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Family Tyrannidae - Tyrant Flycatchers, Calyptura [1]

Tyrannidae   genera: 104
Tyrannidae   species: 447
Tyrannidae   subspecies: 748

Tyrannidae   Breeding Range: SA, MA, NA [2]


Common name Species + authority Br.
au yr id
Grey-headed piprites Piprites griseiceps Salvin, 1865 MA Salv 1865 1
Wing-barred piprites Piprites chloris (Temminck, 1822) SA Temm 1822 2
Black-capped piprites Piprites pileata (Temminck, 1822) SA Temm 1822 3
Planalto tyrannulet Phyllomyias fasciatus (Thunberg, 1822) SA Thun 1822 4
Yungas tyrannulet Phyllomyias weedeni Herzog, Kessler & Balderrama, 2008 SA Herz 2008 5
Rough-legged tyrannulet Phyllomyias burmeisteri Cabanis & Heine, 1860 SA Caba 1860 6
White-fronted tyrannulet Phyllomyias zeledoni (Lawrence, 1869) MA SA Lawr 1869 7
Greenish tyrannulet Phyllomyias virescens (Temminck, 1824) SA Temm 1824 8
Reiser's tyrannulet Phyllomyias reiseri Hellmayr, 1905 SA Hell 1905 9
Urich's tyrannulet Phyllomyias urichi (Chapman, 1899) SA Chap 1899 10
Sclater's tyrannulet Phyllomyias sclateri Berlepsch, 1901 SA Berl 1901 11
Grey-capped tyrannulet Phyllomyias griseocapilla Sclater, PL, 1862 SA Scla 1862 12
Sooty-headed tyrannulet Phyllomyias griseiceps (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1871) SA Scla 1871 13
Plumbeous-crowned tyrannulet Phyllomyias plumbeiceps (Lawrence, 1869) SA Lawr 1869 14
Black-capped tyrannulet Phyllomyias nigrocapillus (Lafresnaye, 1845) SA Lafr 1845 15
Ashy-headed tyrannulet Phyllomyias cinereiceps (Sclater, PL, 1860) SA Scla 1860 16
Tawny-rumped tyrannulet Phyllomyias uropygialis (Lawrence, 1869) SA Lawr 1869 17
Yellow-crowned tyrannulet Tyrannulus elatus (Latham, 1790) MA SA Lath 1790 18
Forest elaenia Myiopagis gaimardii (d'Orbigny, 1840) MA SA Orbi 1840 19
Choco elaenia Myiopagis parambae (Hellmayr, 1904) MA SA Hell 1904 20
Amazonian elaenia Myiopagis cinerea (Pelzeln, 1868) SA Pelz 1868 21
Grey-headed elaenia Myiopagis caniceps (Swainson, 1835) SA Swai 1835 22
Foothill elaenia Myiopagis olallai Coopmans & Krabbe, 2000 SA Coop 2000 23
Pacific elaenia Myiopagis subplacens (Sclater, PL, 1862) SA Scla 1862 24
Yellow-crowned elaenia Myiopagis flavivertex (Sclater, PL, 1887) SA Scla 1887 25
Greenish elaenia Myiopagis viridicata (Vieillot, 1817) MA SA Viei 1817 26
Jamaican elaenia Myiopagis cotta (Gosse, 1849) NA Goss 1849 27
Yellow-bellied elaenia Elaenia flavogaster (Thunberg, 1822) MA SA Thun 1822 28
Caribbean elaenia Elaenia martinica (Linnaeus, 1766) NA Linn 1766 29
Large elaenia Elaenia spectabilis Pelzeln, 1868 SA Pelz 1868 30
Noronha elaenia Elaenia ridleyana Sharpe, 1888 SA Shar 1888 31
White-crested elaenia Elaenia albiceps (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 32
Chilean elaenia Elaenia chilensis Hellmayr, 1927 SA Hell 1927 33
Small-billed elaenia Elaenia parvirostris Pelzeln, 1868 SA Pelz 1868 34
Olivaceous elaenia Elaenia mesoleuca (Deppe, 1830) SA Depp 1830 35
Slaty elaenia Elaenia strepera Cabanis, 1883 SA Caba 1883 36
Mottle-backed elaenia Elaenia gigas Sclater, PL, 1871 SA Scla 1871 37
Brownish elaenia Elaenia pelzelni Berlepsch, 1907 SA Berl 1907 38
Plain-crested elaenia Elaenia cristata Pelzeln, 1868 SA Pelz 1868 39
Lesser elaenia Elaenia chiriquensis Lawrence, 1865 MA SA Lawr 1865 40
Coopmans's elaenia Elaenia brachyptera Berlepsch, 1907 SA Berl 1907 41
Rufous-crowned elaenia Elaenia ruficeps Pelzeln, 1868 SA Pelz 1868 42
Mountain elaenia Elaenia frantzii Lawrence, 1865 MA SA Lawr 1865 43
Highland elaenia Elaenia obscura (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 44
Small-headed elaenia Elaenia sordida Zimmer, JT, 1941 SA Zimm 1941 45
Great elaenia Elaenia dayi Chapman, 1929 SA Chap 1929 46
Sierran elaenia Elaenia pallatangae Sclater, PL, 1862 SA Scla 1862 47
Tepui elaenia Elaenia olivina Salvin & Godman, 1884 SA Salv 1884 48
Greater Antillean elaenia Elaenia fallax Sclater, PL, 1861 NA Scla 1861 49
Yellow-bellied tyrannulet Ornithion semiflavum (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1860) MA Scla 1860 50
Brown-capped tyrannulet Ornithion brunneicapillus (Lawrence, 1862) MA SA Lawr 1862 51
White-lored tyrannulet Ornithion inerme Hartlaub, 1853 SA Hart 1853 52
Northern beardless tyrannulet Camptostoma imberbe Sclater, PL, 1857 MA Scla 1857 53
Southern beardless tyrannulet Camptostoma obsoletum (Temminck, 1824) MA SA Temm 1824 54
Suiriri flycatcher Suiriri suiriri (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 55
White-throated tyrannulet Mecocerculus leucophrys (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 56
White-tailed tyrannulet Mecocerculus poecilocercus (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1873) SA Scla 1873 57
Buff-banded tyrannulet Mecocerculus hellmayri Berlepsch, 1907 SA Berl 1907 58
Rufous-winged tyrannulet Mecocerculus calopterus (Sclater, PL, 1859) SA Scla 1859 59
Sulphur-bellied tyrannulet Mecocerculus minor (Taczanowski, 1879) SA Tacz 1879 60
White-banded tyrannulet Mecocerculus stictopterus (Sclater, PL, 1859) SA Scla 1859 61
Black-crested tit-tyrant Anairetes nigrocristatus Taczanowski, 1884 SA Tacz 1884 62
Pied-crested tit-tyrant Anairetes reguloides (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 63
Ash-breasted tit-tyrant Anairetes alpinus (Carriker, 1933) SA Carr 1933 64
Yellow-billed tit-tyrant Anairetes flavirostris Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1876 SA Scla 1876 65
Tufted tit-tyrant Anairetes parulus (Kittlitz, 1830) SA Kitt 1830 66
Juan Fernandez tit-tyrant Anairetes fernandezianus (Philippi, 1857) SA Phil 1857 67
Agile tit-tyrant Uromyias agilis (Sclater, PL, 1856) SA Scla 1856 68
Unstreaked tit-tyrant Uromyias agraphia (Chapman, 1919) SA Chap 1919 69
Torrent tyrannulet Serpophaga cinerea (Tschudi, 1844) MA SA Tsch 1844 70
River tyrannulet Serpophaga hypoleuca Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1866 SA Scla 1866 71
Sooty tyrannulet Serpophaga nigricans (Vieillot, 1817) SA Viei 1817 72
White-crested tyrannulet Serpophaga subcristata (Vieillot, 1817) SA Viei 1817 73
