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Pes Anserine Bursitis


Bursitis is inflammation of the small, enclose jelly-like sacs known as bursae. The bursae are located near the shoulder, hip, heel, knees, and elbows acting as soft cushions to reduce friction. Having bursitis may limit motion but is generally a condition that is temporary and usually won't cause any deformities. Pes Anserine Bursitis is inflammation of the bursae between the tibia and three tendons of the hamstring muscle inside the knee. This will occur when the bursa produces too much fluid causing it to be irritated, and swell up putting pressure on the knees.






  1. ^ "Bursitis". www.hopkinsmedicine.org. Retrieved 2021-11-30.
  2. ^ "Pes Anserine (Knee Tendon) Bursitis - OrthoInfo - AAOS". www.orthoinfo.org. Retrieved 2021-11-30.
  3. ^ "Anserine - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics". www.sciencedirect.com. Retrieved 2021-11-30.