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Digital Bystander effect/intervention


The Digital bystander effect, is a term that has gained alongside advancements in digital technology and the widespread adoption of online platforms, which extend from the bystander effect. The bystander effect, is a social psychological phenomenon defined by the individual reduction in willingness to offer helping behavior or intervene with a victim in the presence of other bystander situation. Digital bystanders or cyber-bystanders, refer to individuals who have the opportunity to intervene when they witness internet abuse or harmful communications and digital bystander intervention, including preventing or cease an online harmful content (Davidovic et al., 2023; Butler et al., 2022).

Previous psychology research has focused on “real-world” settings and highly studied in natural and laboratory contexts (Fischer et al., 2011). Raising recent psychology research has focused on re-examining the bystander effect within online environments and varied factors in online settings, such as perceived severity, visual anonymity, number of bystanders, diffusion of responsibility, and type of cyberbully that influence digital bystander effects and cyber-bystander's intention to intervene (Guazzini et al., 2019).

Variables affecting digital bystander effect/ intervention


Recognition and perceived severity and cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a public health concern nowadays including online harassment and spreading rumours (Peebles,2014; Nixon, 2014).

Current studies on online settings has applied the Bystander Intervention Model (BIM), which outlines five step in bystanders decision-making. Recent studies suggest that individuals’ recognition of and perception of the severity of events such as cyberbullying are strongly correlated to cyber-bystanders' tendency to intervene (Dillon & Bushman, 2015; Koehler & Weber, 2018; Huang et al., 2023).

Dillon and Bushman (2015) investigated the relationship between cyber-bystanders’ intention to intervene in cyberbullying. The study recruited 241 university students to participate in an experiment involving an online chatroom. Participants observed a cyberbullying scenario where a chat monitor responded with increasingly aggressive comments such as, “Figure it out yourself,” when another participant asked for help.The experiment assessed whether participants noticed the cyberbullying and intervened in the situation. The findings suggested that participants who recognized the cyberbullying were significantly more likely to intervene. (ß = −1.26, t(219) = −5.6, p < .001)

Moreover, Huang et al. (2023) outline the importance of the severity of the cyberbullying incident in computer-mediated communication (CMC) and cyber-bystander intention to intervene. Data were collected from 88 college students were presented with a cyberbullying scenario through Weibo news reports and comments that is about the government’s efforts to regulate the ownership of pet dogs. Participants were presented with a cyberbullying scenario of the Weibo comment with agreement of the news and a low and high severity aggressive response of others. Perceived severity and intention to intervene data would be measured by a 5 item measure and 7 items adapted from Bastiaensens et al. (2014) with a 7-point and 6-point Likert scale accordingly. The findings suggest that a high perceived severity condition correlated to a higher intention to intervene for cyber-bystanders. (t (78) = 3.77, p < 0.001). Showing cyber-bystanders more probable to intervene in a high perceived severity cyberbullying condition.

Consistent results have been reported in Bastiaensens et al. (2014) and Patterson et al. (2016), studies demonstrated a significant effect of cyberbullying incident severity on cyber-bystanders' behavioral intentions. These findings reported the positive correlation between perceived severity and the tendency of behavioral intervention which higher intervention intentions when cyber-bystanders perceived the incident as severe. However, existing studies in the field of online contexts are limited in their exploration of diverse social networking platforms. The aforementioned research primarily focuses on online platforms such as Facebook, Weibo, and online chatrooms, which limit examining cyber-bystander intentions on other online platforms such as Instagram.

Number of bystander and Diffusion of responsibility


Consistent to "real-world" settings, anonymity and physical isolation in online settings can also contribute to the diffusion of responsibility of cyber-bystanders (You & Lee, 2019). Recent studies illustrate the relation between the number of bystander and the diffusion of responsibility. Siegal (1972) also outlined a negative correlation between the number of bystanders and the intervention received, suggesting the more crowded a "real-world "context, the less likely bystanders were to provide help.

Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is a method to communicate via computer network (Yu, 2011;Yao & Ling, 2020).

Research conducted by Markey (2000) focuses on the number of bystanders and diffusion of responsibility. The study examined the relationship between the number of individuals present in a chat room and participants' response times when help was requested. The findings found a correlation between the number of bystanders in CMC contexts and the diffusion of responsibility, which led to delays in intervention and response. Markey's study involved 4,833 participants across 400 different online chat groups. Participants were presented with a stimulus question, which was repeated every minute until a response was received. The findings revealed a weak but a correlation between group size and response time (r(400) = 0.14, p < 0.01). The study's regression line analyses further reveal the negative correlation between group size and response time to help requests.

Moreover, Obermaier et al. (2016) also examine the number of bystanders and diffusion of responsibility in an online context. The study recruited 85 college participants and exposed them to two posts: the first post was a request for lecture notes by group member "Michi". And the second post highlighted a cyberbullying comment regarding the original questioner "Michi", such as “you are good for nothing and really have no business in university at all”. The study was based on the 5-point Likert scale to show the correlation of the number of bystanders (as indicated by "seen by 24" or "seen by 5025" notifications) and participants' feelings of responsibility and willingness to intervene in a cyberbullying setting. The findings suggest that the number of bystanders influence cyber-bystander's feelings of responsibility and willingness to intervene (β=−.07, p=.61) (β = −.11, p = .31) in a cyberbullying scenario, but not as a direct and significant correlation.