Straneck's tyrannulet Serpophaga griseicapilla Straneck, 2007 SA Stra 2007 74
Northern mouse-colored tyrannulet Nesotriccus incomtus (Cabanis & Heine, 1860) MA SA Caba 1860 75
Cocos flycatcher Nesotriccus ridgwayi Townsend, CH, 1895 MA Town 1895 76
Southern mouse-colored tyrannulet Nesotriccus murinus (Spix, 1825) SA Spix 1825 77
Tumbesian tyrannulet Nesotriccus tumbezanus (Taczanowski, 1877) SA Tacz 1877 78
Maranon tyrannulet Nesotriccus maranonicus (Zimmer, JT, 1941) SA Zimm 1941 79
Yellow tyrannulet Capsiempis flaveola (Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823) MA SA Lich 1823 80
Bearded tachuri Polystictus pectoralis (Vieillot, 1817) SA Viei 1817 81
Grey-backed tachuri Polystictus superciliaris (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831) SA Wied 1831 82
Dinelli's doradito Pseudocolopteryx dinelliana Lillo, 1905 SA Lill 1905 83
Crested doradito Pseudocolopteryx sclateri (Oustalet, 1892) SA Oust 1892 84
Subtropical doradito Pseudocolopteryx acutipennis (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1873) SA Scla 1873 85
Warbling doradito Pseudocolopteryx flaviventris (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 86
Ticking doradito Pseudocolopteryx citreola (Landbeck, 1864) SA Land 1864 87
Bronze-olive pygmy tyrant Pseudotriccus pelzelni Taczanowski & Berlepsch, 1885 MA SA Tacz 1885 88
Hazel-fronted pygmy tyrant Pseudotriccus simplex (Berlepsch, 1901) SA Berl 1901 89
Rufous-headed pygmy tyrant Pseudotriccus ruficeps (Lafresnaye, 1843) SA Lafr 1843 90
Ringed antpipit Corythopis torquatus Tschudi, 1844 SA Tsch 1844 91
Southern antpipit Corythopis delalandi (Lesson, RP, 1831) SA Less 1831 92
Fulvous-crowned scrub tyrant Euscarthmus meloryphus Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831 SA Wied 1831 93
Fulvous-faced scrub tyrant Euscarthmus fulviceps Sclater, PL, 1871 SA Scla 1871 94
Rufous-sided scrub tyrant Euscarthmus rufomarginatus (Pelzeln, 1868) SA Pelz 1868 95
Grey-and-white tyrannulet Pseudelaenia leucospodia (Taczanowski, 1877) SA Tacz 1877 96
Lesser wagtail-tyrant Stigmatura napensis Chapman, 1926 SA Chap 1926 97
Bahia wagtail-tyrant Stigmatura bahiae Chapman, 1926 SA Chap 1926 98
Greater wagtail-tyrant Stigmatura budytoides (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 99
Guatemalan tyrannulet Zimmerius vilissimus (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1859) MA Scla 1859 100
Mistletoe tyrannulet Zimmerius parvus (Lawrence, 1862) MA SA Lawr 1862 101
Spectacled tyrannulet Zimmerius improbus (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1871) SA Scla 1871 102
Venezuelan tyrannulet Zimmerius petersi (Berlepsch, 1907) SA Berl 1907 103
Bolivian tyrannulet Zimmerius bolivianus (d'Orbigny, 1840) SA Orbi 1840 104
Red-billed tyrannulet Zimmerius cinereicapilla (Cabanis, 1873) SA Caba 1873 105
Mishana tyrannulet Zimmerius villarejoi Álvarez A, J & Whitney, 2001 SA Álva 2001 106
Chico's tyrannulet Zimmerius chicomendesi Whitney, Schunck, Rêgo, MA & Silveira, 2013 SA Whit 2013 107
Slender-footed tyrannulet Zimmerius gracilipes (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1868) SA Scla 1868 108
Guianan tyrannulet Zimmerius acer (Salvin & Godman, 1883) SA Salv 1883 109
Golden-faced tyrannulet Zimmerius chrysops (Sclater, PL, 1859) SA Scla 1859 110
Coopmans's tyrannulet Zimmerius minimus (Chapman, 1912) SA Chap 1912 111
Choco tyrannulet Zimmerius albigularis (Chapman, 1924) SA Chap 1924 112
Loja tyrannulet Zimmerius flavidifrons (Sclater, PL, 1860) SA Scla 1860 113
Peruvian tyrannulet Zimmerius viridiflavus (Tschudi, 1844) SA Tsch 1844 114
Variegated bristle tyrant Pogonotriccus poecilotis (Sclater, PL, 1862) SA Scla 1862 115
Chapman's bristle tyrant Pogonotriccus chapmani (Gilliard, 1940) SA Gill 1940 116
Marble-faced bristle tyrant Pogonotriccus ophthalmicus Taczanowski, 1874 SA Tacz 1874 117
Spectacled bristle tyrant Pogonotriccus orbitalis (Cabanis, 1873) SA Caba 1873 118
Venezuelan bristle tyrant Pogonotriccus venezuelanus Berlepsch, 1907 SA Berl 1907 119
Antioquia bristle tyrant Pogonotriccus lanyoni (Graves, GR, 1988) SA Grav 1988 120
Southern bristle tyrant Pogonotriccus eximius (Temminck, 1822) SA Temm 1822 121
Mottle-cheeked tyrannulet Phylloscartes ventralis (Temminck, 1824) SA Temm 1824 122
Alagoas tyrannulet Phylloscartes ceciliae Teixeira, 1987 SA Teix 1987 123
Restinga tyrannulet Phylloscartes kronei Willis & Oniki, 1992 SA Will 1992 124
Bahia tyrannulet Phylloscartes beckeri Gonzaga & Pacheco, 1995 SA Gonz 1995 125
Panama tyrannulet Phylloscartes flavovirens (Lawrence, 1862) MA Lawr 1862 126
Olive-green tyrannulet Phylloscartes virescens Todd, 1925 SA Todd 1925 127
Ecuadorian tyrannulet Phylloscartes gualaquizae (Sclater, PL, 1887) SA Scla 1887 128
Black-fronted tyrannulet Phylloscartes nigrifrons (Salvin & Godman, 1884) SA Salv 1884 129
Rufous-browed tyrannulet Phylloscartes superciliaris (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1868) MA SA Scla 1868 130
Rufous-lored tyrannulet Phylloscartes flaviventris (Hartert, EJO, 1897) SA Hart 1897 131
Cinnamon-faced tyrannulet Phylloscartes parkeri Fitzpatrick & Stotz, 1997 SA Fitz 1997 132
Minas Gerais tyrannulet Phylloscartes roquettei Snethlage, E, 1928 SA Snet 1928 133
Sao Paulo tyrannulet Phylloscartes paulista Ihering, HFA & Ihering, R, 1907 SA Iher 1907 134
Oustalet's tyrannulet Phylloscartes oustaleti (Sclater, PL, 1887) SA Scla 1887 135
Serra do Mar tyrannulet Phylloscartes difficilis (Ihering, HFA & Ihering, R, 1907) SA Iher 1907 136
Bay-ringed tyrannulet Phylloscartes sylviolus (Cabanis & Heine, 1860) SA Caba 1860 137
Streak-necked flycatcher Mionectes striaticollis (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 138
Olive-streaked flycatcher Mionectes olivaceus Lawrence, 1868 MA Lawr 1868 139
Olive-striped flycatcher Mionectes galbinus Bangs, 1902 MA SA Bang 1902 140
Ochre-bellied flycatcher Mionectes oleagineus (Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823) MA SA Lich 1823 141
