Hello ! Wikipedians & Ofcourse you will be If you are not, If you willn't what the Hell can I do ??(Sorry for violence).By the hell,
My name is Sangam Adhikari ( SawOnGam). I'm a rookie but what TF matters ?
I'm still the best and few more days to be a legendary veteran ,Ain't I ?? Of Course I that's not a Shit to ask 'bout.I was born in Earth,Still live in Earth and if I had enough time would be too and ahhh-ahh Bullshit !! Main thing I just forgot to Introduce that I am a Human Being !!!same as all the persons With Pair of Eyes,Ears,Legs,Hands and so on....(Stick in the Topic!! ) Sorry Now what I was to stick 'bout is !!!!!( WTF What's my freaking topic is ??)Oh It's my Bio and it's goes like this and that;
Many topics are naturally referred to by different names. For example, baby and infant mean the same thing. But Wikipedia doesn't have a separate article for each synonym (one article defining babies is enough). Therefore, Wikipedia includes a method for linking synonyms so that they lead to the same article. This is done using redirects.
To create a redirect, start a new page for the synonym and in it put only this:
#REDIRECT [[target page]]
...where target page is the name of the article the synonym should lead to. When a user clicks on a link with the synonym, he or she is automatically sent to the [[target page]].
Caveat: do not manually create redirects when you want to rename a page, because then the history of the page resides at the old title. Use the move tab instead, found at the top of every page, which also moves the history.