MarkB2 is the Username of a being that is second in the MarkB series. He secretly covets the Username MarkB1 and spends an inordinate amount of time plotting to destroy MarkB1 and seize the name for himself.
MarkB2 has done graduate work in such useless subjects as English and Psychology. After all, what is the point of English when others don't respond to clear argumentation? And what is the point in understanding people when you can crush their will and make them your slave?
MarkB2 secretly plans for world domination. When he achieves his Optimal Goal he will quickly move to enact the following changes:
1. Destroy all Handicapped Parking signs.
2. Change all "Stop" signs to "Yield" signs.
3. Legalize drugs for adults.
4. Encourage prostitution.
5. Make broccoli taste like Sweetarts.
6. Breed an army of mutant wolves to exterminate all Canadian Geese.
MarkB2 will also enact a new wikilaw:
If I debate you, and you lose, I get to slap you.
MarkB2 thinks the endless proliferation of the use of the prefix wiki- to form new words is both understandable and hilarious.