McConnell's flycatcher Mionectes macconnelli (Chubb, C, 1919) SA Chub 1919 142
Sierra de Lema flycatcher Mionectes roraimae (Chubb, C, 1919) SA Chub 1919 143
Grey-hooded flycatcher Mionectes rufiventris Cabanis, 1846 SA Caba 1846 144
Sepia-capped flycatcher Leptopogon amaurocephalus Cabanis, 1846 MA SA Caba 1846 145
Slaty-capped flycatcher Leptopogon superciliaris Tschudi, 1844 MA SA Tsch 1844 146
Rufous-breasted flycatcher Leptopogon rufipectus (Lafresnaye, 1846) SA Lafr 1846 147
Inca flycatcher Leptopogon taczanowskii Hellmayr, 1917 SA Hell 1917 148
Chapada flycatcher Guyramemua affine (Burmeister, 1856) SA Burm 1856 149
Northern scrub flycatcher Sublegatus arenarum (Salvin, 1863) MA SA Salv 1863 150
Amazonian scrub flycatcher Sublegatus obscurior Todd, 1920 SA Todd 1920 151
Southern scrub flycatcher Sublegatus modestus (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831) SA Wied 1831 152
Slender-billed inezia Inezia tenuirostris (Cory, 1913) SA Cory 1913 153
Plain inezia Inezia inornata (Salvadori, 1897) SA Salv 1897 154
Amazonian inezia Inezia subflava (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1873) SA Scla 1873 155
Pale-tipped inezia Inezia caudata (Salvin, 1897) SA Salv 1897 156
Flavescent flycatcher Myiophobus flavicans (Sclater, PL, 1861) SA Scla 1861 157
Orange-crested flycatcher Myiophobus phoenicomitra (Taczanowski & Berlepsch, 1885) SA Tacz 1885 158
Unadorned flycatcher Myiophobus inornatus Carriker, 1932 SA Carr 1932 159
Roraiman flycatcher Myiophobus roraimae (Salvin & Godman, 1883) SA Salv 1883 160
Olive-chested flycatcher Myiophobus cryptoxanthus (Sclater, PL, 1861) SA Scla 1861 161
Bran-colored flycatcher Myiophobus fasciatus (Müller, PLS, 1776) MA SA Müll 1776 162
Mouse-grey flycatcher Myiophobus crypterythrus (Sclater, PL, 1861) SA Scla 1861 163
Rufescent flycatcher Myiophobus rufescens (Salvadori, 1864) SA Salv 1864 164
Handsome flycatcher Nephelomyias pulcher (Sclater, PL, 1861) SA Scla 1861 165
Orange-banded flycatcher Nephelomyias lintoni (Meyer de Schauensee, 1951) SA Meye 1951 166
Ochraceous-breasted flycatcher Nephelomyias ochraceiventris (Cabanis, 1873) SA Caba 1873 167
Ornate flycatcher Myiotriccus ornatus (Lafresnaye, 1853) SA Lafr 1853 168
Many-colored rush tyrant Tachuris rubrigastra (Vieillot, 1817) SA Viei 1817 169
Sharp-tailed grass tyrant Culicivora caudacuta (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 170
Drab-breasted bamboo tyrant Hemitriccus diops (Temminck, 1822) SA Temm 1822 171
Brown-breasted bamboo tyrant Hemitriccus obsoletus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1905) SA Mira 1905 172
Flammulated bamboo tyrant Hemitriccus flammulatus Berlepsch, 1901 SA Berl 1901 173
Snethlage's tody-tyrant Hemitriccus minor (Snethlage, E, 1907) SA Snet 1907 174
Yungas tody-tyrant Hemitriccus spodiops (Berlepsch, 1901) SA Berl 1901 175
Acre tody-tyrant Hemitriccus cohnhafti Zimmer, KJ, Whittaker, Sardelli, Guilherme & Aleixo, 2013 SA Zimm 2013 176
Boat-billed tody-tyrant Hemitriccus josephinae (Chubb, C, 1914) SA Chub 1914 177
White-eyed tody-tyrant Hemitriccus zosterops (Pelzeln, 1868) SA Pelz 1868 178
White-bellied tody-tyrant Hemitriccus griseipectus (Snethlage, E, 1907) SA Snet 1907 179
Zimmer's tody-tyrant Hemitriccus minimus (Todd, 1925) SA Todd 1925 180
Eye-ringed tody-tyrant Hemitriccus orbitatus (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831) SA Wied 1831 181
Johannes's tody-tyrant Hemitriccus iohannis (Snethlage, E, 1907) SA Snet 1907 182
Stripe-necked tody-tyrant Hemitriccus striaticollis (Lafresnaye, 1853) SA Lafr 1853 183
Hangnest tody-tyrant Hemitriccus nidipendulus (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831) SA Wied 1831 184
Pearly-vented tody-tyrant Hemitriccus margaritaceiventer (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 185
Pelzeln's tody-tyrant Hemitriccus inornatus (Pelzeln, 1868) SA Pelz 1868 186
Black-throated tody-tyrant Hemitriccus granadensis (Hartlaub, 1843) SA Hart 1843 187
Buff-breasted tody-tyrant Hemitriccus mirandae (Snethlage, E, 1925) SA Snet 1925 188
Cinnamon-breasted tody-tyrant Hemitriccus cinnamomeipectus Fitzpatrick & O'Neill, 1979 SA Fitz 1979 189
Kaempfer's tody-tyrant Hemitriccus kaempferi (Zimmer, JT, 1953) SA Zimm 1953 190
Buff-throated tody-tyrant Hemitriccus rufigularis (Cabanis, 1873) SA Caba 1873 191
Fork-tailed tody-tyrant Hemitriccus furcatus (Lafresnaye, 1846) SA Lafr 1846 192
Eared pygmy tyrant Myiornis auricularis (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 193
White-bellied pygmy tyrant Myiornis albiventris (Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1894) SA Berl 1894 194
Black-capped pygmy tyrant Myiornis atricapillus (Lawrence, 1875) MA SA Lawr 1875 195
Short-tailed pygmy tyrant Myiornis ecaudatus (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 196
Northern bentbill Oncostoma cinereigulare (Sclater, PL, 1857) MA Scla 1857 197
Southern bentbill Oncostoma olivaceum (Lawrence, 1862) MA SA Lawr 1862 198
Scale-crested pygmy tyrant Lophotriccus pileatus (Tschudi, 1844) MA SA Tsch 1844 199
Long-crested pygmy tyrant Lophotriccus eulophotes Todd, 1925 SA Todd 1925 200
Double-banded pygmy tyrant Lophotriccus vitiosus (Bangs & Penard, TE, 1921) SA Bang 1921 201
Helmeted pygmy tyrant Lophotriccus galeatus (Boddaert, 1783) SA Bodd 1783 202
Pale-eyed pygmy tyrant Atalotriccus pilaris (Cabanis, 1847) MA SA Caba 1847 203
Rufous-crowned tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus ruficeps (Kaup, 1852) SA Kaup 1852 204
Lulu's tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus luluae Johnson, NK & Jones, RE, 2001 SA John 2001 205
White-cheeked tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus albifacies (Blake, 1959) SA Blak 1959 206
Black-and-white tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus capitalis (Sclater, PL, 1857) SA Scla 1857 207
Buff-cheeked tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus senex (Pelzeln, 1868) SA Pelz 1868 208
