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User:Nighat Hashmi

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Nighat Hashmi (born January 29,1960)is a Islamic scholar from Pakistan. With a masters degree in Arabic and Islamic studies,and a M.Phil degree in education.She was formerly a Lecturer in Dharam Pura College for Women Lahore [1987-1994],and an Assistant Professor education, Islamia University, Bhawalpur [1994-2007].She resigned from her post at the university to pursue her mission,what she considers an authentic spiritual life,of establishing a center of Islamic learning, particularly catering to women. The scholar is known worldwide for having established Al-Noor International,a chain of centers that cater towards the promotion of Qur'anic knowledge for the common women."Al-Noor" means "The Light" which is one of the epithets of the Qur'an, she initially rocketed to fame with the foundation of this in Pakistan in 1996.

Hashmi was born in Sargodha, Punjab, and is the prodigious daughter of Mr. Abdur Rahman Hashmi, a staunch muslim and a renowned scholar of Islam. Mr. Abdur Rahman Hashmi was the student of Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani, a renowned authority of the East, in Islam.Having being reared up within the confines of Quran and Sunnah,she received personal attention and Quranic education at the very hands of her own inspiring father.

The tall hazel eyed scholar was married shortly afterwards to Khalid Farooq Basra. She currently resides in Lahore,with her husband, two sons,and two daughters.The mother of four continues to live with her family and fulfilling her role,both as a devoted housewife and an affectionate mother.

The 51 year old claims,"I'm still not satisfied with whatever I've achieved in life and I still have a lot to do yet". Devoted to her faith,she had inherent spirit of Islam,therefore after completing her formal education from premier institutions like University of the Punjab, she embarked upon the arduous and formidable task of re-uniting the masses with their Creator.

When asked about the motivation that leads scholar to diligently pursue the path of Allah is the continuous strive to fulfill her dream of meeting Allah. She states"my life evolves around Almighty lord,the concept of meeting Allah one day is what keeps me going on". Learning and teaching of the Quran and Sunnah is not only her passion but she choose it as her mission too,"because islam is in my blood and under my skin and the only thing i want to do,is to please Allah",Says Nighat Hashmi.

Hashmi established the first center of her institution "Al-Noor International" in bhawalphur. Since then, Al-Noor centers have been established in most of the cities of Pakistan, to impart the pristine teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Besides regular courses, the centers conduct monthly plus weekend courses along with special workshops for student and teacher training. The scholar herself lectures in many of these sessions. Many of her lectures are recorded and disseminated all throughout Pakistan,and abroad.

Nighat Hashmi is widely known for her in-depth knowledge of the teachings of the Quran,Hadith,Seerah,contemporary issues of women and detailed study of Islam as a way of life. Her influence is widespread,her fame caught on, as her study circles were regularly attended by the women worldwide. She is regularly invited to give dars to the affluent classes as well as to the common households nationwide.

The talented scholar at the pinnacle of her career choses faith over fame and fortune, And prefers to not to live in the"limelight".She maintains a life that is simple, pure and beautiful,and not just being known by everyone. On congratulating her of being one of the finest women scholars to be followed,She smiled and commented,"I don't want to become famous among the people,or have a huge fan following,the role model is only the Holy Prophet himself,and I feel that if you bring into your life the commandments of Allah and the way Prophet Muhammad performed them, your life can become paradise even in this world."

Nighat Hashmi posses a great command in oratory and a remarkable talent of writing. Her work truly expresses her journey to religious enlightenment,best known for gems written such as tarjama and tafseer of Quran,Jannat ka rasta,RaziAllahu Anhum, Dil Badlay To Zindagi Badlay, she has been endowed with extraordinary courage perseverance and spirit by Allah. Hashmi feels that she has a responsibility to guide people on to the right path and regularly does Islamic talks, all over pakistan,and internationally,and prefers to concentrate on dawah (inviting others to Islam).

Dedicated to spreading the word of Islam,the famous religious scholar advices:Allah does not change the state of people unless and until they themselves make an intention,seek the mercy and help of Allah and themselves make an effort to change their lives. She concludes the interview with one of her many favorite verses from the Quran: Mohammad,is the messenger of Allah and those who are with him are severe against the disbelievers,and merciful among themselves.you see them bowing and prostrate(in prayer), seeking bounty from Allah and good pleasure. The mark of them is on their faces(foreheads)from the traces of prostration. This is their description in the Taurat.(Torah).But their description in the Injeel(Bible) is like a seed which sends forth it's shoot,then make it strong,and becomes thick,and it stands straight on it's stem,delighting the sowers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds,forgiveness and a mighty reward .(48;Al-Fath;ayah 29)