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User:Gun Powder Ma/List of incunables

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List of incunables by various criteria

By language


In the following, the languages that incunables are printed in are listed by the number of extant editions. The ISTC records only one language for each edition, thus disregarding, for example, the bilingual nature of many dictionaries.[1]

Incunabula distribution by language
Rank Language Number of editions Percentage Earliest Ref.
1 Latin 21,193 70% ~1453–54 [2][3]
2 German 3,265 10.8% ~1452–53 [2][3]
3 Italian 2,414 8% About 1469 [2][3]
4 French 1,733 5.7% ~1465–80 [2][3]
5 Dutch 572 1.9% ~1465–80 [2][3]
6 Spanish 434 1.4% 1472–73 [2][3]
7 English 240 0.8% ~1473–74 [2][3]
8 Hebrew 154 0.5% 1469–73 [2][3]
9 Catalan 135 0.4% After 3/1474 [2][3]
10 Greek 65 0.2% ~1471 [2][3]
11 Czech 33 0.1% ~1475–76 [2][3]
12 Church Slavonic 15 0.05% 1483 [2][3]
13 Portuguese 12 0.04% ~1486–93 [2][3]
14 Swedish 2 0.007% Before 10/1489 [2][3]
15 Sardinian 1 0.003% ~1480 [2][3]
15 Frisian 1 0.003% ~1484–86 [2][3]
15 Danish 1 0.003% 1495 [2][3]
15 Breton 1 0.003% 1499 [2][3]
18 30,271 100 %

By region


In the following, the regions or countries where incunables were printed are listed by the number of extant editions.

Incunabula distribution by region
Rank Region Number of editions Percentage Earliest Ref.
1 Italy 10,540 34.7% 1465 [2][3]
2 Germany and Austria, German Switzerland, Alsace 10,454 34.4% ~1452–53 [2][3]
3 France and French Switzerland 5,399 17.8% 1470 [2][3]
4 Low Countries and Burgundy 2,377 7.8% Not after 1463 [2][3]
5 Spain 1,052 3.5% 1472–73 [2][3]
6 England 412 1.4% 1476 [2][3]
7 Bohemia and Moravia 64 0.2% ~1475–76 [2][3]
8 Portugal 47 0.2% 1487 [2][3]
9 Scandinavia 24 0.08% 1482 [2][3]
10 Poland 18 0.06% 1473–74 [2][3]
11 Balkans 7 0.02% ~1491 [2][3]
12 Hungary 5 0.02% 1473 [2][3]
12 30,399 100 %

By town


In the following, the printing towns where incunables were printed are listed by the number of extant editions.

