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User:Kit Lywait/WikiBasha - User Guide

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user guide is intended for users of the WikiBhasha beta application on Wikipedia. The guide aims to clarify the purpose and the workflow of the application, and introduce users to the basics of the WikiBhasha beta application & its usage.

Conventions Used In This Guide
Information Symbol
Important info. bell The symbol indicates that some important information is provided alongside.
Troubleshooting tip tyre This symbol indicates a tip that may resolve a commonly encountered issue.
Term Meaning
Source Language In the context of sourcing and translating content, Source Language refers to the language of the Wikipedia from which you are sourcing content. In WikiBhasha beta, source language is English.
Target Language The language in which you want to contribute content to Wikipedia. For example, if you want to contribute to a Japanese Wikipedia, then Japanese is the target language.

WikiBasha (Beta)


WikiBhasha beta is a browser-based application that helps a community of users to create multilingual content in their [non-English] Wikipedias, leveraging the large English Wikipedia content. This application manifests as a simple and intuitive user interface layer that stays on the target language Wikipedia article that is created or enhanced through this application, during the user-session. At the end of the session, all content created or modified are submitted to the target language Wikipedia.

The UI layer implements a simple 3-step process helping the user in gathering content from source language Wikipedia, composing the target language Wikipedia article, and finally, submitting new content to the target Wikipedia. The UI layer integrates content discovery, linguistic and collaborative services, transparently.

WikiBhasha beta currently supports all translation pairs in Bing Translator, in which either the source language is English. WikiBhasha beta currently tested on Internet Explorer (7 or above) on Windows XP, Windows Vista & Windows 7 and on Firefox (3.5 or above) on Windows and Linux (Fedora 11 or above).

Please ensure that you comply with Wikipedia norms for all content contribution to Wikipedia.

WikiBasha Beta Availability


Currently WikiBhasha beta is available as a MediaWiki Extension and as a user-gadget (from Wikipedia user, WikiBhasha.MSR). It is also available as a bookmarklet/favorite from the http://www.WikiBhasha.org or http://research.microsoft.com/WikiBhasha sites.

Installing WikiBhasha Beta


As a user-gadget from the Wikipedia user “WIKIBHASHA.MSR”

Those users who have Wikipedia login credentials may install WikiBhasha beta as follows:

  1. Log in to Wikipedia. (You need to create an account on Wikipedia if you do not already have one.)
  2. Go to your my preferences, and click on the Appearance tab.
  3. Edit your “Monobook.js” or “Vector.js” file (depending on your preference setting) and add the following:


Please save your changes and reload your current page to see the gadget added to your profile. You should see WikiBhasha in the left side as a menu item, and on Edit page as a button (as below):

Installing WikiBhasha Beta as a Bookmarklet
Adding a Bookmarklet to Favorites:
Make sure the ‘Favorites Bar’ is visible in Internet Explorer. If it is not visible, on the View menu, point to Toolbars and then click Favorites Bar.
Adding a Bookmarklet to the Bookmarks Toolbar:
Make sure the ‘Bookmarks Toolbar’ is visible in Firefox. If it is not visible, on the View menu, point to Toolbars and then click Bookmarks Toolbar.
In WikiBhasha (Beta) homepage:
1. On the Installation tab, right-click the WikiBhasha beta link and click
  Add to Favorites.
2. On the Add a Favorite window, in the Create in list, select Favorites Bar.
3. Click Add.
In WikiBhasha (Beta) homepage:
1. On the Installation tab, right-click the WikiBhasha beta link and click
 Bookmark This Link.
2. On the New Bookmark window, in the Folder list, select Bookmarks Toolbar.
3. Click Save.
The Internet Explorer Favorites bar now has a new WikiBhasha beta bookmarklet. The Firefox Bookmarks toolbar now has a new WikiBhasha beta bookmark.

Authentication Mechanism


Since WikiBhasha (Beta) works transparently on Wikipedia, we do not do any authentication for WikiBhasha (Beta). Your contribution to target language Wikipedia is yours, and we integrate the linguistic and collaborative components only in the edit layer. For the beta program, we may capture some of the session information (for example, article referred to, and contributed to, the use of features, etc.) for making the user experience better for the release version.

