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About the User


This user got to know about Wikipedia in the middle of 2010. Attracted by its freedom, this user registered an account on Dec 23 2009. However, this user lad long been only reading the pages since registration, with no intention of editing. By the end of 2010, this user met User:Flsxx, who is a professional user. Since then, this user has been working on corrections, but his biggest contribution is on the photos. This user is a fan on Photography, and owns a Canon EOS 5D Mark II DSLR camera. This user used to be, is, and will be contributing lots of photos, helping improve the photographic qualities.

This user is currently a undergraduate student in Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China, with a major of Bioengineering, and the minor Japanese. The user is expected to graduate in June 2013 if everything goes well.
This user speaks Mandarin Chinese(Guanzhong dialect) as his mother tongue, he could also comprehend Wu Chinese. In the aspect of foreign languages, he started learning English since 2001, French since 2008, German and Japanese since 2009, Latin since 2010. This user can now fluently speak Chinese and English, with a medium proficiency of Japanese, and a basic communication skill in French, German and Latin.



The main contribution is photos, including Life Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai,Xi'an, Shanghai Metro, China Railway, etc..

On Rail Transits