15th century printing towns
Rank Town Number of editions Percentage Earliest Ref.
1 Venice 3,775 12.2% Before 9/1469 [2][3]
2 Paris 3,227 10.4% 1470 [2][3]
3 Rome 2,083 6.7% 1467 [2][3]
4 Cologne 1,626 5.3% ~1465 [2][3]
5 Lyon 1,444 4.7% 1473 [2][3]
6 Leipzig 1,421 4.6% 1480 [2][3]
7 Augsburg 1,273 4.1% 1468 [2][3]
8 Strassburg 1,236 4% Not after 1460 [2][3]
9 Milan 1,135 3.7% 1471 [2][3]
10 Nuremberg 1,074 3.5% Not after 1469 [2][3]
11 Florence 886 2.9% 1471 [2][3]
12 Basel 852 2.8% ~1468 [2][3]
13 Deventer 640 2.1% 1477 [2][3]
14 Bologna 579 1.9% After 10/1470 [2][3]
15 Antwerp 479 1.5% 1481 [2][3]
16 Mainz 444 1.4% ~1452–53 [2][3]
17 Ulm 410 1.3% 1473 [2][3]
18 Speyer 358 1.2% 1471 [2][3]
19 Pavia 341 1.1% 1473 [2][3]
20 Naples 330 1.1% ~1470 [2][3]
21 Lübeck 296 1% ~1474 [2][3]
22 Brescia 295 1% 1473 [2][3]
23 Leuven 267 0.9% 1473–74 [2][3]
24 Reutlingen 242 0.8% After 10/1476 [2][3]
25 Rouen 219 0.7% After 12/1482 [2][3]
26 Westminster 215 0.7% 1476 [2][3]
27 Padua 187 0.6% 1471 [2][3]
28 London 173 0.6% 1480 [2][3]
29 Salamanca 169 0.5% After 6/1480 [2][3]
30 Seville 160 0.5% 1472–73 [2][3]
31 Memmingen 158 0.5% ~1478–79 [2][3]
32 Delft 154 0.5% 1477 [2][3]
33 Zwolle 153 0.5% 1477 [2][3]
34 Bamberg 152 0.5% Not after 1461 [2][3]
35 Barcelona 139 0.4% ~1473 [2][3]
36 Magdeburg 135 0.4% 1479 [2][3]
36 Toulouse 135 0.4% ~1475 [2][3]
38 Erfurt 126 0.4% ~1473–74 [2][3]
39 Ferrara 121 0.4% 1471 [2][3]
40 Gouda 120 0.4% 1477 [2][3]
40 Vicenza 120 0.4% 1474 [2][3]
40 Zaragoza 120 0.4% 1475 [2][3]
43 Geneva 113 0.4% 1478 [2][3]
44 Treviso 112 0.4% 1471 [2][3]
45 Burgos 109 0.4% 1485 [2][3]
46 Poitiers 105 0.3% 1479 [2][3]
47 Vienna 102 0.3% 1482 [2][3]
48 Heidelberg 99 0.3% 1482 [2][3]
49 Würzburg 94 0.3% After 9/1479 [2][3]
50 Valencia 92 0.3% ~1473–74 [2][3]
51 Modena 87 0.3% ~1473–74 [2][3]
52 Siena 84 0.3% 1484 [2][3]
53 Passau 83 0.3% 1480 [2][3]
54 Parma 81 0.3% 1472 [2][3]
55 Hagenau 74 0.2% 1489 [2][3]
56 Utrecht 69 0.2% 1473 [2][3]
57 Perugia 64 0.2% Before 10/1472 [2][3]
58 Turin 63 0.2% 1474 [2][3]
59 Freiburg 57 0.2% Not after 1491 [2][3]
59 Mantua 57 0.2% 1472 [2][3]
61 Esslingen 56 0.2% Not after 1473 [2][3]
61 Leiden 56 0.2% 1483 [2][3]
63 Toledo 50 0.2% ~1482 [2][3]
64 Bad Urach 47 0.2% 1479 [2][3]
65 Ingolstadt 44 0.1% After 3/1484 [2][3]
65 Verona 44 0.1% ~1471 [2][3]
67 Bruges 42 0.1% Between 1473–74 and 1476 [2][3]
68 Vienne 39 0.1% ~1477–78 [2][3]
69 Brussels 37 0.1% 1475 [2][3]
70 Munich 35 0.1% 1482 [2][3]
71 Cremona 32 0.1% 1472–73 [2][3]
71 Reggio Emilia 32 0.1% 1478 [2][3]
73 Rostock 30 0.1% ~1475 [2][3]
73 Soncino 30 0.1% 1483 [2][3]
75 Pescia 28 0.09% 1486 [2][3]
76 Angers 27 0.09% 1476–77 [2][3]
76 Lérida 27 0.09% 1479 [2][3]
76 Tübingen 27 0.09% 1498 [2][3]
76 Valladolid 27 0.09% 1481 [2][3]
80 Aalst 26 0.08% 1473 [2][3]
81 Haarlem 25 0.08% 1483 [2][3]
82 Blaubeuren 24 0.08% ~1475 [2][3]
82 Huete 24 0.08% Before 3/1484 [2][3]
82 Messina 24 0.08% ~1474 [2][3]
85 Brünn 23 0.07% 1486 [2][3]
85 Pamplona 23 0.07% 1490 [2][3]
85 Pforzheim 23 0.07% ~1495–96 [2][3]
88 Lisbon 22 0.07% 1489 [2][3]
88 Schoonhoven 22 0.07% 1495 [2][3]
90 Marienthal 21 0.07% ~1474 [2][3]
90 Santa Maria de Montserrat 21 0.07% 1499 [2][3]
