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한글This user can read Hangul.

Hi. I Guess This Is My Page? I edited a Major Edit On WW1. (The Battle of Cer)

Im Full Korean American.

 South Korea

I Support Ukraine In the Russo-Ukrainian War (Who Doesn't?)

And I Also Support Israel and Pakistan (Both of My Friends are from Those Countries Respectively) I Think Bougainville Should Be Independent In 2026.

이 사용자는 한국인입니다. This user is of Korean ancestry.

My Opinion on the Russo-Ukrainian War


My Opinion is that Russia First attacked in 2014, Annexing of Crimea, Which was a rigged vote, Crimea is Mostly Russian, but, Luansk and Donetsk is where it gets controversial, Even though they committed war crimes, the ICJ has done NOTHING to stop Russia. I get that if the United States Attacks, WW3 would start, but still, give Russia a sanction



I love the Washington Commanders