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User:Nalanim0920/Modern fashion journalism

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Modern fashion journalism is a career path that is available to individuals who want to pursue work in the fashion industry. The documentation of the fashion world has become heavily prevalent with it's efficient way to deliver fashionable aspects to the public. This article discusses the history behind this career and also the education that comes along with it. Included below are a few examples of fashion magazines and many schools all around the world that offer Fashion Journalism, which provides a wide range of cultural perspectives on this topic.

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The history of modern fashion journalism originated in the 18th-century when fashion dolls, dolls designed to display relevant fashion ensembles, were replaced by fashion magazines. Notably the "Cabinet des Modes" was the most exclusive and expensive magazine that expanded the ever growing industry of fashion to the public. This Partisan publication had illustrated fashion plates that "...fed the increasing appetite for French fashion, which was growing in tandem with the expanding urban population's desire to separate itself from the way of life plotted out and decreed by the French Court" (Yanofsky, 2018). This provides that this magazine helped to further publish this industry, which was beneficial with marketing and expanding upon previous ideals. Even though this "Cabinet des Modes" was a industry changing magazine, during the 19th-century numerous fashion magazines were published, employing fashion journalists that reported on the latest trends from Paris. Among the earliest in Great Britain was Ann Margaret Lanchester, who published her fashion paper, the "Le Miroir de la Mode," and Mary Ann Bell, writing for the "La Belle Assemblée" in the early 19th-century. These woman created other magazine outlets, besides "Cabinet des Modes", to deliver fashion news to the public and to provide the importance of the industry of fashion.



Fashion journalism is a career path that is available to individuals who want to pursue work in the fashion industry. The documentation of the fashion world has become heavily prevalent with it's efficient way to deliver the expanded ideals of the ever growing industry of fashion to the public. This popularity is shown based on the fact that "...the fashion blogosphere, including both independent and corporate sites, has rapidly expanded since young American women began using the genre in 2003" (Boyd, 2015). This creates an outlet for individuals with a passion for fashion to share and education the public. This different aspect of writing provides for a new definition for journalism as a whole.

There are many schools all around the world that offer Fashion Journalism, which provides a wide range of cultural perspectives on this topic. Some of these schools include:

·       London College of Fashion, London, England

·       Haute Future Fashion Academy, Milan, Italy

·       Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design

·       Academy of Art University, San Francisco, California

The London College of Fashion is an institution that aims to create a new definition for fashion throughout the world. This school includes that "Through boundary-pushing research, we unite design, science, engineering and technology, to redefine fashion. Our Student Enterprise programmes, business incubator, and industry collaborations form a dynamic network to help our enterprising graduates launch and grow businesses" (UAL, 2021). The London College of Fashion's main goal is to create a new future with fashion and to bring into society well versed fashion students.

The Haute Future Fashion Academy is an institution that aims to provide knowledge to it's students by offering man fashion journalism courses and workshops. "The Workshops are “express” training courses designed to allow students to get to the heart of the fascinating and complex world of Fashion and Design. They represent a unique opportunity for people who wish to discover their own talents in a short space of time or explore their own knowledge of a specific subject" (HFFA MILANO, 2023). These workshops aim to assist in creating an ammerse background in fashion for future careers.

The Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design is another institution that aims to create a new definition for fashion throughout the world and provides knowledge to it's students by offering man Fashion Journalism courses. The Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design provides a space for students to experience, "Creative practice that combines the ability to imagine new futures with the means to deliver them. As such, artists and designers are equipped to address our urgent global challenges – from tackling the climate and biodiversity emergencies to forging more equitable societies. Our students work with hope and uncertainty, using their compassion and vision to shape the world through creative action" (UAL, 2022). This institution creates a new future with fashion and to bring into society well versed fashion students.

The Academy of Art University is an institution that creates a space for students to expand their knowledge on the fashion world to prepare for careers in fashion, including fashion journalism. "Academy of Art University aims to Defy the Ordinary and Create the Extraordinary. In our classrooms, throughout our state-of-the-art facilities, and in the community, we provide our students with exceptional learning opportunities to pursue fulfilling careers" (Academy of Art University, 2023). This Institution creates a space where individuals prepare for a career in fashion with the help and involvement of the community.



Source #1: Boyd, K. C. (2015). Democratizing fashion: The effects of the evolution of fashion journalism from print to online media. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://commons.emich.edu/mcnair/vol8/iss1/4/

Source #2: Yanofsky, A. (2018). THE HISTORY OF FASHION JOURNALISM. Fashion, Style, & Popular Culture, 5(1), 136+. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A511005180/AONE?u=wint47629&sid=googleScholar&xid=d0700dd2

Source #3: London College of Fashion. (2021). About LCF. London College of Fashion. https://www.arts.ac.uk/colleges/london-college-of-fashion/about-lcf

Source #4: HFFA: Haute Future Fashion Academy. HFFA. (n.d.). (2023). http://hffa.it/

Source #5: Central Saint Martins. (2022). About Us. Central Saint Martins. https://www.arts.ac.uk/colleges/central-saint-martins/about-us

Source #6: Start a career in Art & Design. Academy of Art University. (2023). https://www.academyart.edu/get-info/?pmcode=GSBRND&gclid=CjwKCAjw0N6hBhAUEiwAXab-TYAxZZW6c2zdXoW_93KBHBdVO4ZQ4wWBb-Wgt2Ehq5EzB_OQyr0uIBoC_eQQAvD_BwE