Parlement is a comic television series created by Noé Debré , co-produced in France, Belgium and Germany, and first broadcast on, the VOD platform of France Télévisions, in April 2020. The show is performed in three languages: French, English and German.
The series recounts the adventures and misadventures of Samy Kantor, a young French parliamentary assistant, who arrives for his first day in Brussels just after the Brexit referendum. Samy is completely inexperienced, but somehow finds himself responsible for getting an amendment on shark finning passed by the European Parliament. His task is not helped by the fact that his boss, the MEP Michel Specklin, is both incompetent and indifferent. Samy is obliged to learn quickly how to make the right alliances.
[edit]- Samy : Xavier Lacaille
- Rose : Liz Kingsman
- Michel : Philippe Duquesne
- Eamon : William Nadylam
- Ingeborg : Christiane Paul
- Torsten : Lucas Englander
- Sharon : Jane Turner
- Guido : Niccolo Senni
- Janet : Carole Weyers
External links
[edit]- Official site (in French)