92 Eichstätt 20 0.06% After 1/1480 [2][3]
92 Prague 20 0.06% 1487 [2][3]
92 Zamora 20 0.06% 1482 [2][3]
95 Albi 19 0.06% Not after 1475 [2][3]
96 Ghent 18 0.06% 1483 [2][3]
96 Metz 18 0.06% ~1480–82 [2][3]
96 Oxford 18 0.06% 1478 [2][3]
96 Pisa 18 0.06% 1482 [2][3]
100 Guadalajara 17 0.05% 1476 [2][3]
101 Santorso 16 0.05% 1473 [2][3]
102 Constance 15 0.05% ~1473? [2][3]
102 Mondovì 15 0.05% After 12/1471 [2][3]
104 Oudenaarde 14 0.05% 1480 [2][3]
104 Pilsen 14 0.05% ~1475–76 [2][3]
104 's-Hertogenbosch 14 0.05% 1484 [2][3]
104 Stockholm 14 0.05% 1483 [2][3]
104 Troyes 14 0.05% 1483 [2][3]
109 Trento 13 0.04% 1475 [2][3]
110 Bréhan-Loudéac 12 0.04% 1484 [2][3]
110 Eltville 12 0.04% 1464 [2][3]
110 Regensburg 12 0.04% After 3/1485 [2][3]
113 Cracow 11 0.04% 1473–74 [2][3]
113 Gaeta 11 0.04% ~1484–85 [2][3]
113 L'Aquila 11 0.04% 1482 [2][3]
113 Merseburg 11 0.04% 1473 [2][3]
113 Zurich 11 0.04% ~1479 [2][3]
118 Angoulême 10 0.03% 1491 [2][3]
118 Breslau 10 0.03% 1475 [2][3]
118 Kirchheim 10 0.03% ~1489–90 [2][3]
118 Logroño 10 0.03% After 1499 [2][3]
118 Lucca 10 0.03% 1477 [2][3]
118 Pinerolo 10 0.03% 1479 [2][3]
124 Chambéry 9 0.03% ~1482 [2][3]
124 Münster 9 0.03% 1485 [2][3]
124 Segovia 9 0.03% ~1472–74 [2][3]
124 Tours 9 0.03% 1493–94 [2][3]
128 Grenoble 8 0.03% 1490 [2][3]
128 Oppenheim 8 0.03% After 2/1497 [2][3]
128 St Albans 8 0.03% ~1479 [2][3]
131 Besançon 7 0.02% ~1486–88 [2][3]
131 Burgdorf 7 0.02% ~1474 [2][3]
131 Casale Monferrato 7 0.02% Not before 1477 [2][3]
131 Kulm 7 0.02% ~1473–74 [2][3]
131 Cosenza 7 0.02% 1478 [2][3]
131 Hasselt 7 0.02% 1480 [2][3]
131 Híjar 7 0.02% 1485 [2][3]
131 Iesi 7 0.02% ~1472–75 [2][3]
131 Stendal 7 0.02% 1488 [2][3]
131 Tarragona 7 0.02% 1484 [2][3]
131 Toscolano-Maderno 7 0.02% 1479 [2][3]
142 Avignon 6 0.02% 1497 [2][3]
142 Beromünster 6 0.02% 1470 [2][3]
142 Chablis 6 0.02% 1478–79 [2][3]
142 Colle di Val d'Elsa 6 0.02% 1478 [2][3]
142 Culemborg 6 0.02% 1483 [2][3]
142 Forlì 6 0.02% 1495 [2][3]
142 Girona 6 0.02% 1483 [2][3]
142 Hamburg 6 0.02% ~1488 [2][3]
142 Lüneburg 6 0.02% 1490 [2][3]
142 Murcia 6 0.02% 1484 [2][3]
142 Nantes 6 0.02% 1493 [2][3]
153 Caen 5 0.02% 1480 [2][3]
153 Cagli 5 0.02% 1475 [2][3]
153 Copenhagen 5 0.02% 1493 [2][3]
153 Dijon 5 0.02% 1491 [2][3]
153 Fivizzano 5 0.02% 1472 [2][3]
153 Genoa 5 0.02% 1473–74 [2][3]
153 Lanthénac Abbey 5 0.02% 1487–88 [2][3]
153 Leiria 5 0.02% 1492 [2][3]
153 Savigliano 5 0.02% Not after 10/1473 [2][3]
153 Valenciennes 5 0.02% ~1481 [2][3]
163 Cetinje 4 0.01% ~1494 [2][3]
163 Cividale 4 0.01% 1480 [2][3]
163 Constantinople 4 0.01% 1493 [2][3]
163 Faro 4 0.01% 1487 [2][3]
163 Freising 4 0.01% 1487 [2][3]
163 Granada 4 0.01% 1496 [2][3]
163 Monterrei 4 0.01% 1494 [2][3]
163 Nijmegen 4 0.01% 1479 [2][3]
163 Piacenza 4 0.01% 1475 [2][3]
163 Provins 4 0.01% 1496 [2][3]
163 Schleswig 4 0.01% 1486 [2][3]
163 Torrebelvicino 4 0.01% 1478 [2][3]
163 Tréguier 4 0.01% 1485 [2][3]
163 Zweibrücken 4 0.01% 1492 [2][3]
177 Abbeville 3 0.01% 1486 [2][3]
177 Caselle Torinese 3 0.01% 1475 [2][3]
177 Châlons-en-Champagne 3 0.01% After 5/1493 [2][3]
177 Como 3 0.01% 1474 [2][3]
177 Danzig 3 0.01% Before 6/1499 [2][3]
177 Fano 3 0.01% ~1497 [2][3]
177 Foligno 3 0.01% 1470 [2][3]
