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Cognitive Bias
[edit]Cheat Sheet. Not.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
- List of cognitive biases
- Problem 1
- Too much information
- We notice things that are already primed in memory or repeated often.
- Availability heuristic
- Attentional bias
- Illusory truth effect
- Mere-exposure effect
- Cue-dependent forgetting
- Empathy gap
- Omission bias
- Base rate fallacy
- Bizarre/funny/visually-striking/anthropomorphic things stick out more than non-bizarre/unfunny things.
- Bizarreness effect
- Von Restorff effect
- Picture superiority effect
- Self-reference effect
- We notice when something has changed.
- Anchoring
- Money illusion
- Framing effect (psychology)
- Weber–Fechner law
- Conservatism (belief revision)
- Distinction bias
- We are drawn to details that confirm our own existing beliefs.
- Confirmation bias
- Congruence bias
- Choice-supportive bias
- Selective perception
- Observer-expectancy effect
- Ostrich effect
- Subjective validation
- Semmelweis reflex
- We notice flaws in others more easily than flaws in ourselves.
- Bias blind spot
- Naïve cynicism
- Naïve realism (psychology)
- Problem 2
- Not enough meaning
- We find stories and patterns even in sparse data.
- Confabulation
- Clustering illusion
- Insensitivity to sample size
- Neglect of probability
- Illusion of validity
- Masked-man fallacy
- Recency illusion
- Gambler's fallacy
- Hot-hand fallacy
- Illusory correlation
- Pareidolia
- Anthropomorphism
- We fill in characteristics from stereotypes, generalities, and prior histories whenever there are new specific instances or gaps in information.
- Group attribution error
- Ultimate attribution error
- Stereotype
- Essentialism
- Functional fixedness
- Moral credential effect
- Just-world hypothesis
- Argument from fallacy
- Authority bias
- Automation bias
- Bandwagon effect
- Placebo
- We imagine things and people we’re familiar with or fond of as better than things and people we aren’t familiar with or fond of.
- Halo effect
- In-group favoritism
- Out-group homogeneity
- Cross-race effect
- Cheerleader effect
- Well travelled road effect
- Not invented here
- Reactive devaluation
- Positivity effect
- We simplify probabilities and numbers to make them easier to think about.
- Mental accounting
- Normalcy bias
- Appeal to probability
- Murphy's law
- Subadditivity effect
- Survivorship bias
- Denomination effect
- The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two
- We think we know what others are thinking.
- Curse of knowledge
- Illusion of transparency
- Spotlight effect
- Illusion of external agency
- Illusion of asymmetric insight
- Extrinsic incentives bias
- We project our current mindset and assumptions onto the past and future.
- Hindsight bias
- Outcome bias
- Moral luck
- Declinism
- Telescoping effect
- Rosy retrospection
- Impact bias
- Optimism bias
- Planning fallacy
- Time-saving bias
- Pro-innovation bias
- Affective forecasting
- Restraint bias
- Problem 3
- Need to act fast
- In order to act, we need to be confident in our ability to make an impact and to feel like what we do is important.
- Overconfidence effect
- Egocentric bias
- Social desirability bias
- Third-person effect
- Barnum effect
- Illusion of control
- False-consensus effect
- Dunning–Kruger effect
- Hard–easy effect
- Illusory superiority
- Lake Wobegon
- Self-serving bias
- Fundamental attribution error
- Defensive attribution hypothesis
- Trait ascription bias
- Effort justification
- Risk compensation
- In order to stay focused, we favor the immediate, relatable thing in front of us over the delayed and distant.
- Hyperbolic discounting
- Appeal to novelty
- Identifiable victim effect
- In order to get anything done, we’re motivated to complete things that we’ve already invested time and energy in.
- Sunk costs
- Escalation of commitment
- Loss aversion
- IKEA effect
- Generation effect
- Zero-risk bias
- Disposition effect
- Pseudocertainty effect
- Endowment effect
- In order to avoid mistakes, we’re motivated to preserve our autonomy and status in a group, and to avoid irreversible decisions.
- System justification
- Reverse psychology
- Decoy effect
- Social comparison bias
- Status quo bias
- We favor options that appear simple or that have more complete information over more complex, ambiguous options.
- Ambiguity effect
- Information bias (psychology)
- Belief bias
- Rhyme-as-reason effect
- Law of triviality
- Conjunction fallacy
- Occam's razor
- Less-is-better effect
- Problem 4
- What should we remember?
- We edit and reinforce some memories after the fact.
- Misattribution of memory
- Cryptomnesia
- Suggestibility
- Spacing effect
- We discard specifics to form generalities.
- Implicit stereotype
- Prejudice
- Negativity bias
- Fading affect bias
- We reduce events and lists to their key elements.
- Peak–end rule
- Leveling and sharpening
- Misinformation effect
- Duration neglect
- Recall (memory)
- Modality effect
- Memory inhibition
- Serial position effect
- We store memories differently based on how they were experienced.
- Levels-of-processing effect
- Testing effect
- Absent-mindedness
- Tip of the tongue
- Google effect