehh... Matakerepö!!! Rerekëtanga 23:46, 4 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Dialect article misunderstanding


My remark about the bias was only referring to the off-the-cuff quantification of the amount of differences that you must have picked up from an earlier version. I phrased my text improperly purely by mistake :) I noticed it later and fixed it up a bit, but your further correction sounds much better. Thanks. --Shallot 22:10, 7 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Bartlett v Ferris


Why is the Senator's gender relevant? Specifying that Ferris is female makes it sound like he sexually accosted her, which he didn't. Adam 11:54, 8 Apr 2004 (UTC)

I think the simplest solution is to name her. Adam 04:07, 9 Apr 2004 (UTC)

From my German talk page


(I use a machine to translate; I don't understand German well - though I hope to learn it).

Hallo! Schön, dass Du Dich in der Wikipedia beteiligen möchtest. Leider hast Du vergessen beim Bild:Janvanriebeeck.jpg die unter Wikipedia:Bilder geforderten Lizenzangaben einzutragen. Das Bild muss daher gelöscht werden, solltest Du die Angabe nicht in den nächsten Tagen nachtragen. Stern 10:22, 16. Apr 2004 (CEST)

Ratu Mara, Rhodes Scholar?


I have replied at Talk:Kamisese Mara. As it is best to keep the discussion about it in one location. By the way you've done good job on that article. -- Popsracer 10:54, 20 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Steward: Thanks :-)


Hi David,

I have not had the chance to get to know you more, but thank you nevertheless for the trust you gave me by giving me your vote for Steward. I feel very honored.

If you ever see me doing something you disagree, please let me know. I always want to learn, to improve.

Thank you very much :-) Fantasy 19:59, 20 Apr 2004 (UTC)

yo, Fantasy was quicker than I :-) Well, your trust meant a lot to me David :-) These were hard times, I hope not to deceive you :-) SweetLittleFluffyThing 20:02, 20 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Thanks. Well, I am planning to be a bit more on en: soon, but it is really tough to be in two places at the same time :-) ant

Mi vere devas danki al vi ke vi nomumis por esti elektota kiel "stiuxardo". Estas entute ok kaj mi estas inter ili. Mi iom timas ke mi ne gxuste havos suficxe da tempo por konvene plenumi tiun novan respondecon. Sed, kredu min, dank'al vi unu esperantisto trovigxas en tiu okopo, kaj mi plu atentegos ke la projekto respektu lingvan egalecon kaj ke esperanto estu respektata en tiu multlingvio ! Arno Lagrange 13:48, 22 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Fijian Prime Ministers - RATU Title


(1, 2)

I just want to thank you for your quick reply at Talk:List of Prime Ministers of Fiji. While I know what you mean about the disadvantages of Wikiholism (particulary the occasional blackouts and the feeling one is haunted by orphaned redirects), I should point out that your reply is not really a ramble. It is probably the best reply I ever got on Wikipedia. Thanks. :) Now, a Wikipedian myself, I would also like to point out that this calls, IMHO, for a new article, Ratu, the creation of which I suggest – rather cunningly, I should think – that you undertake. (You're obviously better suited than me, and you can just copy and paste large parts of your reply.) -- Itai 21:15, 22 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Took me a while to reply, but I just wanted to say that your Ratu article really is great. And to think that on first seeing the name "Ratu Tatu Tevita Momoedonu" I thought "Ratu" was a typo... -- Itai 22:32, 27 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Interlingua Page Counter - Problem?


Hi, David, I replied to your question on my Interlinguan Discussion page :-) -Fire 06:31, 23 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Discussion copied from Fire's talk page. (My original): I apologise for not being able to write this in Interlingua. What's the problem with your page counter? Interlingua had 2572 articles on April 1. This dropped to 2551 on April 8, to 2502 on April 15, and now to 2488 on April 22!!! Has somebody monkeyed with the page counter to put a minus where a plus should be? See Multilingual Statistics (English) for details. David Cannon

(Fire's reply): Hi David Cannon. It's not a problem you write in english, i understand it ;-) -Well, the "little" number of articles is due to deletions by Andre Engels and me. Since SQL is active here again, i made a Vandalism List and deleted the concerned pages. There were a big number like you could see. That caused the fast diminution of the number of articles.
(Ensjo's supplementary reply|: Also, some dictionary-like entries and UPPERCASED entries are being deleted. Ensjo 20:22 apr 23, 2004 (UTC)
My last word: Thank you for your clarification. I think I understand now-) I was getting worried! David Cannon

Fiji coups


Hello again, David. Glancing at the list of Most Popular Stubs, I noticed this: Fiji_coups_of_1987. Thirteen words. I could write five times that many from memory!! Lots of pages point to it. To borrow an expression from one of your other fans: "I suggest – rather cunningly, I should think" - that this one's for you! Robin Patterson 10:23, 24 Apr 2004 (UTC)

  • Thanks for prompt response to the above on my talk page, David. (Have you noticed my "stub" on your Maori page? - I forget where I mentioned that I had created it; and it can't have been on your watchlist. I want users to be able to have some idea who the other users are. I've just created a page showing who the main contributors are, to give all contributors some idea of who's the best person to ask about a particular page or project.) - Robin Patterson 11:53, 24 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Certain article


Are you aware of this...article -- Seh-Yong Richard Thomas Cannon-Jung? If you want an admin to do something about it, let me know. --Menchi 01:48, 30 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Hi David, as you know Wik has moved the above article to User:Davidcannon/Seh-Yong Richard Thomas Cannon-Jung. If you ever want it deleted, I think it would be ok to go through wikipedia:speedy deletions as it's now in your user space. I've deleted the redirect from the main namespace, because it seemed from your comment on user talk:Wik that you were happy for that to happen, and not because of Wik's bizarre claims of "vanity"! Angela. 05:49, Apr 30, 2004 (UTC)
Replied at User_talk:Menchi. --Menchi 06:08, 30 Apr 2004 (UTC)





Will you do some research and write Quadragesimo Anno, please? -- Kaihsu 13:41, 2004 May 4 (UTC)

(Copied and adapted from Kaihsu's talk page, where I originally replied). I am more than a little surprised at your request, Kaishu. Quadragesimo Anno is a topic I know absolutely nothing about - I didn't even know the name until I saw your request on my talk page asking me to write about it! Yes, it looks interesting enough. I won't make any promises, because I'm up to my ears in other writing projects, but if I have time, I will try to do something about this one. I'll add it to my "to do" list anyway:-) David Cannon 21:48, 4 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

Good work at K. H. Ting; just wondering where you got the photograph? -- Kaihsu 09:23, 2004 May 5 (UTC)



You commented: "ban permanently the person(s) who keep on uploading this kind of rubbish". at Wikipedia:Votes for undeletion.

