User:GlassCobra/What You Can Do
Wikification: There are a lot of articles on Wikipedia that do not conform to the layout guide. Editing articles to fit these guidelines is called wikifying them. (other pages to check out: WP:WWF, WP:STYLE, WP:EDIT)
Help with image copyright issues: All images on Wikipedia must comply with the image use policy. They must conform to certain standards in order to make them acceptable for use; namely, that they are able to be used for free in compliance with the GNU Free Documentation License. However, in certain cases, fair use images can also be acceptable. When uploading a picture, a certain license must be chosen to allow it to be displayed. (other pages to check out: WP:RP, WP:DYKI, WP:PIC, WP:UPI, WP:WPFU)
You can help improve the articles listed below! This list updates frequently, so check back here for more tasks to try. (See Wikipedia:Maintenance or the Task Center for further information.) Fix spelling and grammar
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Help counter systemic bias by creating new articles on important women. Help improve popular pages, especially those of low quality.
The Tower of Wikipedia[edit]The best editors know that Wikipedia is actually a skyscraper, with each policy and guideline interacting with each other and building upon one another to make the encyclopedia as accurate and accessible as possible.
Recent Changes[edit]List of abbreviations (help):
5 December 2024