Ruddy tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus russatus (Salvin & Godman, 1884) SA Salv 1884 209
Ochre-faced tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus plumbeiceps (Lafresnaye, 1846) SA Lafr 1846 210
Smoky-fronted tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus fumifrons (Hartlaub, 1853) SA Hart 1853 211
Rusty-fronted tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus latirostris (Pelzeln, 1868) SA Pelz 1868 212
Slaty-headed tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus sylvia (Desmarest, 1806) MA SA Desm 1806 213
Golden-winged tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus calopterus (Sclater, PL, 1857) SA Scla 1857 214
Black-backed tody-flycatcher Poecilotriccus pulchellus (Sclater, PL, 1874) SA Scla 1874 215
Black-chested tyrant Taeniotriccus andrei Berlepsch & Hartert, EJO, 1902 SA Berl 1902 216
Spotted tody-flycatcher Todirostrum maculatum (Desmarest, 1806) SA Desm 1806 217
Yellow-lored tody-flycatcher Todirostrum poliocephalum (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831) SA Wied 1831 218
Common tody-flycatcher Todirostrum cinereum (Linnaeus, 1766) MA SA Linn 1766 219
Maracaibo tody-flycatcher Todirostrum viridanum Hellmayr, 1927 SA Hell 1927 220
Painted tody-flycatcher Todirostrum pictum Salvin, 1897 SA Salv 1897 221
Yellow-browed tody-flycatcher Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum Strickland, 1850 SA Stri 1850 222
Black-headed tody-flycatcher Todirostrum nigriceps Sclater, PL, 1855 MA SA Scla 1855 223
Brownish twistwing Cnipodectes subbrunneus (Sclater, PL, 1860) MA SA Scla 1860 224
Rufous twistwing Cnipodectes superrufus Lane, Servat, Valqui & Lambert, 2007 SA Lane 2007 225
Pacific flatbill Rhynchocyclus pacificus (Chapman, 1914) SA Chap 1914 226
Eye-ringed flatbill Rhynchocyclus brevirostris (Cabanis, 1847) MA Caba 1847 227
Fulvous-breasted flatbill Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus (Sclater, PL, 1860) SA Scla 1860 228
Western olivaceous flatbill Rhynchocyclus aequinoctialis (Sclater, PL, 1858) MA SA Scla 1858 229
Eastern olivaceous flatbill Rhynchocyclus olivaceus (Temminck, 1820) MA SA Temm 1820 230
Yellow-olive flatbill Tolmomyias sulphurescens (Spix, 1825) MA SA Spix 1825 231
Orange-eyed flatbill Tolmomyias traylori Schulenberg & Parker, TA, 1997 SA Schu 1997 232
Yellow-winged flatbill Tolmomyias flavotectus (Hartert, EJO, 1902) MA SA Hart 1902 233
Yellow-margined flatbill Tolmomyias assimilis (Pelzeln, 1868) SA Pelz 1868 234
Grey-crowned flatbill Tolmomyias poliocephalus (Taczanowski, 1884) SA Tacz 1884 235
Ochre-lored flatbill Tolmomyias flaviventris (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831) MA SA Wied 1831 236
Olive-faced flatbill Tolmomyias viridiceps (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1873) SA Scla 1873 237
Kinglet calyptura Calyptura cristata (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 238
Cinnamon-crested spadebill Platyrinchus saturatus Salvin & Godman, 1882 SA Salv 1882 239
Stub-tailed spadebill Platyrinchus cancrominus Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1860 MA Scla 1860 240
White-throated spadebill Platyrinchus mystaceus Vieillot, 1818 MA SA Viei 1818 241
Golden-crowned spadebill Platyrinchus coronatus Sclater, PL, 1858 MA SA Scla 1858 242
Yellow-throated spadebill Platyrinchus flavigularis Sclater, PL, 1862 SA Scla 1862 243
White-crested spadebill Platyrinchus platyrhynchos (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 244
Russet-winged spadebill Platyrinchus leucoryphus Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831 SA Wied 1831 245
Cinnamon neopipo Neopipo cinnamomea (Lawrence, 1869) SA Lawr 1869 246
Cinnamon flycatcher Pyrrhomyias cinnamomeus (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 247
Cliff flycatcher Hirundinea ferruginea (Gmelin, JF, 1788) SA Gmel 1788 248
Euler's flycatcher Lathrotriccus euleri (Cabanis, 1868) SA Caba 1868 249
Grey-breasted flycatcher Lathrotriccus griseipectus (Lawrence, 1869) SA Lawr 1869 250
Tawny-chested flycatcher Aphanotriccus capitalis (Salvin, 1865) MA Salv 1865 251
Black-billed flycatcher Aphanotriccus audax (Nelson, 1912) MA SA Nels 1912 252
Fuscous flycatcher Cnemotriccus fuscatus (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831) SA Wied 1831 253
Belted flycatcher Xenotriccus callizonus Dwight & Griscom, 1927 MA Dwig 1927 254
Pileated flycatcher Xenotriccus mexicanus (Zimmer, JT, 1938) MA Zimm 1938 255
Eastern phoebe Sayornis phoebe (Latham, 1790) NA Lath 1790 256
Black phoebe Sayornis nigricans (Swainson, 1827) MA NA SA Swai 1827 257
Say's phoebe Sayornis saya (Bonaparte, 1825) MA NA Bona 1825 258
Northern tufted flycatcher Mitrephanes phaeocercus (Sclater, PL, 1859) MA SA Scla 1859 259
Olive tufted flycatcher Mitrephanes olivaceus Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1894 SA Berl 1894 260
Olive-sided flycatcher Contopus cooperi (Nuttall, 1831) NA Nutt 1831 261
Greater pewee Contopus pertinax Cabanis & Heine, 1860 MA NA Caba 1860 262
Dark pewee Contopus lugubris Lawrence, 1865 MA Lawr 1865 263
Smoke-colored pewee Contopus fumigatus (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 264
Ochraceous pewee Contopus ochraceus Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1869 MA Scla 1869 265
Western wood pewee Contopus sordidulus Sclater, PL, 1859 MA NA Scla 1859 266
Eastern wood pewee Contopus virens (Linnaeus, 1766) NA Linn 1766 267
Northern tropical pewee Contopus bogotensis (Bonaparte, 1850) MA SA Bona 1850 268
Tumbes pewee Contopus punensis Lawrence, 1869 SA Lawr 1869 269
Southern tropical pewee Contopus cinereus (Spix, 1825) SA Spix 1825 270
White-throated pewee Contopus albogularis (Berlioz, 1962) SA Berl 1962 271
Blackish pewee Contopus nigrescens (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1880) SA Scla 1880 272
Cuban pewee Contopus caribaeus (d'Orbigny, 1839) NA Orbi 1839 273
Hispaniolan pewee Contopus hispaniolensis (Bryant, H, 1867) NA Brya 1867 274
Jamaican pewee Contopus pallidus (Gosse, 1847) NA Goss 1847 275
