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User:Jcraford/Currents: The Santa Fe International New Media Festival

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Currents: The Santa Fe International New Media Festival

currents: The Santa Fe International New Media Art Festival is an annual curated citywide event in Santa Fe, New Mexico presenting international artists' works in single channel video, video/sound installation, modulated sculpture, multimedia performance, animation, interactive new media, art-gaming/web-art, Digital Dome projection, and experimental documentary.

Santa Fe-based Parallel Studios has curated and designed currents New Media Art exhibitions since 2002. On June 17, 2010, Parallel Studios launched currents 2010, the first season for currents: The Santa Fe International New Media Art Festival, which, in multiple venues throughout the city of Santa Fe, presented exhibitions, multimedia performances, workshops, docent tours, and educational programs for schools and the Santa Fe area community. Three thousand visitors viewed the works of fifty-two international new media artists exhibited at currents 2010. The new media art works of twenty-two local high school students were selected for exhibition also at currents 2010.

currents 2012 will be the third season for currents: The Santa Fe International New Media Art Festival. Venue partners are

