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User:Paintorg/American Coatings Association

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The American Coatings Association is a nonprofit, member-supported association representing professionals in the paint and coatings industry. It was founded on November 1, 1933 when the American Paint and Varnish Manufacturers Association and the National Paint, Oil and Varnish Association united and became the National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Association, eventually being renamed the American Coatings Association. Located in Washington, DC, the ACA works on the local, state, and federal levels to advance the needs of its members. Through its positions on legislative, judicial, and regulatory issues, the organization strives to ensure that the industry is fairly considered.

The ACA is a 501(c)3 organization. With _________ members it is the world's largest coatings society(?). The ACA holds two national meetings per year covering the fields of paint and coatings, in addition to sponsoring smaller technical conferences throughout the year. It publishes the prestigious scholarly Journal of Coatings Technology and Research and the leading industry trade magazine CoatingsTech.



On July 1, 2010, ACA launched the non-profit PaintCare[1] program in cooperation with the state of Oregon. The program manages the reuse, recycling, and disposal of leftover paint. About 30 collection centers have been established in paint stores across the state with another 60 centers scheduled to open in 2010.


  1. ^ About PaintCare N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2010.