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The ancient Roman general Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa was married trice and appears to have had at least nine children who lived to adulthood, two from his first wife, two more from his second one, and five from his last wife. His first marriage was to Pomponia Caecilia Attica (daughter of the wealthy banker Titus Pomponius Atticus) which resulted in a daughter named Vipsania and another daughter who's exact name is unknown; his second marriage to Claudia Marcella Major (niece of the first Roman emperor Augustus) brought at least two more daughters of uncertain names; while his third and last marriage to Julia the Elder (only biological child of Augustus) produced his five most well known children, three sons named Gaius, Lucius and Postumus, as well as two daughters, Julia the Younger and Agrippina Major.
Agrippa's children belonged to the elite of early Imperial Roman society and were given great attention by their relative emperor Augustus, all of them (with the exception of his youngest son Postumus) were given away by the emperor in important dynastic marriages, despite this several of his children's lives were cut short or marred with tragedies, according to ancient biographer Tacitus only his daughter Vipsania by Attica died of natural causes.[1]
Several of Agrippa's children's exact names are unrecorded in surviving ancient sources, and a couple of their existences were largely unknown until relatively recently. Due to this there is some debate on exactly how many they were and which of Agrippa's wives were their mothers. Historians also often disagree about important dates in their lives, such as birth, marriage and death dates.
Besides... fredmen confused[3]
Uncertainty over his cognomen.[4][5][6]
Legitimate children
[edit]With Attica
[edit]Agrippa's first marriage was to Pomponia Caecilia Attica, the daughter of Cicero's friend Titus Pomponius Atticus. The marriage is believed to have taken place in the late 40s BC and early 30s BC, possibly as early as 43 BC.[9]
"Anfangs hielt ich diesen Vipsanius Atticus für einen Sohn des Marcus , und bei genauer Nachs forschung fand ich diese Meinung auch schon von Spalding zum Quinctiliat * ) ausgesprochen . 9."[17]
"Vipsanius Atticus, a name entirely in line with the typologies of this era, should be returned to the text of Seneca and to the list of known pupils of Apollodorus"[21]
Attica may have been dead by 32 BC.[26]
With Marcella
[edit]Agrippa's second marriage was to Claudia Marcella Major, the eldest daughter of Octavia the Younger (sister of Augustus). Suetonius mentions that Agrippa and Marcella had children, but does not mention how many, their names, when they were born, what gender they were or how long they lived. Despite this modern historians have managed to puzzle together a few things about them when searching for them among scattered references.[34] It was long thought that Agrippa and Marcella only had one child together to live to adulthood,[35] a daughter whom no real information about was avalable, this daughter was given a composite name to distinguish her from her sisters from Agrippa's other marriages.[b] But as new information was discovered and men such as Quintus Haterius, Publius Quinctilius Varus,[36] and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus[37] began to be speculated to have been Agrippa's sons-in-law by a daughter or daughters of Marcella opinions began to shift. Ronald Syme believed the wives of each men were three different people, one Vipsania who married Varus, a Vipsania who married Lepidus and one Vipsania who married Haterius, but Syme also argued that Haterius wife was a daughter of Agrippa by his first wife Attica, not Marcella, based on Vipsania and Haterius sons age.[38] Meyer Reinhold rebuted and argued that Varus wife was the daughter of Attica, Ludwig Koenen has entertained this possibility as well,[39] while Franziska Knopf thought that Haterius wife could be Marcella's daughter.[40] Reinhold entirely rejects this proposal.[41] Some historians also think that Varus and Lepidus wives were not separate people. None the less Syme's view hold majority opinion in the 21st century.[42]
Historian John Pollini also believe that they had at least one son together, whom he identifies as a young boy on the Ara Pacis.[46] "Al- though it is indeed likely that Agrippa and Marcella Maior pro- duced at least one son, who might have died in early childhood, I no longer think that he is"[47]
"La seconda donna di Agrippa fu poi Marcella minore figlia di G. Marcello console nel 70^ e di Ottavia sorella di Augusto, con cui si marilô nel 726 pei' cio che si lia da Dionc^ e colla quale lecc divorzio sette anni appresso, onde passare al ialamo di Giulia ^. Ora quantunque P. Vipsanio possa essere stato frutto dell' uno dell' allro di questi jnatrimoni, molto piii Yolenticri peraltro inchino a crcderlo nato da Marcella, essendo che Suetonio asserisce espressamente ^, cli' clla genero alquanti figli : crlNam tum Agrippa alleram Marcellam uxoreni rrhabebat, et ex ea liberos,^ quantunque la storia non ci abbia coiiservata alcun' altra memoria di loro. Questo silenzio peraltio saià fticilniente spiegato, supponendo che dopo la destinazione al trono del lamo cadetto la gelosia di stato contenesse sempre il figlio di Marcella nclla condizione di privato. E vi sarà anzi tutta la verisiniiglianza che l'odio di Tiberio per la sua famiglia lo consigliasse ad astenersi dalla capitale, ed a menare oscura vita a Corinto, ove starcbbe bene che si fosse pensato ad onorarlo délia prima niagistratura délia città in compagnia di M. Bellio Proculo, quando dopo la morte di Tiberio si vide elevato al soglio impériale Galigola figlio di una sua sorella, quantunque la di lui superbia lo niovesse qualche tempo dopo a vergognarsi di essere cosi strettamente congiunto di parentela ail' ignobile famiglia dei Vipsani.