Lesser Antillean pewee Contopus latirostris (Verreaux, J, 1866) NA Verr 1866 276
Yellow-bellied flycatcher Empidonax flaviventris (Baird, WM & Baird, SF, 1843) NA Bair 1843 277
Acadian flycatcher Empidonax virescens (Vieillot, 1818) NA Viei 1818 278
Willow flycatcher Empidonax traillii (Audubon, 1828) NA Audu 1828 279
Alder flycatcher Empidonax alnorum Brewster, 1895 NA Brew 1895 280
White-throated flycatcher Empidonax albigularis Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1859 MA Scla 1859 281
Least flycatcher Empidonax minimus (Baird, WM & Baird, SF, 1843) NA Bair 1843 282
Hammond's flycatcher Empidonax hammondii (Xántus, J, 1858) NA Xánt 1858 283
American dusky flycatcher Empidonax oberholseri Phillips, AR, 1939 NA Phil 1939 284
American grey flycatcher Empidonax wrightii Baird, SF, 1858 NA Bair 1858 285
Pine flycatcher Empidonax affinis (Swainson, 1827) MA Swai 1827 286
Western flycatcher Empidonax difficilis Baird, SF, 1858 MA NA Bair 1858 287
Yellowish flycatcher Empidonax flavescens Lawrence, 1865 MA Lawr 1865 288
Buff-breasted flycatcher Empidonax fulvifrons (Giraud Jr, 1841) MA NA Gira 1841 289
Black-capped flycatcher Empidonax atriceps Salvin, 1870 MA Salv 1870 290
Scarlet flycatcher Pyrocephalus rubinus (Boddaert, 1783) SA Bodd 1783 291
Vermilion flycatcher Pyrocephalus obscurus Gould, 1839 MA NA SA Goul 1839 292
Darwin's flycatcher Pyrocephalus nanus Gould, 1838 SA Goul 1838 293
San Cristobal flycatcher Pyrocephalus dubius Gould, 1839 SA Goul 1839 294
Drab water tyrant Ochthornis littoralis (Pelzeln, 1868) SA Pelz 1868 295
Yellow-browed tyrant Satrapa icterophrys (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 296
Little ground tyrant Syrtidicola fluviatilis (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1866) SA Scla 1866 297
Spot-billed ground tyrant Muscisaxicola maculirostris d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837 SA Orbi 1837 298
White-fronted ground tyrant Muscisaxicola albifrons (Tschudi, 1844) SA Tsch 1844 299
Ochre-naped ground tyrant Muscisaxicola flavinucha Lafresnaye, 1855 SA Lafr 1855 300
Paramo ground tyrant Muscisaxicola alpinus (Jardine, 1849) SA Jard 1849 301
Taczanowski's ground tyrant Muscisaxicola griseus Taczanowski, 1884 SA Tacz 1884 302
Cinereous ground tyrant Muscisaxicola cinereus Philippi & Landbeck, 1864 SA Phil 1864 303
Rufous-naped ground tyrant Muscisaxicola rufivertex d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837 SA Orbi 1837 304
Dark-faced ground tyrant Muscisaxicola maclovianus (Garnot, 1826) SA Garn 1826 305
White-browed ground tyrant Muscisaxicola albilora Lafresnaye, 1855 SA Lafr 1855 306
Cinnamon-bellied ground tyrant Muscisaxicola capistratus (Burmeister, 1860) SA Burm 1860 307
Puna ground tyrant Muscisaxicola juninensis Taczanowski, 1884 SA Tacz 1884 308
Black-fronted ground tyrant Muscisaxicola frontalis (Burmeister, 1860) SA Burm 1860 309
Andean negrito Lessonia oreas (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1869) SA Scla 1869 310
Austral negrito Lessonia rufa (Gmelin, JF, 1789) SA Gmel 1789 311
Spectacled tyrant Hymenops perspicillatus (Gmelin, JF, 1789) SA Gmel 1789 312
Blue-billed black tyrant Knipolegus cyanirostris (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 313
Jelski's black tyrant Knipolegus signatus (Taczanowski, 1875) SA Tacz 1875 314
Plumbeous tyrant Knipolegus cabanisi Schulz & Schulz, 1882 SA Schu 1882 315
Cinereous tyrant Knipolegus striaticeps (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 316
White-winged black tyrant Knipolegus aterrimus Kaup, 1853 SA Kaup 1853 317
Hudson's black tyrant Knipolegus hudsoni Sclater, PL, 1872 SA Scla 1872 318
Rufous-tailed tyrant Knipolegus poecilurus (Sclater, PL, 1862) SA Scla 1862 319
Riverside tyrant Knipolegus orenocensis Berlepsch, 1884 SA Berl 1884 320
Amazonian black tyrant Knipolegus poecilocercus (Pelzeln, 1868) SA Pelz 1868 321
Crested black tyrant Knipolegus lophotes Boie, F, 1828 SA Boie 1828 322
Velvety black tyrant Knipolegus nigerrimus (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 323
Sao Francisco black tyrant Knipolegus franciscanus Snethlage, E, 1928 SA Snet 1928 324
Red-rumped bush tyrant Cnemarchus erythropygius (Sclater, PL, 1853) SA Scla 1853 325
Rufous-webbed bush tyrant Cnemarchus rufipennis (Taczanowski, 1874) SA Tacz 1874 326
White-rumped monjita Xolmis velatus (Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823) SA Lich 1823 327
White monjita Xolmis irupero (Vieillot, 1823) SA Viei 1823 328
Fire-eyed diucon Pyrope pyrope (Kittlitz, 1830) SA Kitt 1830 329
Grey monjita Nengetus cinereus (Vieillot, 1816) SA Viei 1816 330
Black-crowned monjita Neoxolmis coronatus (Vieillot, 1823) SA Viei 1823 331
Rusty-backed monjita Neoxolmis rubetra (Burmeister, 1860) SA Burm 1860 332
Salinas monjita Neoxolmis salinarum (Nores & Yzurieta, 1979) SA Nore 1979 333
Chocolate-vented tyrant Neoxolmis rufiventris (Vieillot, 1823) SA Viei 1823 334
Streak-throated bush tyrant Myiotheretes striaticollis (Sclater, PL, 1853) SA Scla 1853 335
Rufous-bellied bush tyrant Myiotheretes fuscorufus (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1876) SA Scla 1876 336
Santa Marta bush tyrant Myiotheretes pernix (Bangs, 1899) SA Bang 1899 337
Smoky bush tyrant Myiotheretes fumigatus (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 338
Black-billed shrike-tyrant Agriornis montanus (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 339
Lesser shrike-tyrant Agriornis murinus (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 340
White-tailed shrike-tyrant Agriornis albicauda (Philippi & Landbeck, 1863) SA Phil 1863 341
Grey-bellied shrike-tyrant Agriornis micropterus Gould, 1839 SA Goul 1839 342
Great shrike-tyrant Agriornis lividus (Kittlitz, 1835) SA Kitt 1835 343
Streamer-tailed tyrant Gubernetes yetapa (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 344
Shear-tailed grey tyrant Muscipipra vetula (Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823) SA Lich 1823 345