What person(s) are you thinking of? I'm not aware of anyone who has kept on uploading such content. Is there something I'm missing? Martin 23:27, 3 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

Hi David, I'm replying here because Martin may well want to reply as well and it's best to keep the discussion in one place. There are a couple of things that I think you are probably not aware of.
You Wrote "But the point is simply this: are we prepared to enforce the necessary policies" I certainly am prepaired to enforce policies. I regulaly block vandals and troublemakers but we have a strict definition of vandalism, and wikisex did not fit it.
You also wrote "do we just turn a blind eye to those who would trivialize" I'm not at all convinced that Calmypal is looking to trivialise Wikipedia. I don't know why he listed it at VFUD but he probably felt it shouldn't have been deleted. I don't see this as being trivialising.
"but we have to have an appropriate mechanism for dealing with the case of regular offenders" we have the arbitration committee for that.
The thing that I am arguing for is "let's be nice to people" I feel talking about bans is not being nice. This is a huge project, with thousands of people contibuting. There are bound to be differences of opinion from time to time. Sometimes people feel very strongly about things, but even so, we should try our best not to allow an emotional response to cloud our judgement. (Which is what I feel you did) We have a large number of policies in place to deal with real troublemakers, let's stick to the policies.
I hope this doesn't come across too harsh, it's not intended to be. Now I must go back to a huge edit war with NH -banning him? I want to kill him (that was a joke!) theresa knott 12:42, 4 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
(Identical reply posted on on Theresa's talk page): Thank you for taking the time to reply on my talk page and explain your perspective on the matter. My opinion on the article in question has not changed, but now that I've read what you had to say and slept on it, I can see that my call for a ban was excessive. I am sorry that I overreacted and got carried away, and will try to keep a tighter rein on my feelings in future.
BTW, that joke with which you ended (about the edit conflict with NH) completely disarmed me! Thanks for that, Theresa. Peace:-) David Cannon 21:21, 4 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

David Cannon 21:07, 4 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

(Posted originally on Martin's talk page): Hello, Martin. I've seen you out and about quite a bit, but I believe this is the first time we've actually met. Thank you for dropping that note on my talk page. You wrote: "What person(s) are you thinking of? I'm not aware of anyone who has kept on uploading such content. Is there something I'm missing?" To answer your question: I am disturbed that a medium that I consider to be a valuable educational resource (Wikipedia) could be trivialized, trolled, and trashed by people who are insufficiently committed to the academic nature of the project and use it as a repository for so-called articles that have little educational value. This is not the first time the Wikisex article has been voted on; twice in quick succession it was overwhelmingly rejected as being unencyclopedic and, effectively, an attempt to set up a "virtual sex" website within Wikipedia. Now, it is being suggested that we should undelete the article. I know the person proposing undeletion is not the one who originally started it, but the blatant revisiting so soon of what was a settled and decided matter is, in my view, inappropriate behaviour. There was nothing personal about my call for a ban. Calmypal is a fine contributor in many ways, and he's actually helped me with a writing project I'm working on. As he was hiding behind a nickname, I didn't even know he was the perpetrator in this case. My call was not intended as an attack on an individual, but as the upholding of a principle. Perhaps I did state it a little too strongly, but I still feel that people who either upload this kind of rubbish, or push for its undeletion so soon after the majority have decided to get rid of it, should be warned. If the warning is heeded, fine. If not, they should be banned. There's no such thing as an organization without rules, and rules without discipline and enforcement is an oxymoron.

Again, I want to emphasize this: it's nothing personal. I greatly respect Calmypal as a person, and appreciate his work as a Wikipedian. This is not about personalities, it is about policy. David Cannon 11:54, 4 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

Martin's reply: Hi David, and thanks for the reply. I was a little concerned by what you initially wrote, because I wondered if you were referring to some other incidents that I wasn't aware of, where the mistakes made on the WikiSex article were being repeated. I see now that I misread you - that you were rather referring to repeated mistakes on the one article - so I'm grateful for the clarification. I do like to stay informed... :)
Cheers, Martin 17:45, 4 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]
Replied on Martin's talk page. David Cannon 21:07, 4 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

What a nice bloke you've turned out to be


David , when I first saw your comment at VFUD I have to admit that I thought to myself "Who is this jerk?" But after getting to know you I have come to realise that you are in fact an all round nice bloke. It's been really nice being proved wrong in this case, and it just goes to show that I shouldn't make snap judgements. It has truly been a pleasure meeting you. theresa knott 22:52, 4 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

From Arno LaGrange


Mi dankas vin ke vi esprimis kondolencojn en meta:Wikimedia_News. Mi estas tre kortusxita kaj fakte mi miris ke mi ricevis simpatiajn mesagxojn kaj demandis min kiel homoj eksciis. Arno Lagrange ? 08:19, 10. Maj 2004 (UTC)

From Muriel Gottrop


From Arno LaGrange

Kara, bonvolu atenti ne lasi anglajxojn aux ligojn al anglaj pagxoj kiam vi redaktas. Bv aldoni [[:en: por ligi al pagxoj en la anglalingva vikipedio. (Vikipedio:Multlingva statistiko). Dankas Arno Lagrange ? 07:13, 19. Maj 2004 (UTC)

Wikiquote Image


Your admiration of Kamisese Mara is obvious and commendable but I believe that until now wikiquote had been free of images of those quoted.

I am not against personalizing user pages a bit with images, as I myself have made use of one, but I personally think that having an eventually large quantity of images here for all of the quoted individuals that are also on the Wikipedia is a needless redundancy, and the use of images that aren't on the wikipedia a needless extravagance. Currently the entire database for Wikiquote makes it a very small offshhoot of the Wikipedia, and I could conceive that the entire collection could easily be offered as available for download in some form, but the size of it would magnify immensely if we were to begin to put images on all the pages. Thus as much as I agree that they are asthetically pleasing or interesting I think for other considerations we should avoid putting them in the articles here.

I am very much aware that if it were voted upon most might choose to have it otherwise, and if you strongly disagree we could put it up to a vote (which might eventually occur now, anyways). Yet even if we do use them more information should be provided with them than you have done. I am assuming that this image is being used under fair use guidelines, which is permissable here, (as most quotations of modern individuals occur under fair use guidelines), but if possible public domain (copyright free) images should be used, or images created by oneself that are provided under the GNU FDL or similar licenses, or released to the public domain.

If you can agree with my reasoning, I ask that the image link be removed, and I will delete the image sometime in the next week. If not tell me so, and I will post a notice for arguments both for and against the idea of using images to be followed by a month-long voting period upon the matter. Thank you for interest and your contributions. ~ Kalki 15:44, 11 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

Christianity in the Southern Hemisphere


The Christianity page is mostly focused on Europe and North America, with almost nothing on Africa and South America. I know a lot is going on, but I suspect you have more expertise than I. Would you like to take a crack at it? Pollinator 13:34, 12 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

(Identical text on Pollinator's talk page): Hi Dave! Thanks for signing my talk page. Yes, I am willing to do this - it may take me a week or so to get organized, but I am very interested in this topic and have delved into it quite a bit over the years. Give me a little time, and I'll attend to it:-) David Cannon 22:48, 12 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]



And I thought I was being original by having a wikiproject-like box on my page. Oh well ;) Morwen 17:25, May 15, 2004 (UTC)

Unblocking my account


Your user page is beautiful :-). I am just sorry I could not answer to your request sooner, I was at a lake with the kids. But I trust that many users would have known better than to confuse you with a vandal ;-) I am quite happy you thought of me to help you. SweetLittleFluffyThing

Blank pages


Hi David. Is there any reason you keep blanking redirect pages? If you want them deleted, please list them on Wikipedia:redirects for deletion. Blanking them without so much as an edit summary makes it rather confusing when trying to deal with the list of blank pages. Thanks. Angela. 22:59, May 16, 2004 (UTC)

Thanks for the explanation.

(a) bypassing redirects whenever I saw them, so that links would point directly to their articles

This is definitely a good thing.

(b) by blanking the redirect page, as it no longer connects with anything and is now redundant

This is not. Redirects are useful if people accidentally type the wrong title or if a page has alternative names. For example, colour redirects to color as the title can only be one of them but you want people typing "colour" into the search box to be able to find the article. There's more information on why we use redirects at Wikipedia:redirect.
Angela. 23:15, May 16, 2004 (UTC)

(copied from Twice25's talk page): -->>Dear David Cannon David, I answer to you serving me too of a translator automatic (terrible fish!! heheheh ... ;D), since I don't speak English language. I will try to adapt in Italian language your article on Sonia Gandhi. I have unloaded image of her from en.wiki in order inserting it in the homepage of it.wiki and in the page attualità. Compliments for your beautiful one userpage on en.wiki: I like very mutch. Have a good time. --Twice25 15:44, Mag 18, 2004 (UTC)

Ciao Davidcannon,
benvenuto in it.wiki!

