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User:Kotofeij K. Bajun

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This is the copy of Mr Bajun's German Wikipedia's User page. If the translation is incorrect or insufficient, than please help to bring it in a proper manner! Please notify that all red written Wikipedia links are associated to the German Wikipedia! They will not work here. The blue ones show articles written or edited by other autors in the English Wikipedia. To see Mr Bajun's contributions to this topic or items please clik in the left sidebar on the German version!

Help, support, advices an constructive critics are welcome everytime!

The leaves were fallen down from the tree

The air in the autumn is cold and clear.

the well educated man of virtue

will leave the Zen-Temple.

Hopefully he comes back soon

and tells, what moves his heart.(Kido Chigu, 1185-1269)
(Kido Chigu: chin.: 虚堂智愚, Hsu-t'ang-Chih-yu, Xutang-Zhiyu)
Translation from Japanese original: Kotofeij K. Bajun

Котофей Крысович Баюн, Журналист (Kotofeij Kryisowitsch Bajun, Journalist)

The Siberian Tomcat Bajun



Vice Editor in Chief and chairman of the culture department of Preußischr Landbote / Prussian Land Messenger, born on May 28th, 1964 on the island of Kidan, Siberia (Russia), Studied Medicine and Chemistry at the Humboldt-Universität of Berlin (Charite) and the Freie Universität Berlin. Since April 1st, 2008 he studies politology and organisation at the Fernuniversität Hagen/ Germany and the Humboldt-Universität of Berlin. Now he lives in Brandenburg an der Havel, an important town about 40 miles east from Berlin, Germany, on the northbanks of the river Havel.

What the journalist Bajun loves


The journalist Bajun loves the German writer Kurt Tucholsky, the famous autor and novelist from Island Halldor Laxness, cats, rats, ravens, pigs, camels, aardvarks, frogs, pines, birches, Japanese Maple and Tulips, the Japanese civilisation's efforts and the Buddhism. He very respects Rabbi Joschua bar Josef from Nazareth, the Christians call Jesus, but himself he's a pagan and serves the ancient gods Bastet and Pan.

He believes Mr Johann Sebastian Bach and Mr Antonio Vivaldi are ministers of The Lord for occidental music, gets heart jumpings at Mr Beethoven and Mr Mozart and loves generally old music down till the Ars Antiqua. Enthusiastically he sings the medieval inn songs by Mr Oswalds von Wolkenstein. The paintings by Mr Boschs and Mr Iwan Iwanowitsch Schischkin let him get wet eyes, and when he reads Mr Villon, Mr Wolkenstein, Dafnis by Mr Arno Holz and his absolute favourit Issa, than he knows, this life is wonderful and not to substitute, indeed.

Moreover the journalist Bajun is happy about every intelligent thougt, kept by the idea of humanism and tries, to spread it as much as possible. He expresses his gratitude for the existence of the Wikipedia he guesses as a revolution in spreading of knowledge and makes whatever he can, to support this revolution with his modest forces.

And the journalist Bajun loves the English language very much, still, if it is not to be seen on this page, admitted. But he tries to improve his abilities every single day, promised ;-)

What the journalist Bajun attacks


cantankerousness, arrogance, ignorance, selfishness and all of the other ugly daughters of that huge enemy of mankind: the Virus of Human Stupidity. (Curt Goetz)

What's disgusting for the journalist Bajun


If someone is not be able to listen to his neighbour's voice. If someone is not be able to let him finish his speech. If someone is always trying to sell his own opinion like rotten fisch and frowsty butter.

articels were created or edited under the following IPs:

  • (Issa Kobayashi) (German Wikipedia)
  • (Bastet; Japanese Wikipedia)

created artikels (in the German Wikipedia)


Please notify, that the links recommend to the German Wikipedia. If a link is blue highlightened, than call him and clik in the left sidebar on the German version.

