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Gasblaster ... Gasblaster is the trade name for an advanced pyrotechnic gas pressure blasting device (shot cartrtidge) for use in rock breaking, dimensional stone quarrying, mining and marine and above ground demoloition. The technology, owned by DGP(Global LLP)has a unique (UK Patent Granted, international submitted) process that removes the need for stemming, an addittional process and practical downside to traditional gas pressure blasting pyrotechnic products.

Background Traditional pyrotechnic blasting sytems require that the drill hole needs to be stemmed (back filled and tamped)after the charge has been placed. Failure to do this means that the low rate of gas expansion on ignition (much lower than high-explosives)causes the charge to exit (push itself out of)the drill hole without imparting the force neccessary to break the target substrate. Stemming is the process of creating a backfilled 'cap' to the drill hole in an atempt to retain thjen cahrge in the hole nuntilll it carries out its final expansion stage creating the desired heave seefect in situ to break the target substrate. Typically stemming material is dampened crushed rock, sand or a mixture of both. The inherent inconsistency of standard stemming material and the manual process required to install it, can cause bulk traditional gas pressure blasting operations to suffer from a high failure rate. High failure rate is not experienced with traditioonal high explosives or with the advanced Gasblaster system.