Frieda 16:00, Mag 18, 2004 (UTC)
Grazzie! Davidcannon 22:28, Mag 18, 2004 (UTC)

Benvenuto anche da parte nostra nella it.wiki.comunità! Rinina25 e Twice25 16:39, Mag 18, 2004 (UTC)

Grazzie!Davidcannon 22:28, Mag 18, 2004 (UTC)



Its nice to know that, but not as nice user page as yours... MvHG 12:19, 19 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

From my German Talk page


(Understood with the help of an electronic translator)

Hallo David, auch von mir! das gleiche gilt leider auch für die Bilder Bild:Soniagandhi.jpg, Bild:Manmohansingh.jpg und Bild:Ibabangida.jpg. --Gruß, Crux 21:06, 27. Mai 2004 (CEST)

From Angela and Anthere


The first part made me smile. The thought of 150 sockpuppets is just scary though. :) Angela. 04:48, 31 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

Eh ! There is already the proper heading for what I wanted to say :-) SweetLittleFluffyThing 09:51, 31 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]





I see "some creep named Alberto Berasategui" on your page. But, then, you say agreeable things. Did someone possibly mess with you page?

I happened to notice this as well. Odd. Erik Zachte 03:24, 29 Jun 2004 (UTC)
David, I more or less assumed already this was an attempt to be humorous. But my first reaction was: what if the person you address does not see it like that or does not appreciate it, it would be a pity. By the way I followed the link from your page to San Marino, interesting subject. The population size makes it possible for someone who tries to know everyone by name :) Yet they are full members of UN etc, and have a quite original political system. Wikipedia is always full of surprises. Cheers, Erik Zachte 05:39, 29 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Wikipedia ban


Hey David, in reference to China's ban of wikipedia. I'm a pretty avid China watcher, and I haven't seen anything. Usually, China just removes a site without rhyme or reason. They might add it back for equally mysterous reasons. I recall NYT or the Washington Post having trouble with being banned in China, and when a reporter brought it up with Jiang Zemin, it was unbanned the next day. (Some of my details might be wrong, it was some time ago.) Stargoat 14:03, 13 Jun 2004 (UTC)

There's more information on the internet censorship in China, m:Wikimedia_News#June 11, 2004, and mailing list. I used a Chinese proxy to test it out. I got a "the page cannot be displayed" notice. No, they don't usually announce they're blocking specific sites. That just pisses people off and gives the sites extra publicity when people are passing around proxies like candy. Maybe if we're famous enough, the western press will say something. --Jiang 21:48, 13 Jun 2004 (UTC)

I'd be happy if I could get Slashdot to post an article. Stargoat 13:05, 14 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Multilangual tables


Thanks on the compliments. If you have any ideas how to improve them, just say so - they are generated now, and slowly I will make the missing tables of the past too. --denny vrandečić 19:37, Jun 15, 2004 (UTC)



Hi Davidcannon, Well, there's more than one language that way, the most notable of which I would say are the Sinitic languages (Wu, with 77 million speakers, shares an ISO code with Cantonese, with 73 million speakers; both have modern music, literature, etc written in them that would be unreadable in Mandarin, plus quite a few more).

The language I was thinking of was Okinawan, a Ryukyuan language. In all reality it probably has something more like 950000 speakers, but that's because it's currently headed downhill (in the 70s, it definitely had well over 1m, and it may still)

Node 03:54, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)



I have nominated you for adminship. Please either accept or decline the nomination. Thank you for all of your hard work on Wikipedia. --"DICK" CHENEY 03:13, 26 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Your contributions are great (I've seen them all over the place), you're cool headed, and I'm guessing that you're a libertarian of sorts based upon your mention of ACT New Zealand on your user page. How could I not nominate you? --"DICK" CHENEY 17:09, 27 Jun 2004 (UTC)

David, are you aware that Adam Carr has been nominated twice for adminship, and both times declined. I know some users have taken to verifying with nominees that they'd like adminship before formally nominating them. -- Finlay McWalter | Talk 20:42, 27 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Adam has declined the nomination ([2]). Past experience shows that he's (perhaps characteristically) unlikely to change his mind, so I've remove the nomination from the page. -- 02:06, 28 Jun 2004 (UTC)



Congratulations for your nomination to sysop. I already added my support with the conviction that few are so well suited for the job. Cheers, Muriel G 11:37, 2 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Many thanks for your recent support for me as sysop. I think that I'll take some time playing mayself in before I go mad! Cutler 12:06, Jul 9, 2004 (UTC)

You're a sysop!


Hi David,

I'm pleased to let you know that, consensus being reached, you are now a sysop. Please read the Administrators' reading list to learn about your new privileges and responsibilities and what special tasks sysops perform. Cheers! Cecropia | Talk 03:48, 3 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Admin election


You're very welcome, Mr. Cannon; and I'm very flattered. I think I enjoy this project so much because it encourages the human spirit to transcend boundaries. Congratulations for winning your election! Good luck, and good day.Peace Profound! --MerovingianTalk 11:18, Jul 3, 2004 (UTC)

Thanks to you, too


Thank you, David. I also appreciate the comment you put in for me at my adminship nomination.

Certainly, it is the friendly atmosphere and enthusiasm of this community as a whole that has provided me the incentive to work as much as I have so far.

My impression is that you feel similarly about the community, and are willing to dedicate time and effort to inspire others. Your ambition to "become the undisputed number-one contributor of quality articles to Wikipedia" is certainly inspiring, and worthy of support. I wish you the best of luck with your plan ;-)

Adding my vote was the least I could do. Fredrik | talk 13:39, 3 Jul 2004 (UTC)

You are so nice!! All the best, Muriel G 15:08, 3 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Just doin' my job, suh! But thanks for the warm note. You'll be a great sysop! -- Cecropia | Talk 15:50, 3 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Hi Dave,

I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your note on my talk page. That you would go out of your way to express thanks to those who supported you only convinces me that my vote was sound.


Acegikmo1 20:58, 3 Jul 2004 (UTC)

You're welcome! See you around. --Woggly 10:06, 4 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Curious interwiki jump


Hello again, David.

The Maori Wikipedia reports that the latest change is to your talk page. But when I try to access it I get sent here. Can you find out what's going on?

Kia ora! Robin Patterson 20:13, 6 Jul 2004 (UTC)

(Sorry about the repetition - my display kept telling me the save hadn't worked. Robin Patterson 20:38, 6 Jul 2004 (UTC))
OK, thanks for the explanation on my talk page. Now back to the minority official language:...

You say "I have a number of Maori Books and am hoping to improve my knowledge of te reo to the point where I'll be able to contribute to the Maori Wikipedia." Well, much of what I have contributed to the Maori Wikipedia is merely transcriptions of paragraphs from old books. My knowledge of the language is still skeletal, possibly no better than yours. I hope your transcriptions and maybe other contributions (eg adding to lists) can start this year.

Keep up the splendid work, wherever it spreads to! - Robin Patterson 03:44, 7 Jul 2004 (UTC)

So it was you


who spotted the 10,000 articles of the portuguese wiki! I am so happy about this! I tried to stay up yesterday night for the event, but i fall asleep in front of the computer... See you around, Muriel G 10:04, 9 Jul 2004 (UTC)



Hi David, you had uploaded on french wikipedia the picture fr:Image:Ratumara.jpg without giving the license. Right now, I'm rying to check all licenses on french wp so please fill the description. Thanks in advance. Tipiac 14:47, 11 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Outdated Milestones?


