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My goal is to be familiar and know what repertoires are playing in concerts hall. In the United States, there are 5 big Orchestras; New York Philharmonic (1842), Boston Symphony Orchestra (1881), Chicago Orchestra (1891), Philadelphia Orchestra (1900), and Cleveland Orchestra (1918), and I used these as my references.

Each Orchestra has own their homepage, and their schedule could be found on the page.

Below schedules are from 2009, fall semester to 2010 spring semester.

BSO (2009- 2010)

Stravinsky- Symphony of psalms

Carter – Mosaic, for harp and ensemble

Debussy- Dances sacree et profane, for harp and orchestra

Ravel – La Valse

Stravinsky – Scherzo fantastique

Shostakovich- Symphony No. 10

Martino – The Frescoes of piero della Francesca

Stravinsky – Capriccio for piano and orchestra

Thomas – Helios Choros 2 ( Sun God Dancers)

Carter- Eight Etudes and a Fantasy, for wind quaetet

Stravinsky- Petrushka (1947)

Stravinsky- Symphony in Three Movements

Bartok- Divertimento for string Orchestra

Dvorak- Symphony No.8

Carter- Dialogues, for piano and orchestra

Berg- Three Pieces for Orchestra, Op.6

Prokofiev- Violin Concerto No.1

Rimsky – Korsakov- Scheherazade

Debussy- Jeux

Ligeti- Concerto Romanesc

Shostakovich- Piano Concerto No.1

Barber – Summer Music for wind Quintet

Bartok – Concerto for Orchestra

NYP (2009- 2010)

Schoenberg: Verklarte Nacht ( Transfigured Night)

Bartok: Music for String, Percussion and Celesta

Copland: Appalachian Spring Suite

Webern: Im Sommerwind

Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.2

George Benjamin: Dance Figures (Nine choreographic scenes for orchestra)

Barber: Violin Concerto

Hindemith: Symphony in E- flat

Magnus Lindberg- Feria

Elliott Carter:Au Quai

Bruch- Scottish Fantasy

Stravinsky- Les Noces

Stravinsky- Symphonies of Wind Instruments,Jeu de Cartes, Symphony of Psalms, the Firebird, Petrushka (1911 original version), Le roi des etoiles, Violin Concerto, Oedipus Rex, Orpheus, Renard, The Soldier's Tale, Symphony in C, Capriccio for Piano and Orchestra

Ligeti: Le Grand Macabre (Semi- staged)

Shostakovich-piano Quintet

Stravinsky- Symphony in Three Movements Concerto for Piano and Wind, The Rite of the Spring

Magnus Lindberg- Arena

Sibelius- Violin Concerto

Chicago Symphony Orchestra (2009-2010)

Shostakovich- Symphony No.15 in A Major, Op.141

Hindemith- Symphony Metamorphosis on Themes of Carl Maria von Weber

Bernstein- Divertimento for Orchestra

Barber-Knoxville: Summer of 1915

Williams-“Hedwig’s Theme” from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer;s Stone Suite

Stravinsky- Dumbarton Oaks

Schoenberg- Chamber Symphony No.1

Bartok- Divertimento for String Orchestra

Rimsky-Korsakov- Flight if the Bumblebee from The Tale of Tsar of Saltan

Scriabin- Sonata No.10

Barber- Sonata

Bartok- Bluebeard’s Castle

Berg- Violin Concerto

Stravinsky- The Rite of Spring

Bartok- Concerto for Two Pianos, Percussion and Orchestra

Stavinsky- The Firebird[complete ballet]

Rimsky-Korsakov- Capriccio espagnol

Berg- Three Pieces for Orchestra

Stravinsky- Ode, Apollo(Ballet in Two Scenes), Oedipus rex

Schostakovich- Symphony No.11(the year1905)

Berg- Adagio from the Chamber Concerto

Scheonberg- Chamber Symphony No.9 (arr.Webern)

