User:Zrose26/Cladonia asahinae
-Background of the Cladonia genus & Cladonia chlorophaea group
-“As part of the Cladonia genus”
-“diverse secondary chemistry plays a key role in taxonomy and identification”
-Morphological description
· Browner colors
· Exposed medulla pinkish brown
· K and C reactions
· UV fluorescence
· Primary thallus: squamulose, persistent or disappearing
· Glaucescent green or glaucescent blue-green to olivaceous or brown above
- contains rangiformic and norrangiformic acids. It does not contain protolichesterinic acid
-General distubtuion
- Europe: Andorra (Azuaga et al. 2001), Czech Republic (Holien & Tønsberg 1985), Finland (Huovinen et al. 1990; Santesson et al. 2004), Great Britain (Coppins 2002), Lithuania (Motiejūnaitė 2002), Iceland (Brodo & Ahti 1996; Feuerer 2006), Norway, Sweden (Holien & Tønsberg 1985, Santesson et al. 2004). Asia: Russia (Brodo & Ahti 1996; Ahti & Hammer 2
-Common Name
- named for its resemblance to the tiny cups that pixies or wood fairies drink from.
002; Kristinsson et al. 2006). North America: Canada (Brodo & Ahti 1996), U.S.A. (Thomson 1976; Hammer 1995; Brodo & Ahti 1996 and literature cited therein; Ahti & Hammer 2002). South America: Argentina (Tierra del Fuego) (Brodo & Ahti 1996 and literature cited therein; see also additional specimens examined). Antarctica (Brodo & Ahti 1996 and literature cited therein; Osyczka & Olech 2005).
Evans, Alexander W. “Notes on North American Cladoniae.” The Bryologist, vol. 58, no. 2, 1955, pp. 93–112. JSTOR, Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.
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