I didn't know that someone was checking them. I figured that they would get outdated since that's not the primary place about listing milestones anyway. I think I got confused with the French one. I saw that it had reached +40K whereas the listing was at 25K, but then the next major milestone is 50K, so I was wrong. If you're keeping an eye on them, then I guess you can remove what I added. Dori | Talk 16:18, Jul 13, 2004 (UTC)

Snow in Panama


Wow! Apologies on the Internet are about as rare as snow in Panama. I trust a man who admits a mistake ten times more than one who hasn't had to yet. I humbly thank you for your support. "Extremism in defence of Wikipedia is. . . barely a vice." Quadell (talk) 02:00, Jul 14, 2004 (UTC)

Twinle twinkle little star


That was nice of you. Obrigada. Apparently, now that i moved i am being atributed all kinds of awards. Even the red faction granted me some kind of honorary membership. See you around. Muriel G 21:19, 16 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Rainbow details


Hi, David, I'm trying to write good captions for various articles and came across Rainbow. I was wondering if you had more information on Image:Rainbow1.jpg - where it was taken and when, for example. (A source would be good, too, so we know for sure we can use it.) Thanks! -- ke4roh 13:33, Jul 19, 2004 (UTC)



Hi, I am writing regarding protection of Horst Köhler page. You have saved the version of Burschenschafter, who in very short time became conflicted with many users. I do not like to call anybody a nationalist but this case is evidetnt. It is not possible to resolve conflicts with Burschenschafter on talk pages, as he ignore talk pages despite the fact that other users tried to resolve the conflicts in discussions. Burschenschafter ignore historical facts and even does not try to support his edits (articles:Johann Reinhold Forster, Georg Forster and other)

Protection of his version is some kind of award for his activities. Supposedly, Burschenschafter is a sockpuppet of another user, who was banned. Unfortunatelly, I am unable to prove it. Please take it into consideration before you will protect any other page edited by Burschenschafter. Regards.Yeti 22:08, 22 Jul 2004 (UTC)



Thanks - i didnt even realise id hit rollback - im getting used to a new mouse and keyboard. PMA 12:49, 25 Jul 2004 (UTC)



Bruce Beetham search on Eurekster.com


David, you may be pleased to know that your user page came in at number 5 "of about 945" in a Eurekster search for my former beloved leader Robin Patterson 22:06, 1 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Thanks for your reply to the above. I guess your page, because it contains such a lot, is popular with search engines and anything new you write on it therefore has a chance of being quickly indexed. I created a stub for Bruce Beetham after checking that Wikipedia doesn't have his full name as an article. Several links use his common name, so that should do for us. One day I will coordinate myself well enough to have my book about him close to my internet connection so's I can fill in gaps. You're most welcome to add some more paragraphs meantime. Robin Patterson 00:30, 2 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Finally saw your note on my USER page, which your "tired eyes" must have alighted on. Of course, it didn't trigger the "You have new messages" message, so I didn't pick it up as soon as I might have. (You are welcome to move it and delete the "I'm lost" part of it.) Excellent destubbing work, anyway! Robin Patterson 22:22, 3 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Suffering from wikiholism


Hi David. I'm alighting on you as a random administrator who seems to be around at the moment. I'm suffering from a terminal case of wikiholism. I need to take a wikiholiday to focus on stuff at work and don't seem to have any willpower. Could you do me a favour and block me for a week? Drop a note on my talk page if you do. Thanks. --ALargeElk | Talk 10:53, 4 Aug 2004 (UTC)



I unblocked ALargeElk, as the blocking policy says that blocks are not to be used to enforce wikiholidays. Among other things, this can cause problems because of the IP autoblocker for other users who may happen to use the same IP. Also, I unblocked a couple IPs that you blocked indefinitely. When you block an IP, please limit blocks to 24 hours initially. If the IP is static and problems with it continue, you can consider increasing the block period, but otherwise you are just as likely to block innocent people who get the IP dynamically assigned later on, while the real culprit already has a different IP and is unaffected. --Michael Snow 15:55, 4 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Thank you!


Thanks for your vote of support. :) Ambi 12:44, 5 Aug 2004 (UTC)
I concur. --MerovingianTalk 13:41, Aug 5, 2004 (UTC)

[List of] President[s] of the Philippines


I reverted back your move since the article is not just a list. --seav 15:15, 9 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Nazarene Jews page


Since you've expressed an interest, I invite you to review the "What is ad hominem?" section of the Talk: page, and the responses posted in it. I welcome hearing your own view. Jayjg 03:18, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Well, now he's started started editing my Talk: page comments [3] ; I've never encountered this before. Jayjg 16:23, 12 Aug 2004 (UTC)

David, would it be possible for you to return to you unofficial mediation role in this matter? I merged the duplicate material from Nazarene Judaism and Nazarene into the Nazarene article, but am now meeting with stiff resistance from Zestauferov, who from what I can tell is reverting all edits on principle, as it were. Jayjg 14:18, 24 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Lucky's nomination


On Lucky69's nomination for adminhood, you wrote I propose extending the deadline by 3 days to see whether a consensus will develop..

Hmm, I don't believe there's much to be gained from this. I believe the benchmark roughly hashed out before was a supermajority of something like 70%-80%. Given Lucky has 19 opposing votes (with apparently no malicious sock puppet votes) that would require something of the order of a hundred positive votes. I don't believe there's a realistic chance of that happening. It's not that I'm a stickler for schedules, just that unsuccessful nominations have a habit of discouraging wikipedians (as this is one of the very few circumstances under which people can say potentially mean things about another wikipedian). I'm inclined to believe that extending patently failed nominations serves only to kick someone when they're down (and lucky isn't someone I'd like to lose). -- Finlay McWalter | Talk 23:28, 14 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Korean chess (Janggi)


I have by chance see that you are interested in chess variants. You also dclare to be married to a Korean woman, so I consider you the perfect candidate to have a look at Korean chess. I have expanded the existing stub with material from Chinese chess (Xiangqi), but honestly I'm not too familiar with the game. Maybe you could have a look at it and root out those mistakes (I'm sure there'll be). Thanks! Kokiri 12:10, 19 Aug 2004 (UTC) P.S. If you have a WikiMoney account, feel free to take some cash from me in return ;-)

Thank ever so much for correcting the article. As I've written, I've really just taken the Xiangqi article and removed Chinese only rules. I used to have a picture of Janggi, but I can't find it any more... I've missed both the river and the elephant moves which you rightly corrected. Thanks very much! Have a nice day! Kokiri 12:50, 21 Aug 2004 (UTC)

to thanks for the Janggi edits. Another favour: Wikipedia:Featured_picture_candidates -.- ~~~ (Kokiri 13:28, 23 Aug 2004 (UTC))

My nomination for adminship


Hi, David:

I'd like to thank you again for your nomination, which I have decided to accept. It was a pleasant surprise. I just work hard at my favourite page, with no expectation of recognition. I was pleased when you first joined Wikipedia, given your interest in countries and cultures that don't get a lot of play in the English-language Internet. You seem to put a lot of thought into everything you do here, which is even reflected in the visual design of your personal page (especially the Articles index)—and you don't get embroiled in petty disputes. By the way, I too am married to a wonderful woman of Korean birth. --Sewing 14:12, 20 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Sidiq Koya and cleanup


The page was added to WP:CU on July 1st, apparently without the cleanup tag being inserted. I was going through old cleanup entries, and found that the page hadn't been modified since being listed, so I added the tag rather than de-listing it. I personally have no opinion on whether cleanup is needed. Sorry if my history comment didn't make things clear. Cheers, Rvollmert 19:22, 2004 Aug 23 (UTC)

Adminship vote


Thanks for pointing that out about the duplicate vote. I was asleep at the wheel and I've removed it. Fuzheado | Talk 03:18, 24 Aug 2004 (UTC)



Dear Davidcannon,

Yes, I will treat the "keys to the mop closet" well. :-)
Thank you very much for your kind words and your vote in support of my nomination for adminship.

