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User:Park8380/Larry I. Lipshultz

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Larry I. Lipshultz is a board certified urologist specializing in male infertility, erectile dysfunction, and microsurgery. He is affiliated with Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) in Houston, Texas, having achieved the position of Professor in the Scott Department of Urology. He is currently the chief of the male reproductive and surgery division at BCM . He also holds the Lester and Sue Smith Chair in Reproductive Medicine, and he is the medical director for the male reproductive research and testing laboratory. He is a senior adviser for BCM's Laboratory for Sexual Medicine. Dr. Lipshultz also serves as a contributor for Men's Health magazine.



Dr. Lipshultz received his undergraduate education from Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He earned his medical doctorate and completed residency training in urology at the University of Pennsylvania before he trained as a fellow in male reproductive medicine and surgery at the University of Texas in Houston.

