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Bioceramics and bioglasses are ceramic materials which are biocompatible[1]. Bioceramics are an important subset of biomaterials [2].. Bioceramics range in biocompatibility from the ceramic oxides which are inert in the body, to the other extreme of resorbable materials which are eventually replaced by the materials which they were used to repair. Bioceramics are used in many types of medical procedures. One of the primary medical procedures in which they are used is implants[3].



Prior to 1925 the materials used in implant surgery were primarily relatively pure metals. The success of these materials was surprising considering the relatively primitive surgical techniques. 1925 marked the beginning of the era of better surgical techniques and also the first use of alloys such as Ti-64Al-4V. In 1969 L. L. Hench and others discovered that various kinds of glasses and ceramics could bond to living bone[4] .

Current status


Ceramics are now commonly used in the medical fields as dental, and bone implants. [5]


One proposed use for bioceramics is the treatment of cancer. Two methods of treatment have been proposed; treatment through hyperthermia, and radiotherapy. Hyperthermia treatment involves implanting a bioceramic material which contains a ferrite or other magnetic material. The area is then exposed to alternating magnetic field which causes the implant to heat up. Alternatively the bioceramic materials can be doped with β emitting materials and implanted into the cancerous area. [6].

Bioceramic Materials


Bioceramic materials are commonly subdivided into their bioactivity. Bioinert materials are those which are non-toxic, non-inflammation causing





Replaced by tissue


Forms interface with tissue


Bonding mechanisms




Mechanical Properties


Total implants


Bone and joint replacement




Auditory prosthesis






Bone ingrowth


Soft tissue integration






Evolution and bioceramics



  1. ^ P. Ducheyne, G.W. Hastings (editors) (1984) CRC metal and ceramic biomaterials vol 1 ISBN 0-8493-6261-x Parameter error in {{ISBN}}: invalid character
  2. ^ J.F. Shackelford ISBN 0-87849-822-2
  3. ^ J.F. Shackelford (editor)(1999) MSF bioceramics applications of ceramic and glass materials in medicine ISBN 0-87849-822-2
  4. ^ L. L. Hench (1991) Journal of the American Ceramic Society 74 [7] 1487-1510 “Bioceramics: from concept to clinic”
  5. ^ T.J. Kinnari, et al. (2007) Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A Published online 22 April 2008 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). doi:10.1002/jbm.a.31943
  6. ^ J.F. Shackelford ISBN 0-87849-822-2
  • H. Oonishi, H. Aoki, K. Sawai (editors) (1988) Bioceramics vol. 1 ISBN 0-912791-82-9
  • T. Yamamuro, L.L. Hench, J. Wilson (editors) (1990) CRC Handbook of bioactive ceramics vol II ISBN 0-8493-3242-7
  • D. Muster (editor) (1992) Biomaterials hard tissue repair and replacement ISBN 0-444-88350-9
  • L. Hao, J Lawrence, K.S. Chian (2005) Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 16 719-726 “Osteoblast cell adhesion on a laser modified zirconia based bioceramic”
  • X. Zhu, et al (2004) Cells Tissues Organs 178 13-22 doi:10.1159/000081089 “Cellular Reactions of Osteoblasts to micron and submicron scale porous structures of titanium surfaces”
  • C. Chai, K.W. Leong (2006) Molecular Therapy 15:3 467-480 doi:10.1038/sj.mt.6300084“Biomaterials approach to expand and direct differentiation of stem cells”
  • L.L. Hench (1991) Journal of the American Ceramic Society 74 [7] 1487-1510 “Bioceramics: from concept to clinic”


CSA Discovery Guide [1]

CME BULLETIN Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery 2001; 5(3): 87-90 [2]