-- PFHLai 03:34, 2004 Aug 24 (UTC)



Thanks for making my birthday a more happy day! I loved the article. Its amazing how you glued all the pieces about myself scattered in the wikipedia. Cheers! Muriel G 12:18, 24 Aug 2004 (UTC)



Hi, David: Well, I am now officially an admin, although so far I haven't heard an angelic chorus or been bestowed with magical powers. I will not let you down in your decision to nominate me: I will continue to act in the same evenhanded, judicious, and responsible manner as before. Thanks again for your support; 또 대화할 때까지 안녕히 계십시오! -山道子 (Sewing) - talk 17:27, 26 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Hi, David:
Thanks! Although the more I read of pages like Wikipedia:Votes for deletion and Wikipedia:Village Pump, the less sure I am that I know what I'm getting into.... Any advice for someone who likes to avoid confrontation? -Sewing - talk 07:10, 28 Aug 2004 (UTC)



Hehe, that was a fun moment, and I was glad I could be the author of the 50 000th. Not that it was a great article itself, but I loved the idea of thanking previous contributors with it. I hope most of our project reach this number one day. the en wikipedia was about that number when I joined. Seems a long time ago :-) SweetLittleFluffyThing 00:49, 30 Aug 2004 (UTC)

List of people by name: Se


Please stop introducing multiple errors to this page. Niteowlneils 16:51, 31 Aug 2004 (UTC)





I deleted the sentence They contested the elections of 1993, 1996, and 1999 as part of the Alliance, winning seats in the latter two elections, but the relationship was more of a marriage of convenience and was often strained. for the reason that it seems to me not to be the kind of information for a timeline. So I won't dispute the trueness and relevance of it, but this text should be better in the article on the Democratic Party. In none of the timelines of liberal parties this kind of detailled info is added. Gangulf 12:01, 8 Sep 2004 (UTC)



Hi, David: If you see me editing in, say, the next 3 days (let's say until Monday morning UTC), please revert my changes, send me a message, or give me a swift nudge in the ribs. Yours, Sewing - talk 15:17, 10 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Hi again, David: Okay, I made some minor edits today...but now you can enforce my Wikibreak.... ;) I'm a lot less stressed out today than I was yesterday...I guess it really is just a question of stepping back and gaining some perspective. -Sewing - talk 01:50, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)

fa: milestone?


Hi Davidcannon,

I saw you added fa: as having reached 1000 articles and thus moved it to the 1000 articles section at Template:Wikipedialang.

However, it seems to me upon further investigation that fa: still has a while to go before reaching 1000 articles...

Where did you get your statistic, perhaps I am wrong?

Node 19:22, 10 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Actually, what you are reading as "1007" actually says "2001". It's telling the date Wikipedia started as a whole; the real number-of-articles count is currently three digits long and, although I'm a bit rusty on my Indic digits, ۵۹۲ which equals 592. Thus it still has some way to go until 1000. In fact numbers in Farsi, Arabic, etc. are read left-to-right even though the text around them is read right-to-left. Arabic however *did* recently pass the 1000 article milestone, and when they did I think I added that.

No problem :)

BTW, since as you can see I am interested in multilingual issues on Wikipedia, I've been concerned/surprised about the relatively small number of articles on ko:, and was wondering do you or your wife edit there ever? It certainly needs help much more ATM than does en:...

Best, Node

Have you put your vote in the correct section? [[User:Dmn|Dmn / Դմն ]] 17:57, 13 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Au revoir


Hi, David: I have decided to quit Wikipedia altogether. We all need balance in our lives, but I think the only way for me to do that is by removing myself entirely from this grand, wonderful, curious, unique project. I can never thank you enough for all your help and guidance, and I will check up with you from time to time. Thanks again. Yours, Sewing - talk 18:02, 13 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Darn it, I can't stay away! Well, I decided to add a list of all the articles I've created or done a major edit on...so I guess I'll never completely leave. -Sewing - talk 01:50, 14 Sep 2004 (UTC)



Thanks for your support and kind words re: my adminship. Jayjg 18:58, 13 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Please feel free to contribute to this list. I've basically done all the work so far and would appreciate a real Pentecostal to help! One Salient Oversight 13:57, 14 Sep 2004 (UTC)



Hi, David: Thanks for your understanding. I've decided for the time being to stick around, but take a more relaxed attitude to things. Yours, Sewing - talk 20:11, 14 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Hi. Davíð Oddsson, as an Icelander, has no surname (see Naming conventions of Iceland) and so it's correct to refer to him as Davíð. Marnanel 20:04, 15 Sep 2004 (UTC)



Hi David,

I just moved lb: to the 1k-to-10k section of Template:Wikipedialang (language links for the mainpage), and then when I went to milestones I was surprised to see you'd already added it. Just wanted to let you know that these are probably two tasks that should go hand-in-hand. :)

Also, thought you might want to see this: User:Node ue/Milestone predictions; the predictions are all linear however so anything beyond about May 2005 is probably wildly inaccurate; is: is only there as a joke to Ævar.

Node 06:37, 18 Sep 2004 (UTC)

6500 articles in 3 weeks!?


Hi David,

Just wondering, but don't you think the 6500 articles in 3 weeks were largely the result of some sort of bot? Anything else for a Wikipedia that size is almost unbelievable!

--Node 17:10, 22 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Re: Antarctic language/Snikkik language


Hi David,

That's a very good question. I had to ask an expert. Apparently, Snikkik is considered by some to be a dialect of Antarctican, although speakers of Snikkik would strongly object. Also, since even if they are separate languages there are only two of them in total and they cannot be linked to any major or minor phyla, they are both isolates in the sense that they are only related to each other. (this question also arises in the case of a Viet-Muong grouping: would both Vietnamese and Muong be isolates, considering there are only two languages?) I agree though that the article should elaborate on this.

--Node 06:00, 28 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Nuking wa: account


Removing an account is not something a Steward can do, you will need a developer for that. I don't think nuking the account is necessary - changing the password to something that can be communicated to you would be enough, but that is also something that requires developer rather than Steward access. - Andre Engels 08:41, 28 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Hi David. When Walloon moved from its own server to Wikimedia's servers in May, some passwords got scrambled. Jeronim has now reset it to be the same as your password on the English Wikipedia so you should be able to log in ok now. Angela. 09:46, Sep 28, 2004 (UTC)



David, thank you for your revert. You beat me to it! I appreciate your help in caring about this page, especially from a fellow believer. All looks in excellent order (save for one person not in alphabetical order, which I will now take care of). And yes, I look forward to the day when other countries have their own headings as well as the USA. Kiwis included! (I've met many a kiwi in my employment. . . long story there.) --avnative 12:42, Oct 2, 2004 (UTC)

My nomination for adminship


Thank you for supporting my nomination for adminship. I will do my best to serve Wikipedia. --Slowking Man 23:54, Oct 12, 2004 (UTC)

Milestone predictions update


Hi David, I have updated my milestone predictions here, with the exception of the prediction for is:. As you can see, the order of these languages on this list has been changing constantly, for example Catalan used to be predicted to reach the 10k mark in January of 2005, but now it's predicted to reach it in November.

