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User:Rumiñawee/Capitulación de Quito

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The Capitulation of Quito is an instrument of surrender by which the appointed representatives of Field Marshall Melchor de Aymerish negociated the terms of redeployment of the royalist spanish forces from Quito the capital of the Real Audiencia of the same name. The terms were drafted by the royalist party and were accepted in its entiety by the appointed representatives of General Antonio José de Sucre.

  • The royalist forces were given two days to prepare for their departure, all officers will keep their horses, uniforms, side arms, sables, acauntremonts and personal possesions.
  • All soldiers will keep their uniforms and insignia, their personal possesions and short arms of personal defense.
  • The flags of the surrendering forces were to be carried away by the departing army.
  • Provisions were made for medical care for the wounded and those soldiers willing to joint the liberation army were offered honorable conditions for their enlistment. Those soldiers willing to take residence in the department were wellcome to stay if they had family members in the city or in the department.
  • The departing troops pledged to travel without delay and by the most direct route to the Port of Buenaventura from where they commited to depart to other spanish possesions.

Venue of the signing ceremony


On the 25th May 1822, Colonels Gonzalés, Martínez and Bray on behalve of commander of the royalist forces were received at the Church of San Agustín in the central district of Quito by the eclesiatical autorities of the Archidioceses of Quito and by Colonels Morales y Santa Cruz od the liberation armies. The hall where the document was signed is preserved today with the original furniture and oil paintings produced during the period are displayed, the images show both Sucre and Aymerish in the hall, but they did not attended the ceremony.

Passes were issued to Marshall de Aymerish, 170 officers and 700 men that undertook the conditions of the capitulation.



Historia del Ecuador by Gabriel Cevallos Garcia. Historia del Ecuador by Francisco Huerta Rendón.


--Rumiñawee (talk) 14:36, 3 June 2011 (UTC)

Category:Peace treaties