User:Jitse's bot/
#!/usr/bin/python # encoding: utf-8 # Written by Jitse Niesen, # Released in public domain. # # This is a bot which updates various reports of interest to # WikiProject Mathematics on the English Wikipedia. It runs daily # under the account [[User:Jitse's bot]]. # # This code is a mess and I know it is a mess, but I don't care very # much. The bot only writes to three pages: # * [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/Current activity]] # * [[Wikipedia:Pages needing attention/Mathematics/Lists]] # * [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/Count]] # Any malfunctioning will thus be contained within those three pages # and within the maths WikiProject, which will gladly clean up any # mess it creates ;) . That being said, if somebody is willing to # rewrite the code, go ahead! import datetime, os, pickle, re, sys, time from pprint import PrettyPrinter os.chdir('/data/project/jitse-bot/goim') sys.path.append('/shared/pywikipedia/rewrite') import pywikibot #from pywikibot.catlib import Category #from import Page site = pywikibot.getSite() noload = False # do not update data nowrite = False # do not write results maxDays = 60 # do not include news older than this subject = 'daily update from wikilabs' data = None # global variable containing all data tempdata = {} # data that does not need to be saved class GoimData: """All data is stored in a global variable of this type.""" def __init__(self): self.all = GoimDiff() # all maths articles = GoimDiff() # maths categories self.clar = GoimDiff() # articles needing clearification self.clean = GoimDiff() # articles needing clean-up self.con = GoimDiff() # articles needing context self.disp = GoimDiff() # accuracy disputes self.exp = GoimDiff() # articles needing expert attention self.fac = GoimDiff() # featured article candidates self.far = GoimDiff() # featured article review self.farc = GoimDiff() # featured article removal candidates self.gac = GoimDiff() # good article candidates self.gar = GoimDiff() # good article review self.imp = GoimDiff() # needing importance to be explained self.macr = GoimDiff() # maths a-class rating candidate self.merge = GoimDiff() # articles to be merged self.misc = GoimDiff() # articles in misc clean-up cats self.morefs = GoimDiff() # articles needing additional refs self.norelref = GoimDiff() # articles lacking reliable refs self.orig = GoimDiff() # original research self.orph = GoimDiff() # orphaned articles = GoimDiff() # articles on peer review self.prop = GoimDiff() # proposed deletion self.req = GoimDiff() # requested articles self.rewr = GoimDiff() # articles needing a rewrite self.rqIm = GoimDiff() # requested images self.split = GoimDiff() # articles to be split self.spr = GoimDiff() # articles on scientific peer review = GoimDiff() # too technical self.tone = GoimDiff() # inappropriate tone self.unref = GoimDiff() # articles lacking sources self.unsrc = GoimDiff() # articles with unsourced statements self.vfy = GoimDiff() # articles needing verification self.vfd = {} # listed on VfD self.vfdres = {} # VfD results class GoimDiff: """Lists of articles plus last seven diffs.""" def __init__(self): self.cur = None # current list self.curtime = None # timestamp of 'cur' self.added = [] # list of lists of added files self.rmvd = [] # list of lists of removed files self.times = [] # list of timestamps def update(self, new): try: old = self.cur except AttributeError: old = None new.sort() new = removeDuplicates(new) if old != None: added = [ l for l in new if not l in old ] rmvd = [ l for l in old if not l in new ] if added or rmvd: try: (self.added, self.rmvd, self.times) except AttributeError: self.added = [] self.rmvd = [] self.times = [] self.added = [added] + self.added[:6] self.rmvd = [rmvd] + self.rmvd[:6] self.times = [self.curtime] + self.times[:6] self.cur = new self.curtime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return (len(added), len(rmvd)) else: self.cur = new self.curtime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return (len(new),0) def makeList(self, rmvd = False, num = 7, total = True, prefix = None): """Make a list of articles added. rmvd: if True, list articles removed instead. num: number of items in the list. total: display total number, unless rmvd is True. percOf: if not None, write percentage of percOf. prefix: if not None, prefix to be added in front of article name. """ res = '' if rmvd: l = self.rmvd else: l = self.added for i in range(min(len(l), num)): if not l[i]: continue if i == 0: t = self.curtime else: t = self.times[i-1] if ( > maxDays: continue t = (t-datetime.timedelta(0.75)).strftime('%d %b') t = t.lstrip('0') x = [] for a in l[i]: if prefix: atxt = prefix + a else: atxt = a if a in self.cur or rmvd: x.append('[[' + atxt + ']]') else: x.append('<s>[[' + atxt + ']]</s>') x = ', '.join(x) res += "* '''%s''': %s.\n" % (t,x) if not res: res = '* No (recent) news.\n' if not rmvd and total: if not self.cur: res += "* '''Total''': None.\n" else: res += "* '''Total''': %d.