Certo che la distanza dei tempi non somministra alcuna difficoltà srcontro qiiesta opinione, perché se il matrimonio di sua madré fu re- scisso nel 788, e se le iiostre medaglie furono probabilmente impresse nel 792, in cui si decretarono ad Antonia gli onori imperiali, quel Vipsanio sarebbe stato allora nell' età niente inverisimile di circa sessant' anni. Piuttosto poLrebbe opporsi con maggior apparenza di fondamento, che nel 778 non era più vivo alcuno dei figli di M. Agrippa, perché Tacito scrive in quell' anno : ce At Drusus Urbe egressus repetendis aucfspiciis, mox ovans introiit. Paucosque post dies Vipsania mater ejus ffexcessit, una omnium Agrippae liberorum miti obitu : nam ceteros crmanifestum ferro, vel creditum est veneno aut famé extinctos ^ ii Peraltro è certo che lo storico risguarda in quel luogo ad avvenimenti anche posteriori , narrando egli stesso altrove che Giulia una délie figlie di Agrippa peri nei 781, e Agrippina sua sorella nel 786, onde da quel passo nuir altro puô ricavarsi se non che anche il figlio di Marceîla cadesse di morte violenta. Ma senza pregiudizio puô ben concedersi , ch' egli pure dopo la sua magistratura fosse vittima délia crudeltà di Galigola verso i suoi parenti accennata da Suetonio, ove parla dell' ucci- sione di suo cugino il re Tolomeo, 0, se anche si vuole , che lo fosse giîi stato dcir odio di Tiberio, niente vietando in qucsto caso, che il duuni- viro da lui nascesse, e che per conseguenza invece di essere un figlio di M. Agrippa sia piuttosto un suo nipote. Del resto queste riflessioni sono state precipuamente fatte per mostrarc, che quantunque le soprade- scritte medaglie siano state impresse a Gorinto , ciô non di meno non p. 80 * !î9. meritano di essere comprese nel bando, che dalla série délie famiglie è stato dato dall' Eckhel aile monete coloniali, dal quai bando qualch' aitra ne ho pure eccettuata nell' osservazione terza délia Décade décima , e nell' osservazione sesta délia Décade undecima, essendovi apparenza che in questa pure non si ricordi già un uomo délia feccia del popolo, ma il discendente di uno dei personaggi piii celebrati di Roma."[48]
P. Vipsanius Agrippa, Bartolomeo Borghesi argued[49][50][51][52]
"I am unable to de- termine whether P. Vipsanius Agrippa, the duumvir of Corinth, was descended from Agrippa, or from his brother, or from some other relative of theirs who is unknown to us."[56]
"P. Vipsanius Agrippa was undoubtedly related to M. Agrippa, but I cannot accept Borghesi's view (2.198-202) that he was a son of Agrippa by Marcella, or a grandson of Agrippa"[57]
With Julia
[edit]rare praenomen Pupus?[64][65][66]
[edit]Vipsania Julia
[edit]Possible illegitimate children
[edit]Marcus Vipsanius Gallicanus[68]
Foster children
[edit]The relief on the Ara Pacis depicts Agrippa with a young boy clinging to his toga, in the past this boy was long assumed to be one of Agrippa's two oldest sons with Julia, Gaius or Lucius, but recent analysis has shifted opinion towards it being a representation of a foreign child being raised with Agrippa, likely an eastern prince based on his attire.[73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84]
Possible step-children
[edit]Cultural depictions
[edit]In Robert Graves' books (written before several discoveries), I, Claudius and Claudius the God, a single daughter of Agrippa and Marcella is mentioned to exist. She is depicted as having committited suicide for unexplained reasons early on, but later in the story Roman empress Livia claims that she killed herself over guilt for committing incest with her father, in order to secretly instigate his poisoning.
[edit]Timeline of events in Agrippa's life
Family tree
The above tree takes into account all of Agrippa's possible legitimate children that have been identified.
See also
[edit]- Children of Julius Caesar
- Children of Tiberius
- Children of Caligula
- Children of Claudius
- Children of Nero
- Children of Germanicus
- Children of Octavia the Younger
- Children of Marcus Aurelius
- Children of Augustus
- Children of Domitian
- Children of Mark Antony
[edit]- ^ A woman by the name Vipsania Atticilla is attested to have been married to a freedman,[24][25] and since she was married to a freedman is is likely she herself was from a freed family, and not related to Agrippa, which implies that a name like "Vipsanius Atticus" or similar seems to have been given to freed slaves.
