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I have recently joined the community and am looking forward to being involved. I use a wiki within my department for documentation of systems and have found it extremely useful. I have created the user page so that I can practice and so I can store some of my common typo corrections.

I quite enjoy simple but mundane tasks when thinking through other things and have undertaken a pledge to help out on the Typo team. I would never profess an expertise in grammar and punctuation but my spelling is quite good and I read quickly. I have created the following text based on a pledge on Wikipedia:Typo by user AxelBoldt
buisness OR busness site:en.wiki.x.io -inurl:wiki/User -intitle:Talk: -inurl:wiki/Wikipedia: -inurl:wiki/WP:

This is my text for the edit summary Spelling: buisness ==> business. [[Wikipedia:Typo|You can help!]] And another favourite example

Spelling: alse ==> also. [[Wikipedia:Typo|You can help!]]

And another favourite example

Spelling: uniquie ==> unique. [[Wikipedia:Typo|You can help!]]