\n" % (len(self.cur),) return res def list2wiki0(list): l = [ '* [[%s]]\n' % a for a in list ] l.append('* Total: {:d}\n'.format(len(list))) return ''.join(l) def list2wiki(list): if not list: return '* None\n'; list.sort() list = removeDuplicates(list) if len(list) <= 8: res = list2wiki0(list) else: res = '{{div col|colwidth=20em}}\n' + list2wiki0(list) + '{{div col end}}\n' return res # This function is not used def studyCatTree(root, cats, catsRec, ignore, arts): """Traverses the category subtree starting at _root_ and looks for articles from the list _arts_. Returns a dictionary D such that: * for all c in cats, D[c] is a list of all articles from _arts_ found in the category c; * for all c in catsRec, D[c] is a list of all articles from _arts_ found in the category c or one of its subcategories; * D['misc'] is a list of tuples (article, category) containing all articles from _arts_ found elsewhere in the subtree. Categories in _ignore_ and their subcategories are ignored.""" todo = [root] done = [] D = {} D['misc'] = [] while todo: #print todo catname = todo.pop(0) if catname in ignore or catname in done: continue c = pywikibot.Category(site, catname) if catname in catsRec: a = c.articles(True) else: subcats = c.subcategories() titles = [ x.title(withNamespace=False) for x in subcats ] todo.extend([ x for x in titles if not x in done and x != catname ]) a = c.articles(False) a = [ x.title(withNamespace=False) for x in a if ((x.namespace() == 0 or x.namespace() == 1) and x.title(withNamespace=False) in arts) ] if catname in cats or catname in catsRec: D[catname] = a else: D['misc'].extend([(x,catname) for x in a]) D['misc'].sort() return D def removeDuplicates(list): """Removes duplicates in a sorted list""" res = [] for x in list: if not x in res: res.append(x) return res def getLinks(txt): """Only returns links to pages in main namespace in this Wikipedia""" Rlink = re.compile(r'\[\[(?P<title>[^:\]\|]*)(?:\|[^\]\|]*)?\]\]') links = Rlink.findall(txt) Rlink = re.compile(r'\{\{arttalk\|(?P<title>[^:\}]*)\}\}') links += Rlink.findall(txt) links = [ link[0].upper() + link[1:] for link in links if not link.startswith('#') ] links.sort() return removeDuplicates(links) def removeLines(txt, s1, s2): """Remove those lines from 'txt' which start with 's1' and end with 's2'.""" lines = txt.split('\n') lines = [ l for l in lines if not (l.startswith(s1) and l.endswith(s2)) ] return '\n'.join(lines) def getSection(txt, title): """Get a section (of arbitrary level) with the given title.""" lines = txt.split('\n') start = None for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] k = 0 while len(line) > k and line[k] == '=': k = k+1 if start and k == level: return '\n'.join(lines[start+1:i]) if k >= 1: x = line[k:].strip() if x.startswith(title) and x[len(title):].strip() == k * '=': start = i level = k if start: return '\n'.join(lines[start+1:]) print 'WARNING: getSection() could not find "%s"\n' % (title,) def getPage(title): """Get a page from Wikipedia.""" page = pywikibot.Page(site, title) txt = page.get() return txt def initProgressReport(): now = tempdata['starttime'] = now tempdata['lasttime'] = now print "Info: initProgressReport() time is %s" \ % now.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S') def formatTD(td): s = td.seconds % 60 m = (td.seconds / 60) % 60 h = td.seconds / 3600 if h == 0: return "%d:%02d" % (m,s) else: return "%dh%02d:%02d" % (h,m,s) def progressReport(): now = passed = now - tempdata['lasttime'] passedcum = now - tempdata['starttime'] tempdata['lasttime'] = now print "Info: time %s (cum %s)" \ % (formatTD(passed), formatTD(passedcum)) def replaceStanza(page, title, txt): cmt = '<!--jngoim:%s-->' % (title,) try: i1 = page.index(cmt) i2 = page.index(cmt, i1+1) if txt.endswith('\n'): txt = '\n' + txt page = page[:i1+len(cmt)] + txt + page[i2:] except ValueError: print "Warning: %s not found" % cmt return page def summarizeFeatured0(diff, txt): res = [] for i in range(len(diff.added)): if i == 0: t = diff.curtime else: t = diff.times[i-1] for a in diff.added[i]: if a in diff.cur: res += [(t, txt(a))] else: res += [(t, '<s>' + txt(a) + '</s>')] return res def summarizeFeatured(): lst = []; txt = lambda x: ('[[%s]] is candidate to become a Featured Article ' + '([[Wikipedia:Featured article candidates/%s|discussion]])') % (x,x) lst = summarizeFeatured0(data.fac, txt) txt = lambda x: ('The Featured Article status of [[%s]] is under review ' + '([[Wikipedia:Featured article review/%s|discussion]])') % (x,x) lst.extend(summarizeFeatured0(data.far, txt)) txt = lambda x: ('[[%s]] is nominated to have its Featured Article status removed ' + '([[Wikipedia:Featured article review/%s|discussion]])') % (x,x) lst.extend(summarizeFeatured0(data.farc, txt)) txt = lambda x: ('A [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/A-class rating/%s|discussion]] ' + 'has been started on whether [[%s]] should be graded as A-class quality') % (x,x) lst.extend(summarizeFeatured0(data.macr, txt)) txt = lambda x: ('[[%s]] is undergoing Peer Review ' + '([[Wikipedia:Peer review#%s|discussion]])') % (x,x) lst.extend(summarizeFeatured0(, txt)) txt = lambda x: ('[[%s]] is candidate to become a Good Article ' + '(see [[Talk:%s]] for link to discussion)') % (x,x) lst.extend(summarizeFeatured0(data.gac, txt)) txt = lambda x: ('The Good Article status of [[%s]] is under review ' + '([[Wikipedia:Good articles/Review#%s|discussion]])') % (x,x) lst.extend(summarizeFeatured0(data.gar, txt)) lst.sort(key = lambda x: x[0], reverse = True) # sort on dates res = ''; for i in range(len(lst)): # No news older than 'maxDays' days if ([i][0]).days > maxDays: break if i == 6: cutoff = lst[i][0] # Don't list struck through items more 18h older than the 7th item if (i <= 6 or cutoff-lst[i][0] < datetime.timedelta(0.75) or not lst[i][1].startswith('<s>')): t = (lst[i][0]-datetime.timedelta(0.75)).strftime('%d %b').lstrip('0') res += ("* '''%s''': %s.\n" % (t,lst[i][1])) if not res: res = '* No (recent) news.\n' return res def summarizeVfd(vfd, vfdres): res = '' dates = vfd.keys() dates.sort() dates.reverse() for d in dates: l1 = [ a for a in vfd[d] if a in data.all.cur ] l2 = [ a for a in vfd[d] if (a.endswith('nomination)') and a.rfind('(') != -1 and a[:a.rfind('(')-1] in data.all.cur) ] if l1 or l2: l1.extend(l2) xs = [] for a in l1: if a in l2: title = a[:a.rfind('(')-1] else: title = a afdpage = 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/%s' % a if vfdres.has_key(a): suffix = ' closed' if vfdres[a]: suffix += ', result: ' + vfdres[a] else: suffix = '' xs.append('[[%s]] ([[%s|discussion]]%s)' % (title, afdpage, suffix)) x = ', '.join(xs) t = d.strftime('%d %b').lstrip('0') res += ("* '''%s''': %s.\n" % (t,x)) if not res: res = 'None.\n' return res def writeGoim(): page = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/Current activity') txt = page.get() txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'requested', data.req.makeList()) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'reqImages', data.rqIm.makeList()) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'onVfd', summarizeVfd(data.vfd, data.vfdres)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'onCfD', = ":Category:", total = False)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'prop', data.prop.makeList(total = False)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'newArticles', data.all.makeList()) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'rmvdArticles', data.all.makeList(True)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'context', data.con.makeList()) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'cleanup', data.clean.makeList()) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'verify', data.vfy.makeList()) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'expert', data.exp.makeList()) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'technical', txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'featured', summarizeFeatured()) if not nowrite: page.put(txt, subject) file('goim.out', 'w').write(txt.encode('utf-8')) print "Info: writeGoim() finished at %s" \ % (,) else: print txt.encode('utf-8') def updatePortal(): page = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/Count') page.put(unicode(len(data.all.cur)), subject, watchArticle=True) print "Info: updatePortal() finished" progressReport() def updateScript(): scriptpage = pywikibot.Page(site, "User:Jitse's bot/") text = file('').read().decode('utf-8') text = '<pre><nowiki>\n' + text + '</no' + 'wiki></p' + 're>' # Split to confuse MW parser if scriptpage.get() != text: scriptpage.put(text, subject) print "Info: updateScript() finished" progressReport() def updateLists(): pn = 'Wikipedia:Pages needing attention/Mathematics/Lists' page = pywikibot.Page(site, pn) txt = page.get() txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'verify', list2wiki(data.vfy.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'expert', list2wiki(data.exp.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'context', list2wiki(data.con.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'reqImages', list2wiki(data.rqIm.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'technical', list2wiki( txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'cleanup', list2wiki(data.clean.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'merge', list2wiki(data.merge.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'disputed', list2wiki(data.disp.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'unreferenced', list2wiki(data.unref.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'norelref', list2wiki(data.norelref.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'morerefs', list2wiki(data.morefs.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'unsourced', list2wiki(data.unsrc.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'split', list2wiki(data.split.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'clarification',list2wiki(data.clar.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'rewrite', list2wiki(data.rewr.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'importance', list2wiki(data.imp.