Pied water tyrant Fluvicola pica (Boddaert, 1783) MA SA Bodd 1783 346
Black-backed water tyrant Fluvicola albiventer (Spix, 1825) SA Spix 1825 347
Masked water tyrant Fluvicola nengeta (Linnaeus, 1766) SA Linn 1766 348
White-headed marsh tyrant Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764) SA Linn 1764 349
Black-and-white monjita Heteroxolmis dominicana (Vieillot, 1823) SA Viei 1823 350
Cock-tailed tyrant Alectrurus tricolor (Vieillot, 1816) SA Viei 1816 351
Strange-tailed tyrant Alectrurus risora (Vieillot, 1824) SA Viei 1824 352
Tumbes tyrant Tumbezia salvini (Taczanowski, 1877) SA Tacz 1877 353
Crowned chat-tyrant Silvicultrix frontalis (Lafresnaye, 1847) SA Lafr 1847 354
Kalinowski's chat-tyrant Silvicultrix spodionota (Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1896) SA Berl 1896 355
Golden-browed chat-tyrant Silvicultrix pulchella (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1876) SA Scla 1876 356
Yellow-bellied chat-tyrant Silvicultrix diadema (Hartlaub, 1843) SA Hart 1843 357
Jelski's chat-tyrant Silvicultrix jelskii (Taczanowski, 1883) SA Tacz 1883 358
Slaty-backed chat-tyrant Ochthoeca cinnamomeiventris (Lafresnaye, 1843) SA Lafr 1843 359
Blackish chat-tyrant Ochthoeca nigrita Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1871 SA Scla 1871 360
Maroon-belted chat-tyrant Ochthoeca thoracica Taczanowski, 1874 SA Tacz 1874 361
Rufous-breasted chat-tyrant Ochthoeca rufipectoralis (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 362
Brown-backed chat-tyrant Ochthoeca fumicolor Sclater, PL, 1856 SA Scla 1856 363
Rufous-browed chat-tyrant Ochthoeca superciliosa Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1871 SA Scla 1871 364
D'Orbigny's chat-tyrant Ochthoeca oenanthoides (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 365
White-browed chat-tyrant Ochthoeca leucophrys (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 366
Piura chat-tyrant Ochthoeca piurae Chapman, 1924 SA Chap 1924 367
Patagonian tyrant Colorhamphus parvirostris (Gould & Gray, GR, 1839) SA Goul 1839 368
Long-tailed tyrant Colonia colonus (Vieillot, 1818) MA SA Viei 1818 369
Short-tailed field tyrant Muscigralla brevicauda d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837 SA Orbi 1837 370
Cattle tyrant Machetornis rixosa (Vieillot, 1819) MA SA Viei 1819 371
Piratic flycatcher Legatus leucophaius (Vieillot, 1818) MA SA Viei 1818 372
White-bearded flycatcher Phelpsia inornata (Lawrence, 1869) SA Lawr 1869 373
Rusty-margined flycatcher Myiozetetes cayanensis (Linnaeus, 1766) MA SA Linn 1766 374
Social flycatcher Myiozetetes similis (Spix, 1825) MA SA Spix 1825 375
Grey-capped flycatcher Myiozetetes granadensis Lawrence, 1862 MA SA Lawr 1862 376
Dusky-chested flycatcher Myiozetetes luteiventris (Sclater, PL, 1858) SA Scla 1858 377
Great kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus (Linnaeus, 1766) MA NA SA Linn 1766 378
Lesser kiskadee Philohydor lictor (Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823) MA SA Lich 1823 379
White-ringed flycatcher Conopias albovittatus (Lawrence, 1862) MA SA Lawr 1862 380
Yellow-throated flycatcher Conopias parvus (Pelzeln, 1868) SA Pelz 1868 381
Three-striped flycatcher Conopias trivirgatus (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831) SA Wied 1831 382
Lemon-browed flycatcher Conopias cinchoneti (Tschudi, 1844) SA Tsch 1844 383
Golden-bellied flycatcher Myiodynastes hemichrysus (Cabanis, 1861) MA SA Caba 1861 384
Golden-crowned flycatcher Myiodynastes chrysocephalus (Tschudi, 1844) SA Tsch 1844 385
Baird's flycatcher Myiodynastes bairdii (Gambel, 1847) SA Gamb 1847 386
Sulphur-bellied flycatcher Myiodynastes luteiventris Sclater, PL, 1859 MA NA Scla 1859 387
Streaked flycatcher Myiodynastes maculatus (Müller, PLS, 1776) MA SA Müll 1776 388
Boat-billed flycatcher Megarynchus pitangua (Linnaeus, 1766) MA SA Linn 1766 389
Sulphury flycatcher Tyrannopsis sulphurea (Spix, 1825) SA Spix 1825 390
Variegated flycatcher Empidonomus varius (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 391
Crowned slaty flycatcher Griseotyrannus aurantioatrocristatus (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 392
Snowy-throated kingbird Tyrannus niveigularis Sclater, PL, 1860 SA Scla 1860 393
White-throated kingbird Tyrannus albogularis Burmeister, 1856 SA Burm 1856 394
Tropical kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus Vieillot, 1819 MA NA SA Viei 1819 395
Couch's kingbird Tyrannus couchii Baird, SF, 1858 MA NA Bair 1858 396
Cassin's kingbird Tyrannus vociferans Swainson, 1826 MA NA Swai 1826 397
Thick-billed kingbird Tyrannus crassirostris Swainson, 1826 MA NA Swai 1826 398
Western kingbird Tyrannus verticalis Say, 1822 NA Say 1822 399
Scissor-tailed flycatcher Tyrannus forficatus (Gmelin, JF, 1789) NA Gmel 1789 400
Fork-tailed flycatcher Tyrannus savana Daudin, 1802 MA SA Daud 1802 401
Eastern kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus (Linnaeus, 1758) NA Linn 1758 402
Grey kingbird Tyrannus dominicensis (Gmelin, JF, 1788) NA Gmel 1788 403
Giant kingbird Tyrannus cubensis Richmond, 1898 NA Rich 1898 404
Loggerhead kingbird Tyrannus caudifasciatus d'Orbigny, 1839 NA Orbi 1839 405
Greyish mourner Rhytipterna simplex (Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823) SA Lich 1823 406
Pale-bellied mourner Rhytipterna immunda (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1873) SA Scla 1873 407
Rufous mourner Rhytipterna holerythra (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1860) MA SA Scla 1860 408
Sibilant sirystes Sirystes sibilator (Vieillot, 1818) SA Viei 1818 409
White-rumped sirystes Sirystes albocinereus Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1880 SA Scla 1880 410
Todd's sirystes Sirystes subcanescens Todd, 1920 SA Todd 1920 411
Choco sirystes Sirystes albogriseus (Lawrence, 1863) MA SA Lawr 1863 412
Rufous casiornis Casiornis rufus (Vieillot, 1816) SA Viei 1816 413
Ash-throated casiornis Casiornis fuscus Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1873 SA Scla 1873 414