I also added two new languages, Serbian and Estonian.

Oh, also I'd like to note that [some of] the Indic-language Wikipedias (excluding Hindi, Tamil, and Urdu), a constant source of shame for Wikipedians who care about that sort of thing, are beginning to take off. See for example the Malayalam Wikipedia (ml:), the Kannada Wikipedia (kn:), the Gujarati Wikipedia (gu:), or the Kashmiri Wikipedia (ks:; there are some... ahem... problems there, and all but one or two of their 100-odd pages are subsubsubsubsubstubs). Others are showing some signs of activity, for example the Telugu Wikipedia (te:), the Marathi Wikipedia (mr:), the Bengali Wikipedia (bn:), but just about everything else remains neglected. I think all this is due to my addition of interwiki links for Indic languages to the Hindi mainpage, which didn't exist yet (what a huge surprise!). Apparently a great deal of hi.wikipedians also know at least one other Indic language, but either do not know a Wikipedia for their home language exists, or do not contribute to it very much, spending most of their time instead on hi:. Perhaps if these links had been there earlier, these people would've discovered the other Indic Wikis as soon as they found hi.wikipedia, and they would all be active (though hi: would probably be smaller). Before I added the links, gu:, kn:, and ml: were already starting to take off, but after I added them, te:, mr:, bn:, and ks: have had new content (in that language) added.

Also, a new Wikipedia: Sicilian, with 8 pages already, was actually *created* a couple of weeks ago. What makes it even more amazing is that the ISO code only existed about a week before that - I made the request as soon as I found the code was official.

I have, unfortunately, been disheartened by the failure of my attempts at promotion of minority-language Wikipedias (mostly e-mails to activists), which have been for the most part completely ignored. The only exceptions: Sicilian, which is now active and was created very recently which I got positive and constructive feedback about via e-mail, Yiddish, which I got a response along the lines of "It's great, I'd love to help, I'll contribute when I have the time, but I'm very busy", the South African-language Wikipedias, with a response along the lines of "We know about these already, we are very happy they exist, but we are currently focusing on translating blablabla, however I have let know those who might be interested, but you can be sure in the future we will do some heavy work on them", Khmer, with a response along the lines of "Nice, but we're currently working on something else, we'll get to it later", and lastly Sardinian, where the response was from an upset man, I will quote it in full [the context: I wrote a letter in English, apologising for not being able to write Sardinian or Italian]:

Monsieur Williamson , excusez moi si je prefere le français. Jeo vous remercie de l'attention. Malhereusement l'interface a eté ecrite par quelcun qui a une idée foue de la langue sarde, base sur l'ideée que tout internationalisme doit etre changé avec dels calques "sardes". Un resultat ridicule qui ridiculise WP aussi. Je suis directeur de l'Ufitziu de sa Limba Sarda (qui utilise la seule codification standard officielle de la langue sarde, la LSU langue sarde unifiée) et je vous assure que la lingne suivie par vos collaboateurs sards c'est la folie, faite par des gens qui n'ont aucun lien avec la realité et vivent seulent dans la Toile. Si vous voulez voire la LSU, notre travail avece le sarde et l'edition sarde de LE MONDE DIPLO (officielle, en sarde unifié), vous pouvez voir http://www.uls.it http://sc.mondediplo.com Merci de votre attention et bon travail Diego Corraine directeur ULS directeur LE MONDE DIPLO en langue sarde

My subsequent response, which was in total agreement with his views (I support LSU), went unanswered, sc: remains inactive and in a non-standard crazy orthography, and even a second sending of my response went unanswered. (is it just me, or do people not get my e-mails? I send somebody an e-mail, I get no response. if I get a response, when I respond to *it*, there is never a response unless I already know the person.)

Node 09:48, 13 Oct 2004 (UTC)

I hate to tell you, but your friend Muriel was the one who accused me of fascism, not the other way around. If you don't believe me, find the VfD archive yourself. As it turns out, I was the one expressing myself politely, while she was accusing a Jew whose grandparents died in fascist death campus of fascism... For your edification, this is the kind of misunderstanding that can arise if you make strong judgments about someone about whom you don't know anything and with whom you've never interacted. 172 13:12, 16 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Admin nomination


Thanks mate :) I appreciate the kind words and vote of support. Also good to see another Christian on the Wikipedia. - Ta bu shi da yu 06:30, 17 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Hi David! I was just passing to say hello, when i saw - to my surprise - my name above, followed an hint to the requests page and saw - again to my surprise - 172 name. Well, you know what i saw afterwards. That gave me a good laugh! Anyway, thanks for defending my honour. Moving to nicer topics, i'm back in wiki.pt and, i dont know if you noticed, we're already with 20,000 articles, mosty by cheating with bots and towns in Brazil. But i could tell the difference in users number and recent change rithm in the month i was out. Beware english wiki, we are on your back! All the best, Muriel G 00:47, 18 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Bruce Beetham


Thanks for your work expanding the Bruce Beetham article. If you still have access to your source material, though, could I ask a question? In the Beetham article, it states that Beetham later established a group called the "New Zealand Coalition". In another work I read, however, it says that Beetham's Socred/NZP/Harris alliance was called the "New Zealand Centre Coalition". I'm wondering which name is correct, or whether one was later renamed the other. Do your sources possibly go into any further detail about the matter? Any assistance (even if just the details of the source) would be appreciated. Thanks. -- Vardion 00:57, 22 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Re:No dependencies on the List of National Legislatures???


Oh...didn't see them. Sorry. We should make it a rule whether to include them. If we do include them, then maybe we should italicize to set them apart from the sovereign states. Please post on the talk page on what you think we should do. --Jiang 03:11, 26 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Thank You


Dear David, Thank you for your support. Maybe I won't make it but, that's life. I will continue to write mini-bios which may serve to inspire furture generations in a positive way. You have a beautiful family and I hope that the heavens bless all of you with wonderful things. I want you to know that you can count me among your Wikipedian friends. (P.S. Take a look at my article Nicky Cruz, I beleive you'll enjoy it)

Tony the Marine



From Robin Patterson


Gidday, neighbour! I reread your page occasionally just for inspiration. But I hope your mini-wikiholidays can include more frequent edits to Wikipedia Maori (eg a mi:Raumati article), and maybe more work on the skeleton Fiji WP if you can find a couple of native speakers to help. You may notice I popped into the Nauru WP and made some tiny improvements (without registering) a week ago. Kia ora! Robin Patterson 21:34, 4 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Alhaji Shehu Shagari


Hi! Thanks for uploading Image:Ashagari.jpg. I notice it currently doesn't have an image copyright tag. Could you add one to let us know its copyright status? (You can use {{gfdl}} if you release it under the GFDL, or {{fairuse}} if you claim fair use, etc.) If you don't know what any of this means, just let me know where you got the images and I'll tag them for you. Thanks so much, Quadell (talk) (help)[[]] 19:45, Nov 4, 2004 (UTC)



Hi, David, Skierbieszów, the birth place of Germany's president Horst Köhler, was in the center of Poland between the two World Wars. After the division of Poland among the Soviet Union and Germany in 1939 it became part of the German occupied Generalgouvernement. Today it is in the east of Poland. The [of Skierbieszów] provides a map. For other maps may be usefull to remember that the town is about 70 km southeast of Lublin. The historical situation can be seen on the map of the Curzon line in [[4]] or better in [[5]].