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'tone', list2wiki(data.tone.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'original', list2wiki(data.orig.cur)) txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'orphaned', list2wiki(data.orph.cur)) if data.misc.cur: l = [ '* [[%s]] is in [[:Category:%s]]\n' % a for a in data.misc.cur ] else: l = '* None\n' txt = replaceStanza(txt, 'misc', ''.join(l)) if not nowrite: page.put(txt, subject + ' (phase %d)' % ( % 4)) print "Info: updateLists() finished" progressReport() else: print '-' * 70 print txt.encode('utf-8') def listedOnVfd(): if not 'vfd' in dir(data): data.vfd = {} newvfd = {} d = for i in range(10): d = d - datetime.timedelta(1) # subtract one day if d in data.vfd: newvfd[d] = data.vfd[d] else: ds = d.strftime('%Y %B %d') ds = ds.replace(' 0', ' ') # 'June 05' -> 'June 5' ttl = 'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Log/' + ds try: txt = getPage(ttl) except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: ttl = 'Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/Log/' + ds txt = getPage(ttl) R1 = re.compile(r'\{\{Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/([^\}]*)\}\}') newvfd[d] = R1.findall(txt) R1 = re.compile(r'\{\{Wikipedia:Pages for deletion/([^\}]*)\}\}') newvfd[d] += R1.findall(txt) R1 = re.compile(r'\{\{Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/([^\}]*)\}\}') newvfd[d] += R1.findall(txt) print "Info: listedOnVfd() found %d for %s" \ % (len(newvfd[d]), ds) newvfd[d] = map(lambda x: x.replace('_', ' '), newvfd[d]) data.vfd = newvfd print "Info: listedOnVfd() finished" progressReport() def VfdResults(): # data.vfdres is a dictionary for closed AfDs # key = AfD page title (without "Wikipedia:Articles for Deletion/" prefix) # value = result (string) or None for parse error if not 'vfdres' in dir(data): data.vfdres = {} allafds = [] for v in data.vfd.itervalues(): allafds.extend(v) # Throw old AfDs away for afd in data.vfdres.keys(): if afd not in allafds: del data.vfdres[afd] # Find maths-related AfDs res = [] for afd in allafds: if not data.vfdres.has_key(afd) and \ (afd in data.all.cur or (afd.endswith('nomination)') and afd.rfind('(') != -1 and afd[:afd.rfind('(')-1] in data.all.cur)): res.append(afd) Rclosed = re.compile(r'<div class="[^"]*xfd-closed[^"]*"') Rresult = re.compile(r"The result was *'''([^']*)") for v in res: afdpage = pywikibot.Page(site, u'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/' + v) try: afdtext = afdpage.get() except pywikibot.NoPage: print "Warning: VfDresults() can't find %s" % afdpage.title() continue closed = Rclosed.match(afdtext) if closed: match = if match: data.vfdres[v] = else: data.vfdres[v] = None def listedOnCfd(): if not 'cfd' in dir(data) or isinstance(, dict): = GoimDiff()[]) cats = []; cfdcat = pywikibot.Category(site, "Category:Categories for discussion") for cfdsubcat in cfdcat.subcategories(): cs = cfdsubcat.subcategories() cs = [ c.title(withNamespace=False) for c in cs ] cats.extend(cs) cats.sort() cats = removeDuplicates(cats) print("Info: listedOnCfd() found {:d} categories".format(len(cats))) cats = [ c for c in cats if c in ] res = print "Info: listedOnCfd() added %d, removed %d" % res progressReport() def harvestFAC(): if not 'fac' in dir(data): data.fac = GoimDiff() data.fac.update([]) ttl = 'Wikipedia:Featured article candidates' txt = getPage(ttl) R1 = re.compile(r'\{\{' + ttl + r'/([^\}]*)\}\}') lst = R1.findall(txt) print "Info: Found %d articles on FAC" % len(lst) lst2 = [ x for x in lst if x in data.all.cur ] lst2.sort() res = data.fac.update(removeDuplicates(lst2)) if not res == (0,0): print "Info: harvestFAC() added %d, removed %d" % res def harvestFAR(): if not 'far' in dir(data): data.far = GoimDiff() data.far.update([]) if not 'farc' in dir(data): data.farc = GoimDiff() data.farc.update([]) ttl = 'Wikipedia:Featured article review' R1 = re.compile(r'\{\{' + ttl + r'/([^\}]*)\}\}') txt = getPage(ttl) i = txt.index('==Featured article removal candidates==') lst = R1.findall(txt[:i]) print "Info: Found %d articles on FAR" % len(lst) lst2 = [ x for x in lst if x in data.all.cur ] lst2.sort() res = data.far.update(removeDuplicates(lst2)) if not res == (0,0): print "Info: harvestFAR() added %d, removed %d to FAR" % res lst = R1.findall(txt[i:]) print "Info: Found %d articles on FARC" % len(lst) lst2 = [ x for x in lst if x in data.all.cur ] lst2.sort() res = data.farc.update(removeDuplicates(lst2)) if not res == (0,0): print "Info: harvestFAR() added %d, removed %d to FARC" % res def harvestGAC(): if not 'gac' in dir(data): data.gac = GoimDiff() data.gac.update([]) ttl = 'Wikipedia:Good article nominations' txt = getPage(ttl) R1 = re.compile(r'\{\{GANentry\|(?:1=)?