I like how you emphasized YouTubers or any social media person can influence on their supporters and their audience. However, I think you found it difficult to put what you had to say into words. I think you should state how they can influence their audience, how big of an impact their videos may have, and how these videos or posts can build their platform. Also, you said in the first sentence that "you may already know the different influencers who are out there", you should list examples because some may not know who is considered an influencer and who is not.
To help out, I made a couple of changes to what you said. ---Youtube consists of many influencers that post funny, food-related videos, and real events that happen in their life. There are a countless number of influences that have made a significant impact on people's lives because of the videos they may post. Influencers, mostly on youtube and Instagram, create different content and display ways to be successful in the filming or entertainment industry. As a result, it has allowed them to create a platform for themselves on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or vine. Social media platforms will enable them to reach a larger audience, where they can make more of an impact on their supporters. The fans that subscribe and follow them on social media, influencers use their support to advance their careers. Because of their influence on these platforms, they are being paid to promote, advertise, and post online. Nowadays, anyone can become famous if their video or post goes viral online. The difference between those who become viral and influencers is how they use that attention. [1]---