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Welcome, you are browsing Pinus-'s Branch User Page. Today is September 5, 2024.

Committed identity: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821 is a Pi-31416 commitment to this user's real-life identity.
How to use Wikipedia Offline: XOWA

There is a way to have Wikipedia loaded on your computer so that you can view it when you don't have access to the Internet. It's called XOWA, and it's compatible with Microsoft Windows, OSX, Linux and Android.

XOWA allows users to download and import their own copy of Wikipedia using official database dumps, or by special hosted database files specifically created for use within XOWA. The application is designed to accurately display Wikipedia content through its own built-in browser, or by an internal hosted web server which allows users to access content using a browser of their own choice.

XOWA can load and display multiple wikis. It is not limited to just Wikipedia.

For instructions on how to download and install it, see the official XOWA webpage.

To add this auto-updating template to your user page, use {{totd}}

Self introduce


Hello!I am Pinus-,a Wikipedian that live in Kowloon,Hong Kong.
I have joined Wikipedia since 2010.
I am born in Hong Kong
I am in Primary 6, it is equals to Grade 6 in the USA.
I am interested in Computer programming, I hope I can know more computer knowledge.

This user is a Christian.

Wikipedian friends


About me

This user likes Pi(e).

Language skills


Mother language: Yue Chinese (粵語)
Professional Level: zh:Standard Mandarin (Putonghua)
Advance Level: English
Basic Ability: Japanese (日本語)


IDThis user's ID is 12558701 .
wiki-2This user is an intermediate Wikipedia editor.

Wikipedia secret area




I hope wikipedia will be do better and better,better than yesterday!