177 Landshut 3 0.01% ~1480–90 [2][3]
177 Mâcon 3 0.01% 1493–94 [2][3]
177 Majorca 3 0.01% 1485 [2][3]
177 Olmütz 3 0.01% 1499 [2][3]
177 Perpignan 3 0.01% 1500 [2][3]
177 Salins-les-Bains 3 0.01% 1483 [2][3]
177 Scandiano 3 0.01% 1495 [2][3]
177 Stuttgart 3 0.01% ~1486 [2][3]
177 Subiaco 3 0.01% 1465 [2][3]
177 Trier 3 0.01% 1481 [2][3]
177 Udine 3 0.01% 1484 [2][3]
177 Urbino 3 0.01% 1493 [2][3]
177 Valldemossa 3 0.01% ~1485 [2][3]
177 Winterberg 3 0.01% 1484 [2][3]
198 Ascoli Piceno 2 0.006% 1477 [2][3]
198 Bad Schussenried 2 0.006% 1478 [2][3]
198 Orzinuovi 2 0.006% Before 9/1496 [2][3]
198 Braga 2 0.006% 1494 [2][3]
198 Buda 2 0.006% 1473 [2][3]
198 Cagliari 2 0.006% 1493 [2][3]
198 Chartres 2 0.006% 1482 [2][3]
198 Chaves 2 0.006% 1488 [2][3]
198 Cluny 2 0.006% 1492 [2][3]
198 Coria 2 0.006% 1489 [2][3]
198 Dole 2 0.006% 1490 [2][3]
198 Lauingen 2 0.006% 1472 [2][3]
198 Lausanne 2 0.006% 1493 [2][3]
198 Limoges 2 0.006% 1495–96 [2][3]
198 Marienburg 2 0.006% 1492 [2][3]
198 Meissen 2 0.006% 1483 [2][3]
198 Nonantola 2 0.006% 1480 [2][3]
198 Novi Ligure 2 0.006% 1484 [2][3]
198 Odense 2 0.006% 1482 [2][3]
198 Orléans 2 0.006% 1490–91 [2][3]
198 Périgueux 2 0.006% 1498 [2][3]
198 Piove di Sacco 2 0.006% 1475 [2][3]
198 Poiano (in Italian) 2 0.006% 1476 [2][3]
198 Porto 2 0.006% 1497 [2][3]
198 Rennes 2 0.006% 1484–85 [2][3]
198 Rougemont 2 0.006% 1481 [2][3]
198 Sacco 2 0.006% 1475 [2][3]
198 Saluzzo 2 0.006% 1481 [2][3]
198 Savona 2 0.006% 1474 [2][3]
198 Schiedam 2 0.006% 1498 [2][3]
198 Senj 2 0.006% 1494 [2][3]
198 Sursee 2 0.006% 1500 [2][3]
198 Tortosa 2 0.006% 1477 [2][3]
198 Trevi 2 0.006% 1470 [2][3]
232 Bergamo 1 0.003% ~1476–77? [2][3]
232 Capua 1 0.003% 1489 [2][3]
232 Casalmaggiore 1 0.003% Between 1485 and 1486 [2][3]
232 Castano Primo 1 0.003% 1486 [2][3]
232 Cesena 1 0.003% 1495 [2][3]
232 Chivasso 1 0.003% 1486 [2][3]
232 Dillingen 1 0.003% 1489 [2][3]
232 Embrun 1 0.003% 1489–90 [2][3]
232 Faenza 1 0.003% 1476 [2][3]
232 Burg Rheinstein 1 0.003% 1477 [2][3]
232 Freiberg 1 0.003% 1495 [2][3]
232 Fürstenfeld 1 0.003% ~1480–90 [2][3]
232 Goupillières 1 0.003% 1491 [2][3]
232 Gripsholm 1 0.003% 1498 [2][3]
232 Kosinj, Lika 1 0.003% ~1491 [2][3]
232 Kuttenberg 1 0.003% 1489 [2][3]
232 Langres 1 0.003% Not before 4/1491 [2][3]
232 Liège 1 0.003% After 1499 [2][3]
232 Maartensdijk 1 0.003% 1478 [2][3]
232 Matelica 1 0.003% 1473 [2][3]
232 Moûtiers 1 0.003% 1486 [2][3]
232 Narbonne 1 0.003% 1491 [2][3]
232 Nozzano Castello, near Lucca 1 0.003% 1491 [2][3]
232 Offenburg 1 0.003% 1496 [2][3]
232 Ourense 1 0.003% ~1495 [2][3]
232 Palermo 1 0.003% 1478 [2][3]
232 San Felice del Benaco 1 0.003% 1490 [2][3]
232 Prangins 1 0.003% 1482 [2][3]
232 Reggio di Calabria 1 0.003% 1475 [2][3]
232 San Cesario sul Panaro 1 0.003% 1499 [2][3]
232 San Germano Vercellese 1 0.003% 1484 [2][3]
232 Sant Cugat del Vallès 1 0.003% 1489 [2][3]
232 Santiago de Compostela 1 0.003% ~1472–75 [2][3]
232 Uzès 1 0.003% 1493 [2][3]
232 Vadstena 1 0.003% Before 10/1495 [2][3]
232 Valence 1 0.003% 1496 [2][3]
232 Vercelli 1 0.003% 1485 [2][3]
232 Viterbo 1 0.003% 1478? [2][3]
232 Voghera 1 0.003% 1486 [2][3]
232 Zinna Abbey 1 0.003% Not after 1496 [2][3]
271 30,930 100 %

