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User:Puregenius08/International Day of the Rebecca Die Aestimationem

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Rebecca Die Aestimationem Rebecca Die Aestimationem, or Rebecca Appreciation Day or RAD as it is has been known since 1844, is observed every August the 8th since its inception in certain cults around 340 CE, originally from Byzantium

In 330 CE Constantine the Great needed assistance in his formation of Constantinople. In order to succeed he formed a secret society known as the Order Of The Camel. Members of the Order Of The Camel..OOTC..were able to tell each other apart in a most secret way, they named themselves all Rebecca. The OOTC took there namesake from the Hebrew Bible, Book 1, Chapter 24, Verse 6. Genesis 24:64. The verse stated that, "Rebecca lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac she dismounted from the camel". This was significant and as the Order was so secret it was necessary to make a fool proof way to recognize its members. To accomplish this members would approach any passing man on a Camel as say simply, "Rebecca?" If the rider responded with "Issac?" and received a nod he would dismount the camel, in a way to identify them selves as a member of the OOTC.

In the years after the formation of Constantinople the needs of the OOTC became mythical and renounced. Such that on the the hottest day of the year it was not uncommon for the Order's followers to go around muttering Rebecca to every person donning a camel, man or women. The tradition passed and spread and eventually the true meaning was lost and the celebratory day became less about the Order and more to do with praising Rebecca, and the might and power of the world. It was not an uncommon sight for men and women alike all over Europe and the Middle East to spend the day wandering amongst strangers asking randomly for Rebecca, hoping for a reply.

With the population burst after the plagues of the Middle Ages more and more daughters bore the name Rebecca, and the day started to become less about attempting to find one amongst strangers and became a day of appreciation for all those who bore the name.

One of the last of the original blood lines of the ancient Order was a town set up in a unmapped region of Russia. After the 1905 Russian Revolution the last members traveled to North America and founded the city of Rebecca in Turner County, Georgia.

Observance in the days before Constantinople became Istanbul, See Istanbul (Not Constantinople), involved asking strangers on camel back if they were Rebecca, if they said yes it was customary to kneel and as for the privilege to be spat upon by the honorable camel. Present day observations are still unknown.

