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Notes / Sandbox.

This user was born in Russia.
This user lives in Germany.
This user is interested in Japan.
ruРусскийродной язык этого участника.
deDieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch.
enThis user speaks English.
This user has visited Europe.
This user has visited Asia.
This user enjoys sampling cuisines from all over the world.
This user loves Russian cuisine
This user loves
Japanese cuisine.
This user loves cake.
This user believes in neurodiversity.
*.*This user has ADOS:
Attention Deficit OOH Shiny
ADHDThis user has ADHD.
This user is interested in psychology.
This user is interested in sociology.
4 Waters are calm.
This editor has been thanked
by these Wikipedians.
This user is an anime and manga fan.
This user prefers the original manga over its anime adaptation.