Copland- Suite from Appalachian Spring

Shostakovich- Piano Trio No.2 in E Minor, Op. 67

Shostakovich- Sonata in D Minor

Piazzolla- Le Grand Tango

Stravinsky- Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments

Prokofiev- Symphony No.4

Stravinsky- Le Chant du rossignol

Piazzolla- The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires

Nielsen- Symphony No.5

Shostakovich- symphony No.6

Bartok- String Quartet No.1, Op.7

Bartok- Concerto for Orchestra

The Cleveland Orchestra


Franck: Symphony in D minor

Mussorgsky/Ravel: Pictures at an Exhibition

Shostakovich: Symphony No.5

Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue

Gershwin: “Ballet for Fred and Ginger” from Shall We Dance?

Barber: Adagio for Strings

Shostakovich: Cello Concerto No.1

Copland: Suite from Appalachian Spring

Messiaen: L’Asxension

Prokofiev: Suite from Romeo and Juliet

Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.1

Berg: Suite from Lulu

The Philadelphia Orchestra

Glinka: Kamarinskaya, Fantasy fir Orchestra on Two Russian Folksongs

Copland: Variations on a Shaker Melody, from Appalachian Spring

Johnson:” Life Every Voice and Sing”

Franck: Symphony in D minor

Walker: Violin Concerto(world premiere)

Martinu: Symphony no.3

Rimski-Korsakov : Sheherazade

Barber: Night Flight

Stravinsky: Suite from The Firebird (1911 original)

Barber: Overture to The School for Scandal

Hindemith: Klein Kammermusik (Quintet for Wind Instruments), Op.24

Deak-: Bye Bye, for flute and percussion

Barber: Summer Music, Op. 31 for wind quintet

Poulenc: Sextet, for piano and winds

Shostakovich: Symphony No.11 (“The Year 1905”)

Sibelius: Symphony No.2

Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring

Stravinsky: Petrushka

Sheng: The Phoenix

Musorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition

What I felt from this research is that Stravinsky music is so popular in any concert hall. Even some of certain repertoire is shared everywhere such as Petrushka or the Rite of Spring.

Except him, Bartok, Berg, or Shostakovich is also popular in concert halls, even if the repertoire is not exactly the same.

So,I would like to present brief biography of Igor Stravinsky, and his works, The Rite of The Spring, and Petrushka, which is my purpose that focus on becoming familiar with mordern music, and Bela Bartok's biography and his musical charateristcs.

Igor Stravinsky

1.Russian composer, pianist, and conductor.

2.His teacher: Rimsky –Korsakof

3.Biography- 1. Russia 2. Switzerland, 3. France, 4. America

4.Stylistic period- 1. Russian, Neoclassical 3. Serial

5.Characteristic- Rhythm, Neoclassicism..

6. His works - Capriccio for piano and orchestra Ode, Apollo(Ballet in Two Scenes), Oedipus rex The Rite of the Spring Petrushka

The Rite of the Spring

It is ballet music by Russian composer, Igor Stravinsky. The characteristic of the music is innovative complex rhythmic structures, timbres, and use of dissonance. His beginning idea was that the wise elders are seated in a circle and are observing the dance before death of the girl whom they are offering as a sacrifice to the god of Spring in order to gain his benevolence. This piece was made between 1912 and 1913 for Serge Diahilev’s Ballets Russes.

The intensely rhythmic score and primitive scenario was enough new to shock audiences, and as one of the example, there is the episode that Paris police arrived by intermission because of the happening from the chaos.