([^\|\}]*)[\|\}]') lst = R1.findall(txt) print "Info: Found %d articles on GAC" % len(lst) lst2 = [ x for x in lst if x in data.all.cur ] lst2.sort() res = data.gac.update(removeDuplicates(lst2)) if not res == (0,0): print "Info: harvestGAC() added %d, removed %d" % res def harvestGAR(): if not 'gar' in dir(data): data.gar = GoimDiff() data.gar.update([]) txt = getPage('User:VeblenBot/C/Good articles in need of review') R1 = re.compile(r'\{\{CF/Good articles in need of review\|([^\|\}]*)') lst = R1.findall(txt) txt = getPage('User:VeblenBot/C/Wikipedia good article reassessment') R1 = re.compile(r'\{\{CF/Wikipedia good article reassessment\|Good article reassessment/([^/\|]*)') lst.extend(R1.findall(txt)) print "Info: Found %d articles on GAR" % len(lst) lst2 = [ x for x in lst if x in data.all.cur ] lst2.sort() res = data.gar.update(removeDuplicates(lst2)) if not res == (0,0): print "Info: harvestGAR() added %d, removed %d" % res def harvestPR(): if not 'pr' in dir(data): = GoimDiff()[]) txt = getPage('Wikipedia:Peer review') R1 = re.compile(r'\{\{(User:VeblenBot/C/.*)\}\}') R2 = re.compile(r'\|Peer review/([^/\|]*)') lst = [] subpages = R1.findall(txt) for subpage in subpages: txt = getPage(subpage) reviews = R2.findall(txt) lst.extend(reviews) print "Info: Found %d articles on PR" % len(lst) lst2 = [ x for x in lst if x in data.all.cur ] lst2.sort() res = if not res == (0,0): print "Info: harvestPR() added %d, removed %d" % res def harvestMACR(): if not 'macr' in dir(data): data.macr = GoimDiff() ttl = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/A-class rating' txt = getPage(ttl) R1 = re.compile(r'^\{\{' + ttl + r'/([^\}]*)\}\}', re.MULTILINE) lst = R1.findall(txt) print "Info: Found %d articles on MACR" % len(lst) lst.sort() res = data.macr.update(removeDuplicates(lst)) if not res == (0,0): print "Info: harvestMACR() added %d, removed %d" % res def featuredContent(): goimTry(harvestFAC) goimTry(harvestFAR) goimTry(harvestGAC) goimTry(harvestGAR) goimTry(harvestPR) goimTry(harvestMACR) progressReport() def mathArticles(): if not 'all' in dir(data): data.all = GoimDiff() links = [] links = getLinks(getPage('Lists of mathematics topics')) try: links += getLinks(getPage(u'Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/List of mathematics articles (0-9)')) except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: links += getLinks(getPage(u'Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/List of mathematics articles (0\u20149)')) for i in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1): links += getLinks(getPage('Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/List of mathematics articles ('+chr(i)+')')) lines = getPage('Lists of mathematicians').split('\n') lines = [ l for l in lines if l.lstrip().startswith('*') ] lines = [ l[:(l.find(']]')+2)] for l in lines if l.find(']]') != -1 ] links += getLinks('\n'.join(lines)) try: for i in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1): lines = getPage('List of mathematicians ('+chr(i)+')') lines = lines.split('\n') lines = [ l for l in lines if l.lstrip().startswith('*') ] lines = [ l[:(l.find(']]')+2)] for l in lines if l.find(']]') != -1 ] links += getLinks('\n'.join(lines)) except pywikibot.NoPage: print '[[List of mathematicians]] not yet split.' except: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) print '\nGoIM: Ignoring above exception.\n' links.sort() res = data.all.update(removeDuplicates(links)) print "Info: mathArticles() added %d, removed %d" % res progressReport() def mathCategories(): """Get all mathematical categories (including mathematicians).""" if not 'cat' in dir(data): = GoimDiff() txt = getPage('List of mathematics categories') txt = txt[0 : txt.index('== Mathematics-related categories ==') ] lines = txt.split('\n') cats = [] prefix = '* [[:Category:' for l in lines: l = l.lstrip() if l.startswith(prefix): if '|' in l: cats.append(l[len(prefix):l.index('|')]) else: cats.append(l[len(prefix):l.index(']')]) cats.sort() res = print "Info: mathCategories() added %d, removed %d" % res progressReport() def articlesFromCategory(catname, recursive=False, subcatprefix=None, subcatword=None, subcatsuffix=None): """Generator yielding all articles from a category, plus all articles corresponding to talk pages from the category. Arguments: * catname: name of category * recurse: if True, then also go to all subcategories, recursively * subcatprefix: if set, then also go to all subcategories whose name starts with subcatprefix. * subcatword: setting this is equivalent to setting subcatprefix to catname + ' ' + subcatword. * subcatsuffix: if set, then also go to all subcategories whose name ends with subcatsuffix.""" cat = pywikibot.Category(site, "Category:" + catname) for l in cat.articles(recursive): if l.namespace() == 0 or l.namespace() == 1: yield l.title(withNamespace=False) if subcatword: subcatprefix = catname + " " + subcatword if subcatprefix or subcatsuffix: for c in cat.subcategories(): b1 = (subcatprefix and c.title().startswith("Category:" + subcatprefix)) b2 = (subcatsuffix and c.title().endswith("Category:" + subcatsuffix)) if b1 or b2: for l in articlesFromCategory(c.title().replace("Category:", "", 1)): yield l def reqImages(): if not 'rqIm' in dir(data): data.rqIm = GoimDiff() links = articlesFromCategory('Wikipedia requested images', subcatprefix='Wikipedia requested') links = [ l for l in links if l in data.all.cur ] catname = 'Wikipedia requested photographs of scientists and academics' links += [ l for l in articlesFromCategory(catname) if l in data.all.cur ] catname = 'Wikipedia requested photographs of people' links += [ l for l in articlesFromCategory(catname) if l in data.all.cur ] catname = 'Wikipedia requested photographs of physics subjects' links += [ l for l in articlesFromCategory(catname) if l in data.all.cur ] # txt = getPage('Wikipedia:Requested pictures/Science') # txt = getSection(txt, 'Mathematics') # txt = removeLines(txt, '==', '==') # links += getLinks(txt) links.sort() res = data.rqIm.update(removeDuplicates(links)) print "Info: reqImages() added %d, removed %d" % res progressReport() def requested(): if not 'req' in dir(data): data.req = GoimDiff() txt = getPage('Wikipedia:Requested articles/Mathematics'); txt = removeLines(txt, '==', '==') # remove headings txt = removeLines(txt, "''See", "''") # remove comments txt = removeLines(txt, ":''", "''") # remove more comments reComment = re.compile(r'\([^)]*\)\s*-*\s*$', re.M) txt = reComment.sub('', txt) links = getLinks(txt) res = data.req.update(getLinks(txt)) print "Info: requested() added %d, removed %d" % res progressReport() def cleanupMisc0(id, catname, recurse=False, subcatprefix=None, subcatword=None, subcatsuffix=None): """Put all maths articles from [[Category:catname]] to the id field of data. Arguments: * catname: name of category * recurse: if True, then also go to all subcategories * subcatprefix: if set, then also go to all subcategories whose name starts with subcatprefix. * subcatword: setting this is equivalent to setting subcatprefix to catname + ' ' + subcatword. * subcatsuffix: if set, then also go to all subcategories whose name ends with subcatsuffix.""" if not id in dir(data): setattr(data, id, GoimDiff()) links = articlesFromCategory(catname, recurse, subcatprefix, subcatword, subcatsuffix) links = [ l for l in links if l in data.all.cur ] res = getattr(data, id).update(links) if not res == (0,0): print "Info: cleanupMisc0() added %d, removed %d, to/from %s" \ % (res + (id,)) def cleanupMiscDay1(): cleanupMisc0('con', 'Wikipedia articles needing context', True) cleanupMisc0('exp', 'All articles needing expert attention') cleanupMisc0('tech', 'Wikipedia articles that are too technical', subcatword='from') cleanupMisc0('merge', 'Articles to be merged', subcatword='from') cleanupMisc0('disp', 'Accuracy disputes', subcatword='from') l = [ '1911 Britannica articles needing updates', # 'Aircraft without proper specifications', 'Articles containing how-to sections', 'Articles in need of internal merging', # unref = 'Articles lacking sources', ['Articles needing original script',True], 'Articles needing sections', 'Articles that are too long', 'Articles that are way too long', # merge \subset 'Articles to be merged', # split = 'Articles to be split', 'Articles to check for link ordering', 'Articles to harmonize', 'Articles using obsolete parameters', 'Articles which may be unencyclopedic', # orig = 'Articles which may contain original research', 'Articles with accessibility problems', 'Articles with confusing statements', 'Articles with incomplete statements', 'Articles with peacock terms', 'Articles with unsourced categories', 'Articles with unsourced quotes', # unsrc = 'Articles with unsourced statements', 'Articles with weasel words', 'Articles without infobox', 'Australia articles needing attention', 'Biographical Directory of the United States Congress cleanup', 'Biographies without real biographical information', 'Biography articles needing attention', 'Books needing cleanup', 'CIA World Factbook cleanup', # 'Categories requiring diffusion', 'Category needed', 'Category needs checking', # 'Comics articles needing cleanup', # 'Comics needing cleanup', 'Disambiguation pages in need of cleanup', # 'Firefly articles needing attention', # 'Guitarist articles needing attention', 'History of Greece articles needing attention', # 'Images for cleanup', 'India articles needing attention', # 'Invalid conservation status', # 'Law-related articles lacking sources', # merge \subset 'Merge by month', # 'Military history articles needing attention', 'New Zealand cleanup', # 'Novel articles needing attention', # 'Novel articles with comments', # 'Nutrition & Dietetics articles requiring major expansion', # orph = 'Orphaned articles' # 'Orphaned categories', # 'Overpopulated stub categories', 'Pearle edits needing manual cleanup', 'Philadelphia articles needing attention', # 'Places of local interest needing cleanup', # 'Portals needing attention', 'Rough translations', # 'Schools needing cleanup', # 'Scouting articles needing attention', 'Self-contradictory articles', # 'Spooks articles with comments', # 'Stub categories', # 'Tree of Life cleanup', # 'U.S. road articles needing work', 'Uncategorised albums', 'Uncategorised books', 'Uncategorised films', # 'Very large categories', 'Virginia articles needing attention', # 'WikiProject Comics cleanup', 'Wikipedia articles containing buzzwords', 'Wikipedia articles containing sections