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User:Jungse Lee/Global news flow/Bibliography

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User: Jungse Lee/Global news flow, Bibliography


This is where you will compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Please refer to the following resources for help:

  1. “Media Imperialism in India and Pakistan.” Taylor & Francis, www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01292986.2019.1709518?scroll=top
  2. Segev, E. (2016). The group-sphere model of international news flow: A cross-national comparison of news sites. International Communication Gazette, 78(3), 200–222.
  3. MEYER, W. (1989). Global News Flows: Dependency and Neoimperialism. Comparative Political Studies, 22(3), 243–264.
  4. Dai, M. (2014). Does the medium make a difference? A comparative analysis of international news in Chinese online and print newspapers. China Media Research, 10(2), 35–.
  5. MCNELLY, J. (1959). Intermediary Communicators in the International Flow of News. Journalism Quarterly, 36(1), 23–.