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User:Pwat/Sail-and-oar events

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Raid - A sail and oar adventure ... This is a temporary repository for material to explain ""Raid" - A sail and oar adventure." for the purpose of disambiguation.

The author proposes to sort out the citations, links, format, etc. though if anyone feels inclined to do it they are welcome.

Raid - A sail and oar adventure for small boats. The organiser of the 2010 & 2011 "English Raid", in describing raiding states; "The idea of making coastal voyages in company, in open boats powered by sail and oar, was given currency by the French group Albacore, led by Charles-Henri le Moing during the 1990s, starting in Portugal and Scotland. Called ‘Raids’ in French (e.g. google ‘raid velo’), the word has slipped into English and lost its usual associations of pillage and destruction – to those who participate at least."

The whole of the above can be read at The English Raid (citation = http://www.raidengland.org/?page_id=7),

Other extant examples of raids include:- • Dorestad Raid (citation = http://www.natuurlijkvaren.nl/dorestadraid.htm & http://www.drascombe-association.org.uk/articles/Dorestad_Raid05.html)

• Sail Caledonia (citation = http://www.sailcaledonia.org)

• The Vela Raid in Venice (citation = http://www.velaraid.it/eng/info.html)

Further clarifications exist in:-

• “Hooked on Raiding” (citation = http://www.wolstenholmedesign.com/images/hooked-on-raiding-wc84.pdf)

• and in “Raid Boats International” (citation = http://www.raidboats.com)

The concept of sail and oar raiding is not new; The Vikings were famous for it! (citation = http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/vikings/vikings_at_sea/)



Pwat (talk) 09:42, 9 February 2012 (UTC)