  • Wendsee description of al lake 2005 10 25
  • Bajun, siberian god, 2006 01 26
  • Dr. Erich Kreutz, Mayor of Brandenburg an der Havel between 1933-1937, 2006 08 07
  • Wusterau, peninsula near Brandenburg an der Havel, nature protection area , 2006 10 03
  • Tom Wolf, German autor of presence, 2006 11 14 (Attention: not to mischange with Thomas Wolfe, the English redirection suggests that disaccord.)

edited artikels (in the German Wikipedia)


Please notify, that the links recommend to the German Wikipedia. If a link is blue highlightened, than call him and clik in the left sidebar on the German version.

  • Bistum Brandenburg, "Die Brandenburger Bischöfe residierten... von Posen nach Kiew führte." 23.01.2006
  (am 04.01.2006 wurde der Zusatz in Bezug auf den Gesamtinhalt 
  des Artikels zur Disposition gestellt) (24.02.2006)
  • Triglaw, "Mit der Christianisierung", 30.01.2006
  • Quitzow, Adelsgeschlecht, "Die Mark Brandenburg kam...", 07.02.2006
  • Dahme, Fluß, Andere Autoren...weitergegeben, 22.02.2006
  • Jiddisch, "Der Dibbuk "...Stetl in Galizien., 23.02.2006
  • Bornholm/Verkehr, Der Regionalflughafen...angesteuert werden., 08.03.2006
  • Hiragana (jap. Schriftzeichen, Kurzschrift), orth. Korr. 08.03.2006
  • Knoblauch (merkwürdige Ortsnamen) 03.07.2006
  • Bremsen Regional...verwendet 25.07.2006
  • Haiku japanische Dreizeiler "Große und überragende...für ein Gesicht." 18.01.2006
  • Bistum Brandenburg, "Die Brandenburger Bischöfe residierten... von Posen nach Kiew führte." 23.01.2006
  • Bastet, ägyptische Göttin, "Als Göttin der Fruchtbarkeit...Schwangeren"18.01.2006
  • Havel, Absatz "Name", und Einfügung "Wasserscheide" 06.08.2006
  • Fläming, Namensgebung in slawischer Zeit, 29.08.2006
  • Brandenburg an der Havel, geographische Lage (Havelland und Zauche), Neuordnung und Erweiterung des Abschnitts "Verkehr und Infrastruktur" um die Einfügungen "Wasserstraßen und Luftverkehr", 12.09.2006
  • Kloster Lehnin, Gründungslegende um Otto I., "Ausgehend...integriert.", 20.10.2006
  • Privatier, ...eine andere, vorteilhaftere Deutung...zuzurechnen ist., 26.10.2006
  • Saaringen, Lage, vermutetete slawische Namensherkunft und Bildmaterial, 28.10.2006
  • Templerorden, ...Die Verhaftungswelle...Machtbereich Philipps derselbe..., 03.11.2006
  • Friedrich der Große, Dennoch wurde der testamentarische Wunsch...militärischen Ehren begleitet wurde., 15.11.2006
  • Friedrich Wilhelm I. (Preußen), ein Standort für "moderne" Wissenschaft, ...Zu den Geisteswissenschaften ... den Rücken.; der Merkantilstaat Preußen, ...Das Revolutionäre... Klepper, Der Vater.; 22.11.2006,
  • Walter Ulbricht, Gleiderung, Abschnitte "Weimarer Republik" und "Moskau", 26.11.2006

edited artikels (in the English Wikipedia)




Sommergras is all
what did remain
of the warrior's dream.
(Natsukusa ya, Tsuwamonodomo ga, Yume no ato.)

(Matsuo Bashō, 松尾芭蕉)


Preußischer Landbote / Prussian Land Messenger

Iro ha


(Iro ha ni o edo, chirinuru wo, waga yo dare zo, tsune naramu,
ui no okuyama, kyo koete, asaki yume mishi, ei mo sezu.)
(Die Blume, obgleich sie duftet, ist vergänglich,
was in der Welt wird unvergänglich sein?
Den Berg des Werdens und Vergehens werde ich heute überschreiten,
von den Träumen mich lösen,
keine Illusion soll mein Dasein mehr bestimmen.
(German Translation: Kotofeij K. Bajun) It would be nice if somebody could translate this text in English and conserve the charm of the poem. Thanks, Kotofeij