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Mark McLoughlin
Mark McLoughlin

Mark McLoughlin Jamiemcloughlin (talk) 10:52, 9 December 2022 (UTC) Hi, I am a Local Google Guide in the Algarve Portugal where I have lived for over 20 years. Writing, reviewing and photographing the beautiful place I now call home. Looking into the rich history of the Algarve from the early settlers to the current day. I aim to contribute to Wikipedia by adding and editing pages detailing the history of the Algarve starting way back with The Menhirs of Lavajo in Alcoutim and The Menhirs do Padrão & Milrei. Looking at the castles that remain from both the Romans and the Moors including Loule Castle and Silves Castle. This leads to my greatest passion and to the theory that Silves is the city behind Plato's Atlantis. Having already written one article "Is The Lost City of Atlantis in The Algarve?" am aiming to follow up the research following on from the book by Peter Daughtrey Atlantis and the Silver City. Mystery and myth surround the ancient city and civilization of Tartessos who are thought to be the first settlers in the Algarve, the southern coast of Portugal, and Spain. However, it mysteriously vanished sometime in the middle of the first millennium BC, leaving some believing it may have been the inspiration for Plato’s Atlantis or a descendent civilization of it. It lay beyond the Pillars of Hercules, the strait of Gibraltar, and was widely renowned for its incredible wealth and the influence it brought to the region.

Author Page: Mark Mcloughlin Publications: BRINGING YOUR FOREIGN CAR INTO THE ALGARVE Publications: Visa Options for Foreigners Moving to Portugal Algarve Guides & Articles: Mark Mcloughlin Biography & Photos: Mark Mcloughlin