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User:StaEva/WOMB (Band)

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WOMB is an experimental band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Their music is characterized by distorted bass tones and intensely hypnotic textural noise mixed with classical string arrangements which create vaguely eastern European atmospheric overtones.

WOMB is known for incorporating uniquely personal symbolism into their work, both sonically and conceptually. Carl Jung, Aleister Crowley, Kenneth Anger, and David Lynch have all been cited as major influences.



WOMB began in 2007 as the collaborative effort of Steven D'Eva and Alexi Constantine.

"We both received a strange subliminal message, autonomous of one another yet carrying the same archetypal information—that creation, as an act of will, pure and unfiltered by hedonism and/or cravings for instant gratification, is perfect in its conception. This message came in the form of a dream and was the direct result of my intense, months-long study of the number 260."- D'Eva

Alexi and D'Eva first met in 2005, when Alexi briefly became the vocalist for D'Eva's then band Luminance. After several months, Luminance disbanded and D'Eva went on to form the short lived and sadly unknown group Inoti without Alexi. Nearly a year passed with no communication between the two, but when Inoti was forced into an indefinite hiatus in the autumn of 2007, D'Eva struck out on a new project with different ideas and a much more compositional approach in mind. It was several months later that Alexi would contact Steven, seemingly by coincidence, however, as D'Eva has been quoted saying many times:

"Coincidence is a dangerous word—it implies that the universe is constructed on chaotic forces of imbalanced chance. Synchronicity is a much more appropriate conveyance of what we're talking about. Causation is not a chaotic force, it is extremely beautiful and in perfect harmony with all laws of nature, especially those currently unknown to human minds. It was necessary for the two of us to collaborate for our personal wills to be fulfilled and to thus fulfill our natural purpose. Natural law being somewhat inextricable from causation, the process become quite clear and rudimentary."