Samoa, Nauru, and a little beyond


Hello again, David. I've just read some of Node's reports, above, with their mixture of pessimism and optimism. Doubtless you will cheer him up one day when you get the fj:Main Page off the ground. There are not many Pacific WPs, regrettably. I had a look around yesterday, going a little outside the Pacific, and made a couple of "anonymous" additions here and there following up on my sm:2004 "success" the other day - if you want inspiration or at least a minute's diversion have a look at na:2004, su:2004, and id:Bicara:2004.
Kia ora! Robin Patterson 19:20, 16 Nov 2004 (UTC)

re: New Zealand category


Hi David - You're right about the British High commissioners not really fitting with "New Zealand people". But that particular article stood out like a sore thumb in the "New Zealand" category, which is mainly a sort of "hypercategory" full of subcategories about NZ. Most of the other articles in there not further categorised are things like "New Zealand statutory holidays", "New Zealand dollar", "God defend New Zealand", and "New Zealand flag". Everything else fits into one of the subcategories.

Perhaps you're right that it doesn't currently look right in the NZ people category, but a category for foreign people resident in New Zealand as a subcategory of "New Zealand people" is looking more and more like a good idea. Any thoughts? Grutness 11:15, 18 Nov 2004 (UTC)

I've come up with a better solution - I think. Check how the article is categorised now... Grutness 12:46, 18 Nov 2004 (UTC)

For once??


Just curious about a comment you made on Talk:Pocahontas, where you said: For once, I'm inclined to agree with [me] -- have we had disagreements in the past? I don't recall any. No big deal, just curious. olderwiser 12:25, Nov 22, 2004 (UTC)

Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, David! (and only a few days late!) Best wishes. --Whosyourjudas (talk) 03:51, 24 Nov 2004 (UTC)

You're welcome. Just doing my part to make WP a little better. Tell your friends to put their name up on the birthday page - they'll get a birthday greeting too. --Whosyourjudas (talk) 12:30, 24 Nov 2004 (UTC)



Tigriyana Wikipedia


I deleted the page you wrote about on my talk page. I saw it earlier but couldn't deal with it then since I was at work, and thought when I got home that maybe I'd imagined it since the message was gone from my talk page. :) Happy belated birthday. Angela. 21:25, Nov 30, 2004 (UTC)

Congress of the United States


If you wish to move the page, then please discuss it. The opinion on the talk page is for it to remain at Congress of the United States. Please stop changing any redirects until there is a clear consensus. --Jiang 08:26, 2 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Thank you


Thank you for supporting my bid for adminship, and for the particularly enthusiastic wording of your support. I was honored and flattered to be cast in such a positive light. I'll do my best to deserve it. --Woggly 20:04, 3 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Protection of personal js and css


I see from the block log that you protected your personal js and css pages. Only your account can edit those pages. It's a techical limitation enforced by the software and applies to all accounts. Since it does no good, you might as well remove the protection. If you can find any way for anyone else to edit them, please report it as a bug at bugzilla.wiki.x.io . Jamesday 21:25, 5 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Article Licensing


Hi, I've started a drive to get users to multi-license all of their contributions that they've made to either (1) all U.S. state, county, and city articles or (2) all articles, using the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (CC-by-sa) v1.0 and v2.0 Licenses or into the public domain if they prefer. The CC-by-sa license is a true free documentation license that is similar to Wikipedia's license, the GFDL, but it allows other projects, such as WikiTravel, to use our articles. Since you are among the top 1000 Wikipedians by edits, I was wondering if you would be willing to multi-license all of your contributions or at minimum those on the geographic articles. Over 90% of people asked have agreed. For More Information:

To allow us to track those users who muli-license their contributions, many users copy and paste the "{{DualLicenseWithCC-BySA-Dual}}" template into their user page, but there are other options at Template messages/User namespace. The following examples could also copied and pasted into your user page:

Option 1
I agree to [[Wikipedia:Multi-licensing|multi-license]] all my contributions, with the exception of my user pages, as described below:


Option 2
I agree to [[Wikipedia:Multi-licensing|multi-license]] all my contributions to any [[U.S. state]], county, or city article as described below:

Or if you wanted to place your work into the public domain, you could replace "{{DualLicenseWithCC-BySA-Dual}}" with "{{MultiLicensePD}}". If you only prefer using the GFDL, I would like to know that too. Please let me know what you think at my talk page. It's important to know either way so no one keeps asking. Ram-Man (comment) (talk)[[]] 14:11, Dec 9, 2004 (UTC)

Quoth: I've always taken that to mean that by default, I do not own the copyright on anything I write, and that it is all PD. Am I wrong?
Yes, actually. Think about it this way: You make a change to an existing article and you go to the article history and compare the old version with the new version. What will be displayed are JUST your edits and show how they were added to the existing article. You own the copyright to those edits, but they also get copied into article as a whole which is GFDL. If you were the only one to work on an article, then each edit would all be available individually under your copyright. Because of this, the you would own the copyright for the entire derivative work and could therefore license it however you see fit. The fact that you can even release it into the GFDL implies that you own the copyright. There is no statement anywhere that says that you are releasing your work into the public domain. If that were the case, the GFDL would be meaningless here. Does this help? I admit that it's a bit strange to think about it in this fashion, but it really is quite sound. Let me try another way. *Someone* must own the copyright to your changes or they would be public domain. If not you, then who would it be? It must either be you or Wikipedia itself, which didn't even exist as an entity until recently. The only way for something to be GFDL is if it is copyrightable! Ram-Man (comment) (talk)[[]] 13:37, Dec 10, 2004 (UTC)

Unverified images


Hi! Thanks for uploading the following image:

I notice it currently doesn't have an image copyright tag. Could you add one to let us know its copyright status? (You can use {{gfdl}} if you release it under the GNU Free Documentation License, {{fairuse}} if you claim fair use, etc.) If you don't know what any of this means, just let me know where you got the imagesand I'll tag them for you. Thanks so much. [[User:Poccil|Peter O. (Talk, automation script)]] 01:41, Dec 10, 2004 (UTC)

P.S. You can help tag other images at User:Yann/Untagged_Images. Thanks again.


RFC pages on VfD


Should RFC pages be placed on VfD to be deleted? I'm considering removing Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Slrubenstein, Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Jwrosenzweig and Wikipedia:Requests for comment/John Kenney from WP:VFD. Each of them was listed by CheeseDreams. Your comments on whether I should do this would be appreciated. - Ta bu shi da yu 03:33, 10 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Mario Soares


Hi David,

Could you please tell me why did you classify my contribution to "Mario Soares" as vandalism? First I removed some abuse. Second, you reverted to a older edition, with much less information. Is there an problem in identifying authors of contributions?