  • The Two Parts

First Part: A Kiss of the Earth (Première Partie: L'adoration de la Terre)

• Introduction

• The Augurs of Spring [: Dances of the Young Girls] (Les Augures Printaniers: Danses des Adolescentes)

• Ritual of Abduction (Jeu du Rapt)

• Spring Rounds (Rondes Printanières)

• Ritual of the Two Rival Tribes (Jeux des Cités Rivales)

• Procession of the Oldest and Wisest One [the Sage] (Cortège du Sage)

• The Kiss of the Earth (The Oldest and Wisest One) [(The Sage)] (Adoration de la Terre (Le Sage))

• The Dancing Out of the Earth, OR The Dance Overcoming the Earth (Danse de la Terre)

Second Part: The Exalted Sacrifice (Seconde Partie: Le Sacrifice)

• Introduction

• Mystic Circle of the Young Girls (Cercles Mystérieux des Adolescentes)

• The Naming and Honoring of the Chosen One (Glorification de l'Élue)

• Evocation of the Ancestors OR Ancestral Spirits (Evocation des Ancêtres)

• Ritual Action of the Ancestors (Action Rituelle des Ancêtres)

• Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen One) (Danse Sacrale (L'Élue

Musical characteristics Stravinsky’s music is harmonically adventurous, with dissonance, which has color and musical energy. He used asymmetrical rhythms, percussive dissonance, polyrhythms, polytonality, layering of ostinati (constantly repeated ideas), and melodic fragments that makes complex webs of interactive lines, and is influenced by primitivism.

Ex)  An example of primitivism 

The music is used as a standard of dance troupes, and as also was soundtrack of Disney’s animation, Fantasia, has getting more popular to people(1940).


The story is a Russian traditional puppet, Petrushka, who is made of straw and with a bag of sawdust as his body, but comes to life and have advanced emotions. It is similar with Pinocchio. Stravinsky wrote the music between 1910-1911 for sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes. This is characterized by Petroshka chord, which is most well –known name to people, a bitonality device presenting the appearance of the main character. The Petrushka chord is consists of C major and F# major triads together.

It has four sections.

Part I: The Shrovetide Fair

• Introduction (at the Shrovetide Fair)

• The Charlatan's Booth

• Russian Dance

Part II: Petrushka's Cell

• Petrushka's Cell

Part III: The Moor's Room

• The Moor's Room

• Dance of the Ballerina

• Waltz - The Ballerina & the Moor

Part IV: The Shrovetide Fair (Evening)

• Dance of the Wet Nurses

• Peasant With Bear

• The Jovial Merchant with Two Gypsy Girls

• Dance of the Coachmen and Grooms

• The Masqueraders

• The Fight - The Moor and Petrushka

• Death of Petrushka

• Apparition of Petrushka's Double

Bella Bartok

He is a Hungarian composer and pianist, and his collection and analytical study of folk music shows one of the founders of ethnomusicology. He was born in Austria –Hungary on March, 25, 1881 with notable musical talent. In 1908, folk music and the contemporary resurgence influenced his music, and made him feel travel to collect the Magyar folk melodies. He could collect the folk song melodies based on pentatonic scales similar to those in Oriental folk traditions.

The breakdown of the diatonic system of harmony and the revival of nationalism are his musical characteristics, and Milhail Glinka and Antonin Dvorak in the last half of the 19th century also joined the trend. One of his characteristic style is Night Music, used in slow movements of multi- movement. Eerie dissonances are used to sound nature and lonely melodies.


Wekipedia. Igor Stravinsky. http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Igor_Stravinsky.

Wekipedia. The Rite of String. http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/The_Rite_of_Spring.

Wekipedia. Petrushka. http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Petrushka.

Wekipedia. Bela Bartok. http://en.wiki.x.io/wiki/Bela_bartok.

Boston Symphony Orchestra. Complete Season. http://bso.org/bso/mods/complete_season.jsp?id=bcat13760008.

Cleveland Orchstra. Concert Listing. http://www.clevelandorchestra.com/html/Performance/ViewByMonth.asp?season=WinterSeason.

New York Philharmonic. Concerts & Tikets. http://nyphil.org/attend/season/index.cfm?page=eventsByMonth&dateRequest=12/1/2009&seasonNum=9.

Chicargo Symphony Orchestra. Season and Tickets. http://www.cso.org/ Philadelphia Orchestra. Concerts & Subscription. http://www.philorch.org/calendar.html?full_filter=all.