Rufous flycatcher Myiarchus semirufus Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1878 SA Scla 1878 415
Yucatan flycatcher Myiarchus yucatanensis Lawrence, 1871 MA Lawr 1871 416
Sad flycatcher Myiarchus barbirostris (Swainson, 1827) NA Swai 1827 417
Dusky-capped flycatcher Myiarchus tuberculifer (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) MA NA SA Orbi 1837 418
Swainson's flycatcher Myiarchus swainsoni Cabanis & Heine, 1860 SA Caba 1860 419
Venezuelan flycatcher Myiarchus venezuelensis Lawrence, 1865 SA Lawr 1865 420
Panama flycatcher Myiarchus panamensis Lawrence, 1860 MA SA Lawr 1860 421
Short-crested flycatcher Myiarchus ferox (Gmelin, JF, 1789) SA Gmel 1789 422
Apical flycatcher Myiarchus apicalis Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1881 SA Scla 1881 423
Pale-edged flycatcher Myiarchus cephalotes Taczanowski, 1880 SA Tacz 1880 424
Sooty-crowned flycatcher Myiarchus phaeocephalus Sclater, PL, 1860 SA Scla 1860 425
Ash-throated flycatcher Myiarchus cinerascens (Lawrence, 1851) MA NA Lawr 1851 426
Nutting's flycatcher Myiarchus nuttingi Ridgway, 1882 MA Ridg 1882 427
Great crested flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus (Linnaeus, 1758) NA Linn 1758 428
Brown-crested flycatcher Myiarchus tyrannulus (Müller, PLS, 1776) MA NA SA Müll 1776 429
Galapagos flycatcher Myiarchus magnirostris (Gould, 1838) SA Goul 1838 430
Grenada flycatcher Myiarchus nugator Riley, 1904 NA Rile 1904 431
Rufous-tailed flycatcher Myiarchus validus Cabanis, 1847 NA Caba 1847 432
La Sagra's flycatcher Myiarchus sagrae (Gundlach, 1852) NA Gund 1852 433
Stolid flycatcher Myiarchus stolidus (Gosse, 1847) NA Goss 1847 434
Puerto Rican flycatcher Myiarchus antillarum (Bryant, H, 1866) NA Brya 1866 435
Lesser Antillean flycatcher Myiarchus oberi Lawrence, 1877 NA Lawr 1877 436
Large-headed flatbill Ramphotrigon megacephalum (Swainson, 1835) SA Swai 1835 437
Flammulated flycatcher Ramphotrigon flammulatum (Lawrence, 1875) MA Lawr 1875 438
Rufous-tailed flatbill Ramphotrigon ruficauda (Spix, 1825) SA Spix 1825 439
Dusky-tailed flatbill Ramphotrigon fuscicauda Chapman, 1925 SA Chap 1925 440
Rufous-tailed attila Attila phoenicurus Pelzeln, 1868 SA Pelz 1868 441
Cinnamon attila Attila cinnamomeus (Gmelin, JF, 1789) SA Gmel 1789 442
Ochraceous attila Attila torridus Sclater, PL, 1860 SA Scla 1860 443
Citron-bellied attila Attila citriniventris Sclater, PL, 1859 SA Scla 1859 444
White-eyed attila Attila bolivianus Lafresnaye, 1848 SA Lafr 1848 445
Grey-hooded attila Attila rufus (Vieillot, 1819) SA Viei 1819 446
Bright-rumped attila Attila spadiceus (Gmelin, JF, 1789) MA SA Gmel 1789 447

Tyrannidae genera

Genus + authority spp Br.
au yr id Comment
Piprites Cabanis, 1847 3 MA SA Caba 1847 1 Piprites is traditionally grouped with the manakins (Pipridae), but both Tello et al. (2009) and Ohlson et al. (2008) place it within Tyrannidae, possibly in a basal position (Harshman 2009). SACC 732 declined family rank.
Phyllomyias Cabanis & Heine, 1860 14 MA SA Caba 1860 2 Phyllomyias is polyphyletic, with at least two clades; nomenclature revisions include return to use of Tyranniscus for one set of species (Fitzpatrick 2004; Tello et al. 2009; SACC; Harshman 2009).
Tyrannulus Vieillot, 1816 1 MA SA Viei 1816 3
Myiopagis Salvin & Godman, 1888 9 NA MA SA Salv 1888 4
Elaenia Sundevall, 1836 22 NA MA SA Sund 1836 5
Ornithion Hartlaub, 1853 3 MA SA Hart 1853 6
Camptostoma Sclater, PL, 1857 2 MA SA Scla 1857 7
Suiriri d'Orbigny, 1840 1 SA Orbi 1840 8
Mecocerculus Sclater, PL, 1862 6 SA Scla 1862 9
Anairetes Reichenbach, 1850 6 SA Reic 1850 10
Uromyias Hellmayr, 1927 2 SA Hell 1927 11 Uromyias resurrected based on recent molecular studies (DuBay & Witt 2012; SACC 525).
Serpophaga Gould, 1839 5 MA SA Goul 1839 12
Nesotriccus Townsend, CH, 1895 5 MA SA Town 1895 13 Phylogenetic analysis reveals that Cocos Flycatcher (Nesotriccus) is embedded in the Mouse-colored Tyrannulet radiation (Phaeomyias). Since Nesotriccus has priority over Phaeomyias, the former genus prevails for the merged genus (Zucker et al. 2016). Note that Phaeomyias is feminine but Nesotriccus is masculine. Species-group epithets are modified accordingly.
Capsiempis Cabanis & Heine, 1860 1 MA SA Caba 1860 14
Polystictus Reichenbach, 1850 2 SA Reic 1850 15
Pseudocolopteryx Lillo, 1905 5 SA Lill 1905 16
Pseudotriccus Taczanowski & Berlepsch, 1885 3 MA SA Tacz 1885 17
Corythopis Sundevall, 1836 2 SA Sund 1836 18
Euscarthmus Wied-Neuwied, M, 1831 3 SA Wied 1831 19
Pseudelaenia Lanyon, W, 1988 1 SA Lany 1988 20
Stigmatura Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1866 3 SA Scla 1866 21
Zimmerius Traylor, 1977 15 MA SA Tray 1977 22
Pogonotriccus Cabanis & Heine, 1860 7 SA Caba 1860 23 STET: SACC keeps bristle tyrants in Phylloscartes but needs proposal to update to Pogonotriccus (Fitzpatrick 2004).
Phylloscartes Cabanis & Heine, 1860 16 MA SA Caba 1860 24
Mionectes Cabanis, 1844 7 MA SA Caba 1844 25
Leptopogon Cabanis, 1844 4 MA SA Caba 1844 26
Guyramemua Lopes, Chaves, Mendes de Aquino, Silveira & Santos, FR, 2017 1 SA Lope 2017 27 Genus nov.: Lopes et al., 2017.
Sublegatus Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1868 3 MA SA Scla 1868 28
Inezia Cherrie, 1909 4 SA Cher 1909 29
Myiophobus Reichenbach, 1850 8 MA SA Reic 1850 30 The traditional genus Myiophobus is polyphyletic; comprises three clades (Ohlson et al. 2008, 2009; Tello et al. 2009), one of which is now separated as Nephelomyias.
Nephelomyias Ohlson, Fjeldså & Ericson, 2009 3 SA Ohls 2009 31
Myiotriccus Ridgway, 1905 1 SA Ridg 1905 32
Tachuris Lafresnaye, 1836 1 SA Lafr 1836 33
Culicivora Swainson, 1827 1 SA Swai 1827 34
Hemitriccus Cabanis & Heine, 1860 22 SA Caba 1860 35
Myiornis Bertoni, AW, 1901 4 MA SA Bert 1901 36
Oncostoma Sclater, PL, 1862 2 MA SA Scla 1862 37
Lophotriccus Berlepsch, 1884 4 MA SA Berl 1884 38
Atalotriccus Ridgway, 1905 1 MA SA Ridg 1905 39 Lophotriccus pilaris is assigned to Atalotriccus (SACC).