Why did you delete references to Mario Soares' parents? Why did you delete references to his marriage (while in prison)? Why did you delete references to Soares participation in presidential elections side by side with Norton de Matos and Humberto Delgado? Why did you delete reference to Soares as Humberto Delgado family' lawyer, when Delgado was murdered. All information I added as 10:17, 8 Dec 2004 was deleted, why? It was true, it was useful, and more: relevant. -- 08:07, 10 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Your edit was very poorly written, and highly POV. Your calling of one particular character as a "fascist" was very subjective, and in my opinion, it falls short of the NPOV standard required by Wikipedia. If you want to discuss this matter further, take it to the relevant talk page, or else log in properly with a user name and we can discuss it on both your talk page and mine. I am open to discussion, but I am unsympathetic to anonymous users making extremely POV edits that don't "flow" with what is already written. In brief: NPOV required us to state the facts without bias or preference. The facts, not our feelings about the facts, not our opinions about the fact, just the facts. Saying that someone who claims to be a socialist is really a fascist is expressing a personal POV which has no place in Wikipedia. If you can attribute that view, however, to a fairly authoritative source, you may quote that source in Wikipedia and I would welcome that. David Cannon 08:16, 10 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Dear David, I think there is here a problem of identity. Some of my contributions appear with different user numbers, and a contribution that is not mine appears with the same user number as one of my contributions... (The poor text that led you to revert to a old edition and that you classified as vandalism is simply not mine. I would invite you to countercheck my contribution of 10:17, 8 Dec 2004: useful facts, no POV. Perhaps, you will find there some useful information, that you might wish to edit yourself. Best regards, JoaoP (sorry had forgotten again to log in: --JNM 22:49, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC))

Hi! Thanks for uploading Image:Cavacosilva.jpg. It currently does not have an copyright tag on it. If you know the copyright information, could you please supply it on the image page? If you need help please feel free to contact me. Thanks! --[[User:Whosyourjudas|Whosyourjudas\talk]] 03:43, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Friendly Chat


Hi David, How you doing? Since w'ere in the Christmas season, I just wanted to drop you a short note to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. Since I know that you are a person interested in the customs of other countries, I wanted you to know that in Puerto Rico children and adults receive gifts on December 25 from Santa (The Americanization of Puerto Rico) and that on January 6 only children receive gifts from the the three Kings (keeping the tradition of old). We live in the states and even though over here Christmas is very comercialized, I've kept the the tradition of celebrating both days (Christ birth in the Dec. 25 and the day that the three kings suppositly arrived after Christ's birth, Jan. 6 and presented the new born child with gifts) for my granddaughter. Well my friend take care Tony the Marine


Please inform asap the copyright and source of the image you uploaded to the Wikipedia in portuguese [:pt:Imagem:Cavacosilva.jpg]], otherwise it will be deleted. Thank you, --Marcelo Schlindwein 12:56, 12 Dec 2004 (UTC)

You wrote: I found the file Imagem:Cavacosilva.jpg on this blog (http://www.portugaldospequeninos.blogspot.com/&h=296&w=250&sz=10&tbnid=tQkWmOsQeWoJ:&tbnh=110&tbnw=93&start=4&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCavaco%2BSilva%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D). As it is a blog, I assume that pictures found therein are in the public domain. Otherwise, I would claim "fair use." When I was new to Wikipedia, I uploaded a lot of images without checking their copyright status. I know now that was a huge mistake, which has made a lot of extra work for me and others.
Yes, indeed, I track every image I can and check its copyright status, and you're right, it's a lot of extra work. If you do not know the copyright status of the image, do not assume anything, please. You do not know who uploaded the image to that blog (which I cannot access), so how can you assume fair use? Do you know whether or not the image is copyrighted? If your answer is NO, then please do not upload it. I know that the Wikipedia in english tolerates a lot of Fair Use images, but that is not our intention in the portuguese Wikipedia. You are welcome to collaborate in the portuguese Wikipedia when you want, and we appreciate that people who do not speak portuguese intend to help us make the portuguese Wikipedia richer. Thank you for your answer (I always wanted to visit yout country), Marcelo Schlindwein 22:49, 12 Dec 2004 (UTC)

I don't have developer access any more, thus I don't have the ability to maintain & fix problems for the tools site. For that reason I took it offline before I left. I'm not sure if/when it'll come back, but another developer is free to take on the task if they like. Regards — Kate Turner | Talk 23:25, 2004 Dec 12 (UTC)

Thank you for uploading the above image. It is currently tagged {{unverified}}. Can you please tag with the appropriate copyright notice and cite the source if possible. Thanks, Duk 17:38, 13 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Thousands of images have no copyright tags. You can help!


Commonwealth and Shagari Conversation moved to Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Countries


I have moved this discussion, at User:Jiang's suggestion, to Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Countries.

Yabbut, you no have answered my question about the Shagari pic.iFaqeer (Talk to me!) 23:05, Dec 16, 2004 (UTC)

Toki Pona Wikipedia


Hi David,

The Toki Pona Wikipedia still exists, and is actually still hosted by Wikimedia servers using an xx.wiki.x.io domain. see http://tokipona.wiki.x.io/ - it may be closed, but it still exists and has over 100 pages.

--Node 18:25, 16 Dec 2004 (UTC)



Could you comment on the copyvio claim at Pierre Gemayel? Thanks, and season's greetings. - Mustafaa 17:44, 24 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Thank you


Thanks for your support on my RFA request. It seems that had I waited one day with self-nominating, it would have succeeded. Jordi· 09:08, 29 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Image tag


Thanks for uploading Image:Picoiyer.jpg. I notice it currently doesn't have an image copyright tag. Could you add one to let us know its copyright status? (You can use {{gfdl}} if you release it under the GFDL, or {{fairuse}} if you claim fair use, etc.) If you don't know what any of this means, just let me know where you got the images and I'll tag them for you. Thanks so much, Aqua 00:12, Dec 31, 2004 (UTC)

Let me just add this here, but Image:Alexhaley.jpg also needs a copyright tag. --Ricky81682 (talk) 08:23, Jan 3, 2005 (UTC)

Also; Image:Epeli Nailatikau.jpg

Found by User:Quadell


A Barnstar! Awarded for work of Fiji related articles.

Someone had to do it eventually, so here it is for your work on Fiji.

--Xorkl000 11:21, 25 September 2005 (UTC)
The Tireless Contributor Barnstar
I notice from your userpage that, as of today, you have made 20,000 edits on the English Wikipedia. This is an extraordinary effort, and I am happy to present you the Tireless Contributor Barnstar for your unwavering additions to Wikipedia, which are of both the highest level of quantity and, most importantly, quality. Daniel.Bryant 09:46, 15 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Articles (Index)


Created by me
Edited by me
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My deleted articles

All my subpages
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Zillions of Games

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Nations of the world (articles)
::*New Zealand
::*South Africa
Political topics
Religious topics
Wikipedians I'd like to thank
Miscellaneous articles

Christian Brethren Church of New Zealand
Christianity in Korea
David Yonggi Cho
Pitcairn rape trial of 2004
Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara
Reconciliaiton and Unity Commission of Fiji
Yoido Full Gospel Church

Everything I write is about something that interests me, so in one sense every article is special. There are, however, a few articles I've worked on that I am particularly proud of.

The article about Ratu Mara appeared on the Main Page, at the time of his death in April 2004. This was the first time one of my articles appeared there.

I first wrote the Christianity in Korea article as a university assignment back in 1988. It was one of the few things that I ever got Grade A for. Only a minor update was required to turn it into a Wikipedia article.

::*Index of Fiji-related articles
::*Index of Lebanon-related articles
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::*Wikiproject Fiji
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::*Requests for adminship
::*New Pages

Category:Fiji stubs

All red links:
::Index of Fiji-related articles
::List of Lebanon-related topics
::Open Brethren

Expand, update, or rewrite:
::Paul Bérenger
::Mauritian Militant Movement
::Militant Socialist Movement
::Anerood Jugnauth
::Navin Ramgoolam
::Rodney Acraman

Pending articles:
::Pending article 1
::Pending article 2
::Pending article 3
::Pending article 4

  • (original) : articles originally authored by me — though they may have been significantly changed by others since then.
  • (rewrite) : articles started by others, but which I have so completely reworked that they amount to original articles of mine.
  • (major edit) : articles written originally by others, but which I have substantially edited.
  • (reorganized) : a series of articles; numerous paragraphs from one article have been moved to another in the same series.
  • (translated) : articles electronically translated from Wikipedia articles in other languages.
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I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under Wikipedia's copyright terms and the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 1.0 and version 2.0. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the Creative Commons terms, please check the CC dual-license and Multi-licensing guides.