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Magnets are used for electronics.

Experment If you get south and south or north and north they will repel but if you get north and south or south and north they will attract. What are kinds of magnets?

Barshape magnet

Magnetic lines of force of a bar magnet shown by iron filings on paper

Circle shape magnet

Horseshoe magnet

Ring shape magnet

What are used of magnets?


Electronic motors.

Collect pins or any iron or steel.


do you want to know the temperature of your country?


The world


Earth is the planet we live in side Earth there

Are six continents.

Physical world map (2004) with country borders and capitals--click for large, 2 MB version

What are they.

North America.

South America.





Notice North pole and the South pole are not Continents.



Sports bulid mucles,you have to play sports

there are many kinds of sports File:Kosei inoue.jpg

They are Karate


Basketball game




and tennis

and many sports.

Football is a very good sport,I like it



Coins are generally designated as metallic currency, paper mone and credit instruments, as paper currency. Further distinctions are made in the latter classification: Government notes are called government currency; bank notes are designated as bank currency; and checks drawn on bank deposits are called deposit currency.

This use of the term currency is of comparatively recent origin, dating from the period following World War I.

File:1c comm.png
euro coin

Earlier uses of the term were more restricted. In countries in which the governments did not issue paper money, the term paper currency was applied exclusively to bank notes. In the United States and a number of other countries, on the contrary, the application of the term currency was limited to government-issued, legal-tender paper money. The change from the earlier, restricted meanings of the term to its modern significance resulted in part from the great increase, following World War I, in the use of credit instruments.The volume of currency needed to transact the business of a country is determined, basically, by the volume of commodities and services in circulation. Ordinarily, the larger the volume of commodities and services, the greater the volume of currency needed to circulate them. During periods of increasing production, the volume of currency tends to rise; during recessions it may fall.

solar system


Solar System, the Sun and everything that orbits the Sun, including

the nine planets and their satellites; the asteroids and comets; and interplanetary dust and gas. The term may also refer to a group of celestial bodies orbiting another star (see Extrasolar Planets).

Mosaic of the Solar System planets except Pluto, including Earth's Moon (not to scale).

In this article, solar system refers to the system that includes Earth and the Sun. The dimensions of the solar system are specified in terms of the mean distance from Earth to the Sun, called the astronomical unit (AU). One AU is 150 million km (about 93 million mi). The most distant known planet, Pluto, orbits about 39 AU from the Sun. Estimates for the boundary where the Sun magnetic field ends and interstellar space begins called the heliopause range from 86 to 100 AU.

10th planet found

Artist's impression of possible 10th planet 2003 UB313, with the Sun in the distance. Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Astronomers from the Palomar Observatory near San Diego, California said they found a chunk of ice and rock in the Solar system larger than Pluto.The object, given the temporary generic name of 2003 UB313 is about 9 billion miles away from the sun. It was first photographed in 2003 using the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii. But it was an indistinguishable bright spot among a field of stars in an area of the sky astronomers don't usually look at for planets or planet-type objects.Solar system bodies found beyond the orbit of Neptune are called "trans-Neptunian objects". One of them, Pluto, also is classified as a planet. Up until now the all other planet-like discoveries beyond Neptune, including Sedna, found by the same Palomar team in 2004, are called Kuiper Belt objects, or minor planets.

The money


We work to get money. We buy things with money. Currency Egyptian pounds American dollars Japanese yen English sterling pounds Saudi Arabian riyal

And other money

Notice Sterling pounds is the expensive currency.130px|right|Euro coins[[Image:Euro 580 Pounds makes 100 Dollars. 1 Dollar makes 5 pounds. 2 Dollars makes 10 pounds. 3 Dollars makes 15 pounds. 4 Dollars makes 20 pounds. 200 Dollars makes 1100 Pounds. 600 pounds makes 103 yens. 101 Dollars makes 100 yens. 500 Pounds makes about 95 Dollars. 100 sterling pounds 1000 pounds. You also need money in life. England is steriling. Notice: England is the only one in Europe Who has sterling. France,Italy,Greece,Poland and Portugal and all the contries in Europe are Euro. Egypt is the only one in Africa who is pound.



back in 1996 and 1997 to sell their spotted merchandise and the "101 Dalmatians" movie, large numbers of families also rushed out and purchased Dalmatian puppies from backyard breeders and pet shops. Since the families did not research the Dalmatian breed prior to buying one, they did not know what to expect from their new pet and they did not know how to meet the Dalmatian's needs. But even worse, the backyard breeders decided cute little Dalmatian puppies would make them rich and began breeding and breeding and breeding... The major cause of the Dalmatian overpopulation problem is the backyard breeders. These greedy, unscrupulous people outdo even Cruella DeVil in the atrocities they subject the Dalmatian breed to. Any breedable female Dalmatian unlucky enough to fall into their hands has been constantly bred to produce litter after litter so that the backyard breeders can cart the cute little spotted puppies off to the swap meets, street corners and any other place they think they can sell them at. The Dalmatian parents of these puppies were never tested for deafness and the backyard breeders are so clueless they probably didn't even know the parents were deaf. Worse, they don't care; their only interest in breeding Dalmatians is to make money, which violates the prime directive of a responsible breeder to only breed the best examples of a pure breed to improve the breed.



Tiger, largest member of the cat family and the only cat with striped fur.

     Perfectly designed predators, tigers possess beauty, grace, and awesome 
     power. Their presence in the wild, revealed by a throaty roar or a track 
     on a dusty trail, electrifies the forest and sends shivers down the spines 
     of all who share its space. Humans admire tigers as much as they fear them 
     and the animals figure prominently in Asian myths, religions, arts, and 
     imagination. Tigers were once found throughout the forested regions of 
     tropical and temperate Asia. Excessive hunting and destruction of tiger 
     habitat have now narrowed the tiger range to a few isolated patches 
     throughout Asia. Many people have organized local and international 
     conservation organizations to prevent tigers from becoming extinct.
     Among the 36 cat species, tigers are most closely related to lions, 
     leopards, and jaguars. These cats evolved from a common ancestor that was 
     probably similar to modern leopards or jaguars and lived more than 5 
     million years ago. The earliest fossils clearly identified as those of 
     tigers are about 2 million years old. These fossils were found in central 
     Asia, eastern and northern China, Siberia, Japan, Sumatra, and Java. Based 
     on fossils dating from 300,000 to 10,000 years ago, some scientists think 
     that tigers may have ranged into present-day Alaska via the Bering land 
     bridge that once joined Alaska and Siberia during the last glaciation in 
     the Pleistocene Epoch. Other scientists believe that the big cat fossils 
     found in Alaska all belong to lions.
     Scientists use a variety of methods to study the behavior of tigers and 
     track their movements. Radio tracking was first used to track tigers in 
     Nepal in 1973. In this method, a collar with an attached radio transmitter 
     is placed around the neck of a tiger. Scientists monitor the radio 
     transmissions as the tiger travels, tracking the tiger whereabouts to 
     learn about its range, life history, and behaviors. More recently, 
     scientists have set up camera traps that are triggered by an infrared 
     beam. When a tiger crosses the infrared beam, the camera snaps a shot of 
     the tiger, recording the date and time the photograph was taken. The 
     tigers unique stripes help identify the animal, and when the same animal 
     triggers other camera traps, the photo archives enable scientists to 
     gather information about the tiger movements. This method helps 
     scientists estimate tiger numbers in the wild.
      IIRange and Habitat