By printer


In the following, the top twenty printers of incunables by the number of extant editions are listed. The figure also includes works which were produced together with a fellow printer or for someone else.

Printer's mark of Gerard Leeu
Rank Printer Number of editions Ref.
1 Eucharius Silber (Rome) 489 [2]
2 Heinrich Quentell (Cologne) 476 [2]
3 Stephan Plannck (Rome) 445 [2]
4 Konrad Kachelofen (Leipzig) (in German) 408 [2]
5 Martin Landsberg (Leipzig) 403 [2]
6 Richardus Pafraet (Deventer) 354 [2]
7 Antoine Caillaut (Paris) 323 [2]
8 Jacobus de Breda (Deventer) 283 [2]
9 Bartolommeo di Libri (Florence) 275 [2]
10 Peter Schöffer (Mainz) 240 [2]
11 Johann Prüss (Strassburg) 239 [2]
12 Anton Koberger (Nuremberg) 232 [2]
13 Gerard Leeu (Antwerp & Gouda) 226 [2]
14 Johann Schönsperger (Augsburg) (in German) 222 [2]
15 Anton Sorg (Augsburg) 216 [2]
16 Erhard Ratdolt (Augsburg & Venice) 215 [2]
16 Friedrich Creussner (Nuremberg) 215 [2]
18 Antonius Zarotus (Milan) 209 [2]
19 Uldericus Scinzenzeler (Milan) 209 [2]
20 Johann Grüninger (Strassburg) (in German) 203 [2]

By book


In the following, the ten most common incunables are listed by the number of extant copies.

The lavishly illustrated Nuremberg Chronicle. Here a view of Erfurt
Rank Title Number of copies Ref.
1 Hartmann Schedel, Nuremberg Chronicle 786 [4]
2 Aristotle, Opera (in Greek) 319 [4]
3 Bible (in Latin) 287 [4]
4 Angelus Politianus, Opera 270 [4]
5 Euclides, Elementa geometriae 266 [4]
5 Epistolae diversorum philosophorum (in Greek) 266 [4]
7 Julius Firmicus Maternus, Mathesis (De nativitatibus libri VIII) 257 [4]
8 Ubertino of Casale, Arbor vitae crucifixae Jesu Christi 252 [4]
9 Boethius, Opera 251 [4]
10 Antoninus Florentinus, Summa theologica (Partes I–IV) 242 [4]

See also



  1. ^ Needham 1998, 496
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li "Incunabula Short Title Catalogue". British Library. Retrieved 2 March 2011.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko Only date: "Incunabula Short Title Catalogue". British Library. Retrieved 3 September 2011.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Green 2005, table 3



[[Category:Incunabula|*]] [[Category:15th century-related lists|Incunables]] [[Category:History-related lists|Incunables]]