that are an unencyclopedically presented series of quotes', 'Wikipedia articles in need of updating', # clar = 'Wikipedia articles needing clarification', # con = 'Wikipedia articles needing context', 'Wikipedia articles needing copy edit', # vfy = 'Wikipedia articles needing factual verification', # rewr = 'Wikipedia articles needing rewrite', # tone = 'Wikipedia articles needing style editing', 'Wikipedia articles needing their fiction made clear', 'Wikipedia articles requiring OTRS cleanup', # tech = 'Wikipedia articles that are too technical', 'Wikipedia articles using jargon', 'Wikipedia articles with nonstandard pronunciation', 'Wikipedia articles with off-topic sections', 'Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention', # 'Wikipedia categories in need of attention', 'Wikipedia cleanup after AFD', 'Wikipedia external links cleanup', 'Wikipedia infobox cleanup', # con = 'Wikipedia introduction cleanup', 'Wikipedia laundry list cleanup', 'Wikipedia list cleanup', # 'Wikipedia maintenance categories sorted by month', 'Wikipedia references cleanup', # rqIm = 'Wikipedia requested images', 'Wikipedia spam cleanup', 'Wikipedia title cleanup', # --- 'Articles which may be biased', 'Articles with limited geographic scope', 'Articles with obsolete information', 'NPOV disputes', 'Too Few Viewpoints' ] if not 'misc' in dir(data): data.misc = GoimDiff() pairs = [] for x in l: if isinstance(x,list): catname = x[0] recursive = x[1] else: catname = x recursive = False try: links = articlesFromCategory(catname, recursive) links = [ (l,catname) for l in links if l in data.all.cur ] pairs.extend(links) except: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) print ('\nGoIM: Ignoring above exception in cleanupMiscDay1()\n' + ' Category = %s\n') % catname res = data.misc.update(pairs) if not res == (0,0): print "Info: cleanupMiscDay1() added %d, removed %d, to/from misc" % res print "Info: cleanupMiscDay1() finished" progressReport() def unsourced(): cleanupMisc0('unsrc', 'Articles with unsourced statements', subcatword='from') progressReport() def cleanupMiscDay2(): cleanupMisc0('split', 'Articles to be split', subcatword='from') cleanupMisc0('clar', 'Wikipedia articles needing clarification', subcatword='from') cleanupMisc0('rewr', 'Wikipedia articles needing rewrite', subcatword='from') cleanupMisc0('imp', 'Articles with topics of unclear notability', subcatword='from') cleanupMisc0('tone', 'Wikipedia articles needing style editing', subcatword='from') cleanupMisc0('orig', 'Articles that may contain original research', subcatword='from') cleanupMisc0('orph', 'Orphaned articles', subcatword='from') print "Info: cleanupMiscDay2() finished" progressReport() def unref(): if not 'unref' in dir(data): data.unref = GoimDiff() links = [] catname = "Articles lacking sources" cat = pywikibot.Category(site, "Category:" + catname) for c in cat.subcategories(): if c.title().startswith("Category:" + catname + " from"): links += articlesFromCategory(c.title().replace("Category:", "", 1)) links += articlesFromCategory(catname) links = [ l for l in links if l in data.all.cur ] res = data.unref.update(links) print "Info: unref() added %d, removed %d" % res progressReport() def norelref(): if not 'norelref' in dir(data): data.norelref = GoimDiff() links = [] catname = "Articles lacking reliable references" cat = pywikibot.Category(site, "Category:" + catname) for c in cat.subcategories(): if c.title().startswith("Category:" + catname + " from"): links += articlesFromCategory(c.title().replace("Category:", "", 1)) links += articlesFromCategory(catname) links = [ l for l in links if l in data.all.cur ] res = data.norelref.update(links) print "Info: norelref() added %d, removed %d" % res progressReport() def morerefs(): if not 'morefs' in dir(data): data.morefs = GoimDiff() links = [] catname = "Articles needing additional references" cat = pywikibot.Category(site, "Category:" + catname) for c in cat.subcategories(): if c.title().startswith("Category:" + catname + " from"): links += articlesFromCategory(c.title().replace("Category:", "", 1)) links += articlesFromCategory(catname) links = [ l for l in links if l in data.all.cur ] res = data.morefs.update(links) print "Info: morefs() added %d, removed %d" % res progressReport() def vfy(): if not 'vfy' in dir(data): data.vfy = GoimDiff() links = [] catname = "Wikipedia articles needing factual verification" cat = pywikibot.Category(site, "Category:" + catname) for c in cat.subcategories(): if c.title().startswith("Category:" + catname + " from"): links += articlesFromCategory(c.title().replace("Category:", "", 1)) links += articlesFromCategory(catname) links = [ l for l in links if l in data.all.cur ] res = data.vfy.update(links) print "Info: vfy() added %d, removed %d" % res progressReport() def prop(): cleanupMisc0('prop', 'All articles proposed for deletion') progressReport() def cleanup(): if not 'clean' in dir(data): data.clean = GoimDiff() links = [] cat = pywikibot.Category(site, "Category:Articles needing cleanup") for c in cat.subcategories(): if c.title().startswith("Category:Articles needing cleanup from"): links += articlesFromCategory(c.title().replace("Category:", "", 1)) # links += articlesFromCategory('All pages needing cleanup') links = [ l for l in links if l in data.all.cur ] res = data.clean.update(links) print "Info: cleanup() added %d, removed %d" % res progressReport() def readData(): """Read data from the data file, ignoring errors""" global data try: data = pickle.load(file('data')) except: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) print '\nGoIM: Ignoring above exception, starting with no data.