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I condem those that print and reprinted the prophet caricatures. Free Speech do not mean the right to offend others belief. No more Danish Cookies or Danish or Nederland anything for me, TQ..
- In case it interests you, there is a counter-boycott underway - see this cartoon[1]. I'm sure I'm not the only one eating Danish cookies and Havarti cheese to reward their country for defending freedom of speech.
- For you, your food; for you, your value. I not buying either one of it anymore.Yosri 12:54, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
Please remove the cartoon from the page. Provide a link out for those who wish to see it. You are counting voting written in English, which is not relevent to a lot of Muslim. Putting it in is showing insensitivity, self centered. Free speech does not mean the right to insult others. It is not the picture which is offensive. If you put the cartoon title as Bush in Iraq, not many muslim care about it. It is the meanest of spirit behind it, publishing picture which is known will be insulting, and then ask why are you angry? Of course I am angry, and insulted. How can two civilization live together when one keep pushing and hurting physically and mentally the other. Muslim is being killed in Palestine, and Iraq. The western newspaper ignore it, or just show 1 or 2 officer under trial and claimed "Look we have punish them." Well there are thousand of other cases. This is no free speech. It's just selected coverage. Please remove the cartoon from the page. Yosri 13:23, 8 February 2006 (UTC) Yosri 01:35, 24 April 2007 (UTC)
[edit]- Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser
- Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/User manual
- User:Ganeshk/CSVLoader/Walkthrough
- User:Ganeshk/CSVLoader/Find_and_replace
Western Double Standard Value
- Professor Edwin Thumboo’s Adnan & Comrades At Bukit Chandu:
- Deep rumbling guns; sharp whistle in the air,
- Their shells rip in to churn our earth.
- Then attacks propelled by fury. Yet no despair,
- No crack in our resolve. Freedom’s worth
- Is the blood we shed. Our cause is just;
- Our sacrifice will never, ever, be in vain.
- Ta’at Setia: we hold our hill, we must.
- Come comrades, duty stirs our souls again.
- The enemy are many; we are few
- At one strategic point they boldly came,
- Across a stream, up ravines wet with dew.
- We bayonet-drove, we slew; left many lame.
- From that clash their hatred grew.
- Days and nights are sad with mourning:
- Broken houses, those children we can’t find;
- And for the dead, the dying and the groaning.
- War has no glory, only what’s bitterly unkind.
- We may yield the moment, not our inner self:
- A soldier’s oath, solemn made is deep
- with duty, honour, the fellowship of life itself.
- These we cherish and keep,
- As companions of our memory;
- as guardians of our sleep.
- Pantun
- A Rose is a thing of ideal beauty.
- It's color and smell touch the emotions
- Pantun ia a type of poetry
- That's a products of imagination
- It's color and smell touch the emotions
- Sharpen thorn guarded it's bodies
- That's a products of imagination
- the word loosely to mean whatever embodies
- Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
- The sweet smells linger still not gone
- Are heap'd for the beloved's bed;
- Love itself shall slumber on.
- Where are the kid, we used to know
- Running around causing a riot
- Lying asleep, we cress their brow
- Peacefully asleep, exhausted and tired. (Remnisiant)
- The house is silence that much I know
- Prime and prim, with empty bed
- No one around to make a row
- Why is then my heart, feel so sad (Present)
- Each has flown to its own nest
- Far and secure, happy and free (successful)
- Why then I cannot take a rest
- Why the thought did it bother me (longing)
- Perhaps someday we'll capture their attention
- When our tired body has come to rest (died)
- May be then, our name they mention (remember about us?)
- Will it be too late when thing come to pass (Future)
Senarai Universiti Indonesia yang menghina dan membakar lambang Islam dan bendera Malaysia
[edit]- Universitas Palangkaraya [1]
- Universitas Pakuan Bogor [2]
- Universitas Sultan Agung Tritayasa [3]
- Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) [4]
- Sultan Maulana Hasanudin (SMH) Banten [5]
- Universitas Tirtayasa (Untirta) [6]
- Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo [7]
- Universitas Pakuan Bogor [8]
- Universitas Indonesia [9]
- Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Manajemen [10]
- Untag Banyuwangi [11]
- Universitas Islam Sunan Giri [12]
- Institut Agama Islam Riyadatul Mujahidin Ponpes Walisongo [13]
[edit]- ^ Mahasiswa di Kalteng Bakar Bendera Malaysia, Polkam / Rabu, 2 September 2009 12:58 WIB
- ^ Mahasiswa Bogor Bakar Bendera Malaysia
- ^ Buntut "Pendet", Mahasiswa Banten Bakar Bendera Malaysia.
- ^ Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Protes Malaysia
- ^ Ganyang Malaysia Diwarnai Bakar Bendera Dan Kesurupan
- ^ Wednesday, 9 March 2005 - detikcom - Gambar Bendera Malaysia Dibakar di Depan Kedubes
- ^ Wednesday, 9 March 2005 - detikcom - Gambar Bendera Malaysia Dibakar di Depan Kedubes
- ^ Radar Banyuwangi, Kamis, 03 September 2009, Mahasiswa Bakar Bendera Malaysia
- ^ Monday, 26 November 2007 - detikcom - Berang Reog Ponorogo Dijiplak, Mahasiswa Bakar Bendera Malaysia
- ^ Monday, 26 November 2007 - detikcom - Berang Reog Ponorogo Dijiplak, Mahasiswa Bakar Bendera Malaysia