- ^ Due to Roman naming conventions all daughters of a man were named the same thing in Republican Rome, the feminized form of their fathers nomen and as Agrippa was a Vipsanius all his daughters would have been named Vipsania.
- ^ It may be inspired by John Malalas (491-578) who stated that Octavian married Octavia to Agrippa before the Battle of Actium, after Antony abandoned her.[86] This claim is similarly made by Byzantine historian Zonaras.[87] Later depictions[88][89]
[edit]- ^ Pagán, Victoria Emma (2017). Tacitus. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 31. ISBN 9781786731326.
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- ^ file:///C:/Users/Isabel/Documents/GIPE-014180.pdf
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- ^ Guerra, Liborio Hernández (2005). Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Historia Antigua: "la Hispania de los Antoninos (98-180)" : Valladolid, 10, 11 y 12 de noviembre de 2004. Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial. p. 283. ISBN 9788484483465.
AE 1990, 516. M. Ulpius Lupus dedica un epígrafe funerario a su esposa Vipsania Atticilla, en Emérita.
- ^ Sáinz, José María Solana; Mañanes, Tomás (1999). Inscripciones de época romana de la provincia de Valladolid. Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, Universidad de Valladolid. p. 66.
A Vipsania Atticilla de 28 años. Marco Ulpio Lupo, liberto augustal, a su mujer.
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- ^ file:///C:/Users/Isabel/Documents/zrgra.1999.116.1.49.pdf
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- ^ Shackleton Bailey, David Roy (1991). Two Studies in Roman Nomenclature. Scholars Press. p. 68. ISBN 9781555406660.
In 58 Cicero refers to his recently - born daughter as ' Caecilia ' ( Att . 116 ( VI.2 ) .10 , 118 ( VI.4 ) .3 ) , thereafter as ' Attic ( ul ) a'- but never to Atticus himself as ' Caecilius . ' Caecilia in CIL VI.13795 may be her
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- ^ Syme, Ronald (1989). The Augustan Aristocracy (illustrated and revised ed.). Clarendon Press. p. 144. ISBN 9780198147312.
- ^ Powell, Lindsay (2015). Marcus Agrippa: Right-Hand Man of Caesar Augustus. Pen and Sword. ISBN 9781473853812.
- ^ Meyer Reinhold, “M. Agrippa's Son-in-Law P. Quinctilius Varus,” CPh 67 (1972), 119-21).
- ^ R. Syme, The Augustan Aristocracy, Oxford, 1986, p. 125.
- ^ Syme, Ronald (1989). The Augustan Aristocracy (illustrated and revised ed.). Clarendon Press. p. 145. ISBN 9780198147312.
- ^ American Journal of Ancient History. Vol. 1–4. 1976. p. 140.
- ^ Knopf, Franziska (2012). Die Ehepolitik des Augustus (Octavian): Eine Untersuchung zu den Eheschließungen innerhalb der "domus Augusta". Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag. p. 87. ISBN 9783828855403.
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- ^ Nogueira, Adeilson (2020). Gens Nas Moedas Romanas. Clube de Autores.
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- ^ Kleiner, Diana E. E.; Buxton, Bridget (2008). "Pledges of Empire: The Ara Pacis and the Donations of Rome". American Journal of Archaeology. 112 (1): 57–89. doi:10.3764/aja.112.1.57. JSTOR 40037244.
- ^ Pollini, John (1986). "Ahenobarbi, Appuleii and Some Others on the Ara Pacis". American Journal of Archaeology. 90 (4): 453–460. doi:10.2307/506032. JSTOR 506032.
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- ^ (Borghesi Oeuvres II. 198)
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- ^,+molto+pi%C3%B9+volentieri+peraltro+inchino+a+crederlo+nato+da+Marcella%22&source=bl&ots=e8qiQoAxGZ&sig=ACfU3U135iarni0wrtLXTCtkFeTpGEAo9g&hl=sv&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjFzP_h_J_tAhU3CRAIHaRUBtIQ6AEwAHoECAEQAg#v=onepage&q=%22Ora%20quantunque%20P.%20Vipsanio%20possa%20essere%20stato%20frutto%20dell%20'%20uno%20o%20dell%20'%20altro%20di%20questi%20matrimoni%20%2C%20molto%20pi%C3%B9%20volentieri%20peraltro%20inchino%20a%20crederlo%20nato%20da%20Marcella%22&f=false
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- ^,+or+from+his+brother,+or+from%22&dq=%22was+descended+from+Agrippa,+or+from+his+brother,+or+from%22&hl=sv&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjpvpSj9p_tAhXuCRAIHcyHCfAQ6AEwAHoECAAQAg
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