\n' data = GoimData() def transitionData(): """Do whatever is necessary to update the data to the new format. Specifically: * merge data.stubs into data.all * remove """ if 'stubs' in dir(data): l = data.all.cur + data.stubs.cur l.sort() l = removeDuplicates(l) print("Info: Merging data.stubs (%d) into data.all (%d), together (%d)" % (len(data.stubs.cur), len(data.all.cur), len(l))) data.all.cur = l del data.stubs if 'cd' in dir(data): print("Info: Removing") del if not 'orph' in dir(data): data.orph = GoimDiff() def cleanupData(): """Removed cruft from data. No-op""" pass def writeData(): """Write data to data file, cycling backups""" fn = 'data'; bn = lambda n : fn + '~%d~' % (n,) for n in range(7,1,-1): if os.access(bn(n-1), os.R_OK): os.rename(bn(n-1), bn(n)) if os.access(fn, os.R_OK): os.rename(fn, bn(1)) pickle.dump(data, file(fn, 'w')) def dumpData(filename='goim.dat'): """Dump data to file""" foo = lambda x: {'cur':x.cur, 'curtime':x.curtime, 'added':x.added, 'rmvd':x.rmvd, 'times':x.times} lst = ['req', foo(data.req), 'rqIm', foo(data.rqIm), 'all', foo(data.all), 'cat', foo(, 'con', foo(data.con), 'clean', foo(data.clean), 'exp', foo(data.exp), 'tech', foo(, 'vfy', foo(data.vfy), 'merge', foo(data.merge), 'rewr', foo(data.rewr), 'disp', foo(data.disp), 'unsrc', foo(data.unsrc), 'unref', foo(data.unref), 'norelref', foo(data.norelref), 'morefs',foo(data.morefs), 'imp', foo(data.imp), 'split', foo(data.split), 'tone', foo(data.tone), 'clar', foo(data.clar), 'orig', foo(data.orig), 'orph', foo(data.orph), 'prop', foo(data.prop), 'misc', foo(data.misc), 'fac', foo(data.fac), 'far', foo(data.far), 'farc', foo(data.farc), 'gac', foo(data.gac), 'gar', foo(data.gar), 'pr', foo(, 'spr', foo(data.spr), 'macr', foo(data.macr), 'vfd', data.vfd, 'vfdres', data.vfdres, 'cfd', ] txt = PrettyPrinter().pformat(lst) file(filename, 'w').write(txt.encode('utf-8')) def writeRpim(): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir('/data/project/jitse-bot/public_html/rpim-data') file('rpim_number', 'w').write(str(len(data.all.cur)) + '\n') for i in range((len(data.all.cur)+99) / 100): txt = '' for j in range(i*100, min((i+1)*100, len(data.all.cur))): txt += pywikibot.Page(site,data.all.cur[j]).title(asUrl=True) + '\n' f = file('rpim%03d' % (i,), 'w') f.write(txt) f.close() os.chdir(cwd) # def helpOleg(): # """Purge and do empty edits to LoMT (A-C) pages, at Oleg's request.""" # prefix = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/List of mathematics articles' # for s in ['A-C', 'D-F', 'G-I', 'J-L', 'M-O', 'P-R', 'S-U', 'V-Z']: # p = pywikibot.Page(site, prefix + ' (' + s + ')') # site.getUrl(site.purge_address(p.urlname())) # purge # p.put(p.get(), '') # empty edit # print "Info: helpOleg() finished" # progressReport() def goimTry(fn): """Call fn() and print and ignore any exceptions raised during the call.""" try: fn() except: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) print '\nGoIM: Ignoring above exception.\n' # Main program if __name__ == "__main__": for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(): if arg == '-noload': print 'Info: Noload mode enabled' noload = True elif arg == '-nowrite': print 'Info: Nowrite mode enabled' nowrite = True elif arg == '-dryrun': print 'Info: Dryrun mode enabled' noload = True nowrite = True elif arg.startswith('-summary:'): startpos = len('-summary:') subject = arg[startpos:] else: print 'FATAL ERROR: Error parsing argument ' + arg sys.exit(1) # # For testing purposes: # initProgressReport() # readData() # transitionData() # # ... do the test here # # Possible post-processing: # # writeData() # # goimTry(writeGoim) # # goimTry(updateLists) # pywikibot.stopme() # sys.exit(0) initProgressReport() readData() transitionData() if not noload: goimTry(mathArticles) goimTry(mathCategories) goimTry(requested) goimTry(listedOnVfd) goimTry(VfdResults) goimTry(listedOnCfd) goimTry(prop) goimTry(featuredContent) day = if day % 4 == 0: goimTry(unref) # 20' if day % 4 == 1: goimTry(unsourced) # 16' goimTry(norelref) # 3' if day % 4 == 2: goimTry(morerefs) # 7' goimTry(reqImages) # 1' goimTry(vfy) # 30" goimTry(cleanupMiscDay1) # 9' if day % 4 == 3: goimTry(cleanup) # 8' goimTry(cleanupMiscDay2) # 11' goimTry(cleanupData) if not nowrite: writeData() goimTry(writeGoim) goimTry(updateLists) if not nowrite: goimTry(dumpData) goimTry(updatePortal) day = # if day % 4 == 3: # goimTry(helpOleg) goimTry(updateScript) goimTry(writeRpim) else: dumpData('goim.dat.test') pywikibot.stopme()