WikiBasha Beta Workflow


The WikiBhasha beta workflow for contribution to a Wikipedia is in three Steps – Collect, Compose & Submit.

The Collect step is meant for identifying appropriate content from English Wikipedia (say, from the Tiger article) for enhancing the target language Wikipedia article (say, its inter-wiki-linked Panthera Tigris article in Spanish Wikipedia). For example, the English Wikipedia article may contain sections (say, Conservation Efforts) that that may be missing in the Spanish article. Once such content is identified, you may correct the default translations (in target language) to make the content ready for enhancing the target article. You may use the search mechanism to identify more source content from multiple articles.

In the Compose step, you focus on composing a new target language article or enhance an existing article (say, Panthera Tigris in Spanish Wikipedia), with the content sourced in the collect step. An editable pane is provided, with which you can create the new article, or enhance the existing one, by moving the [translated and corrected] content into pane). In addition to moving the sourced content, you may rearrange, modify or rewrite the moved content, or add new material, to get your contribution to the target language article right.

The Submit step puts you in the edit page of the target language Wikipedia article you were working on. The edit box would contain the material you worked on in the compose step. You may use the Wikipedia edit page for any final edits, preview or submission to target language Wikipedia.

The WikiBhasha (Beta) Interface


Invoking WikiBasha Beta on a Wikipedia article


WikiBhasha beta may be invoked only on a Wikipedia article - either on the English or one of the supported target language Wikipedias.

Starting with a Target Language Article


Consider that you want to enhance the content of Japanese Sandpiper article. You are currently on the Japanese Wikipedia article on Sandpiper. Clicking on the WikiBhasha beta gadget on the Wikipedia page or the bookmarklet button on your browser toolbar, opens the WikiBhasha beta application as an edit layer on the top of the Japanese Wikipedia article. You are directly taken to the Collect step.

Starting with an English article


 1. Click the WikiBhasha beta button on your browser toolbar, when on an English Wikipedia article.

 2. Click Contribute to its multilingual version.

 3. In the Select Language list, select Japanese.

 4. Follow one of the following sub-steps:

 a. If a Japanese Wikipedia article on Sandpiper already exists, then your browser will display that article in the Article Title box. Click Contribute to Japanese article.
 b. If an article does not already exist in the target language, you will be prompted to type an Article Title and click Create Japanese article. A default name would   be provided as a suggestion.
 5. In either of the above, you would be put into target language Wikipedia article (normal mode for existing article, or edit mode for new article). While the gadget will invoke  WikiBhasha automatically on the target article, the WikiBhasha beta bookmarklet may have to be clicked once again.

The Collect Step


In Collect step – the two pane display of WikiBhasha beta shows the source article in English on the left pane, and the machine translated target language version of the article on the right pane. Note that the content is displayed in a simplified manner, fully preserving underneath the wikimarkups in the text; the user may switch between this view and fully wikimarkedup view by checking the Show Wikimarkup box.

This pane supports synchronized scrolling between the left and right panes. Highlighting (by hovering over it) a sentence in either pane, results in the corresponding sentence being highlighted in a synchronized manner in the other pane as well. The content in the right pane is editable. You can directly edit content in the right pane (in the target language). We assume you have the appropriate mechanism for typing in non-English languages.

WikiBhasha beta uses the Collaborative Translation Framework (CTF) to provide alternatives for the target language translations for a given source language sentence. You may also use CTF for correcting a sentence. Any changes through CTF would be available for all users of WikiBhasha beta, instantly. For more on CTF, read Section 3.2.

You can search for other articles from which you may source content. For more on Search, read Section 3.1.

The Compose Step


In Compose step, a two pane display shows the translated [and potentially modified in the first step] English article in the left pane. Any existing target language content from the target language Wikipedia is displayed in the right pane. Note that the content is displayed in a simplified manner, fully preserving underneath the wikimarkups in the text.