Poecilotriccus Berlepsch, 1884 12 MA SA Berl 1884 40
Taeniotriccus Berlepsch & Hartert, EJO, 1902 1 SA Berl 1902 41
Todirostrum Lesson, RP, 1831 7 MA SA Less 1831 42
Cnipodectes Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1873 2 MA SA Scla 1873 43
Rhynchocyclus Cabanis & Heine, 1860 5 MA SA Caba 1860 44 Sequence of species within Rhynchocyclus follows Simões et al. (2021).
Tolmomyias Hellmayr, 1927 7 MA SA Hell 1927 45
Calyptura Swainson, 1832 1 SA Swai 1832 46
Platyrinchus Desmarest, 1805 7 MA SA Desm 1805 47
Neopipo Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1869 1 SA Scla 1869 48
Pyrrhomyias Cabanis & Heine, 1860 1 SA Caba 1860 49
Hirundinea d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837 1 SA Orbi 1837 50
Lathrotriccus Lanyon, W & Lanyon, S, 1986 2 SA Lany 1986 51
Aphanotriccus Ridgway, 1905 2 MA SA Ridg 1905 52
Cnemotriccus Hellmayr, 1927 1 SA Hell 1927 53
Xenotriccus Dwight & Griscom, 1927 2 MA Dwig 1927 54
Sayornis Bonaparte, 1854 3 NA MA SA Bona 1854 55
Mitrephanes Coues, 1882 2 MA SA Coue 1882 56
Contopus Cabanis, 1855 16 NA MA SA Caba 1855 57
Empidonax Cabanis, 1855 14 NA MA Caba 1855 58
Pyrocephalus Gould, 1838 4 NA MA SA Goul 1838 59
Ochthornis Sclater, PL, 1888 1 SA Scla 1888 60
Satrapa Strickland, 1844 1 SA Stri 1844 61 The tribe Xolmiini (Satrapa through Agriornis) is sequenced based on Chesser et al. (2020) and SACC 885.
Syrtidicola Chesser, Harvey, Brumfield & Derryberry, 2020 1 SA Ches 2020 62 Genus nov.: Chesser, Harvey, Brumfield & Derryberry, 2020. Formerly assigned to Muscisaxicola but phylogenetic analysis shows deep genetic divergence from other species within that genus, fluviatilis being phylogenetically closer to Satrapa, with which it forms a separate subclade.
Muscisaxicola d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837 12 SA Orbi 1837 63 Sequence of Muscisaxicola follows Chesser et al. (2020).
Lessonia Swainson, 1832 2 SA Swai 1832 64
Hymenops Lesson, RP, 1828 1 SA Less 1828 65
Knipolegus Boie, F, 1826 12 SA Boie 1826 66 Sequence of Knipolegus follows Chesser et al. (2020).
Cnemarchus Ridgway, 1905 2 SA Ridg 1905 67
Xolmis Boie, F, 1826 2 SA Boie 1826 68
Pyrope Cabanis & Heine, 1860 1 SA Caba 1860 69 Monotypic Pyrope is resurrected for Fire-eyed Diucon which is basal to the remainder of the species within Xolmiini (Chesser et al. 2020; SACC 885).
Nengetus Swainson, 1827 1 SA Swai 1827 70 Nengetus was resurrected as an expansive genus including Gray Monjita, Chocolate-vented Tyrant and three other sister monjita species formerly included in Xolmis by Chesser et al. (2020). Here treated as a monotypic genus following SACC 885.
Neoxolmis Hellmayr, 1927 4 SA Hell 1927 71
Myiotheretes Reichenbach, 1850 4 SA Reic 1850 72 Sequence of Myiotheretes follows Chesser et al. (2020).
Agriornis Gould, 1839 5 SA Goul 1839 73 Sequence of Agriornis follows Chesser et al. (2020).
Gubernetes Such, 1825 1 SA Such 1825 74
Muscipipra Lesson, RP, 1831 1 SA Less 1831 75
Fluvicola Swainson, 1827 3 MA SA Swai 1827 76
Arundinicola d'Orbigny, 1840 1 SA Orbi 1840 77
Heteroxolmis Lanyon, W, 1986 1 SA Lany 1986 78 Phylogenetic analyses show that Heteroxolmis is not a part of Xolmiini but rather is sister to Alectrurus in Fluvicolini (Tello et al. 2009; Harvey et al. 2020; Chesser et al. 2020, SACC 885).
Alectrurus Vieillot, 1816 2 SA Viei 1816 79
Tumbezia Chapman, 1925 1 SA Chap 1925 80
Silvicultrix Lanyon, W, 1986 5 SA Lany 1986 81 Silvicultrix has often been submerged within Ochthoeca (in Fluvicolini), but the two are not closest relatives (Tello et al. 2009; Harshman 2009).
Ochthoeca Cabanis, 1847 9 SA Caba 1847 82
Colorhamphus Sundevall, 1872 1 SA Sund 1872 83
Colonia Gray, JE, 1828 1 MA SA Gray 1828 84
Muscigralla d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837 1 SA Orbi 1837 85
Machetornis Gray, GR, 1841 1 MA SA Gray 1841 86
Legatus Sclater, PL, 1859 1 MA SA Scla 1859 87
Phelpsia Lanyon, W, 1984 1 SA Lany 1984 88
Myiozetetes Sclater, PL, 1859 4 MA SA Scla 1859 89
Pitangus Swainson, 1827 1 NA MA SA Swai 1827 90
Philohydor Lanyon, W, 1984 1 MA SA Lany 1984 91 Retained in Philohydor based on morphological and behavioral differences (Lanyon 1986; Fitzpatrick 2004). Recognition of Phylhydor as distinct from Pitangus is further supported by the robust phylogeny of Harvey et al. (2020). Accepted by NACC 2022-C-5 and SACC 951.
Conopias Cabanis & Heine, 1860 4 MA SA Caba 1860 92
Myiodynastes Bonaparte, 1857 5 NA MA SA Bona 1857 93
Megarynchus Thunberg, 1824 1 MA SA Thun 1824 94
Tyrannopsis Ridgway, 1905 1 SA Ridg 1905 95
Empidonomus Cabanis & Heine, 1860 1 SA Caba 1860 96
Griseotyrannus Lanyon, W, 1984 1 SA Lany 1984 97 Retained in Griseotyrannus (following Lanyon 1986; Fitzpatrick 2004); contra Empidonomus by SACC and AOU (1998).
Tyrannus Lacépède, 1799 13 NA MA SA Lacé 1799 98
Rhytipterna Reichenbach, 1850 3 MA SA Reic 1850 99
Sirystes Cabanis & Heine, 1860 4 MA SA Caba 1860 100
Casiornis des Murs, 1856 2 SA des 1856 101
Myiarchus Cabanis, 1844 22 NA MA SA Caba 1844 102
Ramphotrigon Gray, GR, 1855 4 MA SA Gray 1855 103
Attila Lesson, RP, 1831 7 MA SA Less 1831 104


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2). https://www.worldbirdnames.org
  2. ^ IOC Ranges