A consistent finding was also found in a study conducted by Blair et al. (2005), which indicated the correlation between the number of bystanders, diffusion of responsibility, and intervention rate. Study recruited 400 graduate-level participants, each of whom received an email searching for assistance with an online library task from an unknown university student with an indication that 0, 1, 14, or 49 others were also contacted. Participants were randomly assigned into the aforementioned 4 conditions and examined the correlation between the number of present cyber-bystanders and responses for help. The study utilized a four-level coding scheme to categorize participants' responses to online requests for assistance based on the degree of help provided. 4 levels presented as an ordinal ranking, reflecting levels of helpfulness and intervention provided by the participant. The data revealed a negative correlation between the presence of a larger number of cyber-bystanders and the response rate of email. Suggesting that virtual diffusion can, to some extent, contribute to the diffusion of responsibility and and the digital bystander effect. However, the findings also demonstrate that increasing the number of bystanders did not directly contribute to a rise in unresponsiveness for cyber-bystander intervention.

Type of cyberbully and intention to intervene

Some widely used social networking site such as Gmail, Facebook.

Another factor influencing cyber-bystanders' intention to intervene is the type of cyberbullying. While previous studies suggested that an increase in the number of bystanders would decrease intervention likelihood. Holfeld (2014) found inconsistent findings depending on the type of cyberbullying; the study revealed that public forms of cyberbullying, such as spreading harmful information on social network site (SNS) platforms like Facebook, tend to increase cyber-bystander's intention to intervene due to a large presence of bystanders. In contrast, private forms of cyberbullying, such as direct emails or online chats, would diminish the likelihood of intervention due to the significant reduction in the presence of cyber-bystanders.

Protester with mask to avoid showing their face.

Visual anonymity


Visual anonymity in an online context is another variable that can affect the helping behavior or intervention of a bystander. As defined by Sabina Misoch, visual anonymity refers to the source of information that cannot be detected physically and visual anonymity in an online context in which individuals are not able to visually identified from other users in a text-based online chat program (Misoch, 2015; Finn, 2016).

Research done by Brody and Vangelisti (2015) identified a positive correlation between visual anonymity and reduced bystander likelihood of intervention in online contexts. The study collected data from 265 undergraduate students, who were asked to recall an experience in which someone they knew was targeted (e.g., hurtful actions or messages) on Facebook. Visual anonymity was measured using a 7-point Likert scale, where participants rated their agreement with statements about whether they believed the victim was aware of their presence as a bystander. The findings revealed that visual anonymity was positively associated with bystander non-intervention behavior (β = 0.27). As suggested by another study conducted by Lapidot-Lefler and Barak (2012), visual anonymity reduces the likelihood for bystanders to provide intervention in online contexts such as Facebook and email. There is a correlation between visual anonymity and diffusion of responsibility , which could affect the bystander effect in an online environment, which is consistent with the previous Markey (2000) findings and could intensify cyberbullying-related behaviour, such as anti-normative behaviour (Macaulay et al., 2022).

Further, previous study conducted by Latané and Nida (1981) focusing on "real-world" settings also support the aforementioned idea of the influence of visual anonymity on cyber-bystander intervention and the bystander effect in online contexts. The study outlined a positive correlation between reduced diffusion of responsibility and situations when the victim could see the bystanders. Spears and Postmes (2015) examined the cognitive and strategic dimensions of the Social Identity model of Deindividuation Effects (SIDE) to analyze the impact of anonymity on bystander intervention. Research suggested that anonymity in CMC enhances the salience of the group identity, which encourages individuals to conform to perceived social group norms. Individuals would then be less likely to intervene when inaction is perceived as the group norm. On the strategic dimension, the study found that in contexts where individuals belong to a powerful out-group, anonymity reduces accountability for their presence. This finding is particularly relevant to cyberbullying and online settings, where anonymity diminishes the likelihood of bystanders taking action to intervene.

Direct intervention and indirect intervention


Cyberbullying behavior and online context predicted both bystander direct and indirect intervention (Ferreira et al., 2020). However, DiFranzo et al. (2018) mentioned that compared to 'real-world' settings, cyber-bystanders are more inclined toward indirect interventions due to the number of factors in online environments. Dillon and Bushman (2015) define indirect intervention as including providing resources that ultimately resolve problems or help the victims such as reporting a harmful post in the SNS. In addition, Dillon and Bushman (2015) and Shultz et al. (2014) indicated cyber-bystanders would utilize more indirect intervention in online settings and cyberbullying contexts compared to bystanders in "real-world' settings. This was proven by another research study conducted by Obermaier (2024), which found a congruent finding that compares to "real-world" bystanders direct intervention, such as counter-speech. Cyber-bystander intention to provide indirect intervention, such as reporting against online contexts such as bullying, aggressive or hate speech.



To conclude, this article covered the gap from the traditional bystander effect Wikipedia article. This article illustrates the digital bystander effect and highlights how the online environment influences cyber-bystanders willingness to intervene, especially in harmful online incidents such as cyberbullying. Key variables impacting cyber-bystander's intervention include perceived severity, visual anonymity, diffusion of responsibility, the number of bystanders, and the type of cyberbullying. Numerous studies suggest that the more the number of cyber-bystander present, the less likely the intention to intervene. Additionally, some studies suggest the public and private forms of cyberbullying also interfere cyber-bystanders intervention with factor such as visibility, number of cyber-bystanders present, and social accountability play a vital role. Moreover, visual anonymity also significantly diminishes a cyber-bystander's accountability and willingness to intervene.

Likewise, cyber-bystanders tend to favor indirect intervention strategies, such as reporting harmful content compared to traditional bystander. Current research is limited on examining a few SNS online platforms such as Facebook, Weibo, and email. This contributed to research gaps in understanding cyber-bystanders’ intervention behaviors across contemporary and popular online platforms like Instagram.

See also




Bastiaensens, S., Vandebosch, H., Poels, K., Van Cleemput, K., DeSmet, A., & De Bourdeaudhuij, I. (2014). Cyberbullying on social network sites. An experimental study into bystanders’ behavioural intentions to help the victim or reinforce the bully. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 259–271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2013.10.036

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