If target language Wikipedia does not currently have a corresponding article (it is being created in this session), then a Bring the translated & corrected source content message is displayed in the right pane. Clicking Yes, to copy the entire content from the left pane to the right pane.

You can selectively copy and paste content from the left pane to the right pane, using the Ctrl + C key combination to copy, and Ctrl + V combination to paste content. You can also highlight a block of text using the keyboard or mouse, and then drag and drop the block of text from the left pane to the right pane using the mouse.

You can directly edit content in the right pane (in the target language), for re-organizing, rewriting existing content or adding new content.

You can also search for other topics from which you want to select content to contribute to the target language. For more on Search, read Section 3.1.

The Submit Step


In Submit step you are put directly into the target language Wikipedia, in the edit page of the article you are enhancing or the new article you are creating. The content composed in the right pane of Compose step is available (with all the wikimarkups) in the Wikipedia edit box. You can make any final editorial changes in the edit box. It is highly recommended that you do a Wikipedia preview (Alt-P) to make sure the article displays correctly) and resolve any conflicts (such as, redlinks). You should conform to the norms of the target language Wikipedia before submission (Alt-S).

Now, all the changes you made to the target language article is now part of Wikipedia. Congratulations!

Other features of WikiBasha Beta


Use the Search tool to explore source or target language Wikipedias for other articles from which you identify/source content to enhance target Wikipedia article. The search tool displays relevant articles from both the source and target language Wikipedias, as returned by the default Wikipedia search mechanism.
 1. Click the Search button to open the Search pane.
 2. Type the search keyword and click the Search button in the Search pane.

 3. Click the title of a search result, to open its corresponding topic.

If you select a search result that is in the source language, the topic will be opened in the two pane display of the Collect Step (Section 2.3).

If you select a search result that is in the target language, the topic will be opened in the two pane display of the Compose Step (Section 2.4).

Note: If you open a target language article via search, Collect Step is not available for that topic.

Visited Topics


The Visited Topics list displays a list of all previously visited topics in the user session. Select any topic from the list to switch to that topic. If you select a topic in the source language, the topic will be opened in the Collect step. If you select a topic in the target language, the topic will be opened in the Compose step.

Collaborative Translation Framework (CTF)


In both the Collect and the Compose steps, a collaborative mechanism – Collaborative Translation Framework (CTF) – is available. CTF is a collaborative cloud service provided by Microsoft Translator, which makes available alternative translations (provided by other users) for the highlighted sentence.
 1. In Collect step, on the right pane, a CTF pane is displayed for the highlighted sentence.

 2. Click More Translations to display a list of available translations (machine or by other users). (Image) denotes Automatic Translations (machine translations), and denotes  collaborative translations.
 3. Select one of the available translations from the list to replace the current sentence in the article with that sentence. You can use the Edit button shown against a translation  to edit that sentence.
 4. When done with editing, click Submit.

Submit will close CTF, and the version as changed/corrected by you would replace the version on which CTF was invoked. In addition, your version of the translated sentence is added as one of the alternatives through CTF to all subsequent users.



 1. Click the Scratchpad button to display the Scratchpad pane.

 2. The above window is opened, which could be used as a scratch pad for translations. You can use the Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V key combinations to copy-and-paste text from/to  WikiBhasha panes (or any other source).

Wikiformat Mode


So far, all the edit features of WikiBhasha beta described had been shown in a simplified mode. By click the Show Wikiformat check box you can enable the Wikimarkup mode, in which the content will be displayed in the native wikimarkedup format (with all the wiki markups), just as you would see in the Wikipedia editor. You are free to work in this mode as well, or toggle back to simplified mode by checking Hide Wikiformat check box.



Clicking the Feedback button on the top, invokes the following feedback box, which may be used for providing feedback and requests to the WikiBhasha beta team. You can send the feedbacks as email, or by using the discussion forums in http://research.microsoft.com/WikiBhasha page or in Wikimedia discussion pages.

That’s all, Folks! We hope that this application is useful, and with your feedback it may get even better!